After all, there are too many curious things, they can't do it, they just want to live freely in this fairy flower world, don't have any danger, they are ready every day.

Once the outside world enters the fairy flower world, they will initiate resistance. They also have many abilities, but they are not as powerful as Yang Xuan.

Jiang Feng Yunze has already felt the strength of Yang Xuan, he is really different, otherwise how could he have such an opportunity?

What is his identity? Why can he freely enter and exit other worlds through the Tower of Reincarnation? Can Jiang Fengyunze understand?

Yang Xuan just said what he should say, he felt that there was nothing to hide, and facing Jiang Feng Yunze, Yang Xuan felt that it was no big deal.

I just think that the man in front of me really looks very happy, after all, the elves in this fairy flower world make me feel happy.

At least not as scary as those evil ghosts, they are all kind and simple, but there are some here, how can he appear? Yang Xuan just felt that he was not in a hurry to break through slowly.

Just came to this Fairy Flower Realm, Yang Xuan still doesn't know what's going on here, is it the beautiful world that people talk about, or are they all kind spirits?

Yang Xuan couldn't tell that he was clear in his heart, he said to Jiang Feng Yunze.

"So don't think too much, and don't doubt me. It's fine if you are not a bad person. I will never hurt you. If you are not in danger, what else will I save? I have already considered such issues , but this time, I don’t know if I have gained anything in this fairy flower world.”..”

"¨After all, I was the first to come to the purple bamboo and peach blossom forest where you live, which also surprised me. Happy, it seems that this tea is grown by you yourself."

"No wonder it tastes so fresh. You live very freely every day. I envy you, but everyone's way of life is different. In this fairy flower world, you must not only live freely (Qian Nuo's ) Now, when you have nothing to do, you have to cultivate your own abilities to make yourself stronger, this is what you want to do most."

After Jiang Feng Yunze heard Yang Xuan's praise, he also felt beautiful in his heart, after all the tea he grew was really sweet and delicious.

The brewed tea is also fragrant, and he has planted a lot of this kind of tea, so the elves living here will come here to pick some tea when they are free.

Chapter 1588 Incredible

Jiang Fengyunze has a big tea garden in the purple bamboo and peach blossom forest. It's really good. The bamboo shoots he made here are really good. There is a bamboo forest, so these bamboo shoots taste particularly crisp. It was something Jiang Feng Yunze liked to do.

Otherwise, what are they doing here every day? Isn't it a waste of time every day, but they are also cultivating their abilities.

It's just that the ability is not strong enough, they are also changing and thinking of various methods, Jiang Feng Yunze just thinks that Yang Xuan has a power in him, the infinity is very powerful.

Otherwise, he couldn't have come here through the Tower of Reincarnation. Hearing him say that he went to that evil place last time was really scary, and it made him feel a little scared when he thought about it.

Yang Xuan was able to safely escape from any dangerous place, and 890 was able to enter the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower smoothly, and was reincarnated into another world again, which is really amazing.

I've never heard of such a thing before, but this time Jiang Fengyunze has gained some insight, and he really heard such a thing, and I think it's a little incredible.

Yang Xuan was a little excited at the moment, and he didn't know why he suddenly chatted with Jiang Feng Yunze for so long, and he felt his heart was surging, and he also felt that it was really unimaginable.

After all, he knew these things clearly in his heart, but if something went wrong, how could he not know about it.

But this time he came to Lingxianhuajie, and he always felt very happy in his heart, because this place was different, which made him feel more excited.

It's just that if some situations arise, he hopes that all the problems he said can reach a happy ending, so there is really no need to worry so much.

How could Yang Xuan not know about this situation? Because the world turned around is different, and once the true soul reincarnation (ccab) tower is opened, Yang Xuan can walk freely.

I also feel that it is really miraculous, it is difficult for him, his eyes are full of such light at this moment, he must be more envious.

They hadn't been here at that time, hadn't enjoyed it at that time, so how could they know the scenery outside, Yang Xuan said to Jiang Feng Yunze again.

"As long as you have the ability, you can only resist such dangers if your spells become boundless, and you will not be afraid when the situation arises. However, I don't think there is any need to be so entangled in these things. It is also clear that as long as the world is operating normally, it will be fine.”

"Because every world I entered through the Reincarnation Tower is different, I have long been used to this situation, so some people will get along with me better, but once I disappear suddenly, leave this place When I was in the world, it was impossible for my friends to come out with me, they still stayed in that world."

"It's really helpless. I'm used to it. Sometimes when I enter another world, I feel that I don't want to make friends. After all, once I leave, I always feel a lot of reluctance, but This is the fact, once the Tower of Reincarnation is opened, I must leave immediately."

Yang Xuan didn't know that he was really happy today, he felt that every place in the fairy flower world was so beautiful.

Chapter 1589 Let It Be

Now that he has come to this purple bamboo and peach blossom forest, he also feels that it is really miraculous. The tea here is really delicious, and the bamboo forest here is so magnificent, and the peach blossoms are so beautiful in full bloom.

It seems that Jiang Fengyunze lived a more comfortable life, quite unrestrained, Yang Xuan felt that they were pretty good compared to him, because Yang Xuan didn't know why he appeared in this world in such a way.

Yang Xuan didn't think so much at all, he just felt that if the situation gradually appeared, how could his psychological understanding not know~ these stories.

I just feel that if these conditions really change, he will decide at that time, because Yang Xuan knows that once the True Soul Reincarnation Tower is opened, then at all - he can't help himself to choose.

He will leave here as soon as possible, so Yang Xuan is already used to this way of life, and this time he will think of the same way in this fairy flower world.

When Jiang Fengyunze said this, he just hoped that he could understand that although he liked everything here, one day he had to leave once the time for completing his mission came.

This is the reason why Yang Xuan didn't want to make friends. He felt that no matter which world he went to, he felt that it was better to be alone, so as not to make friends, and wait until he left this kind of world.

He might not be able to go back again, he would never see such a friend again, how could Yang Xuan have no idea in his heart, Yang Xuan took another sip of tea.

Looking up at the extraordinarily beautiful peach blossoms in the distance, Yang Xuan really felt a lot of helplessness in his heart, but there was nothing he could do.

He thought maybe his own life was envied by others, and other people's lives were also envied by him. Yang Xuan felt that he didn't want to think about it so much, and let everything take its course.

After Jiang Fengyunze heard what Yang Xuan said, he also understood in his heart that he really had a lot of emotions. Could it be that his freedom can be regarded as a legend, and he is not happy when he enters a different world?

So in this situation, Jiang Feng Yunze felt that thinking about us, maybe everyone has their own troubles, Jiang Feng Yunze looked at Yang Xuan and said to him.

"Okay, don't think about it so much, I think people just feel that their lives will never be satisfied, just like we feel quite comfortable living in this fairy flower world, this place is like a pure land, and it is also a paradise , no one disturbs and no danger, but we have lived here for a long time."

····Ask for flowers 0·

"I also feel trapped here like a caged bird and we will never be able to get out, because sometimes once we leave this fairy flower world to go to the outside world, we feel that if there is danger, we will not be safe at all When I came back, I thought it was better not to take this risk and just stay in the fairy flower world."


"In this case, there is no danger. After all, although our abilities are as you said, we have to keep training and learning more skills to protect ourselves. If danger arises one day, we are not More people can resist danger."

Yang Xuan really had a lot of emotion in his heart at this moment, he drank tea and enjoyed the scenery here, this purple bamboo and peach blossom forest is really more beautiful.

But how could he always be so at ease in his heart, and felt that Jiang Fengyunze and the others also had their own difficulties.

Chapter 1590 Unpredictable

Jiang Fengyunze and the others live in this fairy flower world, it is really like being trapped in a cage, but there is no way, they are born with such identities.

They were born in this spirit fairy flower world, are they going to other places? Because there are too many dangers from the outside world, sometimes they cannot resist.

So they can only choose such a way of life "Eight Nine Zero", Yang Xuan knew in his heart, he never thought that this time the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower was opened, they would come to Lingxianhuajie in such a way.

Yang Xuan felt quite surprised, after all, each reincarnation would bring him a different feeling, this time Yang Xuan felt that this was the most beautiful place in the whole world.

Yang Xuan was not disappointed this time. After all, the world of Hong Kong likes the sky, clouds and colorful colors. It is really a special magical place, and Yang Xuan also feels very at ease in his heart.

If you can live here for a period of time, it would be wonderful, but if you live for a long time, it will be too much. After spending a long time in the beautiful scenery, I feel that I am tired of seeing enough.

But Jiang Fengyunze and the others have no choice, they have no right to choose, Yang Xuan is different, he can go in and out non-stop through reincarnation, another world is more comfortable.

When Jiang Feng Yunze saw Yang Xuan, he had many thoughts in his heart, but if there was no way to show up today, how could he not know how important these things are.

And they live in this fairy flower world as long as they are safe, don't think about those things that are free or not, let alone how wronged they are, it is already good to be able to live in the fairy flower world.

They didn't have any thoughts about Ben in their hearts, they just thought that now that they understood the situation, how could they not know how dangerous the outside world was, let him see that Yang Xuan also knew this truth.

It's really not as wronged as I thought, but I feel better after talking about it. After all, Yang Xuan came to the fairy flower world through the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower, which really surprised me.

Moreover, he appeared in the purple bamboo and peach blossom forest at the moment, Jiang Feng Yunze also welcomed him very much, there were many things he wanted to say to him, and he felt as if he had found a bosom friend...

"Because there are many strong people now, we all know these things, so the elves we live in the fairy flower world are really more attentive. We usually train hard, and we will hold a martial arts competition every year. General Assembly, this is what we have to do."

"But listening to what you said, I also feel that you have a lot of helplessness in your heart. After all, how can a person live without worries? And I can hear what you said just now. You have entered another world. You don't want to make friends. After all, you may leave this kind of world at any time."

After hearing these words, Yang Xuan felt a lot of emotion in his heart. It must be such a problem. Yang Xuan has indeed considered it, because as long as the fairy flower world is opened, he will enter another world.

Then 0.1, he really doesn't want to make any friends. Once he leaves, he feels really sad. He can't leave with his friends, and he will never see each other again.

This kind of feeling is uncomfortable, Yang Xuan has experienced this kind of feeling before, but every time he arrives in a world, Yang Xuan feels that it is impossible to practice without making friends.

Chapter 1591 Real Feelings

After all, he likes to help others, and when he sees others in danger, how could he not take action? Once he lives for a long time, everyone has feelings, so how can he not have any thoughts?

Yang Xuan originally wanted to take them out of this kind of world, but Yang Xuan tried that when the True Reincarnation Tower was opened, only he could enter the True Soul Reincarnation Tower, and it would be impossible for him to take others away. to this point.

So later Yang Xuan had to give up and realize that the True Soul Reincarnation Tower was prepared for him, and it was impossible for other people to enter the True Soul Reincarnation Tower.

It may not be possible to reach such a level of 22 now. Yang Xuan is also slowly trying to study it. After all, the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower is such a treasure, so he can enter another world through reincarnation.

Why can't others do it? Yang Xuan thinks that he should study it slowly in the future, so he doesn't want to leave too many regrets for not being in another world.

Those who just want to find what they want, and leave after completing the task, don't want to associate with them. There are too many people. After all, none of this is real to him.

Jiang Fengyunze knew what was going on in Yang Xuan's heart, otherwise, how could he have told him so much, and after Yang Xuan came to the purple bamboo and peach blossom forest, he just felt that his state was really good.

What a great thing it is for him to be able to roam around every world through the Tower of Rebirth, Jiang Feng Yunze felt really happy, if one day he could reach such a level.

What a good thing that is, why might he not know the reason behind it? It's just that if something happens, he also hopes that everything can be resolved reasonably.

He also didn't want other things to happen. Jiang Fengyunze also understood these principles, but he just felt that if some situations happened, he didn't want to have too many disputes.

He looked at Yang Xuan, maybe he was happy, but he already understood the function of the True Reincarnation Tower. Yang Xuan didn't want to make friends, which was normal, and he didn't want to leave too many regrets.

"And once the Reincarnation Tower is opened, you have to leave. You don't want to leave too much reluctance, and you don't want to leave too much concern. This is also a concern in your heart. I can understand your concern. I am in a good mood, I have some good friends, once I leave here, I am afraid I will never see them again, so how can I not be sad?"

"So it's okay to be alone, but can you do it? After all, you enter every world, whether you meet some evil people or kind people."

897 "You always have to contact the outside world, how can you not meet anyone, but once your mission is completed, you will disappear instantly through the Reincarnation Tower, so it is really cruel, But I don’t think so much anymore, I don’t have any worries when I accept all of this.”

Jiang Fengyunze had also considered these things, even if Yang Xuan didn't want to make friends, he would meet other friends in every world he entered, how could he be alone.

And it's not possible to encounter some dangers or meet some leftovers, Jiang Fengyunze just thinks that this time he has entered the spirit fairy flower world, and it is also a different idea.

Chapter 1592 Eye-opening

He came to the purple bamboo and peach blossom forest now, and met Jiang Fengyunze. He felt happy at this moment, and he also felt that there was no need to think so much about some things, and let everything take its course.

If they were really free to come and go, it was also an arrangement of the heavens, so why should Jiang Feng Yunze be so entangled? Although Yang Xuan had some concerns in his heart, this was one of his missions.

No one can change him. It is one of his functions to teach the various worlds through the Reincarnation Tower. No one can understand his difficulties, and no one can understand his mood at the moment.

He didn't want to leave his friends, but he had no choice but to leave such a situation. Everyone knew how cruel it was to face it.

How could it be possible not to know such concerns? I just feel that if some situation arises, it needs to be figured out, otherwise, when did Yang Xuan worry so much all the time?

Maybe all his tasks are done in this way, then if he thinks it through, he won't have any worries, and he will make himself very happy.

After hearing Jiang Feng Yunze's words, Yang Xuan felt shocked. He did not expect that his analysis was so accurate at the moment. It seemed that he could understand his own feelings, and Yang Xuan also felt a little moved.

After all, no human body has ever experienced such a mood, and Yang Xuan also felt that it was always a little weird to enter another world, but he had to experience such a situation.

This is a fact that cannot be changed. How could Yang Xuan not understand it? He just thought that if these problems really appeared, how could he not know the hardships behind them.

However, if some problems can really be dealt with, he doesn't need to have any more situations at all, but some things are always not done according to his own inferences. He wants to take his friends to leave another world and return to the world. In the real society that belongs to oneself, it is impossible to do it at all.

Later, Yang Xuan had to give up, but he just felt that the reason they made friends was to explain this reason to them, to let them know that Yang Xuan would not leave without saying goodbye, and to prepare them for it.

If one day I suddenly disappear, this is the situation, that is, I left here through the True Reincarnation Tower and went to another world.

"¨After hearing your words, I feel happy in my heart. After all, I have told you so much, and you can also understand my feelings and know how difficult it is. I feel that suddenly someone can understand me. Difficulties, it is not easy to understand me, I feel happy in my heart'. "

"Because I also made some friends in other worlds. Later, when I was young, I wanted to take them away, but I couldn't do it at all. Once the Tower of Reincarnation is opened, only I can enter (Qian Nuozhao) Leaving here in the Tower of Resurrection, my friends watched me leave their world, their situation is very bad."

"They were very worried and burst into tears. They really didn't want to see that scene, but I didn't want to leave secretly. Every time I knew in advance that I might leave, I would greet them and I would tell them the reason. But they also want to leave me, they don't want to lose a friend like me.".

Chapter 1593 Can't Wait

How could Jiang Feng Yunze not know Yang Xuan's mood at the moment, and even though he just met him, Jiang Feng Yunze suddenly understood that this is the truth.

Otherwise, how could he have such an expression at this moment? Jiang Fengyunze knew it in his heart, but he just felt that he would also understand it when such a situation happened, so he didn't have to worry so much at all.

He pondered in his heart, if Yang Xuan could really stay in this fairy flower world forever, wouldn't it be great? But Jiang Feng Yunze felt that such a thing should not be done.

Once Yang Xuan finished his task, he would leave in such a situation, how could Jiang Feng Yunze not know? I just think that if such a problem really arises, don't worry so much. After all, Yang Xuan's 900 does not belong to every world, he is a person who travels through every world.

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