Chapter 783 Amethyst Thunder Tiger

"The most important thing to watch out for is the people closest to me. In fact, I have never thought about it this way, but I never thought that Lin Fengfeng is such a person."

Ye Qingxuan stood up, and said, "Don't worry, old man, I will never be such an ungrateful person, and I will never do things that are inferior to pigs and dogs."

"You stinky boy, am I as old as you say? I am an old man, I look handsome and handsome."

"Hey, he's not old and handsome, and he doesn't look much older than me at this age."

Ye Qingxuan said, "It's almost 797, I'm going out first."

Ye Qingxuan's consciousness returned to his body, his eyes gradually opened, he stood up and stretched his muscles and bones, looked at the other people around him, they were all resting quietly, except for those walking back and forth, they were guarding.

Just when Ye Qingxuan was about to walk over and exchange with them, he heard the sound of a tiger, which startled everyone here, even the birds resting on the tree, and they flew away with a swish. Get up and let out a scream.

Wuchen and Huaying stood up suddenly (ccfg). If it weren't for high-level monsters, they would definitely not be able to make such a sound. It's like sound transmission from thousands of miles away.

Wu Chen said, "It's the Amethyst Thunder Tiger that actually appeared here."

Immediately afterwards there was another roar. Hearing that the voice was indeed this guy, Hua Ying said, "What is this **** doing here? Could it be that someone alarmed him?"

The Amethyst Thunder Tiger is a high-level monster that has reached level seven, no wonder Wuchen and Huaying, the two of them are so nervous to deal with the Amethyst Thunder Tiger.

Wu Chen said to all the disciples, "Everyone come here."

"Or if the monster in front really appears, you should try to retreat as much as possible, and don't move forward."

The reason why this monster appears here is because someone is chasing him and the others, and they want to get the tiger's magic core to refine weapons, because the seventh-order monster Thunder Tiger has attributes. After passing the training of a weapon refiner, it is completely possible to make this kind of amethyst lightning ability appear on the weapon.

There are six or seven people in this group, they are holding special chains in their hands, and they are ready to control the Amethyst Thunder Tiger in front of them. The abilities of these people in front of them are really not low, they are all above the big fighters, and there is one person among them Reached the mysterious **** level.

Wu Chen said, "That person should have just broken through to the Xuanshen level, and with such strength, he dares to attack the Purple Crystal Tiger. I think these people are desperate."

Xiaoying said, "This is not very easy, because they have already led this monster to our side, which is very dangerous for the disciples, it seems that we have to find a way to let them avoid this monster now." monster."

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while, even if they got this amethyst magic core, the properties of this magic core to refine weapons may only be able to be achieved by Lin Feng or their ancient method of Chongwu Academy.

A voice came into his ears, this voice was none other than Wanhuangzong, "If you want to find a way to get that magic core, you just need to get close, and I will find a way when the time comes."

Ye Qingxuan heard it, and he knew that with his ability, even if he got close, he would still suffer a lot of damage.

Chapter 784 The Battle Between the Mentor and the Monster Beast

After all, that monster's ability is too powerful, just look at the powerful purple lightning emanating from his body.

Among them, many big fighters were directly repelled, tens of meters away, although the guy at the Xuanshen level could still hold on, even so he couldn't last long, and he was about to die, but they There is no way to break free now.

That person also saw so many people on this side, it is obvious that the academy is practicing, and he can tell that there are two masters among them, the abilities of both of them have reached the level of Xuanshen. close to peak condition.

One person said, "If we can lure the tiger to that side, we may be able to get out of danger."

"If we really lure there, we will have enmity with Chongwu Academy, and besides, we won't be able to get this amethyst magic core."

The huge tiger was covered with purple thunder spots, and suddenly his huge tiger paw was thrown forward, and the mysterious god-level master who was fighting with him instantly withdrew the tiger and rushed over. They ran towards this side quickly.

Hua Ying said, "These people are really despicable and shameless enough to lead this monster to these disciples."

Wuchen said, "It seems that they want to save their own lives, and then disregard~ the lives of others."

Now there is only one way to get rid of Ye Qingxuan and his disciples, and that is for Wuchen and Huaying to rush forward to stop them. With their peak strength, maybe they can fight this Amethyst Thunder .

If you want to evacuate here now, it's completely too late, because this guy is already angry now, and his running speed is much faster than those of them.

The weapons of Wuchen and Huaying appeared in their hands in an instant, one was the Celestial Halberd and the other was the Crescent Moon Knife. This was the first time among Ye Qingxuan and his disciples that they saw the strength of the two mentors. That mysterious god-level master is much more powerful.

Ye Qingxuan was looking at all the disciples who were far away from here. Thanks to the shots of these two masters, the person just now was out of danger. It was a mess there.


Those big fighters have been injured, and this mysterious god-level one is not much better, "The two of them have already made a move, so the magic core obtained must belong to the two of them, how can we go back then? Tell me, this is what Lin Feng wants."

"I don't know, but with our strength, we are not the opponent of that Thunder Tiger at all, so we can't die. Besides, even if they get the magic core, we are not their opponents. There are so many behind As for the disciples, although they are nothing, we big fighters are all seriously injured, and we are powerless to fight back."


Ye Qingxuan and the others saw that the abilities of these two instructors were indeed very powerful. Compared with the Xuanshen level just now, they did not know how brave they were, especially the Heavenly Halberd.

Ye Wuxuan said to Ye Qingxuan, "This master's magic weapon is not bad, this spiritual weapon is really powerful."

Jiugu said, "It is indeed a very powerful magic weapon. I think there is Gufa there, and his magic weapon should have increased attributes." Men.

Chapter 785 Ye Qingxuan Steps Up Suddenly

"Although the refiners are very powerful, they will not easily waste their fierceness to help some people refine the attributes of weapons."

As a weapon refiner, Ye Qingxuan knows best, because refining weapons consumes too much spiritual power, which will lead to exhaustion of spiritual power. "

All the disciples kept a certain distance, but Ye Qingxuan really wanted to move forward at this time, because he knew that Wan Huang said in "Seven Nine Seven" that as long as he gets close to that monster, maybe the magic core can be directly killed Inhale it into the ancient jade, and get this amethyst magic core without anyone noticing.

When Ye Qingxuan was about to move forward, the people behind him stopped him, and Ye Wuxuan said, "You are here for what you are, you are not an ordinary person, you are the treasure of our Ye family. Can't bear it."

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "Am I that fragile? Don't worry, I have my own measure."

Jiu Gu said, "We know that you are worried about the mentor, but you see that the ability of the mentor is not at a disadvantage at all, so there is absolutely no problem, it is safer to keep a certain distance."

Ye Fengxuan also said, "Yes, yes, if you step forward, maybe the instructor will be distracted, so let's just watch quietly here."

Ye Qingxuan knew that now is not the time, so just wait a little longer, maybe he will have a chance, that monster is really powerful, Ye Qingxuan said, "I can't imagine that the ability of the seventh-order monster is so much higher than that of us humans. There are too many, it is much higher than this monster."

If this Amethyst Lei Liehu was really that easy to deal with, he would have gone out to deal with him a long time ago. Not only is he hard to find, but he is also extremely difficult to deal with. Just watching these two peak masters of the mysterious **** level follow him Fighting for so long is enough to prove how powerful this monster is.

The person before had just stepped into the Profound God level, such a person actually dared to attack the Amethyst Thunder Tiger, and I don't know what they were thinking.

They were also eyeing it, and had no intention of leaving at all. Could it be that they still wanted to catch a leak, but they were gloating in their hearts. They hoped that the two mentors and the monster would be injured at the same time, so that he would have a chance to attack?

It's quite beautiful to think about it, the two instructors are a bit overwhelmed when they attack together, which is enough to prove that the monster's ability is very powerful, and Ye Qingxuan is indeed ready to step forward to assist the instructor at this time...

He can help the two mentors, and he also has his own selfishness. Seeing this, Ye Qingxuan felt a little anxious. At this moment, he suddenly ran towards the front. The speed of his running was really fast enough. The disciples behind wanted to stop him. They didn't stop them, and when Ye Wuxuan and Ye Fengxuan were about to step forward, they were pulled back by Jiu Gu.

"You two are crazy, rushing up at this time is simply asking for death."

And the one who gloats behind him is Bai Liang from the Bai family. If Ye Qingxuan really died here, it would be as they wished in 5.6.

"But Ye Qingxuan rushed up, we wanted to pull him back."

"Don't worry, with Ye Qingxuan's ability, I believe he is sure enough to ensure his safety, otherwise he wouldn't rush forward."

"Didn't you see that those big fighters over there can't do it? Ye Qingxuan has just stepped into the spiritual world, how could he be close to such a powerful monster.".

Chapter 786 Hitting Thunder Tiger's Vital Gate

Ye Qingxuan didn't intend to go forward to attack that guy directly, he couldn't stand the monster's counter attack, when he was about to get close to the Purple Crystal Thunder Tiger, the spiritual weapon in his hand appeared instantly, and the Qiankun Sword slashed Xinghe.

The powerful exhibition force rushed forward in an instant. You must know that the Qiankun Sword held by Ye Qingxuan is not an ordinary spiritual weapon, and the Divine Sword Art he practiced is naturally a good sword technique.

Although his ability as a spirit man can't exert this resolute and extremely powerful power, his ability to cut Xinghe with a single sword is also very powerful.

Wuchen and Huaying didn't expect Ye Qingxuan to make a move, but his position was still safe, and then Ye Qingxuan unleashed his second second sword to move the universe.

Changing his sword moves constantly while dancing, the Qiankun power of the Qiankun sword is still very powerful, which is mainly due to the powerful power of the universe sent forward by Ye Qingxuan, the magic weapon.

With the help of this power, Huaying and Wuchen became handy, and the two of them began to be able to handle it. This shows that Ye Qingxuan's ability still plays a role, and the two of them never imagined that Ye Qingxuan's current ability is still not enough. Can help them both.

But now was not the time to be distracted. If they were a little careless, it would be no wonder that they were not seriously injured by this huge tiger's paw.

The Amethyst Thunder Tiger kept roaring, and at this moment, the voice next to his ear rang out again, "The three swords pierced the sky, approaching his heavenly spirit bones."

The corners of Ye Qingxuan's mouth rose slightly, and he instantly understood that this guy's life gate was on his celestial spirit bone, and he shouted loudly, "Three swords break the sky, break!"

With the power to break the sky and Ye Qingxuan's rotating body, the Qiankun Sword directly stabbed at the sky cover of the Purple Crystal Thunder Tiger. The power is indeed very powerful, the main thing is that Ye Qingxuan Divine Sword Art has reached the full level state, almost no one in Chongwu Academy can reach it.

Although the Divine Sword Jue is not the supreme opinion, it is difficult to practice even the first level. With the combination of the Divine Sword Jue, the power of the Qiankun Sword is really explosive.

Ye Wuxuan rubbed his eyes, "Did Ye Qingxuan charge up at this time?"

The two of them are still very nervous. You must know that Ye Qingxuan is the hope of their Ye family. If he really dies here, then the two of them will not be much better off.

This sword directly hit his Tianling Gai, of course, it was also because the mentor Wu Chenhe Huaying and the others had attracted all the attack power of the tiger, and Ye Qingxuan's blow directly hit his Tianling Gai.

Zi Jinlei, who was hit by the arc of life gate, let out a 797 roar in an instant. With all his might, he bounced Ye Qingxuan's arrow out instantly. Fortunately, Ye Qingxuan did a backflip and landed firmly on the ground. This sentence exploded The voice is completely letting him exude all his abilities.

And the few people watching over there were also dumbfounded. This brat doesn't look very old, and his cultivation level is not high. He actually knows where this guy's fate is, and this sword stabbing is enough to prove that this guy How strong is the ability.

They also did not expect that there would be such a talented person among the disciples of Chongwu Academy. The Zijin Thunder Tiger lay heavily on the ground, panting out, he was hit by the gate of life, and his life was not long.

Chapter 787 Obtaining the Amethyst Magic Core

At this time, Huaying and Wuchen also fell to the ground, and the weapons in their hands disappeared instantly.

Huaying said loudly, "You brat is too risky. If you have any losses, let us explain."

Ye Qingxuan rubbed his nose with his fingers and said, "I'm fine, I'm fine. You don't see any injuries. I also want to help my mentor."

But at this moment, the Amethyst Thunder Tiger completely lost its breath, and its huge body lay there occupying a very large area here.

And the amethyst magic core has already entered the ancient jade, so Ye Qingxuan is still very happy in his heart. The monster has been eliminated, but the magic core has not exploded, which is quite shocking, so powerful The Purple Gold Thunder Tiger actually doesn't have the Purple Crystal Magic Core.

The people watching over there were also quite shocked. Originally, the purpose of coming here this time was for the amethyst magic core.

What people never expected is that this tiger does not have an amethyst magic core. What is the situation? The few of them are watching helplessly here, and there is indeed no magic core floating out.

Those people turned around and left. If they don't leave now, when will they wait? Should they wait for the people from Chongwu Academy to come up and question the teacher?

The few people left quite quickly, when Wu Chen and Hua Ying turned around, those few people had almost disappeared.

Huaying said, "It's pretty fast, and I want to ask them why they did this. Fortunately, it didn't cause any serious consequences. Otherwise, even if they took their lives, they wouldn't be able to bear it."ˇ "

The disciples behind also came forward, looking at the corpse of the monster in front of them with surprised eyes, Ye Wuxuan said, "This Amethyst Thunder Tiger is really powerful, it would be great if we can make a contract with him."

The instructor Wuchen said, "Don't think about this matter. Let alone your strength and cultivation, you have no chance to contract this monster. Besides, not everyone can contract this thunder arc. This kind of monsters have their eccentric nature and never make a contract with humans."

"What a monster with personality."

Huaying said, "If he really wanted to be contracted by humans, he would lie on the ground when his life was hanging by a thread. Obviously he didn't have the will to die rather than surrender, but I'm quite surprised that Zhan guy doesn't have a magic core .”

Jiugu said, those few people were chasing this monster, fortunately they didn't take their lives, otherwise it would be so worthless, a monster without a magic core would give his life.

If Huaying and Wuchen hadn't acted in time, those people's lives would have been gone long ago. However, they did not take action to save the lives of those people, but to protect their disciples, because those people would definitely be killed by themselves. When you can't bear it, lead this monster over. (Zhao Nuozhao)

"¨Okay, okay, it's already dawn, we're going to practice in the ancient forest next, everyone has seen how powerful this seventh-level amethyst thunder tiger is, so you must remember, What I said is only in the edge area, don't go into the depths of the ancient forest."

The mentor led them into the ancient forest, and a team of individuals entered the forest, resulting in two people. They will hover in the sky in the great flying bird.

Chapter 788

If all the disciples were threatened and asked for support in time, they would immediately rush over to support the disciples.

In this ancient forest, the mainland can be seen here. Few people have arrived here, and there are almost no footprints. The road here is very difficult. Ye Qingxuan and the others need to move forward carefully. The injured are dry and the leaves are thick. There was a creaking sound with every step.

Occasionally, when they passed a tree, some birds were frightened and flew away. Ye Wuxuan said, "The trees here are so dense, even if 797 encounters a monster, it can't even fight."

Ye Qingxuan said, "Why are you in a hurry? This is just entering. I don't believe that everything is like this from the inside to the outside."

In this way, they continued to move forward. After walking for a certain distance, a change happened. The number here is not so dense. At least there are some open places, but compared with the outside, these open places are also very small. .

But it would not be so troublesome for them to walk up, at least they don't have to use their hands to pick up the branches and the tall grass in front of them.

They saw two monsters fighting in front of them. They were two third-tier monsters over there. Ye Qingxuan and the others stepped here, as if the grass blocking the four lines was higher in front. Everyone squatted down and looked through. Between the gaps in the grass, the two monsters could be seen fighting fiercely.

Jiugu said quietly, "How could these two monsters still fight?"

Ye Qingxuan turned his head and made a booing motion, telling them not to make a sound. Ye Qingxuan also felt that these two monsters were very strange, and they actually fought here. At this time, he found that there was a herb next to him, no wonder the two Monsters will fight here.

You can see the herb, because he has seen the records of this herb in the ancient jade, because the monsters who eat this herb can improve their cultivation (ccfg), no wonder these two monsters scramble here.

They were squatting on this side, and the two monsters were fighting more and more fiercely. Since they were both two third-tier monsters at the same time, their strengths were also comparable.

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