Gu Yunqi was also thinking, maybe he wanted to understand the usefulness of the Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Knife, but Gu Yunqi didn't know much about it, so he told Yang Xuan that he wanted him to understand.

And I don't know how many functions and abilities this dragon phoenix seven star knife can do, but it looks like a good weapon.

Gu Yunqi told himself that you can't talk nonsense about things you don't understand.

"Because we are all people who live in the fairy flower world, we have credibility, and we will never do this at all, because this business can not be done, but the personality must not be lost, don't worry, I really I won’t lie to you, but regarding the price, I don’t think you have offered a price, and I have no asking price either.”

"The two of us are sticking here now. Everything is easy to discuss. It depends on what you have in mind. Anyway, you have also seen the Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Knife. It is very delicate, and it is also a rare collection. You can take it down if you like."

After Yang Xuan heard what the teacher said about 0.2, he thought to himself that the dragon, phoenix and seven-star knife in front of him was really good, and since Gu Yunqi said so.

It proved that he didn't talk about these dragon, phoenix and seven star knives at all, what function they had, and what value they had. He said he really didn't know.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be in such an embarrassing state, but Yang Xuan could guess what Gu Yunqi was thinking about in his heart.

Chapter 1756 Majestic

He wanted to sell the Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Knife, but at the same time he was still a bit reluctant. Could it be that the Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Knife was a bait to attract others to buy other things?

But everyone doesn't like this Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Knife Who can attract it? But Yang Xuan saw that the dragon, phoenix and seven-star knife was very unique, and it was also a precious thing.

So it is meaningful to collect, besides, the Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Knife has a lot of abilities to kill demons and subdue demons, and it does have this function.

It’s just that Gu Yunqi didn’t know that he didn’t fool himself, and Yang Xuan was also very happy in his heart. Gu Yunqi’s actions proved that he was quite sincere.

Even if he is not in a hurry to negotiate the price at this moment, Yang Xuan has nothing to do, the sky is getting dark, and today in this fairy flower world, he no longer wants to move around.

Because the dragon, phoenix and seven-star sword in front of him can be regarded as a little harvest for him, and after passing the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower and coming to the Immortal Flower Realm, Yang Xuan has a lot of things to do, and he doesn't worry about so much.

And once there is a new plan, bring these reincarnated people into the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower to reincarnate, maybe all this will stop, Yang Xuan also feels that he is waiting.

Because I just came here and I am not familiar with everything here, I just know what kind of environment this place is like, there are only some elves, and Yang Xuan knows nothing about other things, so at this moment he is not in such a hurry, looking at this place I still like the Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Knife.

Gu Yunqi can't Yang Xuan, what kind of expression is this, why is he indifferent after saying so much? He was wondering whether to buy the Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Knife.

Moreover, he didn't let go of the dragon, phoenix and seven-star knife in his hand. What exactly did he want to do? Could it be that he wants to know the function of this dragon phoenix seven star knife.

But Gu Yunqi has already told him that he doesn't understand the functions of the Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Saber at all, and he is quite confused about these. Just tell him the truth, doesn't the other party believe it?

Gu Yunqi felt a little regretful at this moment. It would be better to make up things by himself, but he is not born to lie, although he does some small businesses, and he also set up a small stall to sell some weird things.

There are also some gadgets, but he will not let himself lie to others, he has never had this habit, so be realistic and sell what you have.

After all, they are all people who live in the spirit fairy flower world, and Gu Yunqi doesn't want to deceive anyone, as long as everyone likes it willingly, if you don't like it, don't buy it.

He looked at Yang Xuan's appearance and felt strange, Yang Xuan was not an ordinary person, why he hesitated so much?

"Besides, you are so rich in this outfit, and you look like a rich man. 093 No matter where I come from, but I have entered our fairy flower world, you definitely don't care about the money, so if you want to buy it, don't buy it. Missed the opportunity, because there are really not many people who know the goods.”

"The Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Knife is placed in this booth every day and no one asks about it, which proves that people here may not need the Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Knife or everyone doesn't know much about it."

"So I put it here and never sold it. Later, I thought about not selling it. I put it here every day. Some people looked at it, and some felt it was amazing, but everyone liked it. I don't want to buy it, because if the price is low, I won't sell it, it depends on whether you are sincere.".

Chapter 1757

Gu Yunqi has already expressed his thoughts. After all, he knows in his heart that this tone is actually in the fairy flower world. If no one buys it, he will not sell it at a low price.

Because he also likes the dragon, phoenix and seven-star knife, if no one buys it, he will put it here, looking at it every day with peace of mind.

After all, he didn't know what function the Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Knife had. At least the Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Knife was made of black iron, which proved to be very powerful. It should be able to ward off evil spirits or something.

Anyway, that's what Gu Yunqi thought. After taking it home every day and hanging it at home, I feel very at ease, and I won't have nightmares anymore, so Gu Yunqi's thinking may be due to psychological effects.

He didn't want to sell the dragon, phoenix, and seven-star knife. At this moment, he also understood that he just felt that these things happened, so how could he not understand the situation behind it.

Gu Yunqi is also sure of all this, but he just feels that if some things are in front of him, he also hopes that everything can be resolved in a way.

He didn't want all this to change too quickly, of course he was aware of these problems in his mind, and Gu Yunqi couldn't put it down just like he was at this moment.

In fact, Gu Yunqi really likes the Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Knife, he just thinks that if someone wants to buy the Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Knife at a high price, he can let it go.

Because it seemed useless for him to stay at home, although it seemed that he had to sleep peacefully at home, and nothing happened, but in this fairy flower world, it was quite peaceful and there was no danger.

What's the point of staying or not? But he didn't know where Yang Xuan came from, so he felt so mysterious.

Gu Yunqi also told himself that he didn't want to think so much anymore, let's see if he has the idea to buy the Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Knife, if I don't buy it, I don't want to say so much.

Yang Xuan kept looking at the Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Knife, and at this moment he had already placed the Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Knife on the booth.

Yang Xuan also understood in his heart, since it is impossible for him to buy the Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Knife right now, then he can't hold it all the time.

Gu Yunqi just saw that he was very sincere in holding the Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Knife, so he was also anxious. Yang Xuan also thought that Gu Yunqi didn't understand these functions, so selling this thing is also his business, Yang Xuan looked at it. he said.

"¨You are a really interesting seller. Since you are selling such a thing, you don't know what it is worth, what is its use, and how much ability it has. It really makes me feel incredible, but your explanation just now I'm still quite satisfied, if I don't know, I don't know'¨."

"You didn't talk nonsense, and you didn't lie to me with random excuses, or make up some stories about these dragon, phoenix, and seven-star knives for me. Do you want me to walk around again, this place seems to have a lot of things."

"I'm not in a hurry, let's put the dragon, phoenix, and seven-star knife here first. Since you said that no one will buy it and it can't be sold, I'm not in a hurry to buy it. Isn't it okay to buy it when I want to leave here? I really like this Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Knife, no matter how many abilities I have, I don't care so much.".

Chapter 1758 Willingly

After hearing what Yang Xuan said at this moment, Gu Yunqi also felt that there was suddenly no play. Since the other party said so, it seemed that he didn't want to buy this Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Saber right away.

Anyway, Gu Yunqi was also thinking in his heart, if the other party doesn't buy it, then he can't force it, all of this is voluntary, and it is impossible to buy and sell by force.

Gu Yunqi wondered in his heart whether the dragon, phoenix and seven-star knife was such a precious weapon, whether he had any abilities or functions.

Gu Yunqi didn't know at all, he couldn't lie to Yang Xuan, because he felt that the person in front of 097 looked powerful, he seemed to know everything, maybe he would know all the abilities of this Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Saber.

Anyway, Gu Yunqi also has some ideas, but he just thinks that since the other party doesn't want to buy or wants to walk around and look at other things, it's totally okay.

They didn't have to reach this deal, they didn't have to sell the Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Sword to Yang Xuan, he still wanted to keep it, if the other party didn't have a sincere price.

Gu Yunqi would not sell this Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Knife. To him, he still likes it, and it is also very important. He just thinks that the Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Knife is also a companion for him. He has been by his side for so many years, and he is not willing to part with it. Sell.

If the other party likes it, and the price is very good, Gu Yunqi can only reluctantly give up.

When he was thinking the same way now, he saw that Yang Xuan also understood that it was impossible for the other party to buy it now, and he wanted to take a walk in this spirit fairy flower world, and then make a decision.

Yang Xuan looked at Gu Yunqi, but felt that not only was he not angry after hearing these words, but he also had a smile on his face to prove that he didn't insist on selling the Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Saber.

It seems that what he said is also correct. He put the dragon, phoenix and seven-star knives on the booth to make up the number, and these things of his are quite special.

But Yang Xuan didn't like these decorations, and he didn't like (ccac) these handicrafts, and Yang Xuan could still take away some particularly valuable things like weapons.

Otherwise, it would be meaningless for him to bring these things with him when he entered the True Reincarnation Tower. What Yang Xuan wanted was more abilities and more mentality.

There are also some cultivation cheats or some precious books, which are still valuable for him if Yang Xuan wants to find them. Yang Xuan just has a look at such things, but it is still possible to buy the Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Knife.

But Yang Xuan doesn't want to buy it now, it's okay to buy it when he leaves here, since Gu Yunqi can't sell it, just wait.

He knew in his heart how the Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Saber could be a simple weapon? It's just that Gu Yunqi doesn't quite understand all this.

"This dragon, phoenix, and seven-star knife must have functions. It can't be just a weapon. You may not understand it well. Besides, this dragon, phoenix, and seven-star knife is also strange to me. How did you get this dragon, phoenix, and seven-star knife? Is it redundant for me to ask this question? Because you, as sellers, are unlikely to find out the origin of this thing.”

"I'm just talking. If it's inconvenient, you don't have to answer at all, but you are still okay as a shopkeeper. Although it's a small stall, you are honest. You didn't deceive me casually, and you didn't make up things that didn't matter. Some methods, and selling your things is not bad.".

Chapter 1759 Running around

After Yang Xuan finished speaking, he planned to walk forward in a while. After all, he was also thinking about it. This market is still quite big, and now Yang Xuan also wants to go shopping.

Because I saw these things just after entering this street, and saw the appearance of the dragon, phoenix and seven-star sword, although Yang Xuan was interested.

But he was also pondering in his heart that it was okay to buy or not to buy, and Yang Xuan didn't insist on liking him too much, he just felt that this thing had market significance.

Therefore, the Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Knife also has special functions. It can eliminate many situations, and it can also kill demons and demons. There is no room for this.

It's just that Gu Yunqi is not very sure about all this, so he didn't talk nonsense, Yang Xuan thought about this street in his heart - it's really more lively.

And see if there is anything to eat, it will be dark in a while, and you can buy some food after get off work, so that you can fill your stomach. Want to try it.

And once he leaves here, the Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Knife is also bought, and the True Soul Reincarnation Tower also appears, so Yang Xuan doesn't necessarily have to leave here.

In other reincarnated worlds, some people will be taken away, so he doesn't want to delay too long, and he tries to do what he can, and he doesn't want to waste time by himself.

After all, he didn't know how long he could stay in this fairy flower world this time, but he also knew to be ready at any time.

Be ready to leave here at any time, once many people follow him and want to reincarnate, then the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower has already arrived, and Yang Xuan will leave here.

Although he can stay for a while, no matter how long he stays, he still has to leave here. He doesn't belong to every world, he has to keep wandering in this kind of world, whether it is elementary or intermediate, Yang Xuan has to try one time.

Gu Yunqi felt quite surprised again, he didn't expect the person in front of him to like the dragon, phoenix and seven-star knife so much, and then gave up, and now he doesn't want to buy it.

And he wants to take a walk here, since he said so, so he can buy it or not, and Gu Yunqi doesn't need to worry, but his attitude is still so good.

····Ask for flowers 0··

He just felt that Yang Xuan was destined for this, and he liked the Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Saber so much, if he missed this opportunity, he might lose it.

But Gu Yunqi couldn't guarantee that anyone would buy the Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Knife. He looked up at Yang Xuan and said after hesitating for a moment.

"Guest officer, since you say so, I can't force it, so I think you like the dragon, phoenix and seven-star knife. You don't want to buy it now, but you want to take a look around here, too. I don't have any ideas at all, so we won't have to sell all of these things to you."


"Besides, this Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Knife is so good that everyone doesn't know what it is. I don't think it matters. Anyway, I am very happy to keep it here, and I didn't want to sell this Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Knife. But I just saw you like it so much. I feel that as long as you give a good price, it can be sold to you."

"But now if you want to see other things, go and see, our place is really good, it is very lively, and the people here are also very enthusiastic." Two.

Chapter 1760

When Gu Yunqi saw Yang Xuan at this moment, he didn't know what he was thinking, and whether he wanted to buy the Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Saber.

Since he likes it so much, and he dresses so magnificently and luxuriously, does he still care about the money? It's simply impossible.

So Gu Yunqi was also thinking about who Yang Xuan was in front of him, and why he couldn't find the "Zero Nine Seven" Lingxianhuajie? What is his plan? But Gu Yunqi would not doubt it.

After all, the opponent's strength is very strong, and he feels kind. He didn't come here with evil sorcery, and he couldn't hurt them elves, so he didn't worry about it.

But Gu Yunqi, who felt that it would be a pity if this kind of business could not be done, also knew Yang Xuan, and wanted to take a walk here and have a look.

Then he decided whether to buy the Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Knife, Gu Yunqi was a little anxious, but he also told himself not to think so much.

If the other party doesn't want to buy it, then there's no need for it. You have to force it. Besides, the Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Knife is also something Gu Yunqi likes.

"But the weather is getting dark. If you don't buy it, we will close the stall in a while, and you will continue to come here tomorrow. Anyway, you can come to this street to find me when you buy it."

"I will never change this position, because we have divided these areas here, and each stall owner has his own position, and they can't move here casually, and it's no problem to occupy someone else's position at that time. If you want to cause some disputes, it's not a crime."

"I just want to be able to understand these things. Besides, everyone here is different. We elves are kind, but there are also some evil ones, but everyone doesn't want to pay attention to such people, so we will They won’t hurt each other anymore, after all, it’s not easy to live here, and everyone feels happy doing a little business.”

After Yang Xuan heard these words, he laughed. Gu Yunqi was quite interesting, so he hoped that he could buy the Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Saber, and then leave here to give it a try.

How could Yang Xuan not understand, but Yang Xuan also had a lot of thoughts in his heart, he must want this Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Saber....

But he was not in a hurry to buy it, he just felt that if he bought the Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Knife, it would not delay his walking or search for what he wanted here.

But I just felt that Gu Yunqi was in a hurry, so I wanted to deal with him for a while, and I didn't want to buy the Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Knife so quickly.

Let's see what Gu Yunqi will say, Yang Xuan is a very humorous person sometimes, he likes to joke and play pranks, and he always feels a little different when he comes to this fairy flower world.

After all, this reincarnation was able to come to the Spirit Fairy Flower Realm, Yang Xuan also felt quite surprised, this kind of world is his favourite.

Not only is this place beautiful and beautiful, but it is also full of different scenery, and the 0.2 where people live is relatively quiet, without any disputes, which is the best phenomenon.

Gu Yunqi kept seeing Yang Xuan, and he didn't know what the other party was thinking, anyway, he had already said so much, why was he still indifferent?

Does he really not want to buy the Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Knife? If he didn't want to buy it, why couldn't he put it down just now? .

Chapter 1761 Indifferent

Yang Xuan has been holding the dragon and phoenix seven-star knife to look around, and he really likes it. Gu Yunqi's understanding and judgment are also clear.

The other party definitely wanted to buy the Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Knife. The reason why he did this might be to pressure the price, Gu Yunqi also told himself in his heart.

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