"Hey, I do as you wish."

I saw a relatively muscular man on the ring, his whole body was very muscular, standing on it, he just knocked down the man just now, his punch was really strong enough, that man punched After being knocked off stage 5.6, he lay on the ground, almost motionless, probably passed out.

Ye Qingxuan knew very well that Ji De had obtained the national martial arts boxing method with a single sword, and this boxing method just happened to be used here.

The corners of his mouth were slightly crooked, and he jumped onto the ring. The people watching here were talking a lot, but he could understand what the people were saying, but he didn't know what they were talking about, after all.

Chapter 671

The big man looked at the dirty beggar in front of him with disgust on his face, "What the **** are you doing? Where did you come from, you stinky beggar, get out of here quickly."

The city lord sitting on it was also looking at this side. He didn't expect that this beggar would dare to come forward to challenge him. Could it be that he also came to be a general?

Ye Qingxuan stood up and said with a smile, "Does this martial arts contest also depend on the identity of the opponent? It just said to recruit generals, but to speak based on his ability, not to see if he is a beggar."

"Don't tell me so much 22 nonsense here, get out of here quickly."

"It's okay to go down, as long as you can defeat me, I'll think about it, but it doesn't have to be me who goes down."

"Hahaha! What a big tone, come here, why don't you hurry up and drag this stinky beggar to me."

Ye Qingxuan said, "It seems that you are afraid of me."

"Will I be afraid of you, a stinky beggar?"

Ye Qingxuan shouted loudly, "Could it be that the dignified Turpan judges the identity of a general based on other people's clothes?"

The city lord waved his hand and signaled the guards to drag him off, "Then you beat him down, it's more fair."

The onlookers here talked a lot, and some people said, "I think this beggar is going to die, don't you know who this warrior is? He looks so thin and weak, how could he possibly stand up to him?" One punch."

"That's right, I'm really overwhelmed."

"Haha, a beggar can't even eat enough to eat. How can he have the strength? This is just a joke. After a while, he doesn't even know how he died."

These people are all gloating here, no one believes that this beggar can beat the big man in front of him.

Although Ye Qingxuan could hear them talking, he didn't pay attention to them at all. Let them talk, the final victory is the most important thing.

The big man had a disgusted and disgusted expression on his face, as if his fist felt dirty even if he hit the beggar's body.

In the next second, this guy waved his crazy and weak fist, trying to finish the beggar with one punch. His punching speed was still very fast, but what he never expected was that his punch was a punch Passed by, but missed a shot, and the opponent hid behind him with a roll, and his movements were very flexible.

Originally, the city lord only thought that the beggar was just here to play casually, but he had other thoughts in his mind when he saw this flower. It seemed that this beggar was really an unusual character.

It was precisely because the big man used too much force that he almost lost his footing, and he never thought that his punch would miss Ye Qingxuan.


It looked a little angry, but Ye Qingxuan still didn't pay attention to it, and then the guy swung his fist and hit this side again, but this time Ye Qingxuan didn't dodge, just pushed forward with his hand, and slapped him. If you stop his fist, you must know how hard this fist is.

No one thought that Ye Qingxuan would actually catch his fist. Looking at the two people on the ring was very funny, because this guy was big and muscular, but Ye Qingxuan looked very thin standing in front of him.

It didn't look like this guy was standing there with his fists waving on purpose, with no strength at all. In fact, he had already used 70% of his strength.

Chapter 672 Mocking

That guy's fist was pushed forward but he couldn't push it. How could he not be able to push this person standing here so quietly? Looking at his fragile appearance, this is impossible.

He retracted his fist as soon as he fought back, and looked at Ye Qingxuan with a different look. He felt that this guy was very strange, and he was probably not as simple as a beggar.

"Who are you?"

Ye Qingxuan smiled, his face was dirty, only his white teeth could be seen, "I am who I am, just as you see me."

In fact, these people watching from the sidelines were also very shocked. They didn't expect Ye Qingxuan to be so powerful. They knew that the big guy couldn't play tricks there, and it was obvious that he used his own strength to stop the big guy's attack.

"How dare you play tricks on me."

"I teased you, I didn't feel it, I came up here to challenge, how can I tease you〃."

"Hmph! I don't believe you are a beggar, it's so simple."

"Hey! What's wrong with beggars? Can't beggars know martial arts? Who stipulated this?"

This guy frowned. He knew that he couldn't say anything to the man in front of him, so he could only wave his fist and try to defeat this guy. He knew that it was not an easy task to defeat the beggar in front of him.

The city lord sitting on it and watching said to the people behind him, "This person is not bad, but he is not as simple as he looks on the surface, is he?"

"City Lord, I don't think there is anything special about this person. It's nothing more than a beggar with some skills. He came to run for this general just to fill his stomach."

"It won't be that simple, let's take a look and talk about it."

The two men confront each other, the beggar's arm is very hard, every collision can be sensed by his opponent, this guy is not simple, and this time he has exerted all his strength, but he still can't knock the man in front of him. How about it, his exercises are very special, he has never even seen them before.

Ye Qingxuan uses the national boxing method, and there is also Bajiquan. Of course, this guy doesn't know the superior martial arts.

Although the big guy is very strong and very strong, but obviously in the duel with Ye Qingxuan, he looked so cumbersome, just when he used all the strength of his whole body to fight forward, Ye Qingxuan dodged and turned sideways to meet him. Passing by, the difference was only a tenth of a millimeter, but this big man still passed Ye Qingxuan.

Immediately afterwards, a bang was heard, and the big man fell directly on the ground. This posture was very funny, and it was obvious that he had exerted too much force and couldn't hold it back.

The ground is full of dust. This guy got up after lying down like this, and his clothes were covered with dust.

Ye Qingxuan said, "¨¨What are you guys doing? (Wang Lizhao) just met, I can't afford such a big gift, but seeing you like a beggar is very talented."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

After this sentence was finished, everyone at the scene really laughed. Everyone was laughing at this guy, which made the big guy even more angry.

He swung his leg and swept forward unceremoniously, but Ye Qingxuan was able to dodge it, and it was very easy.

Chapter 673

Not embarrassed at all, this made this big man very speechless, is he going to lose to this beggar? This must be too embarrassing.

How can he be convinced? He was determined to win this general, and in the next second, the Zhan guy showed a fierce look, and it could be seen that he actually took out a dagger from his waist, and it turned out to be evil if he couldn't hit him head-on.

But the city lord didn't stop him, and everyone else was talking there, and there was a conversation between those with weapons and those without weapons, so it goes without saying that those with weapons are more powerful.

Ye 657 Qingxuan was able to beat this big guy with his bare hands, which also made these people a little worried. The man behind the city lord said, "Did he violate the rules?"

"Wait, I want to see what skills this beggar has."

It's not that Ye Qingxuan has never seen such a thing before, and there are many people like this. Ye Qingxuan started to fight back unceremoniously, using his own Tai Chi skills.

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "I'll let you see what it means to overcome rigidity with softness."

He stabbed towards Ye Qingxuan (ccfg) with this knife, only to see Ye Qingxuan's palm stretched forward and bent forward to wrap around his wrist, and then he backed up, and his hand rushed forward. Fortunately, he was stable Stay in shape, or this guy will lie on the ground again.

The city lord stood on it and said, "He just said what kind of exercise it is."

"It's a Tai Chi technique."

"This exercise is very interesting. Seeing him running back and forth, it seems that he has the ability to move a thousand catties."

Soon the big man was very embarrassed, lying on the ground, and the dagger on his wrist fell instantly, but with a wave of the city lord, several guards came up and dragged the guy down. It was already against the rules for him to use the dagger up.

Another person came up and said, "Is there anyone who comes up to challenge? As long as you can defeat this young hero in front of you, you can become a general."

The people below all talked and said, "No one can beat that big guy, but this guy can beat him, so who will be his opponent? I think this general must be this beggar."

This has been called for a long time and no one came to challenge. It seems that this general is really Ye Qingxuan. Ye Qingxuan walked down and walked towards the city lord. Naturally, the victorious general and the city lord will receive him.

At this moment, a galloping arrow flew directly towards the city lord. This word was written very fast and powerful. When these people reacted, it was too late. These bodyguards are really useless, just when the sword was about to reach the city lord, Ye Qingxuan grabbed him, and at this moment he was already standing in front of the city lord.

The city lord was also terrified, and he never thought that someone would choose to assassinate him at this time.

The city lord said angrily, "Come here, catch that person for me."

These guards immediately went to chase the assassin, and the city lord said with a smile, "It seems that you are really a capable general."

At this moment, the arrow in Ye Qingxuan's hand touched his neck.

This shocked everyone, what is the situation? Didn't he just save the city lord? Now why put the arrow on his neck again? .

Chapter 674 Reaching a Consensus

Ye Qingxuan's move was really risky. The city lord looked at the man in front of him suspiciously. He knew that if he wanted to kill himself, he would not have saved him just now, but why did he do it again?

The city lord said, "Just tell me what you mean, I know you didn't come to kill me at all."

Smart people are indeed smart Ye Qingxuan said, "That's right, I'm not here to kill you but I'm here to negotiate a deal with you."

"Okay, then you can talk, but can this arrow be put down?"

Ye Qingxuan flew back the arrow and directly stuck it on the pillar next to him. It was too much force for just throwing it with bare hands. This made the city lord feel that if this guy wants to kill himself If so, it has already been successful.

The lord of the city said, "Just tell me what kind of business you are. I want to know what kind of business you, a beggar, can say, but let me also tell you about your life experience by the way. I don't believe that you are such a beggar." Simple."

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said, "Should we change places? It would be inconvenient to talk too much here."

The city lord was not that despicable, he took Ye Qingxuan directly to a secret room, and the two of them sat down. In fact, sitting here gave the city lord a lot of face. If he said it outside, there would be a threat It means that the city owner has no steps to go down.

Ye Qingxuan said, "Actually, I'm just here to negotiate a deal with you. If I want to take your life, I'm afraid you won't be here long ago."

"If I'm not mistaken, you came from the city over there - right?"

Ye Qingxuan said, "Originally, I just came here to find out the truth, but I found that I can take your life and end your life directly. In fact, this matter has already been resolved, but I don't intend to do this. For the sake of the city Considering the common people, I still think that peaceful coexistence is better, what do you think?"

"Hahaha! You can indeed gain my trust, but you have to know that you are in my hands now. If I want to kill you now, it will be easy."

Ye Qingxuan said, "Do you think I won't think about these things? There is absolutely no problem with killing you with my skills, but it is not certain that you want to keep me."


"Are you so sure you can do it?"

"Of course, I have enough confidence. If I wanted to kill you just now, there will be chaos in your city, so we can attack while taking advantage of the chaos, but I don't want to do this. After all, the safety of the people is more important. ,What do you think?"


"Hahahaha! Okay, sure enough, the guard is a hero, but since you and I have reached a consensus, why don't you show your face and let me see you."

Hearing what he said, Ye Qingxuan seemed to have agreed, so the city lord ordered someone to prepare clothes, Ye Qingxuan went in to take a shower, changed his clothes and came out, the city lord was shocked, what a treat A man of talent.

"Hahaha! What an extraordinary character, since you and I have reached a consensus, then the next trade will continue and the battle between the two cities will stop."

Ye Qingxuan said, "The city lord is really straightforward, and he is a good city lord who loves the people."

Chapter 675 Reincarnation to the Next World

This city lord also appreciates Ye Qingxuan very much, and when Ye Qingxuan left here, he personally sent him off. If it wasn't for this Ye Qingxuan, the reason why he could have killed himself was because he caught the sword just now, and it really saved him. life.

In fact, Dao Scar and the others have been waiting for Ye Qingxuan. The moment Ye Qingxuan appeared, they found that this guy's radiant face "670" still had a smile on his face. What kind of good news did he bring back? , can make him happy like this.

Several city lords came over directly, "What kind of good thing can make you so excited?"

Ye Qingxuan said with a smile, "Then you guys can guess what kind of good news I can bring back."

"Isn't it because we found out some good news, it should be very beneficial to us."

Ye Qingxuan was still smiling and didn't say anything. At this time, Dao Scar said, "Don't be fooled, tell us quickly, you know we can't wait."

Ye Qingxuan said with a smile, "Originally, I went to find out the truth, but this time I tell you a good news, this battle will not be fought."

"What's going on here, let's hear it quickly."

"Hey! Let me catch a very good opportunity. I entered the city to change the bridge costume and found that they were trying to recruit generals. I think this is a good opportunity to get close to the opposite city lord, but let me never What I didn't expect was that someone would assassinate him, and I just caught up with him, but I immediately thought of a better way by taking this opportunity."

Ye Qingxuan explained the ins and outs of the matter to several of them one by one. Several people listened to it, and they were all dumbfounded. This is simply too interesting.

Dao Scar said to Ye Qingxuan, "So, this matter is settled like this."

Ye Qingxuan nodded, the city lords were really happy, it would be better if they didn't stand here, not to mention their lack of troops, the most important thing is whether the people in the city can be harmed, this is the most important thing. the most important.

Ye Qingxuan can also be regarded as a legendary figure here. Not only does he practice martial arts, but he also has a lot of resourcefulness, and he also makes a lot of friends.

It can also be said that it has become a peaceful place here, but his reincarnation here is over, and he will enter the next turning world...

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