What should be said, Yang Xuan has already said so much.

Chapter 2008 Incapable of Resisting Danger

Why does Yi Yuntian still look like this? Yang Xuan pondered in his heart that there were some things they didn't understand at all, they didn't understand at all, and they couldn't guess all of them, and couldn't conclude all of them.

But if some things really happened, Yang Xuan also knew what to do and how to make a decision, otherwise he wouldn't be as nervous as he is now.

So Yang Xuan came to the Hopeless Space, and he was worried about the safety of the people here, otherwise he would not be in this state, in order to live peacefully in this place.

For the sake of their own people, they can enter the reincarnation world through Lingyun Birds and Beasts, live in another world, and change their fate.

Yang Xuan was so worried, otherwise, what would it have to do with him, but Yang Xuan also understood, if he really saw others in danger, how could he not hold on?

As long as he has the ability, he will deal with these problems, he will resist these pressures, and it is impossible to do nothing. At this moment, he is also thinking in his heart that if this problem can really be changed, then these things will not be the same as before. It's like this.

Yi Yuntian didn't know what to do anymore, facing Yang Xuan's words, he really felt that the situation was more serious.

Otherwise, it is impossible for the other party to say that, but Yi Yuntian is also thinking about how to decide on this matter, it seems that we really should discuss it.

Yang Xuan just came to the Hopeless Space, and he didn't do it for himself, he just hoped that the people here would live a stable life and not be harmed.

Otherwise, Yang Xuan would not have made such a choice, and Yi Yuntian also understood his painstaking efforts, and had nothing to do with them, he might leave here at any time.

Yang Xuan did this for the sake of the hopeless people, otherwise he would not have come up with this idea, but should such a thing be done?

Even though Yi Yuntian knew where the Lingyun Bird and Beast were, he couldn't take Yang Xuan with him. This matter was quite dangerous, and Yi Yuntian didn't want to disturb the Lingyun Bird and Beast.

Let them stay in that remote place, as long as they don't come out in this hopeless space, people living here will think so, otherwise it would not be possible to stop like this for the past two years.

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But are Lingyun birds and beasts really practicing spells like Yang Xuan said? One day when they become stronger and can lift the spell, they will come out to harm human beings, maybe it is possible, but Yi Yuntian is not sure.

"I can understand the things you said, but I can't make my own decisions in this situation. It's not up to me at all, because we know where the Lingyun birds and beasts are, and the specific direction We know that too, but they've been there for a long, long time."


"And nothing has happened in the past two years, and our county has not entered us to study. We really can't think too much about this matter, and we can't be so hasty. Now you tell me so much, I also I understand what you mean, but I am still afraid that we will be in danger, afraid that we will be worried about some accidents."

"But I can't take you with this matter, I can't do this, once I take you into the vicinity of Lingyun birds and beasts without order." Three.

Chapter 2009 Danger exists, prepare in advance

"Once they get into the other party, the danger is out of control. How can I explain to the people here at that time? Am I not the culprit?"

Yi Yuntian really had such thoughts, and Yang Xuan was speechless. After all, he knew in his heart that what Yi Yuntian said proved that the people here were quite afraid.

As long as Lingyun Birds and Beasts don't come here to hurt their people, they won't be worried. They are the ones who have reached an agreement with Lingyun Birds and Beasts, and they will not invade each other.

Yang Xuan also felt that the people living in the hopeless space are so brainless? How could they be so naive and naive, and how could they believe what a monster said.

Besides, there are more and more of these monsters. Once they multiply and multiply, they will not be able to control their demonic nature at all.

Entering into this kind of harming human beings, it was too late at that time. Although Yang Xuan just came here, it may have nothing to do with him, but after all, he has already encountered such a situation.

He already knew the danger behind it, how could he ignore it, how could I just leave this hopeless space like I had never been here before.

Yang Xuan would not do this. Since he has entered this kind of world, no matter what the situation is, he will take care of it to the end. Even if he has a little ability, he will persist and will never give up.

Yang Xuan is like this, once he wants to decide something, he will not change it easily, he just thinks that the people here live in such a stable way, but the danger is not far away from them.

Can't they all feel it? Do you think these monsters are really so kind? Can an agreement be reached with them? How is this possible? Yang Xuan was very worried.

Yi Yuntian and Yang Xuan lived here, and they saw the blue sky, white clouds and green grass not far in front of him, which was very beautiful.

Yi Yuntian has a lot of thoughts now, he just thinks that Yang Xuan came to the Hopeless Space this time, the purpose is not clear yet, since he told him these things, he also told him that there are spirit clouds, birds and beasts here.

I just hope he can be more careful, I hope he doesn't walk around or feel scared, and leave this hopeless space...

Yi Yuntian had such an idea with him, that's why he said that. He didn't expect Yang Xuan to track down the Lingyun birds and beasts and destroy them. If he could say that, Yi Yuntian already understood.

He is capable, if he is nothing, how dare he do this? But Yi Yuntian was not sure, he still had to think carefully about how to make a decision on this matter.

"I really dare not make a decision on this matter, and I dare not change it easily. Then there are rules for everything, and our hopeless space also has rules. Let's see if there are any new changes in the past two days. This is the hopeless space you came to just now, and I don't know what's going on with you."

"But this hopeless space is not a 0.3 beautiful place, it's just a space isolated from the world. What are you doing here? I'm also curious, is there any danger here?"

"I also know that Lingyun birds and beasts will not harm us for the time being. You said that this kind of situation can't happen suddenly, so don't always think it's so scary. It sounds scary."

Chapter 2010 The spell began to fail

It is impossible for Yi Yuntian to tell Yang Xuan the location of the Lingyun bird and beast. Once he picks up the Lingyun bird and beast, the people living in the hopeless space will really suffer.

At that time, once Yang Xuan's ability can't control the Lingyun birds and beasts and can't destroy the Lingyun birds and beasts, won't the people here be going to die here?

Yi Yuntian can't take this risk and he can't make decisions by himself. After all, he can't manage all these things. If he really wants to do this, maybe Yang Xuan has the ability.

I also want to inform the highest manager of their hopeless space. Yi Yuntian is also thinking about this matter, always feeling a little strange. Yang Xuan in front of him has come to the hopeless space. What does he want to do at 22?

This is a space isolated from the world. Since he was able to come here, he must have the ability, otherwise he would not be so confident, but even if he has the ability, he will not be able to confirm all of this.

It is also impossible to entrust these matters to him to deal with the problems of Lingyun birds and beasts. It is better for them to solve them by themselves. Besides, they have spells to control Lingyun birds and beasts.

How could the spell be so ineffective? Yang Xuan keeps talking about these things, but why do he think of things as dangerous?

I don't know what he wants to do. Although Yi Yuntian is a little anxious at the moment, he has to understand some situations before making a decision. It is impossible for him to take Yang Xuan directly to find Lingyun birds and beasts.

Although Yi Yuntian knew where the spirit cloud birds and beasts were, their hopeless space was so remote, and the appearance of different spirit cloud birds and beasts in this world also made them a little scared

But they can use spells to control Lingyun birds and beasts, so don't think so much now.

"Why do you want to make things so complicated? I understand in my heart that if there is such a danger, we here will naturally find a way to resist, and everything you said is for our sake. But we are also worried, but what's the use of thinking about it sometimes."

"This situation is beyond our control at all, but the Lingyun birds and beasts are now living in the hopeless space, and they will never come out in a dark corner."

"Many years have passed in this kind of life, and nothing has happened. Why did you make things so dangerous and tense after you came here?"

"It's better not to destroy the balance here. We have always lived in this way. We can't change all of this for the time being. We know in our hearts. If it really changes, something may happen again. Once the danger cannot be resisted It would be even worse when I lived in 057."

"It's better not to do this. Besides, the situation is not that simple. You have to think carefully about everything, and you can't make a random choice."

After hearing Yi Yuntian's words, Yang Xuan didn't know how to answer. Facing the scene in front of them, they didn't know how dangerous Lingyun birds and beasts were. It was impossible for them to completely control Lingyun birds with the spells they knew. animal.

If it is really possible to control Lingyun birds and beasts, why are these monsters still alive? Why are Lingyun birds and beasts still able to stay in the hopeless space? Haven't they thought about such a situation? .

Chapter 2011 This place is full of magic

One day, more and more Lingyun birds and beasts will multiply, and their abilities will become stronger. At that time, people living in this hopeless space will no longer be able to control the magic of Lingyun birds and beasts.

At that time, the danger already exists, and then they will enter a dangerous situation, and they will never recover. Yi Yuntian and the others don't even know that the danger is around them.

Yang Xuan was a little worried. Although he had just arrived in the Hopeless Space, since he had already heard about it, he couldn't ignore it.

How can Yi Yuntian not worry in his heart, what is this Yang Xuan's identity, why does he have this ability to enter the hopeless space? What's the point?

Yi Yuntian didn't know at all, and at the moment he was quite worried in his heart, because he felt that since these situations had arisen, he didn't know what to do, but he absolutely couldn't disturb the Lingyun birds and beasts.

It was absolutely impossible for them to say that without an order. How could Yi Yuntian not have any worries in his heart? He just felt that such a situation had arisen today.

He also knows how to decide for himself, and even more how to deal with it. He doesn't need to think too much about the problem. Yi Yuntian is also thinking about it. Some things really make him feel a little helpless.

But some things sound really worrying. He is particularly afraid that once the Lingyun birds and beasts attack, they will be so mad that the people here will be unable to resist. If the spells alone can really destroy the Lingyun birds beast.

How could they still keep Lingyun Birds and Beasts living in this hopeless space? They had already made a choice, and it would not be like this now.

How could it be possible that Yi Yuntian didn't have any thoughts in his heart, but when such a situation happened, he didn't know what to do, but he hoped that Yang Xuan would still abide by the rules here.

"Once the Lingyun birds and beasts are disturbed, we really will not be able to live, and we will really be doomed. This is not what we want to do. Let's try not to disturb our lives. Lingyun birds and beasts live In a remote place, in a dark and damp corner, far, far away from us."

"After all, this hopeless space is so big, there are many places for them to live, as long as they can stay here, as long as they don't come here to invade our life and destroy us, it's fine. Lingyun birds and beasts also have ideas. They already know the situation, they won't come here to rebel."

"¨As long as they know that we can chant spells and control them, he said that they will not dare to rebel easily. We have actually thought about this matter, but when these situations arise, we are also worried that some accidents will happen. It's not as simple as we think, everything has a sequence of events."

"Don't think too much (of Li Zhao). If you really want to do this, you have to discuss it with our managers. This hopeless space is beyond my control."

Yi Yuntian can only think of a way now, and he wants to stop Yang Xuan's actions. If he really wants to find the hopeless space, he will still find it with his ability.

How could Yi Yuntian not see it? Yang Xuan in front of him looked like a master, and looked like a formidable person.

Chapter 2012 All this can't be rushed

If he really had to do it, no one seemed to be able to change his decision? But Yi Yuntian was also thinking about explaining these things to him, and letting him know what the situation was.

If he really wanted to do this, he would have to discuss it with the supreme ruler here. Can this matter be carried out? Yi Yuntian was really worried.

Once something happens, they don't want to see such a problem happen. Once danger happens, they don't want too many situations to happen. It's really dangerous. There can't be too many accidents like this.

Moreover, Yi Yuntian has lived here for so long, never thought that one day they would go to talk to these Lingyun birds and beasts, if Lingyun birds and beasts could stay in this place.

Hiding in a corner of 057 and not coming out is actually quite good for them, they know these things clearly in their hearts, but Yi Yuntian did not expect Yang Xuan's arrival.

Let all this change, if he really wants to destroy everything about himself, then the situation will be even more critical, and it is better to stop this in advance.

How could Yi Yuntian not think about anything in his heart, he just felt that these things should really be thought about carefully, and he should not leave any worries in the future. Once a situation arises, it will be unimaginable at that time.

(ccad) After Yang Xuan heard this passage, he already knew what he was thinking. It seems that he is really timid, or the spirit cloud birds and beasts here are really dangerous.

They must be so scared, but Yang Xuan was also thinking in his heart, if this matter can really be discussed with the people here, it would be good, as he is thinking about this matter, it seems that he can no longer embarrass Yi Yuntian.

Yi Yuntian looked very anxious and anxious at the moment, and Yang Xuan didn't want to see it anymore, but he knew in his heart that since this place is really dangerous, if the hopeless space appears, he must find the manager here to take a look.

Who manages this place? Yi Yuntian should know that he should take him with him, and Yang Xuan didn't want to waste any more time.

At this time, he should solve his crisis as soon as possible, and he can't delay it for too long. Since Yang Xuan has come here, he can't ignore everything.

"Then don't worry so much, don't worry, don't worry, I won't do this lightly, and I won't take the initiative to find the whereabouts of Lingyun birds and beasts. If you people here don't agree, how can I destroy it?" What about everything here? What does this matter actually have to do with us, why do I have to make fun of myself?"

"Aren't I thinking of you people here? This hopeless space is such a space. If there is a danger here, you will all suffer. This is not what I want to see. My heart Clear, otherwise I wouldn't be able to do it."

"After all, these things have nothing to do with me, but I came to the Hopeless Space today. When I encounter this situation, I always want to help you resolve the crisis, but after I know the truth of the matter, I will do it again. Otherwise, I am also very worried about your safety."

Yi Yuntian is a little unbelievable, it seems that Yang Xuan has thought of everything, otherwise how could he say that.

Chapter 2013 Yi Yuntian just doesn't listen to persuasion

But in such a situation, Yi Yuntian really couldn't make up his mind, he was just an ordinary citizen, he was just assured that his life was already very content, that he would not be bullied or in danger in this place.

If it weren't for the appearance of Lingyun Birds and Beasts, the people here would never have felt such a crisis. They have been thinking about this for the past two days.

But the problem of Lingyun Bird and Beast has been solved for a long time, and there will be no more problems, so don't think too much at all, and this kind of problem can't be so entangled all the time.

What exactly does Yang Xuan want to do? Does he want to meet the supreme ruler here? Yi Yuntian is also pondering, it seems that he has ideas, he can't easily give up the matter of chasing and killing Lingyun birds and beasts, this problem is really difficult.

Yi Yuntian regretted it. It would have been better if he hadn't told him about Lingyun birds and beasts, but Yi Yuntian was also worried that he would be hurt if he entered the hopeless space.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to tell him that there is danger here. Didn't he remind him to let him leave here? Otherwise, Yi Yuntian wouldn't have said so much, but for Yang Xuan at this moment, he insisted on solving these problems.

He has to deal with these things, but now this kind of problem is beyond his ability to solve. Brother Yi Yuntian really has never had so many worries like today, and he doesn't know how to make a decision. After all, this matter He caused it and he should end it.

Yang Xuan doesn't care what other people think, how Yi Yuntian decides at this moment, Yang Xuan doesn't have to solve this kind of problem with him, he can't let this spirit cloud bird and beast hurt them in this hopeless space.

Yang Xuan knew in his heart what he should do, and he also knew what he should do when facing this matter, it was impossible to do it in the way Yi Yuntian said.

Yang Xuan just thinks that this situation is really as dangerous as they think, why are they so afraid, and besides, Yang Xuan can clearly solve the problem of Ling-yunniaoshou.

Why didn't Yi Yuntian believe it? Yang Xuan didn't know what to say at the moment, after all he said so much, he felt that it had no effect.

No matter what, Yi Yuntian didn't want to believe this matter, he really felt quite helpless, but it was impossible for Yang Xuan to change his decision.

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Now that he has come to the Hopeless Dimension, whether it is for reincarnation or for other things, he can't easily leave here again. When will the situation here be resolved, and when can he leave?

"If you didn't tell me about this, I wouldn't have thought that your place would be like this, but when something happened, let's find a way to deal with it together. Don't keep thinking that you can use spells to control spirits. Cloud Bird Beast, if the spell is really so powerful."

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