Na Qingyun said, "Since you are an intermediate pharmacist, you will naturally enjoy special treatment. All pharmacists who come to my Baicao Garden with the badge of an intermediate pharmacist will receive a 20% discount. This card is given to you. As long as you have With this card, even if you can’t see your swing barrier, you can still get it with a 30% discount.”

"Okay, okay, then help me deliver these medicines to Ye's house."

Chapter 822 Spreading the News

The Ye family was instantly shocked when Qingyun heard it. Could it be that the pharmacist invited by the Ye family would be so powerful? He originally wanted to ask about this person's identity, but he knew that talking too much was not a good thing for him. Their Baicaoyuan wanted to make friends with alchemists, and there was an explanation from above, so all alchemists with badges were very important to them. It is extremely precious.

Of course, there are not many alchemists here, a person with an intermediate alchemist badge is rare, basically they can't see it, Ye Qingxuan and the others turned and left this place.

Qingyun said, "What is the relationship between this person and the Ye family? Why don't you hurry up and find out."

When the man was about to inquire, he stopped immediately and said, "Don't make it so obvious."

Naturally, there are masters in Baicao Garden, so the person who inquired about the news was naturally not the shopkeeper or Qingyun, but the number one guard here.

The Baicao Garden on the Xuanwu Continent is just a branch. , they received preferential treatment from Baicaoyuan.

Ye Qingxuan and the others brought these herbal medicines into the Ye family, and refined the primary medicinal pill Huiling Pill, the purity of which was around a dozen, and the refined Huixue Pill and other necessary medicinal pills were all of high purity. class.

After the elixir was produced, the few alchemists in Ye's family who were weaker and couldn't be weaker were all shocked in an instant.

After these new medicines from the Ye family enter the store, it is naturally impossible for anyone to know that they publicize the medicines with a purity of about tenth grade according to Ye Qingxuan's richness. Grade 8 is exactly the same as grade 8.

When the two people who came to inquire saw the news, they also remembered it in their hearts, and then said inadvertently, "You guys are good at refining this pill, this alchemist must be very good."ˇ. "

It was precisely because they were discovered by the two of them just after the publicity, so the two of them bought some of a kind of elixir, and then found out that Ye Qingxuan was a child of the Ye family.

Not to mention how excited the two of them were, they quickly returned to Baicao Garden with these things. When they saw Qingyun, they said, "We brought back three copies of the elixir he refined, and as far as we know, this The three elixirs are all tenth grade in purity, but we can't distinguish them with our ability, and we also found out one piece of news, that is, that young master is a child of the Ye family."

Hearing such news, Qingyun was even more shocked. He never expected that this young man was actually a child of the Ye family, so what is his identity? Could it be the genius of the Ye family? impossible? The genius of the Ye family is very talented in martial arts, so who are the children of the Ye family this week?

In order to find out, let's visit (Qian Wangzhao), after all, the spar has not yet arrived in their hands after those orders were sent. Ye Qingxuan told him that these pills were sold, and immediately put the crystal Shi sent it over, seeing that he was an intermediate alchemist, he naturally agreed.

Because telling these pills requires a lot of crystals, Ye Qingxuan can't do it with his current strength. At this time, Qingyun said, "¨¨ Spread the news of this single request. It's better to let as many people know as possible." .

Chapter 823 The Discovery of the Patriarch of the Bai Family


The news spread all of a sudden, and Ye Qingxuan never imagined how it could spread so fast? Could it be that someone is behind to fuel the flames?

Several people were discussing something in the room, a disciple walked in and said, "Report to the master that Qing Yun, the master of Baicao Garden, has come here."

Ye Qingxuan thought he was here to ask for spar, and said, "Then let him in."

The head of the Ye family smiled, "What is he doing here?"

Ye Qingxuan said, "We took other people's medicinal materials and haven't given them to the spar yet. He will come naturally, but I don't know if it's for this matter."

Seeing Qing 867 Yun walk in, the first thing he did was to congratulate He Xi, and the Ye family said politely, "Please sit down wherever."

"Ah, don't get me wrong. I didn't come here to ask for money. I just wanted to congratulate you in the future. I didn't expect that the Ye family would produce such a talented genius. It shocked me."

He saw Ye Qingxuan sitting there, and the people who followed him that day were also sitting here, and the head of the Ye family said, "The Ye family's children are not talented, and we finally figured out such a one, which also makes our Ye family excited."

"Young master is so talented, it's really shocking (ccfg)."

Qingyun stood up directly and said, "I still have one thing to tell you when I come here. From now on, all the medicinal materials will be supplied by our Baicao Garden, and will never be supplied to the Bai family."

When Ye Qingxuan heard this, he clearly came to teach him, and they were naturally willing to do such a good thing. Of course, the people in the Ye family also knew that the reason why Qingyun said this was not because of Ye Qingxuan's face. The entire Ye family, even the aloof Ye family patriarch, doesn't have such ability.

Qingyun chatted with them here for a while, then turned and left, he didn't care about those spars, what he cared about was whether he could make friends with the Ye family.

The Bai family didn't bring up the herbal medicines, which made them a little confused. At this time, the Patriarch of the Bai family came to Baicao Garden in person and said, "Why hasn't the herbal medicine customized by our Bai family here for so long?"

The shopkeeper stood up and said, "I'm sorry, Patriarch of the Bai family, the herbs from our Baicao Garden will only be supplied to the Ye family, and no other families will be supplied."

"Is this why the crystals we gave you are not enough? If not enough, you can add more."

"This has nothing to do with the spar, what has to do with it is the alchemist."

"My Bai family hired intermediate pharmacists and intermediate weapon refiners. Isn't that okay?"

"I advise you to go out and inquire carefully, and then come back and tell me."

Although Baicaoyuan is not as powerful as others, their influence is scattered all over the world. Even so, no one has touched Baicaoyuan no matter where they are.

The Patriarch of the Bai family had no choice but to leave him. He was very puzzled. He didn't know that the medicines of the Ye family had far surpassed them. He only knew that there seemed to be a lot fewer people buying medicines recently.

When he walked towards Ye's house, he found that people here were very crowded, and these people were all queuing up in front of Danpu to buy medicines.

He casually asked someone who had just finished shopping, and said, "What's the situation? Why are so many people queuing here?"

"Oh, that's because the purity of their pills has reached more than ten, and the price is not expensive.".

Chapter 824 Helping the Refiner Promote

The Bai family didn't stay here, because he knew that many people could recognize him, so he turned around and left this place, and returned to the family. He couldn't believe that with the strength of the Ye family, he could invite an intermediate alchemist , the level of this intermediate pharmacist is too high, the purity of all the medicines has reached more than ten.

There are also some of the eighth or ninth grade of purity, but the price is very low, which is much lower than the price sold by the Bai family. Of course, the elixirs of this purity are not refined by Ye Qingxuan, but by his friend Haiyang. He is also a disciple of their Chongwu Academy.

Ye Wuxuan sat there and said, "Ye Qingxuan, this is amazing, our Ye family came back to life in an instant."

Ye Qingxuan said, "It's just a pity, our Ye family still let the Bai family take the lead in refining art, after all, the Ye family does not have a refining master."

Ye Fengxuan said, "Actually, there was also a refining period, but his level has always remained at the elementary level, and he has never been promoted, so it has little impact on them."

Ye Qingxuan really wanted to meet this person, so Bai Zhuo took Ye Qingxuan to meet this craftsman. Ye Qingxuan saw that he was about forty years old, and it could be seen from the marks on his face that it was because of the crafting technique There has never been a reason for a breakthrough, that's why he has such a situation.

He was still practicing hard there, when he found someone coming, he put away his refining technique, turned around and saw that it was the elder Bai Zhuo.

Bai Zhuo took Ye Qingxuan and said, "This is the craftsman of our Ye~ family."

Ye Qingxuan wanted to improve his ability, but he couldn't improve the ability of the person in front of him with his own ability, but there was one person who could, and that was the Wanhuangzong among the blood jade.

Ye Qingxuan looked at the person in front of him. His spiritual strength was very low, and he didn't have any special methods. No one could beat them because there was only one craftsman in Ye's family.

Ye Qingxuan thought about it, and said to his father, "Father, go back first, and leave the matter here to me."

"Okay then, I'll go back first."

The craftsman naturally knew Ye Qingxuan. Although Ye Qingxuan didn't know him, he knew Ye Qingxuan. He knew that Ye Qingxuan was a waste of the Ye family at first, and then became a genius of the Ye family after he got enlightenment. Now he is Ye Qingxuan again. The alchemist of his family, he also respects such people very much.


Ye Qingxuan said, "I know you are very interested in refining art, otherwise you wouldn't be practicing here all the time, so do you think your practice has improved for you?"

Ye Qingxuan also knows that being a craftsman is already difficult, and it is even more difficult for him to practice here. He has been practicing persistently for so many years, so it is even more difficult.


"Unfortunately, my progress is very, very slow."

Ye Qingxuan is a craftsman himself, and he is an intermediate craftsman. He has a way for him to improve his spiritual power. As for other ways, he will find a way to ask Wanhuangzong.

Ye Qingxuan said, "I can help you and let you directly break through in a short period of time. I think you have accumulated a lot of experience through your continuous efforts over the years."

This craftsman also belongs to their Ye family, so of course his surname is also Ye. His name is Ye Gang. He is a disciple of a foreign line, but they are also directly related to Ye Qingxuan.

Chapter 825 The Method of Promotion

"Is what the young master said true? It can really help me."

"Of course, can I still lie to you? You first practice your spiritual power according to the method I said, and then I will help you slowly."

After he listened to the method Ye Qingxuan said, he immediately figured it out for so many years, he could not find the way to get started, but Ye Qingxuan's advice made him instantly clear, with a smile on his face "eight seven zero" Said, thank you son, I will definitely work hard.

Ye Qingxuan left this place. Due to this guy's accumulation for many years, with this method, his promotion speed is really fast. In just a short period of time, his spiritual power reserve has been greatly improved.

At night, Ye Qingxuan came to the blood jade, the magic sword was still floating there, Wanhuangzong was sitting there drinking tea, Ye Qingxuan walked towards this side and said, "You can drink tea here with a spiritual sense, but It’s just pretending, but it’s quite realistic.”

"You brat exposed me as soon as you came in. What's the matter? You're in such a hurry."

"Did you know it a long time ago? Aren't you still here pretending not to know? Tell me quickly? I'm your apprentice, dear apprentice."

Wan Huangzong smiled all over his face, he really had nothing to do with Ye Qingxuan, so he told him directly, how to promote that craftsman quickly, of course the most important point is that he has accumulated many years of experience.

It's just that there is no method for patience, so he has not been promoted, so the ability in his body has been reserved all the time. As long as there is a door to take him in, he can be promoted many levels in an instant.

Ye Qingxuan listened carefully to Wan Huangzhong's narration, he kept everything in his mind, and then he was going to tell that guy, of course not today but tomorrow, because it is already late at night.

Ye Qingxuan only has ten days. After ten days, he will return to the Pet Academy, so within this time, he must take care of everything. Of course, he also knows that even if the refiner broke out suddenly Ability will improve him a lot, but it will not directly reach the ability of an intermediate refiner.

The next day, Ye Qingxuan came here very early. When the craftsman saw Ye Qingxuan, his face was full of joy. He said, my spiritual power reserve has been promoted very quickly...

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "It's all because of your own hard work for so many years. Otherwise, do you think you can be promoted so quickly? Your hard work for so many years is not in vain. It's just that you haven't found a door. Now you have door, the speed of promotion will naturally be faster."

Ye Qingxuan told him the secret of how to improve his level. After hearing this, a smile appeared in the corner of his eyes, and he said, "I remember, I will work hard."

Ye Qingxuan said, "But it is impossible for you to be directly promoted to an intermediate craftsman, but the main reason why you can be promoted in a short period of time after this method of cultivation is because you have been constantly improving for so many years. 5.6 If others use this method, it will have absolutely no effect."

"There was no promotion before. You have worked hard for so many years. I believe that after you have a method, you will work harder in the future."

I not only told him the method of his quick promotion, but also how to cultivate in the future. He kept everything firmly in his heart. He believed that the young master would not lie to him, after all, they were all members of the Ye family.

Chapter 826 Improvement of the Artifact Master's Ability

Just in the afternoon, a large pile of the most striking spirit weapons were carried into the courtyard, and the servant who carried them in said, "The young master said that all of these are for your use."

The person in front of him was very excited. He didn't expect Ye Qingxuan to treat him so well. You must know that he is unknown here. No one has asked him for so many years. Although he is a junior craftsman, he has never been promoted, so he The art of refining weapons does not play any role here.

But he has never given up on his cultivation. If it wasn't because he was a craftsman, he would have been kicked out of the Ye family's compound. He was no longer here at his age, so he went to work in those shops of the Ye family.

He thought that he would stay here forever and work hard for so many years without making any progress, but he changed instantly as soon as the young master appeared. He didn't know how grateful he was to Ye Qingxuan. Even more respect.

Ye Qingxuan said with a smile, there is no need for this, aren't we all from the Ye family? Besides, your ability improvement represents the ability improvement of our Ye family. I know you will not resent anyone. After all, in this world of martial arts maintenance, it is only such strong people who have the weight of speech.

He is very clear, because Ye Qingxuan was a waste before, just like his experience, and now he is doing his best for the Ye family, so he will naturally be like this, even if it is not like this, he never thought of betraying his family.

In just a few days, his ability has improved a lot. He said to Ye Qingxuan, I have really improved a lot now, from the first level of attack to the sixth level of attack, and soon I will Will reach the intermediate refiner. "

Ye Qingxuan said, "As long as you follow what I told you, there will be absolutely no problems."

When the head of the family knew that the alchemist had also changed, he was not to mention how happy he was. There was a big difference between the ability of the elementary alchemist and the sixth level alchemist, because the sixth level of the elementary level was almost close to the first level of the intermediate level.

Although there is still a big gap between them, I believe that he will become an intermediate pharmacist in a short time. This is a good thing for their Ye family, and it is much better than staying still.

This is their Ye family's own refiner, which is much better than the one they invited. At this time, the master of Jiutianmen came to the door again. He didn't expect that the crisis of the Ye family would be over so soon. Solved it.

The Nine Heavens Gate helped the Ye family to tide over the difficulties, and the Ye family will naturally not forget them. The distance between them is still a bit far, because every time the gate master of the Nine Heavens Gate comes here, he will arrive here on his own horse.

The head of the Ye family said, "My Ye 870 family is up now, so naturally I will not forget the help of the head of the Nine Heavens Sect."

"Hey, where are we, aren't we all friends?"

Ye Qingxuan said, "My Ye family's medicine is given to Jiutianmen at cost, and then Jiutianmen sells it in their own territory, do you think it's good?"

The head of Jiutianmen smiled and said, "Of course it's good."

Naturally, this cost has to be given to others, and it is impossible for them to give it to him for free, because buying these herbs also requires a lot of spar, not to mention the alchemist's alchemy, they don't have this ability at the entrance of the hotel, and they can invite such A powerful alchemist.

Chapter 827 The Nine Heavens Gate Also Received Benefits

The head of the Jiutianmen came here this time not because of this matter, he just came to congratulate the Ye family's Ye family for getting out of the predicament, which is also a good thing for them. Desperate, after all, they still have a refiner.

Ye Qingxuan said to his father and Patriarch, "We can only stay for ten days this time, and it seems that we will leave in a few days, so everything will be resolved within this period of time."

The head of the Ye family said, "Of course you are the most important thing. You are the future of our Ye family, so the matter of going to Chongwu College is of course the top priority."

During this period of time, Ye Qingxuan refined a large number of elixirs, all of which were primary elixirs, and these elixirs did not consume his spiritual power at all for him.

And every time he can practice hundreds of thousands of pills, the purity can reach tenth level. It is much higher, and the number of pills refined is also relatively large.

The elixir that has been stored for a long time is enough for the Ye family to consume for a long time. Even the Jiutianmen can't supply it. The matter of the craftsman is slowly taking care of it. Sooner or later, he will reach that level.

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