Chapter 1635 Willingly

Then as long as they are eighteen years old, they can enter another world through this reincarnation, start a new journey, and start a new life.

But at the moment of the end of life, the world can be regarded as completely stopped, but if they want to return to their own world, it seems impossible, but Yang Xuan also hopes that everyone will do this, because "nine five seven "Only through such a situation can he get more true soul points.

Chu Xiaofeng looked at Yang Xuan, he had a lot of thoughts in his heart, he just thought that since Yang Xuan came to this Fairy Flower Realm.

Let's walk here with him, and Chu Xiaofeng also understands in his heart that these things always seem a bit strange, but he also understands these reasons, but he just feels that he doesn't want to say so much at all.

Yang Xuan looks so capable and handsome, how could Chu Xiaofeng worry about other things, after all he already understood.

Yang Xuan came to the Immortal Flower Realm through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower, so he didn't have to worry so much, Chu Xiaofeng and Yang Xuan walked forward slowly, he just felt that Yang Xuan was really different.

He was able to come here in this way. Could it be that he reincarnated into the fairy flower world? It's really unbelievable.

How could it be possible that Chu Xiaofeng didn't have any thoughts in his heart, he felt that even if he thought too much, it was meaningless.

Because he doesn't know much about it, he just thinks that elves like them are very happy living here, and he doesn't want to go to other worlds or reincarnate at all.

On the contrary, I feel that the situation here is relatively peaceful, and I feel very at ease in my heart, without any troubles or worries, so I feel happy in my heart.

As long as these things can be resolved, how can he worry about other things?

"For us elves, I also feel happy. We belong to the elves here. How could we leave the fairy flower world? This is the best home for us. We never think about things. I just feel that if some problems arise, we can only face them.”

"But we won't leave our home easily. After all, it's the safest place to live here. If we really enter another world through reincarnation, we don't know what the situation is. It's quite scary, and Everything starts again, until the moment when life ends...."

"So maybe where to go again? It feels really strange. It's still a good way like now. We can accept it. You don't have to think too much. Follow me here."

"And I also understand how you came to this fairy flower world. No matter what, you can be regarded as a guest here, and you can also be regarded as my friend. I will take you back to my home in a while to see Let's see."

Chu Xiaofeng looked at Yang Xuan while talking, they have now arrived at the 0.1 forest in the front, and they are still walking forward.

Chu Xiaofeng had nothing to worry about, he saw a person approaching not far from Yang Xuan, he took a closer look since it was Leng Qingyun.

Leng Qingyun was also his good friend, so seeing Leng Qingyun running back in a hurry, he didn't know what was going on.

Chu Xiaofeng and Yang Xuan also walked over quickly.

Chapter 1636 Surprise

Here Leng Qingyun has already walked in front of them, looking at Chu Xiaofeng and Yang Xuan felt a little strange, who is this Yang Xuan in front of him?

Leng Qingyun also felt a little unbelievable, how could there be such a handsome human being in their place? And he looked like a human being, not an elf at all.

The elves here all know each other, Leng Qingyun also felt a little unimaginable, did he see things blindly? Or the elves here are powerful.

It is also possible to change one's appearance and become another face, anyway, Leng Qingyun and the others also know these reasons.

If they practice here for a long time, they can also change into other appearances, can also be unpredictable, and can reach this level, but at the moment he also feels that something is not quite right.

The person who was with Chu Xiaofeng just looked weird, and he was really handsome. He was not an elf here, and he couldn't be a change, and there was no need for that. Leng Qingyun looked curious, Looking at Yang Xuan said.

"Who is he? Why does he look like a strange face? What did you do? Just now your grandpa kept calling you and told you to go back quickly. Why are you still so playful? Could something have happened? , but you go back first, if there is anything, I will help you deal with it, who is this person, tell me quickly."

"What is his identity? He doesn't seem to be our manager here. I was thinking about it just now. If he changed through his magic, he wouldn't be able to look like this. What is his identity? After you finish talking You go back, your grandpa doesn't know what to call you, maybe he wants to punish you."

"Because you have been sneaking out these two days and not going to practice. Your grandfather must be angry. Otherwise, it would be impossible for me to come out to find you. I thought you must have run this way."

"It seems that there is no wrong guess. You usually come here to play. I don't know you yet? But if there is anything, go back and talk about it carefully, so don't get beaten again."

Seeing Yang Xuan, Leng Qingyun felt a little unimaginable, why didn't Chu Xiaofeng say anything? What's going on? And his grandfather was anxious to see him at home, so he asked him to go back quickly.

Leng Qingyun just felt a little baffled, why Chu Xiaofeng's expression looked weird, wouldn't it be convenient for him to reveal it?

But the smile on Yang Xuan's face in front of him seemed very confident, what exactly was Chu Xiaofeng hiding?

If the person in front of him really came to this fairy flower world secretly, then this matter is not so simple, at least there are people who understand that this place will not easily take anyone in.

So they already have a stranger in this place, that person is relatively withdrawn, but not a bad person, who is this person at this moment?

Leng Qingyun kept guessing in his heart, could it be a relative of Chu Xiaofeng's family? But it's impossible, Chu Xiaofeng is just an elf.

He lives with his grandpa in this Fairy Flower Realm, so how could he have any relatives? Besides, if there are any relatives, they are all elves here, so how could they be a person from the outside world?

Chapter 1637 Submissive

Leng Qingyun looked at Yang Xuan carefully, he was just a human being, and he could already smell this kind of aura from him.

But this kind of aura made me feel shuddering instead, this aura was so powerful, the more Leng Qingyun thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong.

Leng Qingyun was anxious in his heart, and Chu Xiaofeng's grandfather wanted him to go home as soon as possible, and he never came home these two days, so he was afraid of something happening when he was playing outside?

But Leng Qingyun has already explained that they live so peacefully and happily in this fairy flower world, and this place is so safe, how could something happen again?

But Chu Xiaofeng's grandfather didn't think so, and Leng Qingyun had no choice, so he came out to look for Chu Xiaofeng's trace very helplessly, but he didn't expect him to appear here.

Leng Qingyun looked at Chu Xiaofeng, hoping that he could give him an answer, what was the situation, and also felt that there was something strange, at this moment Leng Qingyun was also very anxious, and looked at Chu Xiaofeng anxiously.

After Yang Xuan heard these words, he also thought why Chu Xiaofeng didn't speak at this moment, but Yang Xuan felt anxious instead.

After all, he knew in his heart the Leng Qingyun in front of him, it seemed that he had a good relationship with Chu Xiaofeng, otherwise he wouldn't be in such a hurry, Yang Xuan was also aware of all this, he looked at Leng Qingyun and said.

"Don't ask him. My name is Yang Xuan. I came here, so I don't have any identity or personage. Don't worry so much. If you are anxious to ask him to go back, then go back quickly Well, I don’t need to be entertained’.”

"It's fine for me to wander here alone. Go back quickly and leave me alone, especially if you go back quickly. Do you want your grandpa to be anxious? I don't want your grandpa to be anxious."

"It seems that you have been running away for several days. Otherwise, how could your grandfather be in a hurry? You seem to be quite quiet, but I didn't expect this idea to be quite right. Don't think about these things so much, hurry back let's go home."

After Yang Xuan said this, he just hoped that Chu Xiaofeng could understand these things, so if he really ran out secretly, it would be too worrying, go back quickly.

Yang Xuan knew in his heart that although there was no danger in this fairy flower world, his grandfather was old, so how could he not be in a hurry? Yang Xuan also knew in his heart, so don't think too much about it.

So at this moment, Yang Xuan didn't want to go home with Chu Xiaofeng, he just wanted to walk around, there were so many places in this spirit fairy flower world, Yang Xuan didn't need others to accompany him, so he knew it in his heart.

He just felt that if this situation happened, he just wanted to stay here quietly, and Yang Xuan would leave here when the True Reincarnation Tower came.

If the people here want to reincarnate with the ability of (Nuo Li Zhao), Yang Xuan can also help them, but he has to make an agreement with them the day before yesterday.

Because Yang Xuan wants to get more abilities, if he wants to get more upgrades, if he wants to upgrade with one click, then he must get powerful abilities and these reincarnations to get more things.

If no one has passed reincarnation, then Yang Xuan can only get the ability to heal through reincarnation in the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower by himself.

Chapter 1638

Then Yang Xuan had nothing to worry about in his heart, he felt that everything was relatively peaceful.

As long as he figured it out, he thought in his heart that if these things can really be changed, then there is no need to worry so much at all.

After seeing Yang Xuan's words, Chu Xiaofeng understood that since he wanted to do this, he had to go back.

Otherwise, he should be in a hurry, Chu Xiaofeng also understood that Yang Xuan didn't seem to want to go back with him, and he knew in his heart that he didn't want to force it, after all, they would meet again in this fairy flower world.

And Chu Xiaofeng also understands that it is not difficult to find Yang Xuan, they know this fairy flower world very well, they have traveled to every place that is very big, but they already know this place like the palm of their hands.

There was no difficulty for Leng Qingyun, he just felt that when Leng Qingyun came out suddenly, it must be grandpa who was in a hurry.

Chu Xiaofeng also felt quite helpless, he was not a child anymore, he was saying that he had grown up, so he could go wherever he wanted, this fairy flower world is so safe, how could something unexpected happen?

Why is grandpa always worried? But since Yang Xuan said that, Chu Xiaofeng didn't want to have too many worries, he looked at Yang Xuan and said.

"Well, now that I've said that, I don't want to force you anymore, so your identity is also clear. This person is Leng Qingyun, and he is my good friend. Don't worry so much, then you can walk here alone. Well, I'm going back now, and if you don't want to go home with me, I don't want to force you either."

"Because I know what kind of person you are in my heart, and I also understand all this, and I don't want to think about it anymore. My grandpa may not have seen me for a few days, so I am in a hurry. Let's talk about it in this Lingxianhua The world is so safe, my grandpa always thinks I am a child and is afraid that I will get lost, how is this possible."

"But I don't think so much, and the matter is stable like this, because I know in my heart, no matter what, if these things happen, how can I want any changes, I also (ccab) hope All of this can have a happy ending.”

After Yang Xuan heard these words, he also knew that this person appeared suddenly and he was cold and clear, but he also found it interesting to hear what Chu Xiaofeng said.

Chu Xiaofeng looked helpless at the moment, there was no way, his grandfather was getting old, so he was also worried about him, this is normal, Yang Xuan also hoped that he would go back as soon as possible, so there was no need to waste any more time.

If grandpa was worried, wouldn't Chu Xiaofeng feel sad in his heart? So Yang Xuan knew this matter in his heart so he shouldn't think too much about it.

After all, how could his family not miss him, Yang Xuan felt quite envious, after all Yang Xuan didn't have a family, he just felt that Chu Xiaofeng didn't cherish him now.

He didn't know this situation at all, so he had some worries in his heart, otherwise he wouldn't be like this now, but if some situations arise, then he understands.

I don't want any other changes at all, and I don't want to worry about other things anymore. All this is relatively stable, so how can there be any accidents, but sometimes Yang Xuan also feels that things change relatively quickly.

Chapter 1639 Unpredictable

Well, everyone has their own ideas, and everyone has their own concerns. It really doesn't make any sense to think too much.

How could he not know these things in his heart, but Yang Xuan saw all this clearly, after coming to the Fairy Flower Realm, he didn't think so much, and waited until the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower opened.

Yang Xuan will leave here, this reincarnation is over, Yang Xuan is also aware of all this, I don't know why other people's lives end at the moment when it is considered as the end.

But Yang Xuan may leave a certain world at any time, he is not subject to any constraints at all, this is quite perfect for him, and Yang Xuan doesn't have so many thoughts in his heart.

Chu Xiaofeng kept looking at Yang Xuan, because he knew that he was going to leave later, so Yang Xuan can walk here alone, this is very important - Chu Xiaofeng also knows.

If he likes being in the fairy flower world, then he won't leave here for the time being, Chu Xiaofeng also understands that Yang Xuan came to this fairy flower world through reincarnation, so there is really no need to worry so much.

After all, Chu Xiaofeng also understands Yang Xuan's identity, and he can control the True Soul Reincarnation Tower to reincarnate freely, which is a particularly good opportunity.

But they can also be reincarnated, as long as they meet the conditions and meet Yang Xuan's requirements, then they can also be reincarnated. Chu Xiaofeng has no such idea now, he doesn't want to reincarnate, he doesn't want to go to other worlds.

He also didn't want to leave Lingxianhuajie, leave his family, leave his friends, Chu Xiaofeng didn't think so much anymore, he didn't say so much to Leng Qingyun, he just didn't think it was necessary.

If Yang Xuan wanted to say it, he would naturally say it. Chu Xiaofeng also explained some things to Yang Xuan, and he will go home in the future.

Otherwise, his family would be in a hurry, he always had to go home and something happened, he looked at Yang Xuan and said again.

"These things also make me feel a little unbelievable. I also understand such problems. I don't worry about too many things at all, so I can't accompany you now. You can go wherever you want. Don't worry. When the time comes, you take this, and if you show up here, I will go find you."

····Ask for flowers 0·

"This is a signal that allows me to find it, so as long as I have these things, I will know your position. When I finish my work and deal with the things at home, I can go to play with you, after all I know you here, and you are a friend of mine."

"I don't want you to be so lonely here. I have made it clear. This is my friend. You don't have to worry. He is also very interesting. He is older than me. The two of us are the best Friends, otherwise he would not have come here to find me."


After Chu Xiaofeng said this, he knew in his heart that if this was the case, then he didn't have to worry, he had already introduced them to them at this moment, and Yang Xuan himself had already said his name.

Leng Qingyun had already been introduced to Yang Xuan, so Chu Xiaofeng didn't worry about it anymore, but he didn't know whether Leng Qingyun would go back with him, and Chu Xiaofeng didn't think about it either.

If he doesn't go back, he can stay here with Yang Xuan. After Chu Xiaofeng asked about the situation, he didn't want to go back. Yang Xuan is here with him, so don't worry.

Chapter 1640 Extraordinary

Chu Xiaofeng left here at this moment and went home, otherwise his family would be in a hurry.

Now only Yang Xuan and Leng Qingyun are left here, Leng Qingyun also finds it inconceivable to see Yang Xuan at this moment, such a face can appear in this fairy flower world.

Moreover, Leng Qingyun felt that such a handsome young man was really a little strange, but he also knew in his heart that since his friends in "Nine Sixty Zero" had already said what kind of person Yang Xuan was, and his identity was different. important.

The important thing is that he has come to the spirit fairy flower world and is also their partner, Leng Qingyun has no worries in his heart, he walked up to Yang Xuan and looked up at him.

I just feel that this young man is a human being, his power is boundless, and he looks different. Leng Qingyun doesn't have any thoughts in his heart, and he doesn't feel afraid.

But Leng Qingyun also knew that the person in front of him belonged to Yang Xuan, how did he come here? Leng Qingyun also felt that she should treat him well,

After all, he is also a guest of Lingxianhuajie. Although there are no strangers in their place, since the other party has appeared, Leng Qingyun can't refuse people thousands of miles away. He knows in his heart that he sees Yang Xuan said.

"Brother, I already know your name, so what are your plans? How did you come to this fairy flower world? So I don't want to care so much, I just think you won't hurt us elves That's it, so where are you going now?"

"Do you want me to accompany you for a stroll here? I feel that your eyes look very clear, and you don't look like that kind of evil person. I believe in you, otherwise my friend can't be friends with you Now, since you are friends, the two of us are also good friends now."

"I think you look very handsome in this way, and your clothes look very good, because of our living experience here, you can see that we wear colorful clothes. After all, we live in such a beautiful place. If If you don’t wear it, it’s better to look brighter, I’m really sorry for the beautiful scenery here.”

After hearing what Leng Qingyun said, Yang Xuan also thought he was quite interesting. He is really informal, no matter how he came to this fairy flower world...

He didn't want to ask at all or he didn't want to know so much. It seemed that he believed that he was not a bad person, otherwise he would not be like this. Yang Xuan suddenly felt that the elves living here were very interesting.

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