Chapter 953 Delivery Mission

Feiying said, "It's really thanks to you this time. Without you, we would have failed, and we might have been killed by this guy."

Ye Qingxuan said, "Where is it? Although I also contributed, the most important thing is that we all work together. If I was the only one, I would not have such ability."

Feiying didn't expect the young man in front of him to be so humble. He knew very well that the children of the rich families here, all rely on the cultivation base accumulated by crystal stones, and they are extremely arrogant.

Ye Qingxuan can have such cultivation at such a young age, and he is so humble. Those who came to the Wilderness from other places, their minimum cultivation has reached the Xuanshen level.

The poor and the rich can be seen at a glance here, because most of the people here wear linen and coarse clothes, while those rich children from rich families wear different clothes.

Although they are wearing the same fabric as Ye Qingxuan and the others outside, but if the clothes in the wild land are completely different from theirs, you can still tell where they are from at a glance.

Ye Qingxuan took out his own elixir, this is the best (ccab) healing elixir, the purity has reached tenth level, maybe it is more useful for people like them, although Ye Qingxuan just met them, but these people's Ye Qingxuan's enthusiasm was enough to move him, otherwise he wouldn't have given them his healing pill.

When he took out these pills, Flying Eagle was a little embarrassed, after all, they didn't have such a deep connection.

Lei Hu said, "This healing elixir is very expensive, and it can be seen that your elixir is very pure."

Ye Qingxuan said, "Why are you being polite? Don't tell me you don't consider me a friend?"

"This, of course, treats you as a friend."

"Then take it."

Lei Hu still took these pills, and he took them all. After taking them, they didn't expect the effect to be so good, the purity is so high.

These mercenaries knew very well that high-purity pills were very expensive here, and the pills they used were all grade six to seven grade pills.

The healing pills in Ye Qingxuan's hands are all of level ten.

They quickly brought back the stone tiger beast. Of course, they also saw that they had suffered heavy losses, but the mission was considered complete. After they delivered the sign to the mission hall, they got five thousand crystals.

And Feiying also handed over the stone tiger beast to them, Feiying walked towards Ye Qingxuan and the others and said, "You have indeed helped us a lot this time, and there are so many pills, so you can use the five thousand spar Take them all."

Ye Qingxuan didn't expect that the members of the Flying Eagle team and their entire team would be so honest, and their hearts were not bad. He smiled and said, "This is your task, reward me for what I do with him. Generally speaking, I also want to thank you." You, because I am not familiar with everything here, if not for you, how could I know so many things."

Water Margin and the others insisted that Ye Qingxuan keep it, but Ye Qingxuan didn't tell Ye Qingxuan, "You're welcome."

They were indeed a little too embarrassed, because they only met Ye Qingxuan for the first time today, and they just said a few words to him casually, let him help them complete the task, and gave them so many healing pills.

Chapter 954

Feiying said, "Are you really not going to do missions with us?"

"Of course I can do the task with you, but I will never talk about the spar of today's task. After all, I just came here to learn today, so it is my reward for learning with you."

Ye Qingxuan continued, "But the next time we do a mission together, I will get a share."

"Hahaha! Well, as you said, we don't have ink marks anymore."

Lei Hu said, "Where do you live?"

Ye Qingxuan said, "I didn't have any place to stay when I first arrived, so I stayed in the inn over there."

"It's easy to handle. You can move in and live with us. We live in the courtyard over there. The courtyard is very big and there are many rooms."

Ye Qingxuan thinks this is a good idea, if he stays with this mercenary group, maybe he will know more about this place.

Manhuang is a very big place, and this is just a small corner of it. Bai moved back here from the inn. Of course, it was Lei Hu who personally followed him to pick up the luggage. I understand, so when Lei Hu walked in, he was being polite, and his attitude was different from Ye Qingxuan's when he came here.

Ye Qingxuan moved to the residence of the mercenary regiment, and there is Yiren who came here, he is Lin Feng, Lin Feng has not arrived here yet, he is walking in the endless desert, if he wants to get here, he has to take one step at a time go-come over.

He is not as powerful as Ye Qingxuan. Ye Qingxuan's snow spirit and fire spirit abilities are enough to allow him to pass through the desert at a very fast speed without suffering at all.

The most important thing is that he also has a full-level special skill, which can make him very fast. Using this skill together with the pair of ice and fire wings, he can certainly cross the desert at an extremely fast speed , but Lin Feng couldn't do it, he could only walk little by little.

This place is quite special, no matter if it is a monster or a flying beast, it is impossible to pass through, only you walk over step by step, or you have some special skills, and rush over at an extremely fast speed.

Therefore, people whose abilities cannot reach the level of the Profound God really cannot come to this barren land.

····Ask for flowers 0·

Lin Feng has now reached the Haotian level, so he can use his spiritual power to survive the hot weather, but his walking speed is a little slower.

Ye Qingxuan came to the large courtyard of the mercenary group. Although the place is not that big, it is indeed spacious enough, and there are many rooms.

Lei Hu said, "There are many yards like this in this area, but our yard is relatively small."


Ye Qingxuan said, "A courtyard like this must consume a lot of crystals."

"That's right, just such a small courtyard needs to consume 500,000 crystals to obtain it."

Ye Qingxuan knew very well that the 5,000 spars they obtained were all so laborious. This is 500,000 spars. How many tasks do they need to do to accumulate enough?

But he didn't say anything, Lei Hu took him to a room, the room was clean and tidy, he said to Ye Qingxuan, "This will be your room from now on, what do you think? If you need anything, just tell me Say, I'll go buy it for you now."

"No need, I don't need anything, I have brought it with me." One.

Chapter 955 Lin Feng Comes to the Wilderness

"So you have a storage ring."

Ye Qingxuan said, "Well, that's right, I have a storage ring, don't you have one?"

"There are only a few people in our entire mercenary group who have storage rings, but they are very precious. It takes a lot of crystals to exchange for the storage rings that are less than one square meter for the few of them injured."

"Then this is for you. "057" is about ten square meters. I think it should be enough for you."

Lei Hu looked at Ye Qingxuan and said, "No, no, how can this work? This storage ring is so precious, how could you give it to me casually? What's more, a storage ring with only one square meter is so expensive. Precious, the storage ring you gave me is ten square meters."

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "It's useless, he took that ring and put it on Lei Hu's injured ring in an instant. Once it appeared on his finger, he immediately bit his finger and disappeared, becoming his contract ring."

Lei Hu said, "Did you really give me this ring?"

"Can it still be fake? I said I will give it to you, and it will be given to you."

"What is your identity? This ring is very precious. If it weren't for the son of a rich family, he would never have such a powerful ring."

Wuhen who was sitting on the side said, "I think that Ye Qingxuan's identity must be very special. His cultivation base has already reached the Xuanshen level at such a young age, which is enough to prove how talented he is."

Lei Hu said, "It doesn't matter who he is, as long as he is in this wild place, he is our friend."

Based on the location of their mercenary group, it can be concluded that they are actually not having a good time here. With their strength, they can only accept some small tasks. Only large mercenary groups, those with relatively high cultivation Able to take on advanced tasks.

On the other side, Lin Feng had already crossed the desert and arrived at the barren land. This guy was also sweating profusely from the heat, but he managed to pass through the desert land in front of him.

After entering the wild land, he still had a smile on his face, he knew that Ye Qingxuan came to this place, as long as he was here, he would be able to find that brat, no matter what, he must get the magic sword.

Lin Feng still has some doubts now, he is wondering if that stinky boy has such a high level of cultivation at such a young age, whether it has something to do with the magic sword, because he himself has also been promoted to the Haotian level through the magic sword, otherwise he would don't think so anymore....

Lin Feng was really tired and hungry when he came here. He didn't want to eat any of the dry pancakes in his storage ring, so the first thing he did when he arrived here was to find a tavern to sit down and have a big meal.

This guy has always pinned the belt of the master craftsman to his waist. Although this is a wild place, master craftsmen are also very popular here.

At this time, there were two strong men, and the two of them were sitting next to Lin Feng's table. When they saw the man next to him and his clothes, they knew that he was not from the wild land, but they didn't see his waist. waist card.

One of them, 0.1, stood up and said, "Oh, you must have come from outside."

Lin Feng smiled and said, "So what?"

I saw that person rubbing his nose, and then said, "It's not that good, it's just that you have to pay a protection fee when you come here, and get 10,000 crystals first, otherwise you don't want to hang around here.".

Chapter 956

The other person sitting here saw the other badge on Lin Feng's waist, the Master of Artifact Refining. These two people must have not seen that badge, or they would not have dared to say so.

"Do I need the protection of the two of you for the protection fee? The two of you are nothing but trash, get the **** out of here, and don't lose my character."

Hearing that the person in front of him actually said this, Lin Feng didn't want to pay attention to these two people at all. After he said this, he started to eat in big mouthfuls, looking at him like he hasn't eaten for a long time.

But the person talking to him was very angry. He didn't expect this person to be so arrogant. At this moment, he smashed the table with his palm, and the food on the table was scattered all over the floor. This made Lin Feng angry, but he didn't wait for him to make a move At that time, the person behind him kicked that person flying.

"Who dares to be so arrogant here."

The person sitting there immediately stood up and said, "You dare to meddle in other people's business, I think you are impatient."

The finger he stretched out was caught by that person in an instant, and he snapped it upwards hard, and with a click, the finger was snapped off, causing him to scream in pain.

"Hurry up and get out, don't you really want to die?"

The two left the place in a frenzy, and the person in front of him said, "Are you okay? Do this side, and the other side is like that, and put all the dishes he ordered just now on the top."

Lin Feng smiled, but he didn't say anything, "Sit down on his desk."

"Under Lin Feng, thank you, young master, for helping me just now."

"It's nothing to worry about. I think you are also a newcomer to the barren land. You probably don't have a place to stay. If you don't dislike it, you can go to your house."

"It's not very good."

"It's okay, just live in my house. Anyway, there are plenty of rooms here, so you can be idle if you are idle."

"Then respect is worse than obedience, anyway, I have nowhere to go."

Although this person has no expression on his face, he is very sinister in his heart. The main reason why he would help Lin Feng so kindly is because he saw the badge on his waist?

The person in front of them is a master craftsman, and the demon card that looks at him should be a master craftsman, which is only beneficial to them, not harmful.

And this master craftsman was respected here.

Lin Feng was still eating voraciously. At this time, he said, "This brother seems to have not eaten for a long time."

"Hahahaha, to tell you the truth, before the knight came here, I also brought some food 057 in my ring, but those foods are really not to my liking, I would rather go hungry than eat, anyway, I will arrive here soon , it’s not too late to eat, and I don’t want to wrong my stomach.”

"It turned out to be like this."

"I haven't introduced myself to you yet. My surname is Chen, and my single name is Dong."

Lin Feng himself is not stupid, he is also very scheming, this guy helped him for no reason, either because he saw the sign on his waist, or for other purposes, he did not believe that in this world There will be so many good people.

After eating and drinking here, Chen Dong took Lin Feng and the others to the Chen Mansion.

Chapter 957 Entering the Chen Mansion

"You are new here, and you are not familiar with the wild land. I can help you."

"Look at this place is a must pass to enter the wilderness. Although the wilderness is very large, basically all people who come to the wilderness will arrive here."

"Don't look at this as a wild frontier, but it's also very lively."

The two of them walked in front of a big sign, and the word Chen Mansion was written on the gate.

"I will live here, please."

This house is indeed very big. Even on the Xuanxin Continent, ordinary people cannot live in such a big house, so Chen Feng can guess that this guy must have a special identity.

He was very polite to Lin Feng, and ordered someone to arrange a good room for him, "It must be very tiring after driving all the way, I have asked people to put water for you in the bath and prepare the clothes here, you can rest one time."

Lin Feng smiled and said, "Then I'm sorry, since I have chosen to come here, I won't be polite to you."

Lin Feng returned to the room he had arranged, and took a shower and changed clothes. The clothes here are completely different from the clothes outside, so anyone who walks in here from the outside can recognize them at a glance.

He doesn't think about anything now, he just wants to sleep comfortably, no matter what this person has in mind, anyway, he doesn't have any plans now.

So he didn't care too much, and just fell asleep here, instead of reporting everything to the young master after his servant walked out.

"Then let him have a good rest and don't bother him."

When Ye Qingxuan came to this mercenary group, he found that all the people in this mercenary group were like Lei Hu, very simple and honest, very honest, and there was no one with a scheming heart.

At this time, Feiying said, "Let's go, let's go to the mission hall now."

Lei Hu said, "Do you want to go or stay here?"

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "I just came to get familiar with the environment here, so of course I went with you."

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