In a few seconds, the most likely facts were analyzed.

"So, Yang Xuan, you are dead!"

"However, you use means beyond our comprehension."

"Make your body look like it's always there!"

"But in fact, your spirit, or soul, has already found one of us."

"You know, if we see this scene, we will definitely start the meeting of the highest standard."

"So, you just wait for the opportunity and plan to catch us all in one go."

An old man stood up.

After looking around, he found that Yang Xuan could not be found.

He gave his own analysis.

"That's right! That's it!"

Yang Xuan's voice.

It also appeared in the hearts of everyone again.

Moreover, he can completely understand the language of Hawkeye Country at this moment.

"Ha ha!"

The old man laughed loudly, and then said: "But, we will not do what you wish."

"Since this era is about to no longer belong to us, let's destroy it!"

"All peace envoys, target countries, start for me!"

With a ferocious face, the old man secretly pressed the most expensive button in the world.

Immediately afterwards.

He laughed wildly, waiting for the changes in the outside world.

This laughter lasted for a full minute.

Then, he stopped laughing.


"Why is there no movement?"

"I have entered the password and pressed the button. All the peace messengers should be activated, right?"

The old man lowered his head and looked at his suitcase.

My heart is full of disbelief.

However, the next second.

His eyes suddenly blurred.

Then, it was discovered that the suitcase was missing.

He was just frantically pressing against the air.

"What's happening here?"

"Come on! Come on!"

The old man started to shout.

As a result, I turned around.

Find yourself surrounded by no one.

I felt as if I was in a pure white world.




Thank you for your monthly tickets, flowers, rewards, and comments today.

The little author has no skills, so he can only add more to repay everyone.

Six more today!

But because the author simply leaves work at 6:00 p.m., the sixth is a little later, and it must be released before 11:00 p.m.! .

Chapter 45 Return! sss level evaluation! (6 more! Add more!)

"I also want to thank you all!"

"It was you who helped me complete the final breakthrough!"

"There is great fear in life and death!"

"There is also a great opportunity!"

"You have accomplished me, so naturally I cannot be ungrateful!"

"So, I think unifying the world will push this world into a new era!"

"The next era will be one where technology and practice coexist!"

"The era where the physical body is tempered, the mind is manifested, and materialism and idealism develop together!"

"This will definitely make the world a better place!"

"And I can definitely get... more!"

An ethereal voice appeared in the old man's heart.

Then, the old man found that his consciousness began to blur.

The pure white space also dissipated little by little.

next second.

The scene resumes.

He returned to the meeting room.

And at this very moment.

An incomparably holy figure floated above the void.

Everyone in the conference room.

They all fell to their knees on the ground, shouting in their mouths, My Lord Shengming.

Hawkeye country, surrender!

from this date.

The first reincarnation world where Yang Xuan lived has completed the great unification.

And at this moment, he also felt a huge will coming.

That is the will of the world.

This world has received great favor from Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan opened up the conditions for personal promotion for this world.

The world also opened the door of convenience for Yang Xuan.

Follow his thoughts.

next second.

Yang Xuan returned to **.

Came to a hospital called 'Qingshan Mental Illness'.

Inside the hospital.

The four reincarnated seem to be muddled, but the true spirit is suffering endlessly.

"The world is upgraded, and the mighty power is added!"

"I give the four of you two hundred years of life!"

Although Yang Xuan lost his physical body, he solidified the energy body of will that manifested the holiness in his mind.

So he directly modified the bodies of the four of them.

Directly let them suffer for two hundred years.

As for him, he summoned the will of the world and chose to sleep.

Changing times!

Two hundred years have passed by in a hurry!

When Yang Xuan woke up, the four of them were already dead!

But among them, Wang Changhe opened the second life.

"Who am I? Where am I? What am I going to do?"

After rebirth, Wang Changhe was already at a loss.

The two hundred years of the small black house completely collapsed his spirit.

Although the consciousness is clear, it seems to have forgotten a lot.

"You're being punished, so..."

Wang Changhe didn't have time to think about it.

next second.

Once again locked in a small black room.

And Yang Xuan smiled slightly.

The body of spiritual manifestation also quickly dissipated.

He is detached.

It's not death, but a rise in will.

If he continued to stay in this world, Yang Xuan would have nothing to gain.

Therefore, he chose to sacrifice his soul manifesting body to the world in order to obtain detachment.

With an undead body, he was sent out by the world.

This is the perfect way to end reincarnation.

main world.

The Tower of Rebirth.

after one day.

boom! boom! boom!

In the reincarnation area of ​​Shuncheng High School Class Eight.

The students pushed their reincarnation capsules away one by one.

As the students walked out of the reincarnation cabin one by one.

The teachers of Shuncheng No. 8 Middle School.

They also came to check on the students.

"came back!"

"I got 200 true spirit points this time. This score is enough for me to be admitted to a third-rate reincarnation university."

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