But Yang Xuan is not an ordinary reincarnation.

He has the power of the mind.

The power of the mind has also been transformed into supernatural powers.

So next second.

The power of the mind works.


Yang Xuan sensed the surrounding situation.

Dilapidated building.

There are three elderly women and one young woman who are helping Yang Xuan's reincarnated mother deliver the baby.

The delivery place is a temporary cloth shed.

outside the shed.

There are five other people surrounded by lifeless people, just staring at this side.

do not know why.

Immediately, Yang Xuan had a bad thought.

"No! Something is wrong here!"

"Very wrong!"

"I didn't feel the vitality of my mother in this life!"


ps: Monday at 12:00 noon, it will be put on the shelves on time, and it will explode when it is put on the shelves! .

Chapter 63

"I was reincarnated into a mother's body that just died."

"Not good, the fragile body of an unborn baby has also been invaded by death energy."

"Wait, my baby body is dead."

"God died before he was born!"

Yang Xuangang discovered that after the death of his reincarnated mother.

Then, he was gone.

"It's not good, there is another force that is invading my true spirit."

"But it was blocked by the guardian of the Reincarnation Tower."

"But the attack continues!"

"I'm dead! I'm coming back!"

"But... I don't!"

Yang Xuan's spiritual power began to converge.

He has to defend himself against his own spirit.

Reincarnation is risky, reincarnation needs to be cautious!

Yang Xuan is dead!

In other words, as soon as you reincarnate, your physical body dies.

But he didn't come back straight away.

Because of the power of the mind, although his body is dead, he can still struggle for a while.

"If I die like this."

"The true spirit will definitely be injured. Not only will he not be able to snipe Wang Shan, but he may not even be able to participate in the freshman assessment."

"So, you can't leave like this."

"Since this is a supernatural world, then..."

"Dark Elf, come out!"

"Sacrifice yourself, sacrifice yourself as everything, and help me become a supernatural being at your expense!"

Yang Xuan directly summoned the dark elves.

Since it cannot be born successfully, it will be transformed into a supernatural being.

This is Yang Xuan's choice.

Although this is a method, he also feels that he has lost money.

Before reincarnation, spent 10,000 soul points.

Purchased a noble status and became the child of a survivor base leader.

Who ever thought that the world is impermanent.

Just reincarnated, he died in the mother's womb.

Fortunately it is.

This world can exist in another state.

Inside the dilapidated building.

Liu Xiaoxiao wiped away her tears vigorously.

Said in an endlessly sad tone: "Sister, I'm sorry!"

"Your child, I failed to keep it!"

"However, I will definitely become a ghost master."

"I will let the ghost masters of the 'Bronze Gate' be buried with you!"

"I definitely will!"

When Liu Xiaoxiao said 'Bronze Gate'.

His eyes were full of killing intent.

Her brother-in-law is a ghost walker.

three days ago.

Her brother-in-law led the team and went out to find supplies.

Food, medicine and so on.

However, they were attacked by the 'Bronze Gate' team.

Her brother-in-law died while covering the retreat of the team members.

After their team comes back.

Her sister, after hearing the news, was overwhelmed with grief and was invaded by death energy.

also died.

The child in my sister's womb, a child who is about to be born.

also died.

This made Liu Xiaoxiao wish that the person who died was herself.

"Sister! I will definitely avenge you!"

Liu Xiaoxiao cried while talking.

The aunts who were supposed to be in charge of delivering the babies also retreated one after another.

They planned to give Liu Xiaoxiao some space.

Outside the temporary shed.

After the five ghost masters felt that there was no spiritual transformation inside.

Also plan to retreat.

But just when they were about to leave.

A terrifying breath suddenly appeared out of thin air.

Dark and cold.

It's like an abyss of hell.

Covered the entire dilapidated building.

This is the breath of the dark elves.

"what happened?"

"Not good! This coercion is already close to the ghost king level."

"No, this is not close, this is definitely a ghost king!"

"Damn! How could there be a ghost king!"


"Although our survivor base has 800 people, there are only five of us as ghost masters!"

"Liu Xiaoxiao's brother-in-law, Brother Yang Lin is a ghost master at the ghost king level, but he is dead."

"The five of us are just ghost masters at the level of ghost generals!"

"Even if we fight together, there is no chance of winning!"

The five ghost masters all looked tangled.

They have been favored by Liu Xiaoxiao's brother-in-law, but this time there is no sacrifice from him.

Three of them never made it back alive.

But, they also know.

It's useless to force myself to stay here.

Once a ghost king appears inside the survivor base.

It's useless.

"Run! Take Liu Xiaoxiao and leave!"

"At least, don't let her die!"

"This can be regarded as our explanation to the leader."

One of the ghost masters said.


They rushed into the makeshift cloth room together.


PS: There are a little less updates on Saturdays and Sundays, but starting on Monday, there will be more updates!

On Monday at 12 noon, on time! !

I wish you all a happy new year, good health and all the best.

It will be put on the shelves on time at 12:00 noon on Monday, with a guarantee of 10 more!

In the past two days, the author of Xiaopujie has been coding wildly.

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