He went out to hang out as usual, and this time he met people from Ouyang's family, and no one dared to trouble him anymore.

He just pretended not to see them, and Ye Qingxuan is not a troublemaker.

At this moment, a lot of men in black flew over from the mid-air and rushed towards this side, and the disciples of Ouyang's family immediately evacuated from this area.

They thought they were coming towards them, but they didn't expect that the person running was actually Ye Qingxuan, they immediately hid away, and they could see that the strength of these men in black was definitely above these people.

These people were all sent by the Feng family. They knew that Ye Qingxuan's cultivation level was only Tiangang, so they found some people whose cultivation base was higher than Tiangang, and there were so many people, they would definitely be able to deal with Ye Qingxuan.

They showed their strength, Wu Ya said to Ye Qingxuan, "Everyone is at the Yuan Dan level, so be careful."

There is a big gap between Ye Qingxuan and Ye Qingxuan.

You must know that each level has ten levels. Ye Qingxuan is Tiangang's fifth level of cultivation, and the guys who are coming to deal with him now are from Yuandan, which is a big difference from his cultivation base. It is obvious that their strength There is a lot of difference.

Ouyang's family is far away, and it's better to threaten these people to kill Ye Qingxuan with a look of watching the excitement?

The moment Ye Qingxuan summoned his aura, the strong white light shocked everyone, revealing the original color of the aura.

····Ask for flowers 0·

The dark green sword body, this sword body is very graceful, every time Ye Qingxuan holds this sword, it emits a white light that is very dazzling.

At first glance, it was a top-notch spiritual weapon. The last time I saw him holding a spiritual weapon, it was like broken iron, but this time it became so strong.


The skills he practiced before, through his own sword, are all at the full level, bursting out powerful energy.

Ye Qingxuan himself was shocked, at first he thought these exercises were too common and useless at all, but now it seems that the power exerted by his aura is really powerful.

Only now does Ye Qingxuan realize that the abilities are different, and the power they wield is also different.

He doesn't pay attention to these people, and these people deal with him together. His spirit weapon is indeed powerful, but his cultivation base is not that high.

He was indeed struggling, but these people wanted his life with swords and knives. He couldn't let himself stay here, or he wouldn't be able to complete the task of Reincarnation Tower.

Chapter 1245 The information is wrong and evacuate quickly

Although Ye Qingxuan's abilities are very powerful, facing so many people, it is impossible for him to eliminate them all together. His current strength has not yet reached that level.

After being seen here by the people of the Ye family, they immediately went back to ask for help. When Ye Liuyun appeared here, a sword flew towards this side. Before his people arrived here, the "three five seven" in his hand "The sword came out of his hand.

The people of Ouyang's family thought that they could see these people beheading Ye Qingxuan here, but they didn't expect that Ye Qingxuan had such a powerful spiritual weapon, and Ye Qingxuan hadn't shown his blood yet.

It's just that the spirit weapon in his hand has become more powerful. Ye Liuyun appeared at this time, and Ye Qingxuan didn't need to make a move at all. With Ye Liuyun's cultivation, the abilities of these people in front of him have just reached Yuan Dan.

They are nothing to him.

There are masters who appear and these people with Yuandan cultivation naturally know that they are not Ye Liuyun's opponents in front of them, so they evacuate immediately.

"The information is wrong, evacuate as soon as possible."

"Before I came here, I clearly said that Ye Qingxuan's cultivation is Tiangang, and the spirit weapon in his hand is not very good, but now it seems that his cultivation is indeed right."

"But the spirit weapon in this hand is very powerful, and Ye Liuyun of the Ye family appeared so fast, they had no chance to make a move. It is not so easy to kill the disciples of the Ye family near the Ye family."

They faded away very quickly, Ye Liuyun did not chase after them, turned to look at Ye Qingxuan and said, "Are you okay, these people are all masters of Yuandan cultivation."

"I'm fine."

"It's fine if it's okay."

Ye Liuyun saw the disciples of the Ouyang family in the corner, and they were watching the fun there. Did the Ouyang family have any good intentions?

"Fortunately, someone saw it this time. If no one saw it, I'm afraid you would have been recruited by those people long ago. It's better to go out as little as possible in the future."

This time Ye Qingxuan was miserable, he didn't even have the opportunity to go in and out freely, now he could only follow Ye Liuyun back to Ye's house in desperation.

"We will find a way to find out who did it to you. It's not safe during this period, so you can stay in Ye's courtyard with peace of mind. You are free to move around here, but you can't leave this area... ..”

Ye Qingxuan also said helplessly, "Understood."

Ye Qingxuan could only go back to his room. Now that his personal freedom was restricted, he summoned his own spiritual weapon.

Seeing that this very spiritual weapon exudes white light, but the fitness is dark green, which is really strange enough.

By the way, he hasn't given his sword a name yet, so he's wondering what kind of name he should give it?

Ye Qingxuan looked at the sword and said, "Before you caused me to smash you without any cultivation for two years, now that I think about it, I have to give you an ugly name, do you have any objection?"

The sword was suspended there 0.1 without moving, and without any reaction, Ye Qingxuan said, "You won't respond to me even if I tell you, it seems that the name thing is out of your hands."

Seeing that he didn't respond, Ye Qingxuan said, "Then why not call you Aurora Blade, what do you think? Seeing that your sword body is dark green but glows white, I think this name is very suitable for you.".

Chapter 1246 Nothing to do but practice

The white light of the Aurora Blade instantly spread out, which meant that he agreed with Ye Qingxuan's name.

Ye Qingxuan said, "My god, you still have a reaction. I thought you didn't have any reaction. It seems that you like this name very much, so I will call you Aurora Blade from now on. "

The Aurora Blade was spinning around Ye Qingxuan's body, drawing circles on it, Ye Qingxuan closed the word, and it returned to Ye Qingxuan's body in an instant.

"Hey! Not bad."

Ye Qingxuan's awakened 22 is the blood of Chiyan, but he didn't know that he inherited the blood of the **** king, and the blood of the **** king has not yet been activated.

Wu Ya actually knew it, he just didn't tell Ye Qingxuan, so let's take it as Ye Qingxuan has activated the blood left to him by his mother.

In fact, the bloodline of the **** king has not yet been activated, he can tell that Ye Qingxuan has the ability of dual bloodlines and possesses this pair of martial souls.

Trapped in Ye's house every day, he has nothing to do but practice. It seems that it is better to practice those sword skills more. Ye Qingxuan practiced his sword skills on the mountain every morning.

He found these from Ye Family's library, and some sword skills were given to him by Wu Ya. He has practiced from the low-level sword skills to the highest-level sky-level sword skills.

The reason why Ye Qingxuan can practice so fast is not because he has a one-click full level. It stands to reason that every disciple would not learn so many moves in a short period of time.

After all, it is not good for them to learn the next move without mastering it, and it is easy to confuse these moves.

But Ye Qingxuan is completely different. All the moves he practiced have reached the full level state. After learning the first step of each move, he quickly used his one-key full level to directly reach the level of this sword art. the pinnacle.

To say that he is really a genius, he can be seen walking into the library almost every once in a while, and every time he changes a book of exercises.

This made the person guarding here in Zangshu Pavilion feel very helpless. He shook his head. He thought that this disciple was too inattentive. Ben, if it goes on like this, he will end up with nothing.

When Ye Qingxuan continued to pick his skills here, this person walked towards this side, came over and said, "Have you mastered every one of your skills so frequently? If you continue like this, you won't know anything. "

Ye Qingxuan looked at the person in front of him. He had white hair, beard and eyebrows were already white, but he looked very kind. He knew that this was the person guarding the Ye family's library, and his cultivation base was very high.

"I'm very professional, I've already learned all these exercises, that's why I came here to choose other exercises.

Now I am locked up in Ye's house every day, and I have nothing to do, so I can only come here to choose exercises one by one to practice.

"Don't be too arrogant, kid. You have already learned every exercise. How is it possible? I was shocked to learn one exercise within three to five days."

Ye Qingxuan hasn't told him yet, how can it be three or five days, he can learn one book in a day or two, but those more difficult sky-level exercises, although the speed is not so fast, but it won't take long , it will never reach half a year, that is absolutely impossible. ".

Chapter 1247 Discovering the Bloodline Problem

During this period of time, Ye Qingxuan's cultivation has also improved a lot, from the original Tiangang to Yuandan.

The old man in front of him still didn't quite believe him and said, "How about this, show me a kung fu technique, and if you can really reach the full level, I will believe you."

Ye Qingxuan said, "Then you can just write one."

This is too confident, the old man doesn't know what to say with such a tone.

"Then don't say it's difficult, come and practice this exercise, and I'll see what you have mastered."

Ye Qingxuan looked indifferent, when the spiritual weapon in his hand appeared, the old man in front of him was shocked, this spiritual energy is so good, it is simply a top-grade spiritual weapon.

"Is this a spirit weapon you made yourself?"

Ye Qingxuan said, "Of course I made it myself. Could it be someone else made it? If not, I wouldn't be able to achieve what I am today."

"This spirit weapon is really good'.."

Ye Qingxuan began to show his skills. The moment he showed it, the old man in front of him was shocked. He thought he was just talking casually, but he didn't expect that what he said was true. The practice of this sword technique is flawless. There is no defect at all, it is simply impeccable.

Ye Qingxuan put away his exercises and said, "How about it, you should believe it this time."

"Hahaha! It's really the hope of the Ye family. In the future, the library of the Ye family will follow you around, and I will never stop you again."

"What's your name?"

"I'm Ye Qingxuan."

"You are the trash from the Ye family, who suddenly became a genius."

Ye Qingxuan nodded.

He also nodded in satisfaction.

He is only in the Library Pavilion and rarely goes out, so he is not clear about some things, which is normal.

But he can know that Ye Qingxuan is the waste of the Ye family, which is enough to prove how famous Ye Qingxuan is in the Ye family. When he was a waste before, it has spread throughout the Ye family.

Even the old man in Zangshu Pavilion already knew that he is a genius now, and this old man also knew that no matter whether he was a waste or a genius, he would cause a sensation in the entire Ye family.

It's no wonder that when I was a waste before, except for the disciples of the Ye family, all the four major families knew about it.

Later, I became a genius and now I know everything about it. At the beginning, no one knew about it. If it wasn't because of the Ouyang family, no one would know about it.

Ye Qingxuan didn't want to stay here to practice every day, although the task of coming here was indeed to open up his strongest bloodline, and to develop his own bloodline, to reach the strongest level, to become a real bloodline of the **** king.

"¨Alas? When he thought of this, he suddenly remembered that what he awakened didn't seem to be the blood of the God King, but it was obviously the blood of the Red Flame. What's going on?"

"Isn't it the reincarnation mission to achieve the strongest bloodline of the **** king? Why did he awaken the bloodline of Chiyan, and Ye Qingxuan also knows that each person can only awaken one bloodline, so he (a good king) can't complete the task of the reincarnation tower?" ?”

Thinking of this, Ye Qingxuan immediately became a little worried. If he couldn't complete the task of Reincarnation Tower, he wouldn't be able to go back. He didn't want to stay in this place forever.

He said from the bottom of his heart, "Wu Ya, what's going on?"

"It's not the bloodline of the God King that I awakened. If I hadn't suddenly remembered that I was awakening the bloodline of the Red Flame, I probably wouldn't have known that I hadn't awakened the bloodline of the God King."

Chapter 1248

Wu Ya also planned to hide this matter for the time being, since he had already found out, he could only speak out.

"Awakening a kind of bloodline, opening a kind of martial soul, what you are awakening now is the bloodline of Chiyan, and the martial spirit you activated is also the Chiyan bird."

"This Martial Soul is very powerful, and your God King bloodline has also been planted in your body, but it has not yet awakened."

Ye Qingxuan said, "Are you kidding me, isn't everyone able to awaken only one bloodline? If so, how can I awaken the bloodline of the God King?"

"Hahaha! You are right, everyone can awaken one bloodline, but there are often people who are different, and that person is you, because you have the ability to have two bloodlines."

"No, it's true or false."

"Do you 367 think I can still lie to you?"

Ye Qingxuan said, "I just can't believe it."

His communication with Wu Ya is all in his heart, so he looks like he is thinking about something while walking on the road.

He didn't even notice that Ye Yun came to him.

"Hey! What are you doing?"

"There is no response to such a loud voice, what's wrong with this guy?"

He patted Ye Qingxuan's arm heavily with his hand, Ye Qingxuan finally came back to his senses, looked at Ye Yun beside him and said, "What are you doing?"

"You can't blame me. I have called you many times. If I hadn't slapped you hard, you still haven't recovered."

"What are you thinking? So engrossed."

Ye Qingxuan started acting again.

"Hey! What can I think, if you are locked up in Ye's house for so long and can't go out, I wonder if you will be worse than me?"

"It's not all for your own good. Who made you the target of others now? But our family has sent people to investigate. Although we have been investigating for so long, we haven't found any clues. I think there should be some Let's raise your eyebrows a little bit."

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