At this time, Ye Feng said, "Ye Qingxuan, do you want to come over and have a try?"

Ye Qingxuan looked at it, the chess game was very simple, but he said, "Forget it, I don't know anything about chess."

Yun Dingtian said that this Ye Qingxuan is just a dude from the Ye family, he can't play chess, which is naturally as it should be.

It is also correct to say this, because Ye Qingxuan was indeed like this before, he was a spoiled playboy.

Everyone knows that he walks sideways in the Ye family, and no one has ever dared to bully him.

The main reason is that the Patriarch of the Ye family loves him very much and relies on him for everything.

But his talent has always been mediocre, without any waves.

Between us, we became the most talented in the entire Jiuyou, even surpassing the Yu Huatian of the Yu Clan, which shocked everyone.

All of a sudden, his fame became very famous, and it spread throughout all the families.

A very unremarkable disciple became a well-known disciple, and he also broke into his own prestige on the Tianmen (Qian Zhao).

Ye Qi said, "Isn't it just a chess game? So what, even Ye Qingxuan from our Ye family is better than you, a guy who has studied for ten years."

"Hahaha! You are simply ignorant, I don't believe it, do you think this can be obtained by talent?"


"If you are capable, let Ye Qingxuan learn and sell one for us to solve this chess game.".

Chapter 1158

That Mr. Yu stood there with a domineering look, but he was standing there watching the show, and he wanted to see how Ye Qingxuan would solve this matter.

Ye Qingxuan didn't want to get involved, especially that Yuhuatian.

"Since everyone is so talented, then I'll make a fool of myself. Which chess master is willing to give some advice."

"This game of chess is very simple, isn't it enough to tell you the rules of this game?"

Seeing that person repeating all the rules over and over again, Ye Qingxuan nodded again and again, did that guy understand clearly?

Before Ye Qingxuan could answer him, he continued, "I still can't hear clearly, don't you have a photographic memory? I think you should also remember what I said."

"Ye Qingxuan knew that he purposely spoke his 287 words so fast, but he didn't know that Ye Qingxuan knew chess very well, and he just pretended to save everyone's face, but he didn't expect them to tease him like this, so then Don't blame him for being rude."

Ye Qingxuan said, "Are you going to play against me? Or let me guess the ending."

"Let's skip the game. After all, you are just a beginner, so just try to guess the endgame."

Ye Qi said, "This thick-skinned guy, he can't guess the endgame himself, and let Ye Qingxuan guess."

Ye Shiwen said, "You stupid guy, who told you that Ye Qingxuan can learn it casually, if he loses, it will be the face of our Ye family, you idiot."

"I just can't stand how they bully Ye Qingxuan."

"Where did they bully Ye Qingxuan? Ye Qingxuan even said that he can't play chess anymore, but you have to say that Ye Qingxuan can learn it as soon as he learns."

Their eyes were fixed on the chessboard, Ye Qingxuan stimulated his spiritual power, and used **** to frighten him, like a sunspot on the chessboard.

The person in the distance is watching, because he made this chess game, and none of the disciples who came down here just now can break it.

He was also very helpless, just as he was about to turn around and leave and another scene happened again, he naturally stayed to watch the show, he thought about how this Ye Qingxuan couldn't play chess, how could he break his chess game, he didn't believe that he could just learn it Break his chess game (ccab).

Of course, he is also very clear that this Ye Qingxuan is the best disciple in Tianmen this time, so he also wants to see his performance.

The move of the first chess piece made everyone laugh at him, they all know how to play chess, knowing Ye Qingxuan, is this a dead move?

"He said he can't play chess, so what do you want to compare with him?"

"Ye Qi from the Ye family said it himself, what does it have to do with me that Ye Qingxuan has such abilities?"

Yu Huatian also felt that Ye Qingxuan's move was a dead move, he didn't think Ye Qingxuan had the ability to break the mess in front of him.

But Ye Qingxuan's first step made that person not calm down, he knew that this was a move to die, and ordinary people would not dare to take this move.

"How is it possible? Could it be that he, a beginner, can break my chess game, or is he acting recklessly?"

"When he was a little surprised, he decided to continue watching. When the spiritual weapon on Ye Qingxuan's finger moved again, there was still no change, and it still looked like he was about to die."

Every time Ye Qingxuan moves a chess piece, the chess piece of another color will move by itself, so don't worry, there will be no change.

But the moment the second chess piece fell, Yu Huatian's expression changed.

Chapter 1159 The Endgame Has Changed

Could it be that this Ye Qingxuan knew how to solve this mess, his eyes were fixed on the chessboard, and the expression on his face became serious.

Others didn't feel anything yet, thinking that Ye Qingxuan just acted indiscriminately, the two moves he made were all dead moves, only Yu Huatian saw that this was a dead end and a second life.

He didn't feel anything in the first step, but he could see it immediately in the second step. He still has a certain talent, and the person standing on it didn't expect that someone could break his opportunity. This opportunity is here It has been placed for more than one hundred years~.

His gaze was also fixed on this side, and the others stopped laughing, and they all watched Ye Qingxuan quietly there, spreading the spiritual power on his fingertips for the first time, and waving the pieces on the chessboard again. The moment the three pawns fell, the endgame changed, unexpectedly reversed.

There is a tendency to reverse, Ye Qi and the others are all good at playing chess, so they can tell, "No way, this chess game was solved by Ye Qingxuan just like that."

Ye Qi said, "I've said it all, you just don't believe Ye Qingxuan has this ability, believe me this time."

Ye Shiwen said, "Isn't it possible that you broke the chess game with a random puff?"

"It's hard to say, because Ye Qingxuan has already said that he can't play chess anymore. If he can break the game with a random move, he is really a genius. It would be too coincidental."

The chess piece fell quickly, getting faster and faster step by step, and finally Ye Qingxuan got the end game.

The people next to him were shocked instantly. They have been here for a long time to solve this endgame, but Ye Qingxuan, who can't play chess, solved it. This is too unbelievable.

Ye Qi said, "How is it? Did you lose this time?"

"It's just a coincidence. I don't believe that a person who can't play chess can break this mess. How is it possible?"

"I know you must be unconvinced."

The person above didn't expect that he closed the fan in his hand, turned around and left, and let such a young disciple break through the 100-year-old mess.

"Interesting! Interesting!"

The chess game on the chessboard changed the next day, it was no longer the endgame of yesterday, and a new game was changed.

The disciples who came back from their practice saw that the game on the chessboard had changed, but they didn't expect it to be another endgame, and they still couldn't solve it. In fact, they were here for entertainment, so they came to solve this endgame.

····Ask for flowers 0·

"Isn't Ye Qingxuan of your Ye family very capable? If he has the ability to let him solve this mess again, we believe that everything yesterday was not a coincidence."

Yu Huatian, looking at these stupid guys, how could that Ye Qingxuan be self-defeating? He clearly had a very clear mind, and there was no such thing as a coincidence that could solve an endgame.


This time he wasn't here to join in the fun with them, he turned around and left.

Ye Qi said, "Ye Qingxuan doesn't have time to pay attention to you now, he might be busy somewhere, you can play here and take your time, leave."

It's true that Ye Qingxuan really didn't show up. Of course, apart from Ye Qingxuan, some of the other disciples didn't show up here either. Maybe they were resting in the room, or maybe they were busy with their own cultivation.

Ye Qingxuan's kung fu is indeed not here at the moment, he went back to his room after walking down from the cliff.

He came to the pendant around his neck.

Chapter 1160 Looking for Blood Spirit Grass

Ye Qingxuan looked at Master Yuhua sitting there, his figure looked much clearer, it seems that absorbing the spiritual power here is indeed of great help to Master Yuhua.

Master Yuhua sensed Ye Qingxuan coming in, and slowly opened his eyes.

"I've noticed your progress during this time, do you want to come in and practice that exercise?"

"Master, of course I came to "290" to see you. I know that you have consumed a lot of your spiritual energy for me. I am here to see if your old man has recovered."

"You kid, you still have some conscience."

"You are my master, how could I not care about you?"

"Now that I have recovered part of it, I can teach you how to practice Tianxuan Leipo."

"Isn't Tianxuan Leipo one who can't practice unless his cultivation reaches a certain level? And he must have a strong bloodline."

"You are about to reach the Xuanwu Realm now."

"But is the problem of bloodline not resolved? This is a trivial matter for me. Your Jiuyou clan originally had a strong bloodline, but recently, none of the Jiuyou clan's disciples have opened their bloodline. It's really a defeat for you."

"Although your talent is indeed good, if you compare it with that Yu Huatian of the Yu clan, he is the one who opened the blood of the Yu clan. He is not as good as you now, but after his cultivation base is high, he can completely pass his blood pressure." hold you."

"The reason why I chose you is also because you brat is very talented, and it is indeed possible to open the blood of Jiuyou."

Ye Qingxuan said, "Master, how can I open my blood?"

"Among the mountains above Tianmen, there is an extremely precious blood spirit grass. As long as you bring it back, I will have the ability to help you open the Jiuyou bloodline."

"The blood spirit grass is just above the peak of Tianmen, so there must be a place for it."

"No one is exactly this kind of herb, you just do what I tell you."

I saw him just waving the grass and it appeared there.

Ye Qingxuan had already remembered the appearance of the blood spirit grass, and he returned to his body.

It was very late at this time, all the disciples went to rest, but Ye Qingxuan just sat up, he walked outside, and saw the chess game again when he passed the lotus pond, but found that the chess game had changed ....

Although it is night now, above the Tianmen Gate, the moonlight actually illuminates the place brightly. Although it is a bit dim, the chess game on the chessboard can still be seen clearly.

A faint smile appeared on Ye Qingxuan's face. After he stretched out **** to move one of the chess pieces, he untied the chessboard step by step.

Then he turned and left, walking towards the top of the mountain.

He was looking for blood spirit grass among the mountain peaks, and through the bright moonlight, he could vaguely see the shape of these grasses.

At this time, he found a 0.1 faint red light appeared on the other side, and he walked towards it. There was a faint red light on the grass, which was the same shape as the master showed him. Could this be the legend? blood spirit grass.

Ye Qingxuan put the grass in his pocket, then strode away and returned to his room.

Real person Yuhua said, "That's right, it's this grass, it only emits this red light at night.".

Chapter 1161

Ye Qingxuan said, "Then what should I do next?"

"Raise your cultivation level to the Xuanwu realm, so that your spiritual power will follow. Refining this herb into a elixir and taking it, then I will teach you how to activate your own meridians."

Ye Qingxuan nodded, but it was getting late now, and he had to rest, so he immediately went to the bed and lay down, but fell asleep in a blink of an eye.

The next day, I came to the bamboo forest and began to practice.

All 22 people are practicing their own skills, and Ye Qingxuan is naturally practicing the Frozen Ten Thousand Miles Jue.

He didn't succeed in cultivating the first level yesterday. He knew that he wanted to cultivate to the first level in a short period of time.

But he has achieved a little bit, because his sword energy can make the branches and leaves in front of him form a layer of white frost.

Ye Qingxuan continued to swing his Bingning Sword, and gradually the white layer of glacier turned into ice cubes.

His spirit weapon was originally an ice-type spirit weapon, and this book Frozen Ten Thousand Miles is very suitable for him to cultivate, so he chose the right method for this exercise, and the most satisfying one is the heavenly book, because the heavenly book did not expect Ye Qingxuan to be able to practice it. Choose a book that suits you so well.

Although he does not have the ability to cultivate Tianlei Xuanpo now, but I believe that when he activates his blood, he will be able to cultivate Tianlei Xuanpo.

Seeing that Ye Qingxuan was about to reach the first level, other disciples were also practicing their own skills. If they didn't understand, they would ask the Heavenly Book, and the Heavenly Book would give them answers one by one, but he found that Ye Qingxuan was practicing swordsmanship Time flows smoothly.

"It's a pity that he didn't activate his bloodline prematurely. If he had the bloodline of Jiuyou, he would be a good disciple."

"I wish he could activate his bloodline earlier, so that his talent can make the most of it."

This is a disciple of Tianshu, he naturally hopes that his disciple will win the duel, although he knows that Ye Qingxuan's talent is great, but he also knows that Yuhuatian has a powerful ability, and what he returns now is Mingming.

If his cultivation was higher than Ye Qingxuan's, or if both of them had reached a certain level of cultivation, Ye Qingxuan would definitely not be his opponent that day, after all, he had the powerful blood of the Yu clan.

He led Jiuyou's disciples, and none of Jiuyou's disciples had Jiuyou's bloodline. Last time, there were two Jiuyou's disciples who had Jiuyou's bloodline. This time, none of Yiren had bloodlines.

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