But the ghost envoy Bai Ting didn't even know what treasures there were in this nether world, but he didn't know so much, as long as Yang Xuan didn't hurt him.

He was relieved in his heart and didn't have to worry so much, so he looked at Yang Xuan and just felt that no matter what his purpose in coming to this nether world, he didn't come here to kill innocent people indiscriminately.

It's not enough to come here to make trouble, if he wants to find something, he can go find it.

Anyway, the ghost envoy Bai Ting didn't know what there was in this nether world. Anyway, he felt that since Yang Xuan came to this nether world, he couldn't have no purpose, and he didn't even know how he got here.

Yang Xuan kept looking at Bai Ting Ghost Envoy, but felt that the place where Bai Ting Ghost Envoy lived in the dark was not bad, so Yang Xuan followed him into the house in front of him.

It looks spacious and bright, so the lights inside are all created by magic, otherwise, this netherworld itself is pitch black, and there is no light anywhere.

Only through spells can the house be illuminated bright red, Yang Xuan thinks it is really good, even though the house is simple.

But Bai Ting Ghost Envoy should live in a remote place here, it seems that he doesn't like to come here only after a few minutes, Yang Xuan won't have so many, he just thinks that he can explain some things by himself.

He didn't want to have any doubts in himself at all, and he didn't want the other party to keep guessing. Of course, he knew what Bai Ting ghost envoy thought about Yang Xuan.

So he didn't think so much at all at the moment, of course Yang Xuan didn't need it, he said to Bai Ting's ghost envoy.

"I have come to this nether world, you can decide what you want, and why do you live in such a remote place, where are your souls and those demons and ghosts here? Don't they live here? Is it? But this place is too big, and it seems that there are several roads leading to various places in front of us`. "

"¨This is really the first time I have seen this nether world. I really have to walk around here to know everything here. Otherwise, all of this (Li Nuo's) seems really relatively strangeness."

Yang Xuan said this because he hoped Bai Tinggui would reassure them, and since he came to this nether world, it was impossible for him to massacre innocent people.

How could Yang Xuan be so cruel? He didn't know what his purpose was, so Yang Xuan didn't receive any information about the target.

But he also understands, let's explore slowly in this nether world, he doesn't know anything about this place.

Chapter 1338 Behavior

As long as there are these treasures that Yang Xuan needs, he will naturally find them, so Yang Xuan also told himself that he has arrived in another reincarnation world.

Yang Xuan will definitely keep all this in mind, he will not let these things change so much suddenly, so of course Yang Xuan is aware of these things, but he just thinks that some problems have happened.

He also doesn't want to have too many worries, and hopes that all this can go smoothly. Sometimes after being reincarnated, Yang Xuan passed through the chopsticks and came to another world, which feels amazing.

Because there are some worlds that Yang Xuan 590 has neither seen nor heard of, but Yang Xuan has heard of this nether world before him, but he has never been to it, everything is quite miraculous, this time is also an opportunity.

Yang Xuan wants to take a good look at what kind of terrifying picture this nether world is, so this is just the beginning.

How to do it specifically, Yang Xuan has no plans at the moment, because he doesn't know if there are precious things in this nether world, but he also feels that since the True Reincarnation Tower has been opened.

Bringing oneself to this nether world must have a purpose, and as long as the Tower of Reincarnation is opened and enters another world to start reincarnating, then everything will have a new decision.

It's not that Yang Xuan is not clear about this, so it proves that there must be something he wants in this Netherworld, and even though he doesn't know what it is.

Let him search slowly, there will always be clues, Yang Xuan doesn't have too many worries in his heart, he just thinks that since all these things have already happened, he will not change them easily.

So Yang Xuan's heart is still relatively flat, so how could he worry so much? He just didn't think it was necessary, so don't worry about anything.

As long as everything goes smoothly, Yang Xuan doesn't need to worry so much about other issues, so his heart is still relatively calm.

After Bai Ting ghost envoy heard what Yang Xuan said (ccab), why might he not have any thoughts in his heart? I just feel that Yang Xuan said so, it seems that this matter is not so simple.

The Ghost Envoy Bai Ting also understood and understood all this in his heart, he just felt that if some situations happened, he really felt a little unbelievable.

This Yang Xuan is just a human being, and he was able to break into this nether world. He still doesn't know why he came here, and he doesn't know how he got here. Said.

"It seems that you really understand this truth, but you just need to know it in your heart. Naturally, there are rules in this nether world at this moment, and this place is so evil, and it is full of blood everywhere. You don’t want to have so many scenes anymore.”

"Because this place is a nether world, how could it be the same as the human world? Just think about it. There are two worlds at all, so the ghosts and ghosts here still have some souls and some elves. If they are really powerful, they can deal with them." Others, then there are not too many rules here."

"So if you are honest, don't make a fuss here, because this place is in this state. If it is really changed through such things, then it may not be what you think. It depends on how you decide. , I understand what you just said is very clear.".

Chapter 1339 Horror

After Yang Xuan heard this passage, he finally understood, it turned out to be like this, otherwise how could he know so much, but what is the problem at this moment, Yang Xuan is still not very clear.

But he felt that this nether world always looked weird, because this place was gloomy, it was a hell, such a scene was normal, and Yang Xuan knew it well.

Since this is the case, don't be so entangled all the time, so Yang Xuan also understands all this in his heart, but he just feels that if some things happen, of course he understands these reasons, so how can it be~ not sure.

He just felt that if some problems really changed, he certainly hoped that everything would have a good ending. Then Yang Xuan looked at everything in this netherworld, and he couldn't grow so much at all.

Because he had just entered this nether world, Yang Xuan couldn't fully understand what kind of scene it was.

So he just met Bai Ting Ghost Envoy, Yang Xuan will slowly explore the situation here, it is also a new change for him, Yang Xuan really does not want too many problems.

So he also understands that he doesn't want to have too many risks at all, but Yang Xuan will not be afraid of these dangers, and it is possible to raze this place to the ground with his ability, how could Yang Xuan think so much? ?

The ghost envoy Bai Ting looked at Yang Xuan and felt that he was always so calm, that he seemed to have no ups and downs, and that his lack of panic or panic in dealing with things proved his strong ability.

If he didn't have this ability, he would have been scared when he came to this nether world, how could he be so calm like this moment?

He understood in his heart, and even more so, he just felt that if some situation arises, Bai Ting Ghost Envoy has nothing to worry about. No matter what identity Yang Xuan is, he is not a villain.

He can't possibly hurt everyone, but Bai Ting Ghost Envoy still needs to explain something to him. After all, this place looks like this, and how much ability he has.

The ghost envoy Bai Ting already knew it, but he just felt that he couldn't get the vitality in him with his own ability, let alone him, even if it was King You, he couldn't get the spiritual power in Yang Xuan.

····Ask for flowers 0·

Then Bai Ting Ghost Envoy can see these reasons, so Yang Xuan is not in any danger in this nether world, but the danger is every creature they live in this nether world.

If Yang Xuan really launched an attack, their Nether World would be wiped out, and the Bai Ting Ghost Envoy could see it, so facing such a situation, how could he not understand the danger behind it.


So he doesn't want to get these things at the moment, Bai Ting ghost envoy just wants to live peacefully, so he knows it in his heart.

He said to Yang Xuan.

"You don't want to break the rules here, that's right, because the rules here have been like this for tens of thousands of years ago, and it is impossible to change that the people who come here are some **** souls, but after they die Some reincarnate from here, and if they don’t have the ability, they may die here.”

"All of this is possible, but it's not always like this. During this period of time, the Nether World is really much more stable, because everyone feels that it's okay to learn too much ability and get too much vitality from others. It worked." 1.

Chapter 1340 Drooling

"Because these creatures, no matter how powerful they become, it is impossible to leave this nether world."

"Unless you are reincarnated or reincarnated, you can enter another world, otherwise you will stay in this nether world forever. Some of these creatures, they know that they can't change so much, and they can't have Now that they have the chance to reincarnate, they won't go to "593" to destroy others, let alone hurt others."

After Bai Ting Ghost Envoy finished speaking, he also hoped that Yang Xuan could understand that there is no such rule in this netherworld.

So the weak can't survive, they are some souls who have entered this nether world, how could they have the chance to choose?

Bai Ting Ghost Envoy just hoped that Yang Xuan could understand all this and stop thinking about it, let alone think that this is a cruel rule.

Because this nether world is originally an evil place, how can it be as normal as the human world and the heavenly world?

Besides, the ghost envoy Bai Ting also felt a little unbelievable, Yang Xuan knew everything, but at this moment he was so confused that he had to imagine things.

There is no need to trouble yourself, Bai Ting Ghost Envoy said to Yang Xuan again.

"Because they got too much vitality, they can only stay here. They feel that there is no need for this. Their abilities have already reached a very strong level, so they don't want to continue to sublimate, so this is the world of the netherworld. It’s a rule, and everyone’s ideas are different, it depends on what kind of master you meet.”

"If everyone meets you, they will know that you are so powerful, and they all want to get the vitality in you, but they will be intimidated. Knowing that you are so powerful and capable, they dare not approach you, but they also think of the spiritual power in you. With these spirits."

"We will be salivating, and we all want to share you and turn you into a powerful ability in our body, because the souls here, any creatures here, they are so greedy, there is no way, you Don’t feel surprised either.”

Seeing Yang Xuan's eyes, Bai Ting's ghost envoy just felt that he had said so much, why does he still look like this?

Doesn't he know how dangerous it is for him to come to this netherworld? Bai Ting ghost envoy also thought why Yang Xuan didn't answer at this moment?

Looking melancholy, Bai Ting's ghost really feels incredible....

The ghost envoy Bai Ting really didn't know how to explain to Yang Xuan, he had already made it clear what he should say, he said to Yang Xuan.

"Because this nether world is such a cyclical law, it is completely different from the outside world. Otherwise, this place is not a nether world. How did you come here? Since you don't know clearly in your heart, I don't want to ask so many questions anymore, because there's no need for all this, and I'm always entangled in these things."

"As long as you don't hurt us by 0.1, it's fine, and you don't come here to destroy the Nether World, so you don't have any worries. I'm not so worried. After all, it's not easy for us to live freely in the Nether World."

"I really don't want to have too many worries, let alone too many dangers. We just want to find a place to live. This dark **** is also our home.".

Chapter 1341 Uncontrollable

Hearing these words now, Yang Xuan didn't want to be here anymore, he just flew forward and left here, and didn't want to hear his nonsense anymore.

At this moment Yang Xuan continued to walk forward, the nether world was indeed pitch black, Yang Xuan saw a shadow, and rushed out again.

Yang Xuan saw that since it was a ray of light and the blue shadow kept fluttering, it was an evil blue ghost.

Yang Xuan also didn't expect to encounter this blue elf by accident when he came to this nether world, and he didn't expect that it was also a kind of evil for him.

But it would take a lot of trouble for him to absorb the vitality of the blue elves, but Yang Xuan would never let him go like this.

Because of his existence, these evils can't be stopped, and Yang Xuan doesn't know how he came to this nether world by mistake.

It also made Yang Xuan feel very surprised. He felt that this nether world was full of evil, which made Yang Xuan a little out of breath.

Suddenly, he felt a kind of light that made him unable to open his eyes. This light was very dazzling.

Yang Xuan didn't know where it came from. Could it be that the blue elite did this on purpose? I didn't expect to meet the blue elves this time.

He didn't know if the blue elf was an evil parasitic beast. Seeing the darkness in the nether world really made Yang Xuan feel a sense of fear.

Because he knew that the spells in his body had never been used, it seemed that this time he must deal with the blue elves in this nether world.

Those who have never been able to let him stay here will always use this method to deal with the blue elves.

Otherwise, Yang Xuan must not be able to explain to the people around him in his heart, because he knew that his vitality was seriously injured.

Only through the vitality from the elves can he recover his mana, Yang Xuan already had such a plan in his heart.

But when they came to the elves and saw Yang Xuan in such a state, they were still unable to let Yang Xuan succeed in this way.

The two of them have been circling in the Nether World, and said to Yang Xuan.

"Who the **** are you? Why did you break into my world? It seems that you don't know how high the sky is and how thick the earth is, and you even show off your might in front of me. It seems that this time I must use my ability Show it in front of you, otherwise you won't leave this netherworld."

"It doesn't matter who I am. The most important thing is that you carry a kind of evil. If you want to find a way to put you to death, you must not escape in front of me, and I will not give you With such an opportunity, you have survived in this nether world for so long, and no one in 593 has dared to do anything to you."

Yang Xuan could only hear the voice of the blue elf, but never saw what he looked like, and felt that the entire nether world was pitch black.

There was no sign of the blue elf at all, Yang Xuan was suddenly helpless, but he would never let go like this.

Because he knew that this time he must stay in this nether world for a few days, and he must find the blue classic's hiding place.

It is impossible for him to escape in here, and Yang Xuan will not let him take out his palm, and now the blue elves are also afraid of Yang Xuan.

Chapter 1342 Helpless

Yang Xuan didn't expect that there was a kind of evil everywhere, which he didn't take into account at all, but Yang Xuan would feel very panic in his heart when he came to this nether world alone.

Be very careful and don't get caught by this white elf, because he is full of evil all over him.

Yang Xuan could also feel this breath on his body, and could always hear the blue elf's voice from a distance.

But Yang Xuan, who has never found this shadow, has been searching for a long time in the nether world following the sound, but he has never found anything.

I think the blue elves are a bit too strange, it's not as simple as Yang Xuan imagined, the moment Yang Xuan came to the nether world, he felt that he had no connection with the outside world at all.

It was so isolated from the world, he suddenly felt that his situation was very dangerous, and he felt that this nether world had always followed the rules.

Contrary to him in other places, Yang Xuan has always wanted to find a quiet place to retreat and practice.

I didn't expect to meet the blue elf in this nether world, and I didn't expect to have a narrow road with him.

They actually met in this nether world, Yang Xuan always felt inexplicable, why did he meet the blue elves here?

I have never seen clearly what is going on with his true face. Could it be that he is living in this nether world like air.

Yang Xuan felt that it was not what he imagined, and there must be new discoveries, after all, such a thing happened to Yang Xuan.

It is absolutely impossible for Yang Xuan to be so careless, otherwise, he does not know what danger will happen to him in the next moment.

Because he also felt very surprised to come to the nether world this time, and he didn't know what was going on with him.

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