The room they lived in was a multi-person room, so it was just right for several people to sleep in one room.

Those people all lay down, and Ye Qingxuan also sat on his bed. This time, he didn't sit cross-legged, but lay on the bed, and entered the ancient jade in the next second.

Ye Qingxuan said to Wanhuangzong, "Lin Feng has already followed, that old guy didn't do too much harm to us during the war."

"He followed you here just to know if the magic sword is on your body. I'm afraid he already knows about Gu Yu, but he just doesn't know if he knows about my existence."

"Does he know? I'm not too sure, but so far he doesn't dare to show his true colors, but wears a black robe and a mask."

"¨¨What's the use of this? It's clearly deception. Even if he hides his identity here, he must expose it when he enters here. Otherwise, he won't be able to enter the Zhenwu Continent."

Ye Qingxuan is now continuing his medicine refining technique. The last time he practiced was Qi training technique, this time he started to practice medicine refining technique, and his level of alchemist is getting higher and higher.

When the pharmacist reaches the seventh level, he can find gas for his master, and Ye Qingxuan has reached the sixth level now, but so far he doesn't have a better body, so he can only wait. As for those precious Wanhuangzong has already prepared the herbal medicine.

That old guy next door didn't stop all night, but Ye Qingxuan and the others slept very soundly, because did he drink croton water? So going back and forth to the hut is not easy.

Chapter 923

He didn't know what he had eaten wrong, could it be that there was something wrong with the water? He checked it, but he didn't expect that there were crotons in the water. He was still a master, and he didn't even know that crotons had been dropped into the water.

"Who actually dares to play tricks on this old man?"

He didn't know who did it, but it must not have been done by the waiter of this shop. They didn't dare to do such a thing. It was obvious that someone was teasing him. When he opened the door and walked out, It turned out that the person on the opposite side was the one who had contested with him yesterday.

Could it be that he 023 did it? His cultivation is superior to his own. He is not his opponent now, but seeing this guy, he has no choice but to leave.

Because he knew that if he stayed here again, it would be very bad for him. Although he was not feeling well right now, he still left here with great strides.

Lin Feng was too lazy to chase them. He knew Ye Qingxuan and the others were coming this way, so he came here. He didn't want to chase this old guy. He didn't pay attention to him when he saw him striding away. I know the identity of this person, but I know that he came from the Xuanwu Continent (ccab).

After the guy left here, he found that Lin Feng hadn't followed, and he was relieved. He couldn't believe that such a master would give himself a chin, which made him very angry.

He walked into a pill shop, bought a little medicine casually, after taking it, he finally felt much better.

It's not easy to find Ye Qingxuan and those brats here, he will never give them any chance when we meet next time, you must know that he has been out for a long time, and he still hasn't killed that brat Ye Qingxuan.

So what if a few other people know about it? The most important thing is to kill Ye Qingxuan and say, as long as that brat is killed, what is there to be proud of in the Ye family?

The patriarch of the Bai family is also very worried, because the elder has been away for a long time and has not come back. What is going on?

"Could the patriarch be that brat? Now the elders in the college have no choice but to wait outside."

"I hope it looks like this. Haven't you heard that everyone is looking for the whereabouts of the magic sword, and that Lin Feng and his master are going to refine the magic sword?"

"I've also heard about this matter, so many disciples of Chongwu Academy have already gone out to find the whereabouts of the magic sword. Do you mean that Ye Qingxuan and his disciples have also gone out? Could it be that the elders are following them now? ?”

"I don't know where Ye Qingxuan and his disciples have gone, but the elders must have followed them, but I don't know if they have taken action now."

"I think it would be easy to kill that Ye Qingxuan with the strength of an elder, so the team leader should not worry."

In fact, Ye Qingxuan had paid attention to this old guy at the beginning, but he was really too old, his master is now many times more handsome than him, how could he find such an old guy? So he is not satisfied with this body.

That guy left and the other person who left at the same time was Lin Feng. Lin Feng knew where Ye Qingxuan and the others were going, so he was walking towards that place now, and Ye Qingxuan and the others saw that these two people had left and a few people also packed up and prepared to leave here Head towards the college.

Chapter 924 No clue

Lin Feng had indeed arrived here, but he didn't see any trace of Ye Qingxuan and the others. He thought that he hadn't arrived yet, so he found a random place and sat down. This is an attic, and he sat on the third floor. From here, you can see all the conditions ahead, including everything in front of this college.

At this time, he finally saw Ye Qingxuan and the others appearing here, and saw that they walked up directly, and then clasped their hands together. He didn't need to think about it, it should be to inquire about the whereabouts of the magic sword.

Lin Feng looked at Ye Qingxuan standing there motionless, he knew it, because Ye Qingxuan knew that the magic sword was with him, how could he still ask?

Ye Wuxuan stepped forward and said, "I am a disciple of Chongwu Academy, I have something to ask."

The disciple immediately went in to report. At this time, two instructors came out to greet him. They wanted to invite Ye Qingxuan and the others in, but Ye Qingxuan and the others said, "I just have a few things to ask so I won't bother you."

"What's the matter? Let you come here to ask."

At this time, Ye Wuxuan stepped forward and said, "It's about the magic sword. May I ask if there is any news about the magic sword here, because Lin Feng and his master are going to refine the magic sword, so they are now looking for the whereabouts of the magic sword. "

"It turned out to be this matter. It has been a long time since the whereabouts of the magic sword appeared. To be honest, no one in the whole place knows the whereabouts of the magic sword."

Ye Wuxuan and the others didn't expect that they didn't even know about this college, so where would they go to find out?

What the academy doesn't know, other people may not know, so this time their path is really - it's not easy.

"Refining magic swordsmen, for the sake of the common people in the world, our academy will definitely help you with this matter, how about this, I will also send some disciples to help you find out the whereabouts of the magic sword."

"Then thank you."

Ye Qingxuan and the others left here, and this mentor indeed sent some disciples to inquire about the whereabouts of the magic sword, and he was very concerned about this matter. After all, refining the magic sword is such a big event, how could they not support it fully?

After they left here, Ye Wuxuan said to Ye Qingxuan, "Even if they don't know about it, I'm afraid no one within a few miles will know about it."

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "We only came out to inquire about the news. If we don't have any information, we can go back. Besides, we didn't say that we have to inquire about it before we can go back."

····Ask for flowers 0·

"Hey hey! It makes sense, this magic sword has disappeared for so long, who would know his whereabouts? This Lin Feng is looking for the magic sword everywhere, but we haven't seen the shadow of the Wanhuangzong."

"Who knows whether what Lin Feng said is true or not? His master has been traveling for so long and hasn't come back. How could he come back right after he said it?"

Ye Qingxuan knew for a long time that he killed his master, but he didn't say it out loud, because he didn't have any evidence, he couldn't possibly show everyone the Wanhuangzong from the ancient jade.

The reason why Wanhuangzong stayed in the ancient jade was not because he couldn't get out anymore, because he only had a wisp of spiritual consciousness left. If he walked out of the ancient jade, even the last wisp of spiritual consciousness would be gone. will dissipate.

A few people decided to go to other places to inquire again. If they couldn't find out, they could only return to Chongwu College.

No news was found in the academy, so they can only leave here now.

Chapter 925 Go All Out

When they left here, they met that old guy again, he really didn't give up, he would never give up until he killed Ye Qingxuan, this time when he met Ye Qingxuan again, he would not hold back at all.

Without saying a word of nonsense, he flew over directly. The person he was running towards was actually someone else. Ye Qingxuan pushed Ye Wuxuan away with a palm, and then a mountain body also dodged his attack, followed by his Qiankun Sword In an instant, "Zero Two Seven" appeared.

Ye Qingxuan said, "Are you finished yet?"

"I won't give up until I kill you brat."

Ye Qingxuan said loudly to the people behind him, "Hurry up and hide, don't be hurt by this guy."

"This time you can't even take care of yourself, and you still have a chance to take care of them."

Ye Wuxuan and the others knew that Ye Qingxuan was definitely not his opponent, but they were even more annihilated, because Ye Qingxuan's cultivation base is now the highest one.

They knew that the only thing they could do was to retreat, so as not to cause trouble to Ye Qingxuan, so these people kept retreating, and after reaching a safe distance, they squatted on the other side to check the situation here.

Ye Wuxuan said, "It's a pity that the few of us are too weak, otherwise we will definitely kill this elder of the Bai family."

Jiugu said, "Now Ye Qingxuan may not be his opponent, I'm afraid we will be more or less lucky this time."

Focusing his eyes on the front, watching the energy of the Qiankun sword in Ye Qingxuan's hand, the more and more powerful full-level skills are being used in his hands to the fullest.

Ye Qingxuan knew that this was a critical moment, if he had left behind, he might even lose his life.

In the next second, Ye Qingxuan's back showed four wings, two pairs of fiery red and two pairs of ice crystal, and the scene in front of them shocked these people instantly.

Some of them rubbed their eyes, and some pinched themselves, unable to believe the scene in front of them was real, "What's that on Ye Qingxuan's back? A pair of fiery red and a pair of ice crystal."

Situ Haoran looked at the scene in front of him, he was also very shocked, at this moment he said, "I have never seen such a situation."

Even this old guy didn't expect that four wings would appear on Ye Qingxuan's back.

The old guy said, "Could it be that you stinky boy swallowed the spirit of fire and the spirit of fire."

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "So what, isn't there someone in this world who can do it?"

The elders of the Bai family knew that the person Ye Qingxuan was referring to was none other than Wanhuangzong...

"Just because you can compare with him? He is a craftsman and a pharmacist."

"I didn't say I wanted to compete with him, but it's not so easy for you to kill me today. It's not certain who will win."

"You brat is so arrogant, no matter how talented you are, I am a master at the Xuankun level."

"Crazy or not, you'll know after a while."

Ye Qingxuan didn't hold back his hands at this time, the heavenly burning formula he had practiced exploded from his body in an instant, his whole body was like a raging fire burning, and every time he swung the skills he played were also fiery red.

The level 0.1 skill in front of him is already at the full level, so the power of Instant Burning Jue burst out instantly. Although this guy is a Xuankun-level master, Ye Qingxuan has also entered the Xuanshen level.

"You have actually broken through to the Profound God level."

When Ye Wuxuan and Ye Fengxuan heard it, they were instantly shocked, breaking through to the Xuanshen level, how is this possible? Wasn't Ye Qingxuan still a seventh-rank fighter? .

Chapter 926 Lin Feng's killing intent

The jaws of several people are about to be banned, the Xuanshen level and Xuan Kunji are far apart, "You are just a beginner at the Xuanshen level, and you still want to be my opponent."

The energy of Tianji Fenjue erupted, and what shocked the person in front of him was that he had never seen such energy before. What kind of exercise was this? He had never heard of it or seen it before.

You must know that Mo Batian, although he also practiced the Heavenly Burn Jue, his kung fu is not like this at all, because the flames it releases are all black, with a strong magic energy in the 22, and Ye Qingxuan There are righteous red flames all over his body.

At this time, the old man has gone all out, he must kill Ye Qingxuan, if he is allowed to grow like this, the Bai family will perish sooner or later, it seems that the patriarch of the Bai family is right.

Although he went all out, Ye Qingxuan's speed was very fast, which he couldn't compare to. Who made Ye Qingxuan's two pairs of wings so special.

Ye Qingxuan waved his Qiankun Sword, and in the next second a brand new and instant burst out, the powerful energy of the flame system exploded forward. At this moment, the elder retreated quickly, but he was still severely injured. In the next second, Bell, he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

In fact, Lin Feng was near them, because when Ye Qingxuan and the others went to inquire, Lin Feng sat not far away and waited for them to follow all the way here to find out who this old man was. To kill Ye Qingxuan, could they be the elders of the family? Looking at his cultivation base, he can definitely reach the cultivation base of the elders in the family.

After thinking about it for a while, the Bai family is the most likely one. The ability Ye Qingxuan showed shocked him instantly. Ye Qingxuan's deep wound didn't have any trace of magic. With such a talent, he thought that he was already talented, but he didn't expect that there were people with better talent than him.

He also wanted to kill Ye Qingxuan, he also wanted to kill this Ye Qingxuan, he watched everything here from a distance, now if this old man can kill Ye Qingxuan, he doesn't need to do it.

And Ye Wuxuan, Ye Fengxuan and the others stood here looking at everything in front of them, apart from shock or shock, everything had been forgotten.

Ye Qingxuan knew that the person in front of him had to be eliminated, otherwise they would be followed by him all the way, wouldn't it be very troublesome?

His swordsmanship is becoming more and more powerful now, after all he has reached the level-up, although the level is still far from the old man's level, but his talent is indeed quite high, no one within the same level is anymore his opponent.

Ye Qingxuan said, "How can the elders of the Bai family want it? My 027's life is not so easy."

Listening to what Ye Qingxuan said, Lin Feng confirmed what he thought in his heart. It seems that he is really the elder of the Bai family. The members of the Bai family have always wanted to become the ruler of the entire Xuanwu Continent, but it is a pity that such a person appeared in the Ye family. The task, their goal may be difficult to achieve.

No wonder they sent people to chase and kill Ye Qingxuan, that was the reason, but now he also had the intention to kill, what he was thinking about now was also to kill this Ye Qingxuan.

Jiu Gu said, "If things go on like this, it's not certain who will win and who will lose. It seems that this elder of the Bai family may not be Ye Qingxuan's opponent.".

Chapter 927 Lin Feng's Accident

Situ Haoran said, "This is the first time I've seen a Xuankun-level victory with a Xuanshen-level cultivation base."

Ye Wuxuan said, "I have never heard of it."

The duel between Ye Qingxuan and that guy has never been at the bottom. It finally proved that this old guy wants to kill Ye Qingxuan, which is impossible at all. Now that he has tried his best to find that he can't hurt Ye Qingxuan at all, isn't he the one in front of him? God-level opponent?

Now that he has vomited blood from the wound, it is enough to prove that Ye Qingxuan is completely capable of beheading him. At this time, he said, "How is this possible? I never believe that you can injure me with the strength of the elementary level of Xuanshen level!" .”

Ye Qingxuan said with a smile on his face, you have seen all the possibilities today, and you can't live anymore.

The three swords pierced the sky, and the powerful energy directly hit the front. Kai Lan hit the guy's chest, and he vomited blood again, died on the spot, and fell down heavily.

Ye Qingxuan is also very weak at the moment, because he has exhausted a lot of his physical strength in this situation. He is not his opponent in the first place, and he has already tried his best to kill him. Without a chance to kill the old man in front of him, he tried his best to kill him and they were finally safe.

What Ye Qingxuan never expected was that when he was extremely weak, another figure appeared behind him. This figure was not someone else, but the familiar figure. He knew that this person was none other than Lin Feng.

He suddenly appeared behind Ye Qingxuan and the others, one must know that Lin Feng's cultivation has reached Haotian level.

It is impossible for them to be his opponents, and Ye Qingxuan just killed a Tianxuankun class, how could he deal with a Haotian class again?

Even if he hadn't used all his strength to deal with the old man in front of him just now, he still couldn't beat Lin Feng. He didn't expect that Lin Feng was not only highly skilled in refining weapons.

His cultivation has actually reached the Haotian level, which is a bit shocking, but he also heard from his master that his cultivation does not seem to be so high. Could it be that it has a lot to do with the magic sword? He has always wanted to find the magic sword, and it seems that it really has a lot to do with this magic sword.

Ye Wuxuan roared loudly, "Why do you pop up suddenly, who are you trying to scare to death?"

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