I have been to ** and mentioned countless martial arts gyms.

There is a martial arts gym inside.

He used this trick.

But then.

That person's finger was cut off by him directly.

But now.

His own long knife was between Yang Xuan's two fingers.

Couldn't move at all.

"I lost!"

Chuanzheng was sad in his heart.

He knew that he had lost.

And it won't end well.

after all.

When he went to the gym before, he never kept his hand!

Many people died terribly.

"Chuanzheng! I have read your profile!"

"So, I'll give you a chance!"

"Take my sword! After one sword, all grievances will be cleared!"

Yang Xuan let go of his fingers.

Then, Chuan Zheng's heart was filled with excitement.

It's just one move!

Just one move!

The other party is even in the legendary realm.

But he thought that one move could still be followed.


His desire to survive suddenly burst out.

No one wants to die!

He is also included.

Especially after knowing it.

In addition to Gang Jin, martial arts also have stronger ranks.

He also wanted to sprint upwards.

under his gaze.

Yang Xuan grabbed at the void.

Immediately afterwards.

Immediately, a large amount of fog appeared.

The mist gathered in Yang Xuan's hand and formed a long sword.

"Tai Chi Sword Art Beginning of Chaos!"

A sword stabs out!

The world seemed to stand still.

Originally very excited, Kawamasa Colonel who thought he didn't have to die.

When facing this sword.

I was stunned for the first time.

Immediately afterwards.

His pupils lost focus, and his consciousness completely disappeared.

before consciousness disappears.

He had one last word.

"No! No! You are not a fool!"

"You are above God!"

"You are not a legend, you are a myth!"

But that's not all.

next second.

His knife first turned into powder, and under the blowing of the breeze, it completely disappeared.

Then there is his whole person.

It's like a painting on paper that has been erased with an eraser.

"Spiritual manifestation, it really has surpassed the cognition of mortals."

"It's just country R, ​​don't give them good looks!"

"However, after this fight, I think I can't hide the state of spiritual manifestation from above the gods."

Yang Xuan dispersed the Wujian, thoughtful in his heart.

he knows.

This time I fought against Chuanzheng, many people must be watching through satellites.

Especially countries with eagles as their totems.

Their eagle eyes have completely locked on to Yang Xuan.

When Yang Xuan swept many small countries next.

There are already four groups of people in the Eagle family.

Ambush and attack Yang Xuan.

But it didn't have the slightest effect.

All those who went to target Yang Xuan.

They all became disciples of Yang Xuan.

The Buddha Kingdom in the palm of your hand.

So scary! .

Chapter 39 is approved, Messenger of Peace! (5 more!)

this day.

It was the last day of the second month of Yang Xuan's true spirit awakening.

And today.

Yang Xuan has already arrived at Eagle Eye Country.

During this time.

He swept across the countries and stepped into the martial arts world.

Except for the last Hawkeye country.

All the known masters of strength have been abolished by him.

Those foreign fighters who have come to Japan and wreaked havoc in the martial arts hall.

He was even killed directly.


It was Yang Xuan's last stop.

This time the target is: Eagle Eye Country.

The head of the Commonwealth.

Take the eagle as the totem.

The intention is to soar into the sky and look down on the powerful kingdoms of the nations.

Eagle Eye Country.

at the border!

Tens of thousands of soldiers formed a blockade.

The top weapons have all been activated.

"Guardian defensive missile, ready to launch!"

"Once the target crosses the boundary, launch directly!"

"The armed drones are activated, and 3,000 of them fly out together!"

"Cobra Ultimate Special Forces is dispatched!"

"Prevent him from entering our territory at all costs!"

"The Twelve God Kings set up the last line of defense!"

"Absolutely! Absolutely! Keep the other party here!"

Eagle Eye Country already knew Yang Xuan's route.

They dare not let Yang Xuan enter their city.


Right here I am going to leave Yang Xuan behind.

To this end, heavy firepower was used at all costs.

at the same time.

Hawkeye's highest combat command.

All of their top echelons have held emergency meetings.

Highest specification.

Confidential meeting room.

"Everyone! You have already seen the information about the ** exiled immortal Yang Xuan."

"Although we have set up an extremely terrifying defensive circle."

"But according to the descriptions of various countries, he is still invincible!"

"We have a dedicated person in charge who analyzed Yang Xuan."

"The answer I got is that he has surpassed the realm of breaking the void and seeing gods!"

"And, it's still improving!"

"The speed of improvement is very fast!"

"It can be said that he is a superman in the real world!"

"Flying across the sky, using psychology on the body, mentally interfering with external objects, and terrifying spiritual power, people become his believers after being punched by him."

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