He didn't want anything to happen again at all, but he just felt that if some problems really happened, it would be decided at that time, and he knew it in his heart.

But if this problem can really be dealt with normally, he certainly hopes that everything can be solved, and he really shouldn't have too many regrets.

But Yang Xuan knew in his heart that once something happened, he would deal with other issues at that time, and there was no need to worry so much, so Yang Xuan was sure in his heart.

After Yang Xuan approached slowly, he had already walked to the side of this figure. At this moment, this figure was wearing a black cloak and a black hat.

And it seems to be sitting here fishing, he feels that this picture is too weird, it really looks like such a place.

And it looks gloomy. It's near the Nether River, that is, by this water. Since it's fishing there.

Yang Xuan checked carefully, he was indeed fishing, and the other party already knew that he was happy, but the other party did not look back.

Yang Xuan felt that this person should not be underestimated, otherwise when Yang Xuan approached, why didn't the other party turn around? Just don't care so much.

Yang Xuan just felt that he had come to the Nether World, and he thought it was a bit weird, but the Nether Riverside in front of him actually appeared.

Yang Xuan felt even more astonished. He felt that such a scene was really unimaginable. He felt that it was really impossible to face the words of the Nether River.

But sometimes he feels that since the situation arises, he certainly hopes that everything can be handled normally, and he doesn't need to worry so much at all.

So he also understood in his heart, how could he not understand the situation behind this, but he just felt that if there were some new changes in some things.

He also hopes that everything can have a new plan. If there are any accidents, then it really makes him feel a little incredible.

Well, if Yang Xuan feels this way, maybe the situation will change. Yang Xuan slowly sat down and leaned against this figure.

Yang Xuan didn't see his appearance, but felt that this shadow looked quite old, Yang Xuan said to him.

"Old man, if I call you that, you shouldn't mind. Why don't you look back at me when I get close? Are you not afraid of anything? Are the creatures here not dangerous to you? Otherwise It's impossible for you to be so calm, but can you catch fish while fishing by the Nether River?".

"¨The water by the Nether River is already this color, so how can it be possible to catch fish? Moreover, the Nether River itself is an evil place, and there are some creatures living in it, as well as some nasty ghosts and souls. They have Sometimes they will live by the Nether River, but this (Wang Dezhao) Nether World is so big, there is still a place for them to stay."

"But some of them like to snuggle in the Nether River, but what are you fishing there? Is this fishing? I don't think your bait looks like fishing bait. Besides, how is it possible here? There are fish, you look so wonderful to me."

The old man fishing here is Lingqiuzi, and he has lived here for a long time.

Chapter 1373 Omnipotent

If he is actually a human being, it is indeed the soul that came here after death, so it is relatively quiet.

And he didn't know why no one would do anything to him after he came to this nether world, and no one would hope for his vitality.

It is really not easy for the old man to live up to now, but he still feels quite at ease, so at this moment he is living by the Nether River. He has a house nearby that he built himself, so this is his home, so he fishes here every day in such a cycle.

Sometimes I really catch a fish, it's really big, I don't know why, Lingqiuzi also thinks that since Yang Xuan said so.

It seems that he is familiar with this nether world and at the same time he appeared in this nether world, 617 so what is his identity.

Yang Xuan kept looking at the old man in front of him at this moment, he felt that the other party did not speak, but Yang Xuan felt quite surprised.

And in this place, every place is quite weird and every place is quite scary, of course Yang Xuan understands.

He felt that after this nether world, he felt that it really made him feel unimaginable.

But at the same time, he still hoped that some things would go on normally, so how could he be hoping for something else to happen.

Yang Xuan now feels that (ccab) is really special, what is the identity of this old man in front of him? So why do they all look like this? Is every creature in this nether world like this?

But Yang Xuan just felt that the old man in front of him looked like a human being, he was not an evil ghost at all, nor was he a soul. But if he is really a human being, then it is impossible for him to enter this nether world alive, at least he knows in his heart that this nether riverside has appeared in front of him.

What really surprised me was that Yang Xuan had heard of the Nether Riverside before, but the other party did not expect that it really appeared.

How could he have no idea? Yang Xuan thinks that every place is so magical, is every place so mysterious?

Yang Xuan just felt that some situations always made him feel unbelievable, and he had no other way.

Although Yang Xuan didn't know much about all this, but the Nether River suddenly appeared, Yang Xuan thought it was not a good thing, but the old man in front of him didn't look evil, Yang Xuan just felt that he had never Talking, so Yang Xuan also felt ups and downs in his heart, he said to the old man.

"So at this moment, I also feel that I can't imagine. Who are you? Are you not the Holy Spirit here? But did you come here after you died? Even human beings still hope that some things can go on normally. Well, you're not human at all."

"Then I am quite comfortable living in this place at the moment. Being able to live like this is a kind of trust, but why don't you turn back when I tell you this kind of thing? Can't you hear what I said? Or are you simply Don't care about anything, or really can't hear."

Lingqiuzi was fishing while listening to what Yang Xuan said, but he didn't answer him, because he felt that this young man entered here, and it seemed that his identity was quite special.

Chapter 1374

Moreover, Lingqiuzi felt an endless power from the other party, and since he had the breath of a human being.

He would not be able to enter the nether world alive, so how could Lingqiuzi not feel surprised in his heart? So I didn't speak at the moment.

He just wanted to wait for the other party to talk about it, so that Lingqiuzi would learn something about the situation.

He just felt that Yang Xuan seemed to be a very kind person, and he kept talking about such issues. Lingqiuzi just listened to this, and let's see what the other party said!

Moreover, Lingqiuzi just felt that the young man who suddenly appeared was really different, and he was able to produce words that appeared by the Nether River.

It means that he has been walking in this Nether World for a while, otherwise he would not have come to this Nether River, so Lingqiuzi has lived by this Nether River for a long time.

There are many souls in this Nether River, and some elves live here. After all, this place is so terrifying, but Lingqiuzi is definitely fishing at the moment.

And there are really fish here, he just felt that since Yang Xuan didn't understand, he should watch quietly, anyway, Lingqiu~zi didn't want to answer at this moment.

Lingqiuzi just wanted to see what Yang Xuan would say, otherwise Lingqiuzi would have already spoken, he just felt that the person who came into his side was not evil.

Lingqiuzi felt that Yang Xuan was kind and upright, and there was a sense of righteousness in him - Lingqiuzi felt it.

So at this moment, Lingqiuzi felt that he really didn't expect that there was a righteous young man in such a ghostly place, and he was still a human being, and he entered here alive.

It really made him feel a little unbelievable. At the same time, he was also guessing who the other party was and why he came here. Is it really to save the creatures here?

But did Lingqiuzi think it was impossible? The creatures here are all wicked, they're all deserving of death, they've had such a place, and life has been such kindness to them.

And if Yang Xuan really came here, how could he rescue them? Lingqiuzi felt that he should stop answering. He kept fishing quietly, but he didn't speak.

Yang Xuan is a little anxious now, what is the situation? The other party just didn't answer, Yang Xuan was sure that the other party was either deaf or deaf or dumb.

It is impossible to rule out all of this, Yang Xuan felt that he did not answer on purpose, did he have something to hide?

Or he didn't want to talk to him at all, Mu Yangxuan just felt that the old man appeared in front of him, he came from the world.


It's just that the soul has entered this nether world, but there is no way to do it. After death, people always have to find a place to settle down.

But what does it mean for him to appear in this Nether River at this moment? Still fishing, this action is too weird, Yang Xuan also thinks it is really amazing.

He also figured out what the situation was. After all, every place he entered here was quite magical, which surprised Yang Xuan, he said to Lingqiuzi.

"But I feel that you look pretty good in this state. Although you are old, it is only fishing that you can be so calm. It is really a different scenery to sit on the bank of the Nether River. What is this place? Huh?" 1.

Chapter 1375 Panic

Don't look at the old man in front of you, he actually appeared by the Nether River, and his attire is very weird at the moment. After all, everyone who appears in this place is rather weird, and none of them are alive.

Yang Xuan also knew it in his heart, but he felt that the scene in front of him really looked like surveillance, but to Yang Xuan, he was not afraid. In the "June 20th" old man was sitting on the bank of the Nether River and was fishing.

So how could there be fish in such a gloomy place? Moreover, the water in the Nether River is pitch black and rippling, and there are some evil souls, ghosts, and some nasty elves inside.

Yang Xuan just thinks that this place always looks weird, because this is the netherworld, so how could it not be weird? At this moment, the Nether Riverside suddenly appeared.

Yang Xuan felt a little surprised, but every place in this nether world is relatively evil, and this place in front of him is no exception.

But the fishing old man in front of him is already old, it seems that he is just a soul, or a leftover soul, which is not real at all.

Yang Xuan still understands all this, he just thinks that sometimes it feels really weird, after he came to this netherworld well, he didn't find anything or get anything.

Since there are so many weird things happening, this Nether River itself is rather weird. The water surface of this place is covered with black waves, and they are constantly beating. I am afraid that the timid people will be scared to death when they come here. up.

Yang Xuan looked at the person in front of him quietly, but felt that he had only one soul left. Yang Xuan was absolutely nothing to be afraid of. After all, who did he think the other party was? Could it be that he didn't speak?

So Yang Xuan was already approaching, and looking at this person's side face, he also had a lot of thoughts in his heart, Yang Xuan thought to wait, this person seemed to have a relatively stable aura.

It is not an evil monster at all, he is a human being who came to this netherworld after death, so at this moment he unexpectedly appeared by this netherworld river, which made Yang Xuan even more suspicious...

The old man who was fishing was Lingqiuzi. He turned his head to look at Yang Xuan, and finally looked at this young man. He just felt strange that Yang Xuan appeared. It seems that his ability is not small, so he said to him.

"Stinky boy, what are you shouting about? I'm not deaf, and I'm not dumb, so how can I not talk? I was just fishing, and you know that opening this fish scared you away. I took the bait, if you make such a card, this round has already gone to the bottom of the water."

"Did you do it intentionally? I have been fishing here for so long, and I finally got a little better just now. Today's interest was all ruined by you. What do you mean by 0.1? Why do you ask so much? You come Come here when you come to this nether world, what are you doing by this nether river?"

"There is no one in this place except me, and all the creatures here are evil. Seeing you like this, I don't need to explain so much to you. You must understand. Why are you looking at me like this? Do you think it's expensive? Don't you want to look at my face?".

Chapter 1376 Not to be underestimated

Yang Xuan was really startled, he didn't expect Lingqiuzi to turn around with such a face, so Yang Xuan didn't feel scared, it's just that his appearance was too sudden.

Yang Xuan didn't have any precautions at all, Lingqiuzi had already turned around, Yang Xuan was indeed a little terrified, but he looked calmly, it's just that this place is too dark.

So I couldn't see Lingqiuzi's face clearly, but he still looked kind. Yang Xuan felt that there was nothing to be afraid of, just a trace of soul, and everyone who came to this place was like this.

They are all ghosts, and some are elves, some are ghosts, and some are souls. They all have different identities, but their nature 22 is the same.

How could Yang Xuan worry so much? He just felt that there was really no need for the child, and Yang Xuan didn't have that kind of Danxiao in his heart, he just felt that Lingqiuzi said so.

It looked interesting, and suddenly felt that this old man was humorous and funny, and Yang Xuan also felt a little interesting in his heart, but he came to this netherworld, how could he come here to play?

Yang Xuan also has a lot of things to do, and he wants to find some things and gain some abilities. He can't make a trip in vain, but there is nothing to gain.

He will also search slowly, and there is no need to worry so much at all, so Yang Xuan also knows in his heart that he should not think too much about things after coming to this netherworld for the time being.

Lingqiuzi looked at Yang Xuan carefully. In fact, he was quite surprised when he turned his head just now. The person in front of him was actually alive.

He was actually quite surprised that he was able to come to such an evil nether world as a human being. Lingqiuzi also felt that his ability should not be underestimated. Otherwise, how could he pass through the birth barrier and enter this nether world? .

So he understood this truth in his heart. What is the purpose of this young man? After all, there are some evil creatures living in this netherworld.

He didn't need to come here with his appearance, but Lingqiuzi also felt a little unbelievable, but he didn't think so much, he just felt that with his appearance and Yang Xuan's eyes, was he afraid? Lingqiuzi said to him.

"I turned around now, did I scare you?, but even if you are scared, I don't think there is anything I can do. Didn't you let me come at noon? Do you want to see my face? So I just With such a face, I am also an old man when I am old."

"What are you doing here to see me? There are many places in this nether world that you can enjoy. Although they are all a piece of darkness, my place is quite special."

"There are some ghosts and souls in this Nether Riverside, they are all evil guys, they are all quite scary, and in fact, every place in this Nether World is almost the same, but I don't keep others here, and I don't want to be disturbed by others. Hurry up and get out of here, I have already answered what should be answered, you should be satisfied, right?"

After these words were finished, Lingqiuzi had turned his head and continued fishing. He felt that he had finished what he had to say.

The other party can leave here, he just pondered in his heart while fishing, this young man is no one to wait for.

Chapter 1377 Overwhelmed

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to enter this Nether River. This Nether World is another world, and it is not what they humans should come to.

Unless the remaining trace of soul after death can come to this nether world after slowly falling, otherwise, if it is reincarnated, it is impossible to come to this nether world.

Because people who come to the Nether River sometimes want to reincarnate, but they have no chance at all, and they have to rely on their own abilities. Lingqiuzi still understands all this.

After all, he has been in this netherworld for so long, and he chose such a place at this moment, so he thought so.

Lingqiuzi couldn't figure it out all the time, this young man is so powerful and has a lot of spells, why did he have to come to such an evil place?

Lingqiuzi just couldn't figure it out, so he always felt that it was a problem in his heart, but he also wanted to see what the other party thought, because Lingqiuzi had already asked him to leave here.

But Ling Qiuzi felt that the other party was standing there at all, and he didn't want to leave at all after living beside him, but there were many scary places in this nether world.

So how could Yang Xuan stay here all the time? Lingqiuzi felt that it didn't matter, let's see what he said later, after all, if it really changed so much, he knew it in his heart.

How could such a situation happen to him again? Lingqiuzi also felt that although no one came to this evil place by the Nether River, he thought it was a good place.

With these ghosts and these ghost girls, I also feel very at ease in my heart. After all, Lingqiuzi is also a ghost, and he is also a soul. How could he laugh at these creatures here?

Lingqiuzi also felt that he didn't learn other skills when he came to the Nether River, but he learned some spells, at least he could protect himself, and he was more beautiful than when he was alive, so Lingqiuzi felt that no matter what the environment was.

As long as he has the ability, it is the same wherever he lives. He thinks that at least after he dies, he can still remember the past.

He was already very content with being able to live in this nether world, and Lingqiuzi didn't have too many regrets in his heart.

After Yang Xuan heard what Lingqiuzi said, he thought it was really interesting, how could he be afraid?

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