After Yang Xuan and Liu Fengmian had finished their meal, they had already started to clean up. Yang Xuan did not expect to be able to eat such delicious food in this fairy flower world.


And he usually doesn't eat, he travels non-stop, such a kind of reincarnation world, there are always some changes.

So once something happened, Yang Xuan would naturally make a decision, and this time he came to the fairy flower world, even though he didn't leave here immediately.

But he also has thoughts in his heart, but he just thinks that such a situation seems relatively normal. He just wants to collect some qualified people and take them to reincarnate. He doesn't think so much about other things.

After all, he also knows that after coming to this place, it will be different, and this place is such a situation, Yang Xuan will not force too many things anymore.

Chapter 1745 Looking For Trouble

Yang Xuan was still in the fairy flower world, he didn't leave, after all, it's not clear if there are some people here who are going to follow him to leave this fairy flower world to reincarnate in other worlds?

So he was waiting for the answer, thinking about it in his heart, but he felt that he was not in a hurry now, and the Tower of Reincarnation hadn't come here yet, Yang Xuan was also studying these questions in his mind "087".

So even though he had some worries, he also told himself that there was no point in worrying too much.

He just wants to see what the final result looks like, because he doesn't want to pass by empty-handed or give up halfway like this, let's talk about everything after there is a result!

Yang Xuan walked forward slowly and purposefully, here he has already met a few friends, but fortunately, every elf here is relatively normal, Yang Xuan doesn't have to worry in his heart.

Just to see if there is anything new to discover, because he felt like he was looking for something and looking for some ability.

Then let's see if there are any new gains, Yang Xuan just feels that he has to wait anyway, and if someone wants to follow him into the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower to reincarnate.

Then Yang Xuan will activate his ability to take them out of here.

"Everything here is quite special, but at the same time, it doesn't make any sense to think too much about whether it looks normal or not. Now that it's here, let's take a good look at what's in this place, what's there There is nothing to gain, if these situations really happen, think about it later.”

"If there is no problem, all of this can be considered normal. There is really nothing too much trouble, but I feel that some problems really make me feel a little surprised, because every situation here, every elf It makes me feel a little warm because they are all so kind."

"But I haven't encountered any evil things yet. It's really strange to think about it. Everywhere there is a kind of thing, that is, there are good and bad things. But why does everyone seem so peaceful in this place? Yes Am I thinking too much? Or do I have another thought in my heart, just wanting to think so evil of myself?"

While walking, Yang Xuan thought in his heart that it was boring for him to talk to himself alone, after all, he could not bring his own soul and walk forward with him...

He knew it in his heart, but he just felt that if such a problem really appeared, how could he not understand it?

He felt that if such a situation really happened, Yang Xuan wouldn't worry so much, and they would understand in their hearts once something happened.

There is no need to worry so much at all, but if these issues can really be reconsidered, how could he not know the situation behind it?

Yang Xuan also thought that if he could gain something in this fairy flower world, he would leave here as soon as possible if there was no gain.

0.2 He was dealing with other problems and thinking about other things, so he knew it in his heart, so how could he not know the reasons for these problems?

And Yang Xuan also told himself that no matter what, this time he must bring something and take away some gains.

This is what he wants to do the most, and he is also clear, how could he not know these things? .

Chapter 1746 Windfall

He just felt that if the current situation happened, he knew in his heart that he didn't want to worry about other problems at all.

I just think that if these situations really happen, then think of other ways, Yang Xuan also wants to have new gains.

He continued to walk forward at this moment, and there were many people in front of him, which were quite lively, like a market, Yang Xuan also went to the front to join in the fun.

After all, he met a friend just now, and he also said that there is a market near 22. It is good to sell things every day, and it is also very lively, Yang Xuan also started to walk forward.

Then after walking past, he entered into the crowd, the people here are really interesting, they all wear fairy-like clothes.

Because after all, this is a sea of ​​flowers? Yang Xuan doesn't think too much about other things, he is looking at this vendor now.

He was really very happy, and Yang Xuan also felt such an atmosphere, he did not expect such a place to appear in this fairy flower world.

Yang Xuan started to watch from left to right, so to see if there was anything he wanted, he walked forward and saw a particularly strange thing.

This thing is also on the ground, as if it is going to be sold.

"Guest officer, what do you want to buy? If you need anything, I have everything here, and it is very complete. Why do you like this jade pendant? This jade pendant is also made of special materials in our place, and it is not It’s not Hetian jade, it’s a jade product unique to our Lingxianhuajie.”

"If you like it, the price is negotiable. It depends on whether you buy it sincerely. I really have a lot of these things. If you want to buy more things, my family also stores a lot of these precious things, so As long as you give a good price, I can sell it to you."

"Besides, we can also exchange some wisdom in this place, because we live in this fairy flower world, and our own spiritual power is relatively low. If you have something you like, but you don't have some ability, and you want to exchange it, you can use spiritual power to exchange it. Power can also be exchanged, it depends on whether you have this idea."

After the merchant saw Yang Xuan say this, his gaze never left Yang Xuan's body. After all, the elves here have some abilities.

I just think that Yang Xuan is still a vigorous face, but this person doesn't think too much, he just looks at the situation in front of him, so it is quite strange, who is this person?

And this vendor's name is Gu Yunqi, he has lived in this flower world for so long, and he also wants to use these things to obtain some abilities that he wants.

Anyway, anything is fine, as long as it is what you like, they can be exchanged for 090. Gu Yunqi doesn't have too many ideas.

It's just a simple life, hoping to become stronger. At the moment, he just feels that Yang Xuan is special, and he has strength in him.

If you can get a little bit, it's not bad, it depends on whether the other party wants to exchange these things for him.

If you are interested, there is hope. If you are not interested, then this transaction will not be possible.

Gu Yunqi also understood in his heart that he just felt that he had some thoughts in his mind, but he couldn't think too much about some things, which would only make him more troubled.

Chapter 1747

So he also understands this kind of thing, so how could he not know the situation behind it.

And when Gu Yunqi saw Yang Xuan's appearance, he found it very magical. Where did this person come from? And it feels like his power is boundless.

If it is really possible to gain a little ability, Gu Yunqi feels so cool, but it depends on whether the other party is willing.

And whether there is anything he wants, at his booth, Gu Yunqi has been thinking about this question, so after saying these words, his eyes never left Yang Xuan.

I just feel that this young man is so handsome and outstanding, it seems that he is not an ordinary person, since he can appear here, it proves that he is different.

And there are actually a lot of people coming and going here in front of me, all of them are from their place, but there are really no outsiders.

Because their place is relatively hidden, they can't come here at all, and they can't get out.

After Yang Xuan heard these words, he saw this person and felt that the things he was selling were rather peculiar, so Yang Xuan squatted down just now.

Looking carefully at this jade pendant is good, but Yang Xuan doesn't like it very much, let's see if there is anything that can inspire me!

Yang Xuan saw that it looked like a weapon, with a dragon head and a phoenix tail behind it.

This weapon is pretty good, Yang Xuan looked at this weapon, it seems to be Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Knife, Yang Xuan has heard of it before, how come the long lost Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Knife appears here?

Yang Xuan picked up this thing and looked at it carefully, but if he didn't know if it was the dragon, phoenix and seven-star sword, how could they sell it here?

Yang Xuan also felt a little unimaginable. He watched it carefully and touched the feel. It was really a dragon, phoenix and seven-star knife made of ancient black iron.

"How did this thing sell? Why does it look so special? Besides, a weapon like a dragon head and a phoenix tail is really rare. I'm still interested in this. Tell me the price. If it's suitable, I'll buy it. Come down, if it’s not suitable, I won’t ask for it’¨.”

"Your business is quite good at doing business, and the things on display look strange, and they are all new things. No wonder several people bought these things at your stall just now and left. It seems You've done well in this Immortal Flower Realm."

After Gu Yunqi heard what Yang Xuan said, he saw that the other party had already picked up the Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Knife. How could Gu Yunqi not know that it was the Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Knife?

It's just that this dragon, phoenix and seven-star knife is placed here for display. Most people don't like this thing, and they don't need to fight and kill in this fairy flower world.

Besides, everyone is not interested in this item, and Gu Yun (De Nuo's) Qi also doesn't want to sell it. After all, the Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Knife is quite precious to him, and he likes it very much.

I usually practice my abilities by myself, and using this dragon and phoenix seven-star knife can also make myself more majestic.

Gu Yunqi also put the Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Saber here today for nothing, but he didn't expect this person in front of him. He really picked up the Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Knife and kept asking, does he know what it is? .

Chapter 1748 Unavoidable

But after Gu Yunqi heard what the other party said, he felt like he didn't know what it was. Did he just find it fun and interested?

Gu Yunqi just felt that the person in front of him seemed capable, and if he really liked the Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Knife, Gu Yunqi would sell it if the price was right.

I just feel that this person asked the price first when he came up. Do he still have to bargain with himself? Gu Yunqi knew in his heart that the Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Knife was a precious treasure.

But it is a very magical weapon, if he really wants to sell it, he can't buy it too low, the price must be raised.

But the other party actually lowered the price with him first, Gu Yunqi was also thinking in his heart that this person looks sleek, why does he seem so stingy?

090 But Gu Yunqi will not sell this piece easily, this is one of his treasures, besides, he doesn't want to sell it for a high price.

He didn't want to sell either, he was just putting it here to make up for it, otherwise his stall would have too few items.

Yang Xuan held the dragon, phoenix, and seven-star knife in his hand, and carefully looked at how the seller looked. He looked weird. Could it be that what he said was wrong?

Yang Xuan is also clear in his heart, he clearly knows that the Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Saber is such a supreme, you are welcome, but why do you want to make things difficult for yourself? Do you want to negotiate the price with others?

Yang Xuan actually found it funny in his heart, he didn't care about these silver taels as he had plenty of them, he could convert a lot of silver taels.

As for after leaving this spirit fairy flower world and reincarnating in other worlds, he can still carry these things with him. This Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Saber is really good, and Yang Xuan really likes it.

It just feels that the other party has not spoken. It seems that he is still thinking about the problem? Is he considering the price? Anyway, Yang Xuan just wanted to see what to say!

Because since buying things always involves haggling, Yang Xuan felt that this was a link that had to be experienced, and besides, he was not short of these taels of silver, so he didn't care about so much at all.

It depends on what price the other party offers, Yang Xuan wants to hear it the most, so he doesn't have much experience, and he doesn't buy much.

(ccac) When Yang Xuan came to this market suddenly and saw such a thing, he still felt that it was very strange, so he looked at the dragon, phoenix and seven-star sword, and it was inevitable that he would get it.

"However, I didn't look carefully at other things. I just think this weapon is quite interesting. I just think that if you hold it in your hand and put it in your body, it is also a very important thing."

"I don't know what kind of material it is, but it's made of special chic. Is this thing for sale? If it is for sale, then let's discuss it. Since you said the price can be negotiated, I have to listen to the price. Otherwise, if the price If it's too high, I can't buy it, so you can figure it out yourself."

After saying these words, Yang Xuan felt it was funny even to himself, he was not someone who was short of these prices, but he had to say that, as if he couldn't afford the price.

Just as he insisted on showing the price reduction to others, Yang Xuan also felt that since he came to the fairy flower world, the things in this place were really made of special materials.

I didn't expect that the dragon, phoenix and seven-star knife in front of me was really made of black iron, and it was particularly strong and plump.

Chapter 1749 Bargaining

Yang Xuan felt happy to get such an item, but let the other party see how to sell it, although Yang Xuan was talking about the price here.

But he doesn't really want to bargain, if the other party wants to sell, Yang Xuan will buy it.

He would buy as much money as he left, and he no longer had so much, but he felt as if he didn't want to sell the store in front of him at all.

His eyes look a little weird, doesn't he sell the dragon, phoenix and seven star knives? But Yang Xuan was also thinking in his heart that if he didn't sell it, what was he doing on the stall?

Could it be for everyone to watch and play? Anyway, Yang Xuan thought to himself, some people don't understand the price of these weapons at all.

He doesn't know how to use these weapons, so Yang Xuan likes them very much. Besides, such a dragon, phoenix and seven star sword is not easy to find.

So he knew in his heart that he was just pretending not to know what the thing in front of him was, and Yang Xuan could tell it was the Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Saber at a glance.

At this moment, he is still hesitating, no matter what price the other party offers, he must buy the Dragon Phoenix Seven Star Saber.

Yang Xuan also felt that this was the first thing he got when he came to this spirit fairy flower world, and it was also valuable, and it was also possible to improve his abilities through this dragon and phoenix seven-star knife.

Why would Yang Xuan not do it? But when he came here, he just thought it was fun, and he thought it was interesting to bargain.

Otherwise, a situation of reincarnation every time he goes to a world will start. If Yang Xuan always looks serious, he will feel strange and boring.

So occasionally, if you really encounter such a situation, bargaining or joking is to relieve yourself some pressure. Yang Xuan also knows it well, let's see what the other party has to say.

After Gu Yunqi heard Yang Xuan say this, he also knew clearly. It seems that the young man in front of him doesn't know this thing?

But Gu Yunqi also wanted to tell him about the origin of this thing and how the material was made. Otherwise, how could the other party know the value of this thing?

Moreover, Gu Yunqi has been lowering the price after hearing these words, and Gu Yunqi is also thinking in his heart that this person looks very personable and elegant, and he is very rich at first glance.

····Ask for flowers 0··

How could you care about the price? After Gu Yunqi thought of this, he was very calm and not in a hurry, he slowly raised his head and looked at Yang Xuan and said.

"Guest officer, you really have good eyesight. This thing you hold is really a magical treasure. It is a cultural relic of our fairy flower world toilet. It can be said that it has a lot of history. , although our spirit fairy flower world is relatively remote, but there are many precious things appearing in our place."


"It depends on whether you are interested or not, so this thing is actually a very powerful weapon. It is indeed like this. Look at the sharpness of this knife, and the material is made of a very rare black iron. It is ancient. So can the price of this thing you said be lower?"

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