"Well! Since Yang Xuan has no intention of joining the Heavenly Court, you should withdraw."

Feng Yu didn't even look at the giant spirit like a god.

Just send him away at will.

"Ah this..."

But the giant spirit god, it is impossible to leave like this.

But under the power of Fairy Fengyu, he didn't dare to rob Yang Xuan by force.

The same as the fairy **** level.

In fact, there is also a big gap.

He is the giant spirit god, but the lowest existence among the gods in the heaven.

The flying magic weapon controlled by him, the Dragon Bone Sky Boat, is also of the lowest rank.


The people from the Dao Palace actually projected over with the Gate of Creation.

Even projections.

Its grade is three grades higher than that of the giant spirit god.

The person who came was also the famous Phoenix Feather Fairy from the Taoist Palace.

"The Taoist palace actually attaches so much importance to Yang Xuan?"

"Although this Yang Xuan has an SSS rating, according to our understanding, if you upgrade the world, you can get an S rating. If the world upgrades in a good direction, the rating will be higher."

"So although the SSS-level evaluation is good, Yang Xuan's value to a big force is also limited."

"That's why the higher-ups sent me to recruit students, and they didn't make me care too much about Yang Xuan's thoughts."

"But why, the Taoist Palace is so grand."

For a moment, the giant spirit **** felt a little heavy.

He knew that Dao Palace would not happen for no reason.

Let this Fairy Fengyu come over to be in charge of recruiting students.

Yang Xuan's body.

There must be a more powerful secret that their Heavenly Court did not calculate.

Just when the Giant Spirit God was thinking of a solution.

Feng Yu spoke now.

"Yang Xuan, enter the Daoist Palace, directly under my door."

"For my true disciple of Creation College."

"I won't say much about the treatment or anything else. The opportunity for true spirit reincarnation is once a year for outer disciples, once every six months for inner disciples, and once a month for true disciples."

"And you, I can promise, as long as your true spirit is strong enough, you can do it once a week!"

"Your parents are also directly transferred to the Dao Palace for protection."

Feng Yu offered Yang Xuan a bargaining chip directly.

this treatment.

Even among the true disciples of the Taoist Palace, it is extremely rare.

Dao Gong is not someone who does not have the chance to reincarnate once a week, but those people are not ordinary people.

They are all direct bloodlines of the high-level Dao Palace.

Although Yang Xuan's parents used to be Shuncheng masters.

But to be honest, it is not as good as a transcendent force.

The two of them are not as good as the outer disciples of Dao Palace.

But Yang Xuan suddenly became a true biography.

It's just a step up to the sky.

Facing the invitation from Dao Palace.

Yang Xuan just thought about it for three seconds.

He took a deep breath and said loudly, "I do!"

After Fairy Fengyu heard that Yang Xuan agreed, a smile appeared on her face.

this smile.

It made many people look crazy.

But Yang Xuan already has the realm of spiritual manifestation.

His concentration is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary people.

Even low-level charm spells have no effect on him.

"Very good! We..."

Fairy Feng Yu grabbed Yang Xuan Kongkong and was about to take Yang Xuan away.




above the sky.

A huge golden light illuminated the entire sky.

Immediately afterwards.

A giant palm.

It directly blocked Fairy Fengyu and Yang Xuan's way.


"Little friend Yang Xuan has a destiny with my Spirit Mountain!"

"Little friend's Dharma injects the meaning of Buddha into every blood hole in the body, regards oneself as the Buddha's country, and the acupoints as Buddha's sons!"

"The moves of Tathagata God's Palm are very Buddha-like!"

"It is named after Tathagata, and it has opened up the latest practice method of the physical body of Buddhism."

"Why don't you join our Lingshan Mountain, and in the future, you will be blessed with a position in Buddhism."


Although the author works part-time, he is a man with manuscripts! ! !

However, the author's manuscript! It's going to be released!

Available Monday!

So, save the latest outbreak for Monday.

At that time, I will never think that I am so short and weak now! ! .

Chapter 55 Spirit Mountain, Mage Tower, Pantheon

The owner of the giant golden palm.

It is a golden arhat with a height of 100 meters.

Behind Luohan.

There are countless Buddha lights shining.

Every Dao Buddha light represents a Buddha.

A huge, boundless mountain phantom.

Also appeared behind the Buddha.

That is the Holy Land of Buddhism, Lingshan!

As soon as Arhat appeared, he explained his purpose of coming.

This person actually came to recruit students.

It's just that the location of the Buddhist gate is far away from Shuncheng.

So, he came a little late.

"Monk, leave!"

"Yang Xuan has already worshiped in my Dao Palace."

The floating dust in Fairy Fengyu's hand flickered.

The huge Buddha's palm that stopped them was pierced in an instant, and then turned into countless golden lights and disappeared into the air.

"Fairy Fengyu, please be safe and don't be impatient, I think little friend Yang Xuan doesn't know that our Buddhist sect is coming soon!"

"How about giving the little friend a chance to choose!"

But also at this time.

Another golden light flashed.

Then, a bodhisattva.

Actually rushed over in real body!

Buddhism actually sent two masters to recruit students.

The importance they attached to Yang Xuan was no less than that of Dao Palace.

But at this time, someone came again.

"Haha! Yang Xuan's spiritual power is extremely powerful, I think it's the best choice to enter my mage's sacred book."

After that Bodhisattva appeared.

An old voice mixed with an accent reappeared.

It turned out to be a crooked nut!

After this voice appeared.

There is also an illusory giant tower reaching the sky, which appears in the eyes of everyone.

Mage Tower!

One of the top forces in the Western practice system.

They even reached out to Yang Xuan!

Western Mage Tower.

He actually valued Yang Xuan too.

This surprised Yang Xuan himself.

However, he soon figured it out.

The realm of spiritual manifestation.

This should be the place that both the Buddhist gate and the mage tower value.

Psychic power includes spiritual power.

But it is above the spiritual power.

That is a kind of sublimation.

I got such power from the original world.

They definitely want to replicate that success.

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