There is a saying that what is hard to come by is more valuable.

The boss of the talking princess city lord personally leads a team of 15,000 people, and the troops are approaching the city to prepare for a storm...

The city lord talked to his immediate superior on the city wall and said, "I can't continue to attack the city behind me. The officials there are very kind to the people, and there has been no harvest for three years. It is useless for us to take it down, and they are very Unity, no matter whether it is emotional or reasonable, I don’t think it can be attacked.”

The immediate boss of the city lord is called Huoya.

The living tooth said to the city lord, "You have worked with me for more than three years. You understand my temper. I don't give any reason. As long as you don't obey the order, you are disobeying me. No one can do it. Today I will give you a chance." , for the sake of the three years we have been together, if you open the city and surrender, I will never embarrass you, and I will not take back your military power in 5.6, and your people will return to your command."

The city lord smiled, and said to the toothless, "Because of you and my company for more than three years, I also know you very well. Today you personally led the troops to the city. Even if I started, you would heal my strength. I am too Now that I understand you, I won't open the city gate, so if you have any tricks, you can do it."

After the city lord finished speaking, he walked down from the wall and did not continue talking to Huo Yazi.

Chapter 636 Siege

The two of us were out of breath, it seemed that this guy was going to fight me to death, and Kuoya ordered everyone to prepare to attack the city.

At this time, the two groups began to fight.

The battle was in full swing, Ye Qingxuan didn't use his abilities, but just played the role of a soldier, he wanted to make the city lord suffer, otherwise he was too arrogant to deal with it.

This battle lasted until dark, which is the cost of the ceasefire. You have no 22 to be breached at all, and both sides suffer, and both groups have suffered serious losses.

But now Huoya only has the upper hand. After all, he has a lot of people. If he continues to attack on the second day, I am afraid that adults will not be able to defend.

At this time, the city lord held an emergency meeting and asked everyone to talk about what to do now. The city lord has nothing to do now.

There is no good way for the four great generals and the little beast monkey to sit there and listen. After all, there are not many people now, and their hands and bodies have always been difficult. They also know very well. If they continue to attack on the second day, it must be lost.

So at this time, when no one had enough time to talk, they walked around on it, feeling very anxious.

When I grew up, I stood up and said to the city owner, "If we want to defend the city, we don't have an advantage in numbers now. If he attacks tomorrow, he will definitely break into the city. At that time, we will be passive. If we want to turn defeat into victory now, You must have 10,000 yuan, or you will abandon the city and flee."

The city lord looked at Ye Qingxuan and said, "Where do we go to find foreign aid at this time? We can't start the journey either. It's not a big deal and we will fight him to the end."

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while, and said to the city lord, "Tomorrow you will confront them head-on, and leave the matter of foreign aid to me. I will borrow troops from the two city lords behind, and I will be caught off guard by outflanking them on both wings. He has nowhere to go, and they can't imagine that we have foreign aid, so as long as I can ask for help, we will win."

The city lord said to Ye Qingxuan with his wide eyes, "How sure are you that you can call for reinforcements?"

Ye Qingxuan looked at the city owner very seriously and said, "I'm 100% sure that I can get reinforcements, and we will definitely win the final victory."

The city lord looked at it, and Ye Qingxuan said to Ye Qingxuan, "Although you and I haven't known each other for long, I absolutely believe that tomorrow I will fight him head-on and draw all his strength, so you go and ask for reinforcements to surround them. They must die."

When the four great generals heard this, who is Ye Qingxuan? They can still invite reinforcements, and they are so confident, do they have any friendship? What kind of background is he? There are too many doubts, and I don't know how to explain it.

Ye Qingxuan said to the city lord, "I'm going to ask for reinforcements now, you stay here at 620, if you have a vertical confrontation with them, you have to shoot a signal arrow to me, I will outflank it from both wings when I see the signal button Kill them all, wipe them all out."

The city lord said to Ye Qingxuan, "Okay, now you can leave from the back to call for reinforcements. Once I have a direct confrontation with them, I will send a signal flare to you."

After Ye Qingxuan finished speaking, the world came out of the battle of the city lord, and the lion lifted from the back door of the city went to the man with the scar.

The city lord is 100% now, I believe that Ye Qingxuan can invite reinforcements, if you ask him why, he can't tell, it's just a kind of intuition.

Chapter 637 Rescue

Ye Qingxuan came to the scarred man, the city lord Wang and the bandits were waiting here, and the news was very urgent.

The scarred man was very happy to see Ye Qingxuan came back. The city lord Wang, the bandit leader and the scarred man all came out to greet him. When they met, they talked about what happened to Ye Qingxuan these days.

Ye Qingxuan told Scar Man, City Lord Wang, and the bandits, "The City Lord of the city in front is really a good person. He really doesn't kill the common people, doesn't embarrass the common people, and doesn't rob them. It's just that his subordinates are dishonest. .

After entering the city, you started to kill the common people, that's why so many refugees came to us. That subordinate has already been beheaded by their city lord. They know that you are good to the common people.

So they are unwilling to attack, but their immediate superiors are now leading troops to strangle them, saying that they are rebellious, and they are now fighting among themselves. Huo Yazi led 15,000 people and is attacking their city owner 10,000 people.

There was already a battle yesterday, and both sides suffered losses. If we continue to fight today, the cost will definitely be broken, so I will lead some people back to help their city lord outflank and annihilate Huo Yazi's team from both wings.

In this way, we will be peaceful, otherwise my son will continue to attack us after we lead the city, and at that time it will be the common people who will suffer along with the flames of war〃. "

When Ye Qingxuan said this, the city lord of the scarred man and the bandit leader understood everything at once, and said directly to Ye Qingxuan, "Just tell me how many people you want."

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while and said, "200 people are fine, just for show."

At this time, Scar Man, City Lord Wang and the bandit leader didn't understand what Ye Qingxuan meant.

He didn't dare to ask more questions, and directly sent 200 people to Ye Qingxuan.

Ye Qingxuan said to the man with the scar, "No matter what happened before, you just guard the city and don't fight, and make a decision when I come back."

After Ye Qingxuan finished speaking, he took a look at the 200 people. Zhou Qi's war horse followed Ye Qingxuan, and came to the back of the city along the way, where they rested.

You Ye Qingxuan's mana can handle it by yourself, but you still have to put on a show, someone must come.

Ye Qingxuan led 200 people and divided them into two teams. The first team of 100 people walked over from the two wings and rested temporarily, waiting for the signal from the city lord. Once there was a head-on firefight, the city lord would attract their main fighting force, and then the two wings climaxed and killed them .

When you are old, tell these 200 people to rest where they are, and there may be a fierce battle at dawn tomorrow.

The 200 people brought by Ye Qingxuan are all archers, and they are all young men with strong physiques.

It was dawn soon, and Ye Qingxuan kept observing the front, waiting for the city lord to send him a signal.

At this time, everything in the city was ready, and the city lord led the last more than 3,000 people to guard the city gate.

The opponent still has 7,000 opponents.

The group owner suddenly discovered that Huoya's team was going here to cut off the power and prepare to start work. This time it was a brave battle and must be made public.

The lord of the city led (Wang Liaohao) four fierce generals to personally direct the battle on the city, and must hold on to it, waiting for rescue.

Not long after, the team led by Huo Ya directly approached the city.

The city lord led more than 3,000 of his people to die there for a while and saw Huo Yazi, and all 7,000 people rushed in. At this time, the city lord set up a signal flare behind the formation, and the city lord thought it would be up to Ye Qingxuan this time. If he shows up, he will surely win. If he doesn't show up, he will die here today.

Chapter 638 Reinforcements Arrive

The city lord and Huo Yazi, the two of them are inseparable, they rush up and fight down one wave, rush up and fight down another wave, now the city lord's power is simply going to be unstoppable, no one can use it anymore up.

At this moment, the second child rode a lion and led the 200 archers to rush out from both sides and gather behind the enemy. For these 200 people, Ye Qingxuan used spells to increase their attack power by 100 times.

What is the concept of 100 times the attack power? It is equivalent to one person for 100 people, shooting one piece is equivalent to shooting 100,623 pieces, and 200 people is equivalent to 20,000 people. It is not enough to kill these 7,000 people, and now the toothless and mature have been fighting for a while, 5,000 people It's not enough anymore, killing them is a matter of minutes.

These 200 people are like machines, they no longer have their own meaning.

The city lord was very excited when he saw the arrival of the reinforcements, and said to all the soldiers, "Hold on for our reinforcements. When victory is at hand, as long as we don't open the city gates, they will be wiped out by the reinforcements. Support me!" live."

The soldiers in the city heard it thoroughly, and rushed forward to kill the enemy one after another.

The city lord looked at Ye Qingxuan again, "But I only saw that these people thought that there would be a lot of people one after another, and there was such a small group of mature people. By visual estimation, there were only one or two hundred people. At this time, the city lord felt a little cold. Although Yazi was severely injured.

But 200 people are of no use to them. Ye Qingxuan said please allow me. I really don’t understand why you brought so few people. The city owner is also very depressed at this time. He thought the victory was in his hands, but he didn’t expect to see these people Then he lost confidence. "

My girl found out that a group of reinforcements had been killed from behind. She was a little flustered at this moment, but she looked carefully and there were not many people. Those who had lost their teeth thought it was the soldiers from the city who chiseled them out from the side door, and these few people were not there at all. By the way, my son didn't care about (ccfg) at all, so I concentrated all my strength on attacking the city.

Ye Qingxuan looked at the current situation of the project, and felt that the city lord could not stand it any longer, so he ordered the 200 soldiers to shoot arrows at me.

One person shooting one piece is equivalent to releasing 20,000 pieces. Just these few thousand people, the real spike kills them all in an instant, and the direct victory is as simple as that, and it is so cool.

Ye Qingxuan looked at the thousands of people in front of him, and they all fell to the ground in an instant. It was really a shocking scene.

Ye Qingxuan directly withdrew the mana of the 200 people, and in an instant, the group of people became sober again, unable to return to their meaning. The 200 people stood there, thinking that they had shot an arrow, and then they woke up not knowing what happened. Seeing that all the people in front fell down, they won, and the 200 people cheered there.

The city lord glanced down on the city wall at this time. The people who attacked the city just now were in full swing, but now they are all closed down suddenly, and all of them are full of heavy swords, just like hedgehogs.

The city lord was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Ye Qingxuan's people on the opposite side, how did they manage to stand maturely on the city wall and completely bewildered.

The soldiers on the city wall saw that all the attacking people were dead, and they cheered enthusiastically there. They finally won. These thousands of people were instantly killed, really speechless.

Chapter 639 The Final Victory

Ye Qingxuan brought the 200 people directly to the city wall and said to the city lord on the wall, "We have won, you guys adjust, I will send back the borrowed 200 people, and I will be back in a while."

The city lord looked at Ye Qingxuan and the 200 people on the city wall. He didn't know who these 200 people were, they were so powerful, they were completely confused, and couldn't figure it out at all.

After Ye Qingxuan finished speaking, he brought 200 people back to the outside of Dao~Scar Man's city through the side door.

The man with the scar on the city wall saw that Ye Qingxuan had returned, and hurriedly asked the guards to open the city gate, put down the drawbridge to welcome Ye Qingxuan into the city.

Ye Qingxuan marched into the city with 200 people.

When he arrived in the city, Ye Qingxuan met the city lord, the scarred king, and the bandit leader. These people said to Ye Qingxuan, "What's the situation ahead? Could it be that the **** who didn't start the war withdrew his army? Why did you come back so quickly?"

Ye Qingxuan smiled, and said to the scarred man, "We have already won, the whole army of live ducks was wiped out, and none of the living ducks were killed."

The man with the scar didn't quite understand at this time and said to Ye Qingxuan, "Is it because the person you brought was late, and they had already finished fighting when you arrived?"

Ye Qingxuan smiled, and said to the man with the scar, "How is that possible? If I don't bring these 200 people with me, they won't be able to defend the city, and they will be broken into soon."

The man with the scar is even more confused at this time. What can these 200 people do? And for such a short time.

Ye Qingxuan said, "I have my plan, so don't ask any more questions. These 200 people are unscathed. I brought them all back to you. I have to go back now. There are many things to deal with over there."

The man with the scar said to Ye Qingxuan, "Since the matter has been resolved, what are you going back to do? What if that mature man has evil intentions and controls you, what should I do?"

Ye Qingxuan laughed haha, and said to the man with the scar, "He is not the kind of person you said. This person is very loyal. He must be recruited to strengthen us. You just wait for my good news."

Scar Man, City Lord Wang, and the bandit leader heard that Ye Qingxuan was far-sighted, so they didn't dare to ask more questions. Everyone knows that Ye Qingxuan is very cautious in doing things, there will be no danger, and there will be no special circumstances. Very relieved.

After Ye Qingxuan finished speaking, he rode a lion and ran back to the city lord. When Ye Qingxuan arrived at the base of the city, there were corpses everywhere. The soldiers in the city were cleaning the battlefield, cleaning up all the corpses, and pulled out all the swords from these people. After it comes down, it can continue to be used again, all of which are cleaned here.


Finally counted the arrows and harvested 20,000.

Ye Qingxuan strode into the city on a lion. The city lord and four generals all descended to meet Ye Qingxuan.


After Ye Qingxuan saw the city lord, he said, "You are very strong and guarded the city gate, otherwise the city will fall."

The city lord said to Ye Qingxuan at this time, "Who are you? Are you sent by God to save me? How did your 200 people manage to kill these thousands of people instantly?

It’s unbelievable. When you brought 200 people, I felt chilled when I saw it. You brought too few reinforcements. How to fight against these people, but I don’t know what happened. It’s so shocking these days up. "

Ye Qingxuan laughed hahaha and said to the city lord, "Don't forget that I am holy and the 200 people I brought are definitely not ordinary people. It is really a matter of minutes to kill these people."

Chapter 640 God Man

At this time, the city lord suddenly respected Ye Qingxuan and the soldiers behind him. Fortunately, the latter two cities were not attacked by force. If they went to attack the city, they would not be killed in seconds.

When the city lord thought of the soldiers in the two cities behind, he really couldn't imagine what kind of attack power they had.

Ye Qingxuan said to the city lord, "You can rest assured this time, use your method of "six two three" to govern the city and let the common people live a stable life. Come back, this is his home."

The city lord looked at Ye Qingxuan gratefully and said, "I thought I knew you quite well, but now I don't understand you less and less."

Ye Qingxuan laughed hahaha, and said to the city lord, "People get to know each other better as we get along, why do you still don't understand me less and less, you are really interesting."

The city lord smiled, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "I have seen your personal ability before, and it is unmatched by anyone, but now your ability to do things has impressed me again, you are really a god."

Ye Qingxuan smiled and said to the group leader, "What kind of a god? I'm just an ordinary person. Now that your enemy has been eliminated by you, what are your plans next?"

The city lord thought for a while, and said to Ye Qingxuan, "Now that the foreign lands have been eliminated, we should start to build civilization and improve the lives of ordinary people. I have an idea, can you let me know the two city lords behind you?" , for helping me so much, why don’t you thank me in person.”

Ye Qingxuan looked at the city lord and said to the city lord, "We are all friends, it's ok to get to know each other. Let me handle this matter. Do you think we will meet at your place or at their place?"

The city lord smiled and said to Ye Qingxuan, "Then I must be visiting them. They have helped us and are still waiting here. It would be impolite to ask them to come there. I should go see them."

Ye Qingxuan is right after thinking about it, you are pretending to be a big-tailed wolf here, you should pretend that your third grandson follows me to meet my few, brother, this is normal.

After Ye Qingxuan finished speaking with the city lord, he returned directly to the scarred man. When he came to the scarred man, the king and the bandit leader were there...

After Ye Qingxuan saw that the daughter of the bandit leader could see things, she ran around every day, very happy, and the smile on the bandit leader's face was much more than before.

Seeing that Ye Qingxuan came back and won all the games, the brothers went up and said to Ye Qingxuan, "You are back, we have been looking forward to you all day long, how is the city in front? It has completely stabilized."

Ye Qingxuan took a look, and the brothers said to these people, "There is nothing important, everything has been stabilized, and now their city lord wants to get to know you, after all we sent troops, he wants to express his thanks. "

The brothers heard that this is a good thing. Our team has grown, and we have 5.6 mutual support. The brothers said to Ye Qingxuan, "What do you think of the character and conduct of the city lord? Is it the same as us?" , if we didn’t just get to know each other and then we’d be knocked down, if it’s people with the same aspirations, we can get along well and get in touch with each other further.”

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