"It's his business whether he can bear it or not. I will never let him become a person like you when he goes crazy, so you don't have to think about it. Even if it is my life, I will Definitely will keep him."

"Hahaha! You can say that if you are alive, but if you risk your life and leave, then this matter has nothing to do with you. Let's see how long you can keep him, hahahaha."

As he spoke, the magic sword made no sound, and Wan Huangzong ignored that guy, he knew that maybe what he said was true, but no matter what, he would not let Ye Qingxuan become a person like him.

He will not let him use Ye Qingxuan's body to accomplish what he wants to do, because his body is sealed, so he wants to enter his own demon into Ye Qingxuan's body, with the help of Ye Qingxuan's talented body, then he Isn't (Nuo De's) invincible?

Demon Sword can't communicate with him now, because he wants to get Ye Qingxuan's body wholeheartedly now, and he doesn't bother to pay attention to that body of Lin Feng. In fact, the devil energy he injected into Lin Feng's body can use that devil energy to communicate with him of.

But he just disappeared now, without making any sound, and he also knew that Lin Feng had been looking for him, not for caring about him, but for gaining his energy.

Chapter 863 Ye Qingxuan Has The Best Body

Although Mobatian is sealed in this magic sword, he can communicate with people, but not everyone can communicate with him.

He will not communicate with others casually, this is a magic sword in case someone accidentally destroys it, so he will not speak easily, at first he wanted to occupy Lin Feng's body, Although Lin Feng's talent is not as good as Ye Qingxuan's, that guy is a craftsman.

It's not bad for him, if he hadn't refined the magic sword, maybe he couldn't speak, it was because he changed the attributes of the sword, which gave him a chance to speak, but the seal It is absolutely impossible to get out.

If his Qi training ability reaches a certain level, it may be okay to be able to refine the four great artifacts. It is obvious that Lin Feng wants to become such a refiner, and the master is still early. Otherwise, why would he let Lin Feng's cultivation For the sake of promotion, if he hadn't been promoted to the Haotian class and his energy had increased so much, Lin Feng would not have been looking for this magic sword all the time.

What Mobatian thinks is that as long as his ability improves, his refining skills will improve, and he can completely control Lin Feng, because he is very good at controlling his greed, which is too heavy. His goal is really too big, that guy just wants to become the person who unifies the whole world, and wants to become the most powerful refiner on all (ccaa) continents.

This guy's ambition is big enough, so the demon tyrant genius in this magic sword will stare at him, so that he can completely occupy his body, because he is so easy to manipulate, he knows this Ye Qingxuan in front of him very well, although he is talented Extraordinary talent is very high, but he is not as greedy as Lin Feng, so it is not so easy for Ye Qingxuan and Ye Qingxuan.

Another point is that he found that Ye Qingxuan was very confident in this Tianji Fenjue. If it weren't for this Tianji Fenjue, I am afraid that he would have no chance to take action against Ye Qingxuan. No one can bear the pain of burning caused by Tianji Fen Jue.

After Ye Qingxuan came to the dining hall, all the food in the dining hall was prepared for him. He hadn't eaten for four days, and he was devouring it. Sitting with you, if anyone knows how you eat like this, I'm afraid they will laugh at us."

**I also know that Ye Qingxuan came out of the training tower, and also know that his cultivation base has improved a lot, and he has reached the seventh level of the Great Fighter. You must know that the seventh level of the Great Fighter is very difficult to cultivate, it takes more than ten years of cultivation Ye Qingxuan has actually reached that state that he may not be able to reach in more than twenty years.

The entire academy is so big, only three people have reached the peak of the big fighters, and the three of them are already the best in the academy, but even so, they still feel that their talents are far different from Ye Qingxuan's. They are ten years older than Ye Qingxuan, and that's it, their talent is also top-notch.

And Wuchen is currently in retreat, because he is about to break through, and he is about to become a Xuankun-level master.

It is a great thing for him, because he has been looking for such an opportunity for a long time, and finally there is an opportunity for him to be promoted to Xuan Kunji.

Chapter 864 Ziwen and Their Thoughts

**Walking towards Ye Qingxuan, looking at his devouring appearance, he also knew that this guy hadn't eaten for four days, so it's normal to have this eating appearance, after he walked over, he sat there , he said, "I thought you guys couldn't get out."

Ye Wuxuan said, "Not only do we have the same thoughts as you, this Ye Qingxuan is simply too shocking."

In the Baicao Garden here, the shopkeeper has already reported to his superiors, telling Ye Qingxuan that he used his black card to obtain medicines here, but the medicines he obtained have also been reported to the superiors one by one, and the owner of Baicaoyuan Hearing these medicines, his hands were clenched very nervously.

Because being able to achieve this level of alchemist is by no means an easy task, and he also knows Ye Qingxuan's age, and even more knows that he is the good-for-nothing of the Ye family, and he also knows that Ye Qingxuan is the most talented disciple in the history of Chongwu Academy , but now no one in the entire continent knows that Ye Qingxuan is still a craftsman.

Except for Wanhuangzong and Ye Qingxuan himself, other people only know that it is both a pharmacist and a martial artist, and these two abilities are extremely talented.

Hong Yu, Ziwen, and Xuan Mo sat together, and Ziwen said, "I think I am a very talented person, but I can't imagine that I am nothing in front of a new disciple of others, and I am not as good as others." A pinky."

Xuan Mo also sighed and said, "Isn't it? At our age, we can reach the peak of the Great Fighter, and we are about to enter the Xuanshen level, which is considered very powerful, but I didn't expect that a new disciple of the family has reached the seventh level of the Great Fighter." .”

"The three of us are the best in the academy. You must know that the cultivation of the three of us is already the highest among all the disciples, but now this Ye Qingxuan is only two levels away from our cultivation. I'm afraid there is no difference between cultivation base and no difference, maybe we are still not their opponents."

Hong Yu said, "The possibility you mentioned is possible. After all, different cultivation bases have different abilities, but there are also some people whose talents are too high. Within the same level of cultivation base, their abilities are inferior to those of others. Others are stronger, this Ye Qingxuan is two levels behind us in cultivation, but no one knows how much his strength differs.-"

····Ask for flowers-00

"I remember the master once said that this practice requires gradual promotion, so as to make oneself more capable, but now that Ye Qingxuan has suddenly developed so many cultivation bases, will he be A rookie?"


Ziwen said, "What do you mean by that? Could it be that you want to challenge Ye Qingxuan?"

"It is true that I have this plan, but I always feel ashamed. After all, we are much taller than him, and how long we have been in this academy, how long has he been? If we really challenge him, if It's a good thing to lose if you win, this person will be thrown home."

Ziwen said, "It's good that you know, but it's two ranks away, so you shouldn't lose. Even if you win, you won't get any applause. After all, is there a big gap between their abilities and ours?"

"Forget it, challenge him to do something, besides, it will be a matter of time before he wants to surpass us, maybe one day you don't challenge him, and he will challenge you." Zero.

Chapter 865

Ye Qingxuan knew that he needed to consume a lot of crystals here, but it seemed that it was not enough based on the family's economy. Although the family had a lot of money, Ye Qingxuan still felt that it was not enough. If he hadn't taken the black one this time Card these herbs cost a lot of spar.

I feel that I am really too poor now, and I must get some more crystals, which will still be useful for him to come to "September 13th".

He has already taken care of the business at the shop, since he is a pharmacist, let's start with refining medicine.

The refiners and pharmacists of the college will do some business in the shops outside to earn some spar Ye Qingxuan. Naturally, this is also possible, and it is natural for his talent in refining medicine to be good at business.

He doesn't need to worry at all, he is now thinking about how to practice the Heavenly Fen Jue, he knows that it has taken a long time for him to fuse the Snow Essence Soul, and it may take longer to practice this Heavenly Fen Jue .

That means that he will stay in the cultivation tower for a longer time, will there be any changes at that time, and he doesn't know if he is interrupted during the cultivation process, will this be a fatal injury to him? , so he is now thinking about finding a more suitable place to practice the Heavenly Level Burning Jue.

Ye Wuxuan and Ye Fengxuan will help Ye Qingxuan take care of this shop when they are free, so Ye Qingxuan only needs to practice some elixir, but he doesn't have to worry about the rest. The sales are indeed good, but there is nothing but the shop of Chongwu College In addition, there are other shops.

Therefore, there are not one or two shops for this kind of elixir. It can be seen that Ye Qingxuan's shop was not visited by anyone at the beginning, but gradually, their shop has more people.

This is also what makes other shops more curious. When they knew that the elixirs here are all tenth-level purity medicines, they were instantly shocked. What kind of artifact is this pharmacist, who can refine tenth-level purity medicine medicines, Could it be the intermediate pharmacist from Chongwu College.

Who dares to offend the middle-level pharmacist? Even if these people know that this shop has robbed them of their business, no one dares to come here to make trouble. Besides, this is set up by the disciples of Chongwu Academy...

This income is quite generous for Ye Qingxuan, in fact, the supplies in the family are enough for Ye Wuxuan, Ye Fengxuan and others, but Ye Qingxuan is different, he needs a lot of things.

What is needed now is not only those precious herbs, but also something, that is, those high-level spiritual weapons, why does it want these spiritual weapons? Because it needs to change the attribute of the spirit weapon to improve its level of refiner.

At night, Ye Qingxuan came to the ancient jade, Wan Huangzong saw him and said, "What tricks have you been doing lately, you brat?"

"I'm just making myself richer so that I can meet unexpected needs. If it weren't for the black card last time, I'm afraid I would be embarrassed."

"That black card is enough for 0.0 you to use all the herbs in Baicao Garden for free, isn't that okay?"

"It's mainly due to the short hand of others. It doesn't matter if I follow Baicaoyuan. Although they gave me a black card, this spar is not rich at all. Isn't it a bit too much? Besides, I owe them so much How can I repay the favor?".

Chapter 866 Meeting Mu Bai, the owner of Baicao Garden

"Hahaha! You brat is pretty smart, and you can be quite calculating, but I think that Baicaoyuan would do this, which means that they are looking for a pharmacist, and the talent of this pharmacist must be extremely high. Someone will ask you, otherwise why do you think they would do this."

"It seems that I guessed it right. It really has a purpose. There is no free lunch in the world, but this Baicao Garden has indeed helped me a lot. It even takes good care of our Ye family. If I can do what he asks, and I will help him as much as I can.

Ye Qingxuan is still very clear about Wanhuangzong. When he got this ancient jade at the beginning, maybe Wanfangzhong did have the intention of using him, but now he can see that even if he can't practice that The body, coming to Wanhuangzong will definitely give up his life to protect her, so the relationship between the two of them is not the same now, it is really the relationship between master and apprentice.

Ye Qingxuan once again came to the Herb Garden and said to them, "Your Herb Garden has helped me a lot, but I can't take your things for nothing, so you can set a price for how many crystals these herbs need."

The shopkeeper came over and said, "This is the matter. We have this rule here. Black cards are all free of charge, so you don't have to worry about owed any favors. You won't owe any favors."

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "It's really interesting. To me, it seems that I don't have any contribution to your Baicao Garden. Why is there this black card?"

At this time, a clerk ran over and said something in the shopkeeper's ear. The shopkeeper thought about it and said to Ye Qingxuan, "Then please go to the second floor, the owner of our Baicao Garden wants to see you."

The owner of Baicao Garden heard about Ye Qingxuan's presence here, so he rushed over here, so now he wants to see Ye Qingxuan. Originally, he didn't plan to see him so soon, but today he came here and said After hearing these words, he decided to meet again.

Ye Qingxuan left, and a person came in and sat there with his back facing him. He saw that there were two wheels under the chair he was sitting on, which proved that this person might not be able to use his lower body well.

After Ye Qingxuan walked in, the turkey behind him immediately closed the door. The man turned around, and Ye Qingxuan was shocked by this man's appearance.

He told him that he had seen the most beautiful person among all the people in this world. Although he was a man, but he had to be described as beautiful, his beauty was no less than that of a woman.

After he turned around, there was a smile on his face, and this smile was even more overwhelming, "You are Ye Qingxuan, I finally see you."

917 Ye Qingxuan said, "You are the owner of this Herb Garden."

He made a gesture of invitation, signaling Ye Qingxuan to sit there, and the tea was already poured, Ye Qingxuan walked over there and sat down, but he didn't drink the tea.

"Since you want to see me, you must have something to tell me. I am all ears. I also know that there is no such cheap thing in this world, so you just open the skylight and speak plainly."

The owner of Baicao Garden didn't expect that the Ye Qingxuan in front of him was so open-minded, he seemed to know it well, and he knew it well, he still likes such a person very much.

Chapter 867

"I am Mu Bai, the owner of Baicao Garden. I believe you have seen my appearance. Since I am sitting here, it is enough to prove that my lower body is not working well."

Ye Qingxuan still admires him very much. Although Mu Bai in front of him is physically disabled, he is so powerful. He created the Herb Garden, which shows that he also knows a lot about herbal medicine.

You can see those medicines are still being boiled on the small fire next to it, "I can see it, but I don't think it will affect you. Didn't you still create this Herb Garden?"

"Yes, I do have this ability, but I don't want to sit on it all the time, so I tried every means to find all kinds of famous doctors, even the most powerful pharmacist, Wanhuangzong, I have visited But there is still no way.”

It turns out that he also visited his master. If he didn't say anything, Ye Qingxuan would not know who his master is Who will do it?

Mu Bai said, "The purpose of my establishment of Baicao Garden is to find a pharmacist with excellent talent. It doesn't matter whether he has achieved something or not, as long as he is growing, even if there is a glimmer of hope , I don't want to give up either''."

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while and said, "May I ask, is your leg born or acquired?"

"It's innate. If it weren't for the nourishment of these drugs, I'm afraid this leg would have been useless long ago. There is no hope of recovering. It is because of these drugs that its growth is normal, but it doesn't have any consciousness."

Ye Qingxuan understood what he meant, he had never tried walking on the ground, but he was so strong and became such an excellent person, which proved how tenacious his willpower was.

"Then why did you find me?"

"To be honest, I know that there is a prescription that can heal my legs. Although the herb on it is extremely difficult to find, I have already reproduced it with my ability. I have been keeping this herb for a long time. It's just that no one can practice this kind of elixir, even the supreme Wanhuangzong, he can't."

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while and said, "Who can do what the Wanhuangzong can't do? You don't think I can do it, do you?"

"¨Hehehe! I know you can't do it with your current ability, but at your age, you have already reached the level of intermediate pharmacists, and intermediate pharmacists are divided into ten levels. Sooner or later, the speed will become a high-level alchemist, so I think your hope is great."

Ye Qingxuan could tell that he himself should also be a pharmacist, because he wanted to stand up, so he thought that he should also be very interested in pharmacy.

"Although that's what I said, (Nuo De Zhao) but no one can say for sure what will happen in the future. You have to know that your efforts may be nothing but water from a bamboo basket."

"Of course I know it doesn't matter, as long as you are willing to help me."

Bai thought for a while and decided not to look at other things, but to see his kindness to the Ye family. He also decided to help. He said to him, "But I can't do it with my current ability. If I can really reach your As mentioned above, then I can try my best to perform rituals, do you think this is good?".

Chapter 868 A Month-long Experience

"Okay, just do as you say, I don't have any hope, but I do have any hope, so I hope this will come sooner."

Ye Qingxuan said, "I understand how you feel, so if I can really do it, I will help you absolutely without any conditions."

"Okay, then it's settled."

Even if there is a glimmer of hope, Mubai refuses to let it go, and these herbs are extremely precious to others, but to him, they are nothing. There are precious herbs in his herb garden, and he has a large area of ​​land. All the herbs planted in it are cultivated carefully by him, so these herbs are really nothing to him.

917 The most precious herb, it has been stored away, this herb is the herb that can cure his disease, and the unilateral prescription is also in his possession, as long as there is a pharmacist who can do this, then one day he will definitely be Can stand up.

He has his own grassland on every continent, and there are special people there to take care of those herbs. Of course, those herbs are ordinary herbs, and all the precious herbs are collected by himself. .

Ye Qingxuan already knew about the Baicao Garden, but with his personality, he would not casually say this, and Mubai also believed in him very much, he could tell that Ye Qingxuan was not that powerful. A scheming person, and his character is not bad, so he didn't mention Ye Qingxuan at all.

I believe that with Ye Qingxuan's personality, he would never tell others about this matter, Ye Qingxuan left here in a big way, and now Mu Bai is in a good mood, because he has a glimmer of hope, which is much better than no hope.

Ye Qingxuan left here and returned to Chongwu Academy, Ye Wuxuan said, "Where did you go again?"

"I went to Baicao Garden. Baicao Garden has such a great kindness to our Ye family, so I have to pay it back."

"That's right, but what ability can we have? It's nothing more than you refining several pills and giving them to them."

"That's the only way you can do it."


It is indeed alchemy, but it is a kind of elixir that is very difficult to refine. Ye Qingxuan can be said to be known to everyone in Chongwu Academy now. He is so famous because of his talent, how could no one know him?

After today's practice tower was over, Ye Qingxuan didn't stay there for three or four days, but came out after an hour.

Ye Wuxuan said, "Why is it so fast today?"

"If it weren't for the promotion stage, I wouldn't have stayed there for so long, so under normal circumstances, the time is no different from yours."

Recently, the cultivation of these disciples has improved. The dean of Chongwu College is now discussing with other elders and mentors to let these disciples go out to practice alone. Of course, the training time this time will be maintained for one month. , After a month, they can come back here again.

So the next thing is Wuchen's notice, "You have a month to practice now, no matter where you go, of course you have to come back after a month, it's up to you to choose the place you like, of course if you want No one can stop you from sleeping at home, if you don’t improve yourself, others can’t be like you.”

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