So this is the Chaos God Beast, which has the powerful power of the Demon World Warcraft and also incorporates the aura of the Immortal, and has a certain understanding, so this Chaos God Beast is also very smart.

Because this chaotic beast was built and condensed by the angels of the fairy world and the demon king of the demon world, important figures in the two worlds, so this chaotic beast can be said to be very powerful.

Chapter 321 Facing Together

But because of the demon world and the immortals, it arranged this chaotic beast here to take care of the chaotic world. The chaotic beast can only stay in this chaotic world to ensure that this chaotic world is very peaceful.

Make sure that no demon world or immortals enter. If you find that the demon world or immortals have entered the chaotic world, you will kill them without mercy and swallow them in your stomach.

At this time, the Chaos Divine Beast felt the breath of the outside world coming in, and couldn't help being quite happy inside.

After all, after staying here for tens of thousands of years, some outside forces would occasionally enter him, but they were all overwhelmed by his aura.

Before the Chaos Divine Beast swallowed them, he was completely wiped out.

And in the past few thousand years, this chaotic beast has never seen the power of the outside world enter this chaotic world.

The Chaos Divine Beast also felt very lonely staying here alone.

So when there is no other outside breath entering the chaotic world, he has always entered a dormant state.

He would only wake up when the breath of external power disturbed him, so the Chaos Divine Beast felt this trace of external power.

237 I couldn't help but feel happy, someone finally came to this world to play with him!

There seemed to be a hint of secret surprise in the heart of the chaotic beast.

So at this time, the chaotic beast seemed to feel a little excited, stood up, and shook its body.

Maybe it's nothing to the Chaos God Beast's shaking his body, but he didn't expect that his body would cause the fog in this chaotic world to tremble constantly.

Ye Qingxuan and a few spirit beasts felt that it seemed as if an earthquake had occurred in this chaotic world, and the diffuse mist around them was fluctuating.

The two fog beasts and fierce tiger spirit beasts, feeling this situation, flew towards Ye Qingxuan and the others crazily and fast.

When the tiger beast and the two fog beasts returned to Ye Qingxuan and the other spirit beasts.

Ye Qingxuan couldn't help being a little happy when he saw the two fog beasts and the fierce tiger beast came back safely. He thought to himself and talked to the tiger beast and the two fog beasts.

"It's good that the two of you can come back safely. I think with so much of our strength together, we will always find a way to escape from here."

"I will set up a barrier now to block our breath. I will send you back to my spiritual power space!"

"It's safer that way!"

At this time Ziyu Qilin was the first to speak, and said to Ye Qingxuan.

"Master, you can't send us to your spiritual power space. We don't know what's going on in this chaotic world now."

"And you are only at the level of a fairy now. Although your meridians have been opened up now, maybe your force and magic power will be very strong."

"But this chaotic world seems to have a kind of oppressive atmosphere. Even if your mana and force are very strong, it seems that you can't use it here."

"As for each of our divine beasts, although the current immortal rank is not very high, everyone will have everyone's strength."

"And just now the two fog beasts and the fierce tiger spirit beast also mentioned the chaotic beast in front, which seems to be very huge."

"But no matter how huge it is, it is just a monster, similar to us, so I think so many of us are here to find a way to defeat this chaotic beast."

"If we work together, we will definitely win. The chances of winning will be higher. If you face him alone, I'm afraid you will be in danger."

At this time, the earth demon bear spirit beast next to him saw the purple jade unicorn, and he could not help being very happy in his heart for being able to perform like this.

Ye Qingxuan didn't agree with Ye Qingxuan sending them into the spiritual power space when he heard Ziyu Qilin so quickly, and he still missed his master (ccfg) very much in his heart.

Ye Qingxuan couldn't help being very comforted in his heart, he was thinking about his spiritual pets, and now it's not just the Earth Demon Bear who can miss her from the heart.

Now this purple jade unicorn seems to be the leader of several of his spiritual pets, showing his kingly demeanor at this time.

So Ye Qingxuan was very happy when he saw the change of Ziyu Qilin.

At this time, since Ye Qingxuan heard that the purple jade unicorn had already said this, he thought secretly for a while, and then spoke to a few spirit beasts.

"That's it. If I don't take you back to the spiritual power space, let's find a way together?"

"But now I hope that all of us will build a barrier together to restrain our aura. Maybe the beast in this chaotic world can feel the aura of the outside world."

"If we put away our breath completely, maybe he can't feel us, and there won't be such a serious danger."

"In this way, we will have enough time to deal with it."

Several spirit beasts felt that their master's suggestion was very correct. At this time, Ye Qingxuan was sitting in the middle, surrounded by several spirit beasts.

They used their own consciousness and their internal strength to create a nodular world that could shield their aura in this chaotic world, similar to an energy shield.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan used the Tian Jue again, and the sword's sword art turned into a phantom of the Tian Jue Sword, which merged with this energy shield that could shield their information.

Not only this energy shield can shield their information, but because the phantom of Tianjue Sword Soul absorbs this energy shield, it has the function of increasing defense.

So even if the divine beast in this chaotic world really found them and wanted to attack them, the phantom of Tianjue Sword would also counterattack the power of this divine beast.

This makes their breath-shielding barrier protected by force, so they can be relatively safer.

After they built this shielding barrier, they began to study what to do next? Ye Qingxuan asked the two fog beasts at this time.

"Fog Beast, your eyesight and perception are stronger than any of us in the current situation."

"You saw the chaotic beast in front of you just now. I want to know what this chaotic beast looks like? Does it have any martial arts? I don't know how much you can see and feel about this chaotic beast?"

At this time, the two fog beasts, upon hearing their master's question, Ye Qingxuan replied.

"When we were walking forward, we just saw two red dots that kept shining. At first, we didn't know what they were. When we continued to walk forward, we found that there should be a huge beast in front of us.

Chapter 322 Discuss Strategies

"Because I saw the outline of a ferocious beast. This outline is very huge. If we add up the volume of several of us, it may only be as big as one leg of this divine beast."

"This chaotic beast is very large. It may have been disturbed by our intervention. I saw that he just opened his eyes and took a breath, and his internal force was released."

"At this time, we couldn't help being slightly injured, so we accelerated and ran back to you, but when we ran over, it seemed to disturb her even more. I think this fog beast should be approaching soon. We are."

Before the fog beast finished speaking, Ye Qingxuan and a few spirit beasts felt the earth shaking and the mountains shaking, and the chaotic beast came towards them again.

Ye Qingxuan and all the beasts could hear the sound of "bang bang bang", like a super powerful beast walking forward, and it felt like the ground was shaking.

Although they set up a breath barrier, when they heard this penetrating voice, they felt like they wanted to run away immediately. "

But in this chaotic world, there is fog and black mist all around, and they don't know what other dangers there will be in this chaotic world.

Even if I ran, I didn't know where it would be safer, so I broke free from the thought of running away, quietly mobilized my internal strength, and was ready to fight at any time.

Ye Qingxuan and a few divine beasts held their breath. Inside this protective cover, they hoped that this protective cover could shield their information so that the chaotic divine beasts could not find them and give them more time.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan was also thinking about what they should do next?

But Ye Qingxuan didn't have any good ideas after thinking about it. At this moment, they felt this chaotic beast slowly walking in.

When the wonton beast approached them, they could feel the constant panting of the chaotic beast.

When this chaotic beast took a breath, the thick gray-black mist seemed to be sucked into its stomach by it, and it could feel that the range of sight in front of it expanded even more.

When he spits out a thick black mist, it will make the surrounding fog thicker, and it seems that he can't see anything.

So Ye Qingxuan and several spirit beasts, when this chaotic beast inhaled into its stomach, the dense fog around it was swallowed into its stomach, and suddenly they felt that the range of sight began to expand, and they realized that this The Chaos Divine Beast is really huge.

But they have blocked their aura now, and this chaotic beast seems to really be unable to feel their aura. Because they saw this chaotic beast, they walked forward step by step to avoid them, as if they really didn't find them.

In fact, for the Chaos God Beast, when the two fog beasts and the Tiger God Beast ran back quickly, he felt a powerful breath from the outside world in his chaotic world.

But when Ye Qingxuan and the others made this shielding barrier to shield their aura, so this chaotic beast couldn't feel the aura of the outside world, I was still thinking, could it be that I was thinking too much or what was going on?

So this chaotic beast walked forward slowly step by step, when he devoured the breath, although she couldn't feel the strange breath of Ye Qingxuan and the others.

But when they walked into Ye Qingxuan and the others, they saw that Ye Qingxuan and the others had created a shielding barrier here, and there were so many spirit beasts surrounding Ye Qingxuan.

The Chaos God Beast couldn't help being startled, thinking that this time it was fun, someone could play with him for a while, so the Chaos God Beast pretended to be himself, and couldn't find their appearance, walked past them, and then walked over to Ye Qingxuan and the others. Lie down next to him.

They were going to sleep next to Ye Qingxuan and the others, but Ye Qingxuan and the others slept next to them when they saw this huge chaotic beast, and his panting breath hit Ye Qingxuan's protective cover, and the protective cover seemed to be trembling.

It looks a little frightening, but when this chaotic beast was panting, Ye Qingxuan and several spirit beasts could feel the sight in front of them, and it became clear for a while, and saw a super huge and ferocious beast of mine , Sleeping on my stomach right in front of my face.


And when he breathed out, a mist blocked their eyes, and they couldn't see anything.

Ye Qingxuan sat cross-legged in meditation in front of these spirit beasts, secretly thinking in his heart, what should be done to get rid of the danger in front of him.

Ye Qingxuan thought about it, at this time Ye Qingxuan said to the two fog beasts.

"The environment here in the fog beast is very similar to the sea of ​​fog you lived in before. I feel that you and this chaotic beast should have similar experiences. I don't know what kind of insights you have."

The fog beast has always been in this spiritual power space. Among so many spiritual beasts, it has the lowest sense of existence. It did not expect that its owner would value him so much when it fell into the chaotic world this time.


The two fog beasts couldn't help secretly laughing, at this time one of the two fog beasts said to Ye Qingxuan.

"The master, as we live in the environment of this kind of dense and diffuse air, like our fog beasts, we have adapted to the air there, because there is super-rich aura."

"We can only live in places where the aura is stronger than other places. If we leave the sea of ​​fog, it will be difficult for us to survive."

"Because the ultra-dense fog there has adapted to our breathing, but if the aura in other places outside is very weak and does not meet our breathing standards, we feel like we have a feeling of suffocation and cannot survive."

"However, since we signed a contract with you and became your spirit beast, it seems that our system has also changed with you, so that we can grow and survive in this environment and some other environments."

"I feel like a chaotic beast in this chaotic world. It is an independent individual, and it has adapted to this chaotic world."

"If the thick air in this chaotic world is dissolved or sucked away, I don't know if this chaotic beast can adapt to the breathing environment without chaotic fog." The door.

Chapter 323 Chaos Divine Beast Is Too Powerful

"So I was thinking in my heart, if I can get rid of the dense fog in the chaotic world, how can I make him thinner, or change his current situation."

"Will it stimulate this chaotic beast, so that he does not have super strong force and magic power?"

"After all, when he doesn't have the right air for it and has breathing problems, I think his mana and skills will be depleted."

Ziyu Qilin was also silently listening to the fog beast's sharing, and Xiang was also thinking in his heart how to get rid of their current danger.

The Earth Demon Bear Spirit Beast heard what the Fog Beast shared, and suddenly, an idea appeared in the Earth Demon Bear Spirit Beast's mind, and it said to Ye Qingxuan.

"Master, if we use the way we are now making nodules, if we create a "two-three-seven" knot for this chaotic beast so that she can't breathe the thick fog outside, will he lose his mana?" What about the decline in power?"

Ye Qingxuan thought about it for a while and thought it was also a way, but he said again like the Earth Demon Bear Spirit Beast, this Chaos God Beast is very powerful.

If we create nodules around it, I don’t know if he can feel it. If he finds out, I don’t know if we will be her opponent.

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while at this time and wanted to talk to the Earth Demon Bear Spirit Beast.

"How about it! You stay in the barrier on the screen here, and now I jump up alone to shield my breath and jump to the middle of him."

"The phantom of the Absolute Heaven Sword in my hand can form a super-strong protective shield at any time to attack this chaotic beast."

"If I fly to the top of this chaotic beast, it doesn't respond at all. You come to me one after another to form a spiritual link with me, create a nodular world, and trap it inside."

After Ye Qingxuan finished speaking, the other spirit beasts looked at each other and felt that it was very reasonable, so they agreed with Ye Qingxuan's idea.

"At this moment, Ye Qingxuan got up and jumped, flying over the Chaos Divine Beast.

Holding the Heavenly Absolute Sword in his hand, the Soul Swallowing Divine Beast has already seen their thoughts, but the Chaos Divine Beast just felt that since no other anger had intervened here for thousands of years, after someone came in suddenly, the Chaos Divine Beast felt that someone was with him Playing is also very good.

So the Chaos Divine Beast squatted there without getting up, and continued to pretend to sleep. Ye Qingxuan found that the Chaos Divine Beast did not get up, and did not find him.

At this time, let a few divine beasts continue to form links with him, forming a net-like barrier enchantment, and storing the chaotic divine beasts here.

Chaos Divine Beast, after they finished this enchantment, Chaos Divine Beast slowly stood up at this time.

Originally, he thought that these few outsiders could not be so powerful, but he didn't expect that this alien fairy and the spirit beast he led would weave a barrier around it.

At this time, the Chaos Divine Beast suddenly felt a difficulty in breathing, because the Chaos Divine Beast needed to swallow the strong breath in it to maintain its own tendons.

But I didn't expect that the enchantment they created would separate it from the strong magic energy, so the chaotic beast felt a little abnormal at this time.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho..."

The soul-swallowing beast let out a wild roar, and Ye Qingxuan and the other spirit beasts were all blown away by the powerful deterrent force.

Because there was a dense fog, all Ye Qingxuan and all the spirit beasts flew out and couldn't find each other, but luckily they could connect with each other by relying on their spiritual sense.

Ye Qingxuan was only relieved when everyone used their spiritual consciousness to link up with other spirit beasts and their masters and found that neither of them was in danger of life.

Ye Qingxuan used his divine sense to quickly bring these spirit beasts in front of him, because at this moment, due to the dense fog, Ye Qingxuan and the others were blocked by the thick fog and could not see the chaotic beasts ahead.

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