"But this matter has already happened after all, and the matter must be resolved. If it cannot be changed, then everything cannot be easily changed. How can I understand the reason in my heart? I also know these problems. It just feels like that."


"Once it happens, everything will be resolved, but some things are not as expected, everything is special, as long as there is such a decision, as long as so many things can be changed, then maybe these things will become It's more peaceful."

Gu Mochou already knew the other party's intentions, and he would not hurt himself, so there was nothing to worry about, he was very at ease in his heart.

He already knew what was going on in his heart, and he was not so scary at this moment.

Otherwise, the moment Yang Xuan appeared, he felt that danger was really approaching, and he might be powerless to resist for three days.

Chapter 2104 Really Worries

But he didn't expect that all this was just unfounded worry. To him, he was very happy, and he didn't think about their problems at all.

It just feels that now that these situations have arisen, he knows what he should do, and he knows how to make all these decisions. Faced with such a situation, he is also clear in his heart.

Anyway, he doesn't have to worry about too many problems, and he doesn't have to think too much about "163". Everything has stabilized, and he is still in a good mood.

He didn't have to think about these issues anymore, and he thought it was very interesting to change these things.

His heart is still relatively calm, Gu Mochou has never been so happy as today, after all, he has met Yang Xuan.

He was able to enter such deep water to find his trace, he was a formidable master.

Yang Xuan just felt that the situation had stabilized for a while, and maybe he would leave here. Yang Xuan just felt that the scenery of the Water Rhyme Palace was good, and he wanted to appreciate it.

And I haven't entered it yet. The hole is relatively deep, and the gate is also quite peculiar, since it is a style of purple.

Yang Xuan thought it was really interesting, Gu Mochou was really surprised that he was able to hide in this place, so that he would not be discovered by others.

On the contrary, it is indeed a change to live so freely and unrestrainedly every day, so Yang Xuan also thought in his heart no matter what the situation was.

Now that such a decision has been made on these matters, it seems that there is no need to think too much, Yang Xuan already knows the reasons behind it.

There is no danger in this place, and there are no ghosts and ghosts. He doesn't worry about it, otherwise, he is still a little worried.

Facing this situation, he knew in his heart that no matter what, as long as he knew what was going on, it would be fine.

And I'm sure all of this is just that some things are not as simple as they are. Everything is more complicated. Once something happens, he also knows what he should do.

But this beautiful place like Shuiyun Palace, even Yang Xuan likes it, not to mention Gu Mochou has lived here for so long, how could he be willing to leave?

"Anyway, the Water Rhyme Palace is a pretty good place, but the sea and the sky are also exceptionally beautiful. It's better not to have similar things happen again, so that the people can live normally. In fact, there is only one person staying here, but it's not far away. Some villages appeared, if it is really dangerous here, they will also suffer..."

"It's just a misunderstanding, it's your prank. I understand these things. You can stay here in the future. I won't let you leave the Water Rhyme Palace and destroy some things here. I didn't want to do this at all, and I knew it in my heart when faced with such a situation."

"If you really want to do this, then you won't have a chance to talk to me at this moment. You've already been in a daze for 0.3, but now everything is stable and solid."

Regarding everything about this Water Rhyme Palace, Yang Xuan has already controlled all the situation, so he will stop thinking about it and feel at ease.

Otherwise, before he found the Water Rhyme Palace, he entered the sea area, looking for these situations, looking for these dangerous creatures, it seems that he didn't think too much at all.

Chapter 2105 Get rid of this idea

The people here don't understand the situation, so they have such an idea, and feel that the seaside is particularly terrifying, and there are some monsters that eat people in the sea.

It turned out to be such a situation, Yang Xuan finally figured it out, and his heart became extraordinarily peaceful.

Looking at Gu Mochou at this moment, he also understands that it is not easy for him to live here, and it is also the best choice for him. No wonder he doesn't want to leave here, and he doesn't want to be disturbed by other people.

There is nothing to worry about in Yang Xuan's heart, after all, he came to this deep water area this time to inquire about these situations, and found the Water Rhyme Palace, so he really doesn't need to worry so much anymore.

After all, he knew in his heart that no matter what, he knew how to decide these things, so how could he not understand the situation here.

But Yang Xuan also said that Gu Mochou would live here for the rest of his life. After all, Yang Xuan would not hurt him now, and he already knew why.

It was out of necessity for him to enter the land and make such an appearance, how could Yang Xuan go after so much again?

After all, people are still alive and have not been hurt by him. Gu Mochou just hid in the Water Rhyme Palace and didn't want to go out, and Yang Xuan didn't want to destroy everything that was there.

Gu Mochou didn't have too many worries in his heart at the moment, he knew that Yang Xuan in front of him came here just to understand the situation, and now he already knew all the problems.

He can't hurt himself, Gu Mochou is also very happy, after all, the Water Rhyme Palace is now a home built with great difficulty, and such a place can be created in the underwater world.

It's really not easy. Gu Mochou has gone through a lot of changes and finally finished everything here. He doesn't want it to be destroyed.

But when he saw Yang Xuan, he felt at ease, after all, as long as the other party would not hurt him, Gu Mochou didn't have to think about it.

"Thank you for your trust in me, I am very happy in my heart, if you are not here today as a monster, I am afraid I have some abilities, but my ability is not as strong as I imagined, but I know your ability is very powerful Yes, you didn't come here to eradicate me, you understand these problems."

"I have explained so much to you now. After all, I just want to protect this place, and I don't want to be disturbed by others, and I don't want any situation to arise. At this moment, I understand in my heart that no matter what, now that these problems It has already appeared, and of course I know how to decide all this.”

"Besides, I understand the matter in front of me even more. You have already understood the problems in this area. Do you have any plans to leave here now? The meaning is so deep, and I know in my heart that you are so powerful that you can enter It’s really not easy getting here.”

Yang Xuan didn't have such an idea at all, no matter whether he was worried about Gu Mochou or not, Yang Xuan couldn't hurt him, and Yang Xuan knew what he should do in the current situation.

Faced with such an ending, Yang Xuan had already seen it, how could such a thing happen, Gu Mochou was relatively innocent in the first place.

Now if it is really because of this situation that he has changed so much, he also understands in his heart, how can he not know the problems behind these things, the more he is like this, the more he feels very entangled.

Chapter 2106 Don't Hurt Others

Yang Xuan would never be able to do this, his mood was relatively calm, how could he hurt others because of himself guessing some issues?

It is impossible for Yang Xuan to do such a thing forever. Gu Mochou is a relatively innocent Yang Xuan, so he cannot change so much because of this matter.

He knew in his heart that no matter what these things happened, he knew what he should do, and Yang Xuan also knew that he would leave Shuiyun Palace soon, and everything here was calm.

And there is only Gu Mochou alone here, and there are some animals in the sea, how could they be monsters, how could such a thing happen.

He didn't have to worry so much in his heart, and Yang Xuan understood some of the situation.

Gu Mochou has never been so relaxed like now, he just feels that now he is known by others and has already lived in Shuiyun Palace.

Then after the master in front of me came here, it seemed that this place was the safest, and no one would come again. After all, Gu Mochou knew in his heart that the water in this sea area was very deep.

Basically no one came here, he was very safe living here for so long.

Although he wasn't worried about other things, if there was a real danger in this place at this moment, how could he not think about it when he pulled it up.

Facing such a situation, he knew it in his heart, but he didn't worry so much. He just wanted to handle everything well and handle it with ease, so as to avoid any troubles.

And the Yang Xuan in front of him has come here, he will not hurt himself, Gu Mochou no longer needs to be afraid, his ability is limited, and he also knows how to face all this.

"So all of this is nothing to worry about for you at all. I just feel that this thing has happened, which always makes me feel a little surprised, but at the same time, I also have some thoughts in my heart. The more this happens, the more I feel. It’s better to be able to change, the easier it is to think.”

"After all, when I was living here, I didn't think about too many things. I just thought that as long as there was a decision in everything, then I would not be so worried in my heart, and I would not think about complicated things at all, and it would be meaningless at all. , How could I not understand in my heart."

"I just feel that the situation is like this. If I think too much, I will only make myself more troubled. Now I understand this truth in my heart. Since I came to this Water Rhyme Palace, I feel far away from disputes and dangers." , It’s good to hide here, I’m naturally good at water.”

Yang Xuan already understood what he was thinking, it was better for him to hide in this place, he didn't want to be disturbed by others at all, and he didn't want anything to happen again.

Of course Gu Mochou is clear about this matter now, so Yang Xuan doesn't have to think too much about it.

Regarding this time's question (Wang Hao), Yang Xuan finally felt relieved, he just felt that all the questions he said now have been solved, and the doubts in his heart were also solved.

When I go back, tell the people here that there is no problem and no danger in such a good life near the sea, so that everything will be stable.

Otherwise, how could Yang Xuan not be worried in his heart, even if he feels that these situations have arisen, he is also very worried in his heart.

Chapter 2107 The choice of facing death

Then he was afraid that the people nearby would be harmed. It turned out that Gu Mochou lived here. After Yang Xuan understood the situation behind these things, he became very at ease in his heart.

Otherwise, if you think about it, you are still a little worried. After all, Yang Xuan doesn't want anyone to be hurt. He passed by here, so no matter why he came here, Yang Xuan wanted to solve his own crisis.

After all, there was such a situation in this place, no matter it was true or not, after Yang Xuan knew about it, he would not be worried, and at this moment, all this was finally relieved.


Yang Xuan also wanted to chat with Gu Mochou for a while, he was about to leave the underwater world and enter the land.

Gu Mochou has been thinking for the past two days that maybe he will leave the Water Rhyme Palace one day, but if you think about the many disputes and dangers in the outside world, it would be better to stay here.

But I didn't expect that since this incident happened today, Yang Xuan came here. Although Gu Mochou didn't know his identity, he didn't know who he was.

But his ability is very powerful, Gu Mochou didn't want to ask so many questions at all, after all, he was safe now, not in danger, let alone hurt by him.

There is no need to worry about Gu Mochou, the original thoughts no longer exist, he never thought that one day such a powerful master would enter the Water Rhyme Palace.

Will find himself in this position, although Gu Mochou has some concerns in his heart at the moment, but after all he doesn't have to die.

He doesn't have to face a choice of death, he has nothing to worry about, and Gu Mochou feels more relaxed.

"I walk freely here, just like on land, and I can live here. This is the reason why I live here. I just feel that now that these things have happened, I understand in my heart that it is not enough. After worrying so much, I just feel that all the problems have been resolved.”

(ccad) "You already know what's going on here, so you don't have to think too much about it. After all, you think too much about these things. What to do will only add a lot of trouble and danger to yourself. If it really comes, One day I can't resist, then I will die."

Yang Xuan didn't think about anything anymore, after all, now that this situation has arisen, he understands it in his heart, so how could he not understand the difficulties of Gu Mochou?

A person can hide here and live, and enter the sea world after leaving the crowd, and live with these animals as the underwater animals.

Even though they looked so kind, they couldn't communicate after all, so Yang Xuan could understand the sadness at the end of the ancient times, and these things actually happened at this moment.

Yang Xuan didn't worry so much about anything anymore. After all, he also understood the situation. As long as he could handle it, his heart would be relatively peaceful.

How could he not know the problems behind these things? Besides, he knew it in his heart, as long as he could change all this, as long as he could solve the problems.

He was quite at ease in his heart, Yang Xuan didn't want anything to happen again, and he didn't want to change these things.

In the past two days, Yang Xuan has thought about many things in his heart, and he also has many thoughts in his heart.

But after coming to the Water Rhyme Palace this time, Yang Xuan felt such a situation that human beings always look special.

Chapter 2108 The underwater world is very exciting

But human beings always look so smart, just like Gu Mochou in front of him, he can choose to live here, which is already very difficult for these things.

How could it be possible for Yang Xuan not to understand the situation behind it in his heart, but he just felt that if some problems arise, he just needs to understand what is going on in his heart.

I don't worry so much at all, as long as this place is safe and human beings won't suffer, Yang Xuan will stop thinking about it. As for Gu Mo, he stays in the Water Rhyme Palace~.

Yang Xuan didn't want to interfere with him at all, it was okay to live here until the end, forever, after all, this underwater world didn't disturb other people's lives.

How could Yang Xuan want to interfere so much? It doesn't make any sense to him anymore, at this moment he understands this matter in his heart.

No matter what, these things have already appeared, so don't think too much, and he also understands this kind of problem in his heart, as long as he can change things.

His mood is normal or relatively relaxed, Yang Xuan has always been like this, and as long as the problem is solved, he will not be so worried.

Faced with this situation, how could he not know the problem behind it? Yang Xuan's mood is relatively stable. Looking at Gu Mochou, he can understand these things at a young age. It's really good to hide in such a deserted corner.

How could Gu Mochou not know Yang Xuan's thoughts, he came here, it seems that there is no need to worry about this matter, there is no need to worry about anything.

And Gu Mochou can stay in the Water Rhyme Palace and live a normal life, so he doesn't have to worry as much as he did just now.

After all, he knew in his heart that no matter what, if the other party came here, everything seemed so weird, how could he not be worried now, how could he not be in a hurry?

It's just that now that these situations have arisen, his mood is quite stable, and he doesn't need to think too much at all. Gu Mochou has always been like this, after all, he knows it in his heart.

If the danger is really approaching, even if he is afraid, it is impossible to change so much, how could he not know the situation behind it.

····Ask for flowers 0···

The more it was like this, the more he could feel such an atmosphere, and he didn't need to worry anymore. Gu Mochou looked at Yang Xuan very happily, and wanted to take him into the Water Rhyme Palace to have a look.

I don't know what he thinks, let's talk about it later, Gu Mochou has a lot of things on his mind, but he doesn't want to change so much now, he understands it in his heart.

"I figured it out, so I don't have any worries. The big deal is the decision to face death. Just like you today, your ability is so strong. You came here, no matter what the reason is."


"If you really don't ask anything, don't want to hear anything, just wipe me out and destroy this Water Rhyme Palace, then I can't do anything, after all, it is impossible for me to fight against you, and I don't have this Ability, although I have the courage, but my ability is too weak, how can I compare with you? This is one reason."

What should be said, Gu Mochou has already said, he has no worries in his heart at the moment, facing this situation, he is clear in his heart, no matter what kind of ending, he just hopes that everything can be stable.

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