The two people took this opportunity to launch a swift and fierce attack. In the last one, they stabbed at the same time. The back of the Green Bamboo Snake on the opposite side was stabbed at the back of the neck. Seeing it let out the slightest cry, it fell heavily to the ground.

In the next second, the magic core of a green-footed snake flew out of his body.

The two mentors said, "It seems that you brat is really right. This gate of life really belongs to him. Now that the trial in the ancient forest has been completed, let's go back quickly."

Jiugu stepped forward and said, "Since the experience is over, can we ride the flying beast when we go back?"

Wuchen smiled and said, "Yes, it is possible, but there are no flying beasts here, and only this one can't accommodate so many people, so you still need to work **** the way back."

Jiu Gu said, "Ah, isn't it?"

Ye Qingxuan smiled, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Ah, why don't you hurry up and leave."

They could only walk back, so after a few days of driving, they soon returned to the Pet Academy. As soon as they returned to the gate of the Flight Attendant Academy, the people who were watching on the other side had already gone back to report.

The disciple who went back to report said, "They have come back, I have been watching them all the time, they have just entered the gate of the Pet Academy."

"Lin Feng sat there with his eyes closed, and when he heard the news, he opened his eyes, "Okay, I see, you go down. "

His disciple turned around and left, but Lin Feng had a smile in his eyes, he couldn't wait a long time ago, so he raised his legs and walked towards Chongwu Academy.

This guy's flying mount is faster, so he can arrive there in a short time. He just wants to go back at this time, just in time to meet them for training, this is the best time.

Lin Feng's flying beast landed on the boundary of the pet academy, and the next second he appeared in the pet academy, and happened to meet Huaying and Wuchen.

Lin Feng said, "What a coincidence, you guys are going out to practice."

Huaying stepped forward and said, "Yes, we have just come back from this experience. I wonder if you have any important things to do in our pet academy at this time?"


Lin Feng smiled and said, "There is one thing, but it's not particularly important. I still need to trouble your Chongwu Academy."

Ye Qingxuan already knew his purpose now, of course it was the master in the ancient jade who told him.

Ye Qingxuan really didn't bother to pay attention to him, so he just took a look. Among these disciples, he saw that Ye Qingxuan's cultivation was in the Spirit Scholar at a glance, so he concluded that the better disciple should be Ye Qingxuan.


Wu Chen stepped forward and said, "What exactly is it, I'll trouble you to come here yourself."

"Hehe, it's actually not a big deal. I'm refining weapons recently and need a magic core of a high-level monster. I can't do it due to my own cultivation, so I just want to ask your pet academy for a favor."

"It turned out to be this matter. It's easy to handle. We happened to get a magic core of a high-level monster this time. I don't know if it will be useful to you."

Lin Feng was very happy when he heard this, so that the amethyst magic core is really in their hands, he said, "Oh, that's really great, just wait for him."

Chapter 795 Disappointed Lin Feng

Lin Feng was very happy in his heart, but he didn't show any special excitement. His face was still very diligent. Wuchen took out a green bamboo magic core from his own space and said to him, "This is a relatively high-level monster core. gone."

When Lin Feng saw this Green Bamboo Demon Core, he was immediately disappointed. He didn't expect that it wasn't an Amethyst Demon Core. How did this come about?

Wuchen said, "Originally, we did meet the Purple Crystal Thunder Tiger, but it's a pity that after killing this monster, there is no magic core. Otherwise, this magic core can be used by you."

Huaying stepped forward and said, "Yes, it's such a pity that such a high-level monster doesn't have a magic core. To be honest, the two of us are also very shocked. This kind of situation is really rare."

This Lin Feng obviously had a different thought in his heart than what he said on the surface, but he still bit the bullet and said, "This is fine, how can he be a high-level magic core?"

Wuchen and the others handed him the green bamboo magic core, although he was a little unhappy, but he still accepted it, this magic core is much better than nothing, and the light bamboo magic core is not bad, after all, it contains drama Poison, if it is paired with that magic sword, I am afraid that the magic will be stronger.

Lin Feng turned his head and said to the two of them, "Since I have already got the magic core, I won't go to visit the dean, I will go back first, please convey it to me."

"Okay, then we will send it off soon."

Lin Feng got on his own flying beast. Ye Qingxuan and the others saw that this flying beast was really different, no wonder the flying speed was so fast, this guy just sat on it, and disappeared in a whoosh.

Ye Wuxuan said, "It's so fast."

Wuchen said, "This kind of special flying beast is hard to see, of course it's very fast."

Lin Feng sat in the air and was injured at the moment, thinking in his mind that the magic core of the amethyst thunder tiger must have been swallowed by someone, otherwise it would be impossible to disappear, and it would be impossible for it not to exist.

But these people in front of them really don't have such ability. They can't take away this magic core quietly. Obviously, not only Wuchen and Huaying don't know, even those disciples don't know how to get along with that magic core. Several people said exactly the same thing, is it true that he was wrong?

But it is good to be able to get this Green Bamboo Magic Core. He is now back in his secret room, continuing to refine the weapon, and is now forging this spiritual weapon with powerful magic energy...

This spirit weapon should not be underestimated, the ability contained in it is very powerful, if it is an ordinary spirit weapon, it is impossible for Lin Feng to forge him.

It integrated the gentle magic core into it, and successfully activated this spiritual weapon. A black smoke pierced through the spiritual weapon, forming a shape like a black dragon.

Finally suspended there, checked everything in front of him and said, "It was you who summoned me."

Wuchen just wanted to forge this weapon, he didn't think that there was a mystery hidden in this weapon in 5.6, which was a good thing for him, he looked at the demon spirit in the spiritual weapon in front of him.

"That's right, I summoned you."

"It seems that you are just a craftsman. Of course, if you are not a craftsman, I would not be able to be summoned. The martial arts talent is very poor.".

Chapter 796 Induction of Wanhuangzong

Lin Feng said, "But my talent for crafting is indeed very high, otherwise I wouldn't be able to summon you successfully."

Demon Dragon admitted this point, and being able to summon him could be regarded as the fate of the two of them, he said to him, "If you make a contract with me, you may be able to improve your cultivation base."

Although Lin Feng knew the power of this demon spirit, he also knew very well that if he made a contract with him, wouldn't he become a person with demon energy.

This demonic spirit seemed to sense Lin Feng's thoughts, and he said, "Don't worry, even if you make a contract with me, you will never show your demonic energy, I will help you, as long as you listen to me, there will be absolutely nothing any questions."

This Lin Feng still hesitated, but he finally gave his permission in the next second, and the monster penetrated into his body in an instant, and for a while, Lin Feng's eyes were surrounded by black air.

"Hahaha! Now that you and I have become one, naturally I won't harm you."

Lin Feng, whose eyes were dark just now, the black gradually faded away in an instant, and Zhou Shen's black demonic energy disappeared, and the spiritual weapon in front of him successfully contracted with him, and disappeared in his body in an instant, and he suddenly felt His spiritual power has skyrocketed, and he is in the process of being promoted.

This kind of pleasure really made him so excited. From the beginning, he was only a person close to the Xuanshen level. Now his ability has risen in a straight line until he reached the peak of the Haotian level and stopped. If it wasn't for his The cultivation base talent is too ordinary, I am afraid it will continue to be promoted.

Lin Feng felt that his body had changed and was completely different from before. Wuxiu really has the benefits of Wuxiu. The magic dragon in his body said, "I am just the demon spirit of this sword. The contract with you made you What about the earth-shaking changes? I didn't lie to you, how does it feel?"

Lin Feng said, "I can sense the spiritual power in my body. It seems that I can solve many things by myself. This is the benefit of martial arts. Because my talent is not high, otherwise I would like to The level of promotion will be higher."

"Hahaha! It's good to know, the two of us cooperate and rule all the continents in the whole world. Wouldn't it be better? You are supreme, and I am supreme, what do you think?"

"Hahaha! Makes sense."

Lin Feng walked up to the bronze mirror, and he took a picture of himself. Sure enough, there was no change from before, because he knew very well that there was magic energy in his body, which could not be seen from the outside.

Although he was infected by a trace of devilish energy before, but that devilish energy did not exert his ability, so his appearance did not change in any way, Lin Feng said, "You really didn't lie to me."

"Why did I lie to you, 803? What good does this do to me, besides, you are my master now, and the supreme existence in the entire world in the future."

He smiled in satisfaction, but he didn't know that this demon was more cunning than him, and he was just using his body.

Even without this demon dragon, Lin Feng is not a good thing, and he is not necessarily better than this demon spirit.

But he is happy now, because he is now at the Haotian level, and he walks with more air. He has a refining weapon, and his cultivation base is so high now, how can people not be envious? Of course he won't show it easily.

Chapter 797 The Discovery of the Wanhuangzong

At this moment, the Wanhuangzong in Ye Qingxuan's ancient jade said, "I'm afraid something is going to go wrong."

Looking at Wanhuang Zhongzong's understatement, as if everything had nothing to do with him, Ye Qingxuan said, "What made you say that."

"I sensed a trace of devilish energy in Lin Feng's body, and he may have been infected by the devilish energy."

"Where does the devilish energy come from? Isn't he just here and never left?"

"I'm afraid he activated the magic sword. Otherwise, what did he want the high-level magic core for today? Fortunately, he was not allowed to get this magic core. Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous."

"Isn't the magic sword sealed? Why did it appear in his hands?"

"You don't know, he is my most proud disciple. As a forging weapon, he is a very outstanding disciple. He has always had a wish, that is to change the attribute of the magic sword. I believe that this magic sword must be his Brought back〃ˇ.”

"Is he crazy? Can he reach that level with his current strength? Besides, you may not be able to do it, master."

"He thinks he is very talented. He doesn't believe what I say. He always violates his life and does it secretly. So I quarreled with him, so that he held a grudge."

Ye Qingxuan finally knew why that guy Lin Feng would kill Wanhuangzong. It seems that Lin Feng really has a wicked plan, and everyone who stands in his way must die.

While Ye Qingxuan was encouraging him to forge weapons, he was already close to being an intermediate-level craftsman, so it won't take long for his ability to surpass Lin Feng's. This is very gratifying to Wan Huangzhong, whether it is in Qi training or in In terms of alchemy, Ye Qingxuan has advanced by leaps and bounds.

With the continuous improvement of these two abilities, Ye Qingxuan's cultivation base also began to rise, from a junior spirit man to a fifth-level spirit man.

Bai Liang of the Bai family is jealous now. Although he doesn't know that Ye Qingxuan is already a fifth-level spirit man, he knows that Ye Qingxuan's current cultivation level is a spirit man. He is working hard and constantly cultivating. , The gap between him and Ye Qingxuan is quite big, not to mention that he is currently in the warrior stage.

Even if he reaches the peak and is close to being a spiritual man, there is still a big difference between him and Ye Qingxuan. Ye Qingxuan cultivated in the third-floor training tower. Now when these people look at him again, they are gone, and the previous arrogance is gone. , No one stopped Ye Qingxuan to go where he was unreasonable before, so Ye Qingxuan chooses the current position at will.

**Smiled and said, "¨¨You brat is so capable. In a short period of time, your status here has undergone earth-shaking changes."

The other disciples on the third floor said, "We can't afford to offend this genius of your Ye family, he is really too powerful."

Then there is another reason, that is, Ye Qingxuan's attainments in alchemy are close to that of an intermediate alchemist, who would dare not (Qian Hao) respect him?

Even Haotian, who is the most powerful in this academy, looks at Ye Qingxuan with admiration, but there are relatively high-ranking pharmacists here, and he appreciates Ye Qingxuan very much, so next he will personally teach him to practice medicine, so that he can make him He broke through the intermediate alchemist faster.

Qingfeng said, "Unexpectedly, my Chongwu Academy has produced a peerless genius. Not only is the talent for alchemy excellent, but the talent for martial arts is also amazing.".

Chapter 798 Extraordinary Abilities

Haotian put away the fan in his hand and said, "This disciple is really different, I like it."

Gu Fa said, "Who doesn't like it, but it's a pity that he is not very good at refining weapons. Although he has been tested to have talent pills in this area, he is still not very talented. If he has the ability to refine weapons, he is really unprecedented. , there will be no one to come."

No one had the ability of the three cultivators before, and none of them later, if Ye Qingxuan had the ability of the three cultivators, it would be exactly as he said.

Ye Qingxuan's ability has broken through, and many people didn't realize it, thinking that he was only the first level of spirit warrior, and no one knew that he had reached the fifth level of spirit warrior.

Lin Feng is so close to this academy, so he naturally has his own plans. Now that he has demon energy in his body, he can find a way to subdue the people in the academy and use them for him.

In the process of thinking about it, it is very difficult for these people to start with.

In the end, he was thinking that it would be more useful for him to start with some of the more powerful disciples. At least he has planted an eyeliner in this pet academy.

Thinking of this, he was still very happy, he didn't need to go to Chengwu Academy at all, as long as he could find many such disciples in the market outside.

Lin Feng has now changed into a new attire, wearing a black robe, which completely conceals his figure and face. With the clothes he is wearing now, no one can recognize him when he appears at the gate of Chongwu Academy he comes.

He is now walking on time here, looking at the disciples of these Pet Academy, the refining, shops and some medicine shops they weaved, not to mention the talent of these disciples is not bad, there are many disciples who are better than his All good.

What he pays attention to is these refining weapons, because they are the best to lure, as long as he tells a little about the method of refining weapons, these people will follow him, so he is fully capable of directly confusing them .

He didn't have such a method before, since he made a contract with this spiritual weapon, the demon spirit in this body has its own method.

Sure enough, someone really followed him (ccfg), he did say something, but after this person was completely controlled, he showed a smile all over his face, he didn't expect that he had so many abilities, this is exactly what he said. what he wants.

After his ability has greatly increased, he now starts practicing kung fu and qi every day to improve his ability. Only by working harder can he be more capable and realize his wish.

This sealed spirit weapon was brought back by him, and now it has become his contract spirit weapon. He said that he is the master of this spirit weapon, but it is not sure who the master is, and everything is now It's only temporary.

Ye Qingxuan's ability improved very quickly, which made Wanhuangzong very satisfied. Wanhuangzong said, "You brat is simply a living treasure. I have never seen a person who can compare his cultivation base with that of the third cultivation. Your talents have been promoted so quickly, and you are already very good if you have three talents, but the speed of this cultivation is so fast is even more shocking."

Ye Qingxuan didn't know that it would take a long time to practice a kind of elixir or advance to the next step. He didn't care about the trifles, improving his cultivation was the most important thing.

Chapter 799

When he saw the gazes of everyone, the dean of the college and those mentors, he knew that maybe he was really, as his master said, a little too extraordinary.

At first, Lin Feng didn't feel anything when he was practicing, but later he found that his body had changed. What's the reason?

When he was in great pain, the demon said, "Your current cultivation level is not ordinary. With your Haotian level ability, it is more than enough to deal with ordinary Haotian level, so the cultivation method is naturally different. Ordinary cultivation methods can't help you."

Lin Feng said, "Then what method do you think I will use?"

"It's very simple. It is to absorb the fierceness of others. This will make your cultivation more fun and easy for you. Not only that, your cultivation base has improved, but your refining technique will also improve."

Lin Feng didn't expect it to be like this, he frowned and still hesitated, if this continues, wouldn't he have entered the way of the devil?

"Don't worry, as long as you do it without anyone noticing, besides, you were also ruthless before."

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