Chapter 310 Thoroughly Carrying and Transforming the Elixir

Although I don't know the purpose of this immortal when he gave Ye Qingxuan the elixir.

But no matter what, with the help of his super strong body, Ye Qingxuan managed to completely transform this elixir, slowly merging it with his own body.

Ye Qingxuan only felt that his tendons were gradually becoming stronger, and the tendons were constantly being opened up, which made the aura stored in each tendon stronger.

Ye Qingxuan continued to circulate here slowly, allowing this spiritual energy to continuously strengthen his tendons, although it was a little difficult, but after Ye Qingxuan worked hard to stabilize the movement of the mind, the meridians were gradually opened up and gradually strengthened.

After Ye Qingxuan's gradual transformation, his body slowly absorbed it, until Ye Qingxuan swung the Tianjue Sword with a super strong sword light, shot outwards, hit the stone wall, and sparked dazzling sparks.

Ye Qingxuan looked at a dazzling flash on the stone wall, and was immediately very surprised. She never expected her sword sense to be so powerful now, and her inner strength is also super powerful.

Ye Qingxuan immediately felt very happy, because this panacea increased the power of his base, making his martial arts and mana more powerful.

In the blink of an eye, the sunrise in the east had slowly risen, and there were bursts of bird calls outside, Ye Qingxuan opened his eyes and walked out of the cave.

There are crystal clear dewdrops on these rare and rare grasses, and the whole Lingcao Garden exudes a thick purple aura.

Ye Qingxuan walked out of the cave, took a deep breath of this spiritual energy, and immediately felt refreshed and extremely comfortable.

Ye Qingxuan was very happy when he saw this scene, he jumped up, hung in the air, pulled out the Tianjue Sword from his scabbard, and danced wildly there.

Without me for a while, Ye Qingxuan felt that the sea of ​​pills in his body was continuously releasing a super-powerful excitement to the whole body.

This time Ye Qingxuan felt that his body felt an inexhaustible strength, that is, he felt very strong.

There are all kinds of birds flying in the sky. Originally, they were just ordinary birds, but because they often went in and out of the Spiritual Grass Garden and were infected by the spiritual energy in the Spiritual Grass Garden, these birds all developed fairy bones inside. Got some spirituality.

However, their immortal ranks are very low, just at the level of a small immortal journey. When they saw Ye Qingxuan holding the sharp Tianjue sword in midair, dancing very beautifully, these spirit birds couldn't help being very shocked.

Because these spirit birds want to practice, they also need to find some immortals with better mana and skills. If they can sign a contract link with them and practice together with their masters, these spirit birds will be able to advance to the immortal rank faster.

So when these spirit birds saw Ye Qingxuan flying his Heavenly Absolute Sword in mid-air with a heroic appearance, these spirit birds couldn't help but move.

These spirit birds were secretly thinking, what kind of immortal is this?

His martial arts and magic power are really super powerful. When Ye Qingxuan waved the Tianjue Sword and the sword energy scattered around, these spirit birds felt an aggressive aura.

These spirit birds couldn't help but fly around, so these spirit birds felt Ye Qingxuan's strength.

So these flying spirit birds in mid-air hid on some big trees with very strong aura below, watching Ye Qingxuan practicing sword in mid-air.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan stretched his limbs and muscles in mid-air, slowly withdrew his powerful murderous aura, jumped back into the spiritual grass garden, and took care of the spiritual grass garden.

Ye Qingxuan helped these high-quality rare plants in the Spirit Grass Garden, plucked off the yellow leaves under their branches, and helped them clean up some weeds.

These spiritual birds hiding on the big trees full of spiritual energy, saw Ye Qingxuan returned to the spiritual grass garden and started working, knowing that Ye Qingxuan put away its powerful murderous aura.

At this time, these birds dared to slowly fly out from under the big tree, and kept dancing in the whole spirit grass garden.

Ye Qingxuan was taking care of these rare and rare herbs in the Spiritual Grass Garden, and at the same time heard various bird calls hanging in the air. Ye Qingxuan felt that the calls of the spiritual birds here were quite pleasant.

I couldn't help looking up to the sky, and found that there were different kinds of spirit birds flying in the sky, and there were many spirit birds, and they were very beautiful.

Ye Qingxuan raised his head, looked at these elixirs flying in the sky with a smile, and couldn't help but feel very comfortable. At this time, Ye Qingxuan noticed that there was an eye-catching bird shining brightly in the sky.

Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but look at this colorful and shining big bird.

Ye Qingxuan saw that the bird's feathers were colorful and exuded a faint spiritual aura, Ye Qingxuan knew it was a spiritual bird.

Ye Qingxuan looked at the other birds carefully, and found that every bird flying here has a faint aura of aura.

But this colorful bird has a bigger aura, which shows that this spiritual bird has a stronger fairy rank than other birds, and this bird's voice is also very Nice to hear.

So this melodious cry attracted Ye Qingxuan's attention even more. At this moment, Ye Qingxuan straightened his waist, stood in the forest and grass garden, looked up into the sky, and saw this colorful and beautiful big bird. Hovering in the air above Ye Qingxuan.

This colorful big bird saw Ye Qingxuan raised his head to look at him, and knew that he had successfully caught Ye Qingxuan's eyeball.

This colorful spirit bird slowly flew to Ye Qingxuan, on top of a taller spirit grass, stood there, and used his own sense of immortality to send a link to Ye Qingxuan and said to Ye Qingxuan .

"¨Hello, I am the earliest spirit bird cultivated in this spirit grass garden. I am the blood of the ancient divine beast Phoenix, and my name is Colorful Divine Phoenix〃."

"I saw you waving your sword in the air in mid-air. Your swordsmanship is very good, and I can also see that the aura in your body is very powerful, and your martial arts and magic power are also super powerful."

"I can also see that although you are only a first-knot from the lower immortals, your mana and skills seem to surpass many upper immortals."

"Although your immortal rank is only a lower immortal, your super powerful mana and skills prove that you are different from other immortal cultivators, and you are stronger than them."

"As the Spiritual Grass Garden, I was the first spirit bird to cultivate. I have cultivated here for thousands of years, and up to now I can only touch the immortal level of the lower immortal.".

Chapter 311 The Appearance of the Colorful Divine Phoenix

"I have reached the current immortal rank, no matter what method I use, but I still can't get promoted, and I can't reach the immortal rank."

"Although there are often immortals from all walks of life in Lingcao Garden, I don't like them very much. I don't think he can lead me to cultivate into a fairy."

"When I saw your divine sense and your strength in the sky, I admired you very much. I was lucky to meet you in the Spirit Grass Garden, and your body is very powerful."

"If our spiritual birds want to break through and get more immortal ranks, we need to sign contract links with some immortals who are more powerful in Taoism, practice together, and become the spiritual pets of immortals, so that we can achieve breakthroughs faster , to increase the immortal rank faster."

"So when I saw your shadow in mid-air, I recognized you, and wanted to sign a contract link with you, become your spiritual pet, and practice together with you. I hope you can bring my faster wind body, Let me go from the immortal stage of the immortal journey to the lower immortal level as soon as possible."

Ye Qingxuan was staring at this colorful bird. The colorful divine phoenix felt his consciousness and was connecting with her. Hearing what the colorful Chenhuang said, Ye Qingxuan couldn't help being very happy.

Because although the 230 spirit beasts in this spirit grass garden are not very high, but because they have cultivated here for thousands of years, their spiritual consciousness and spirit body are very strong and strong, which is very suitable for cultivation.

If he can become his spiritual pet, it will increase his spiritual power space even more, and now Ye Qingxuan's spiritual power space is filled with some super powerful beasts. There is really no such a small spirit bird as his own spirit beast.

If this colorful divine phoenix could become his spiritual pet, then he would be happier in his spiritual power space.

After all, there are two ways to expand the spiritual power space of a cultivator. The first is to continuously expand one's spiritual power space according to the number of spiritual pets.

The second type is that after the immortal rank of the cultivator is raised, or some special expansion elixirs are refined, the space of one's spiritual power can be continuously expanded.

Moreover, although this kind of spirit beast looks relatively small in size, it will also play a great role in the cultivation and combat of immortals in the future.

Because when immortals practice and fight, the more varieties of spirit beasts, the better tactics they will use, and the greater the chance of winning.

So Ye Qingxuan said to the Colorful Divine Phoenix in front of him at this time.

"I already have several spiritual pets in my spiritual power space, and just yesterday I also tamed the purple jade unicorn here, signed a contract link with me, and became my spiritual pet."

"Now my spiritual power space is full of monster-level spiritual pets. They are not as weak as you. I don't know if they will accept you. I don't know that you may not be able to live with them in my spiritual power space. more enjoyable."

"Since you intend to sign a contract link with me to become my spiritual pet, then I will release a few spiritual pets in my space for you to get acquainted with."

At this time, Ye Qingxuan used his mind to release a few spiritual pets in the spiritual power space. These spiritual pets should run out of Ye Qingxuan's spiritual power space and see the spiritual grass garden in front of him.

Although they and Ye Qingxuan had picked all kinds of rare herbs in this spiritual grass garden before, but after a day of care yesterday, this spiritual grass garden seems to have changed its appearance now.

Lush and lush exotic grasses, and now it is early morning, the eastern sunlight lightly shines on the branches and leaves of the rare and exotic grasses in the Spiritual Grass Garden, and on the branches and leaves of these rare and exotic grasses are rolling crystal clear Clear dew.

So when these spirit beasts came out of Ye Qingxuan's spiritual power space, they couldn't help being very happy to see the scene in front of them.

Seeing these spirit beasts having fun and galloping in the spirit grass garden, Ye Qingxuan quickly told them (ccfg) not to ruin the spirit grass garden easily.

Because the Spiritual Grass Garden is managed by him now, if he continues to spoil these rare herbs in the Spiritual Grass Garden, he will still need to clean up and take care of them, and he will be punished by the other two guarding immortals.

Therefore, after receiving the master's message, these spirit beasts just played happily in the spiritual power space, but they did not pick or trample the rare and exotic plants in the spirit grass garden.

The colorful divine phoenix was flying in mid-air, seeing these ferocious spirit beasts released by Ye Qingxuan from the spiritual power space, he couldn't help feeling a little scared.

But Ye Qingxuan is also a spirit beast after all, constantly flying in mid-air, using his own consciousness to talk to these spirit beasts playing on the ground.

"Hello, all the spirit beasts of the immortals, I am the earliest spirit beast in this spiritual grass garden, and my name is Colorful Divine Phoenix."

Seeing that your master is very powerful, I want to sign a contract link with him and become his spiritual pet, that is, become your partner. I wonder if you will welcome me to join your team. "

These spirit beasts running on the ground felt that a strange spirit bird in the sky was spreading spiritual consciousness to them to communicate with them.

The spirit beast is the most caring spirit beast among the many spirit beasts, and the one with the strongest spirituality and understanding, so when the model spirit beast felt the voice from the heavenly stepping on the divine phoenix, it said to the colorful divine phoenix.

"For me, it is a very happy thing for me to have one more spiritual pet in the master's spiritual power space, which expands the scope of our life, so for me, you are very welcome to join me."

The fierce tiger spirit beast next to it looked up and saw the colorful divine phoenix in the sky. For the tiger spirit beast, it didn't have much intersection with other spirit beasts a few times.

Although he felt that he was very powerful, he felt that except for the two fog beasts in the space, the other spirit beasts had their own characteristics and were stronger than him.

Therefore, although the fierce tiger spirit beast is a very fierce and domineering spirit beast in the spirit beast world, he is also very low-key in front of many strange spirit beasts. Colorful Divine Phoenix said.

"Qi Cai Shen Hua Huang, you have taken a liking to our master, and you want to join us, the devil bear spirit beast, you are all very welcome."

"For me, of course it's nothing, so I warmly welcome you to join our team and expand the master's spiritual space."

"This also makes our living area larger, so that the aura we absorb will have a larger area, and we can improve as soon as possible, which is not harmful to us.".

Chapter 312

"As long as our master agrees, you are his spiritual pet, of course I welcome you to join"

Tiger Retail also agreed, and the Colorful Divine Phoenix joined their team, as long as their master agreed.

The clouded leopard beast and the purple jade unicorn are the two most rebellious beasts in Ye Qingxuan's spiritual power space, but when they saw the gentle and beautiful appearance of the Colorful Divine Phoenix, they couldn't help being disgusted with him.

At this time, the purple jade unicorn said to the colorful divine phoenix in the sky.

"I really admire or pity you. When I was practicing in this spirit beast garden, you were just an ordinary little phoenix."

"I didn't expect that because of the mistake I made by beating other spirit beasts, I **** the immortals here. I stayed in the cave for nearly a thousand years. I didn't expect that you would still be in this spirit beast garden after you came out."

"Moreover, you have grown from an ordinary phoenix to a spirit beast at the level of a fairy. I really admire your very persistent spirit."

"Although your fairy bone is not very powerful, for the master, if you can join our team, it will enhance the master's spiritual power space and expand our life scope."

"And no matter what, we all came from this spiritual grass garden and lived together in this spiritual grass garden, so your joining has no effect on me, and I don't care about it. I think this space can be more lively."

The clouded leopard beast, although when the purple jade unicorn entered their spiritual power space, the two of them have always been incompatible, but after all, because they are both the master's spiritual pet, they can't see the one who looks up.

Therefore, as long as the clouded leopard beast does not provoke Ziyu Qilin aggressively, the clouded leopard beast will not do anything to the purple jade unicorn.

Seeing the purple jade unicorn, the clouded leopard beast was also a little surprised that it could accept the colorful divine phoenix with pleasure.

When the clouded leopard beast saw the purple jade unicorn, it accepted the colorful phoenix, and it was nothing to him, so the clouded leopard beast said to the colorful phoenix.

"I followed my master from the highest level of immortality to the level where he returned to the immortal path because of his injuries, and I followed my master all the way from the level of immortality to the current level of immortality."

"I have a deep understanding of our master's strength. From this point of view, I can see that you are still a very smart phoenix."

"Being able to choose our master to be your contract link master, so I also deserve to admire your wisdom very much. For me, your joining has no effect on me. Of course, I have nothing to disagree with."

The rest are two fog beasts and an ancient dragon. The two fog beasts have always been the most present in the spiritual power space, and the lowest has always been very silent.

There wasn't much speech or presence, they just practiced silently in the master's spiritual power space.

When the master is in danger, he just pays silently, so the two fog beasts are the two spirit beasts with the least sense of existence in Ye Qingxuan's spiritual power space.

However, the two fog beasts couldn't help being very happy when they heard that the Colorful Divine Phoenix was able to use his divine sense to ask all the divine beasts, because the two fog beasts had never thought about the Colorful Divine Phoenix, and would seek his opinion.

In fact, in the hearts of the two fog beasts, they feel that they are very inferior. Among the many experiences in the master's spiritual power space, only the two of them are the most mediocre.

So the two mist beasts have always been unknown and have no sense of existence. When someone suddenly pays attention to his thoughts, the self-confidence of the two of them can't help but improve, and their hearts are more happy, so they said to the Colorful Divine Phoenix.

"It is also a coincidence that I became the master's spiritual pet. It is our fate and blessing to be able to sign a contract link with such a powerful master and practice together."

"Since you and the master can get together by fate, you can't become the master's spiritual pet. It doesn't matter to me if the master decides."

"So I don't express any opinions. As long as the master accepts you to practice with us, I will welcome you with both hands. If the master does not accept you, for me, it is impossible for me to ask the master to accept you to change the master's consciousness."

The last one to express his opinion is the ancient dragon. The ancient dragon, seeing the first partner in the master's spiritual power space, has no objection to the addition of the colorful divine phoenix. Among the beasts, the immortal rank is the lowest.


It's just because he is the master, the first spirit beast tamed, so in the mind of the master, he still has a bit of status.

The Seven-Colored Divine Phoenix is ​​actually a mutated variety of an ancient spirit beast, and it can be regarded as a spirit beast of the same age as the ancient flood dragon.

The purple jade unicorn and the colorful phoenix are somewhat related, so the ancient beasts welcome the colorful phoenix very much.

He felt that the Seven-Colored Divine Phoenix was at least a descendant of the ancient divine beast, and he felt very kind, so at this time the ancient dragon said to the Colorful Divine Phoenix.

"Seven-Colored Divine Phoenix, I am an ancient flood dragon, and also a divine beast of ancient times. You are a descendant of the Colorful Divine Phoenix and an ancient divine beast, so speaking of it, we are still relatives!"


"So as long as the master agrees to your joining, I have no objection."

Although Ye Qingxuan started to take care of all kinds of rare plants by himself after releasing these spirit beasts, but he could feel the contents of these spirit beasts communicating with their spiritual consciousness.

Ye Qingxuan saw the colorful divine phoenix and became his spiritual pet. In his spiritual power space, these spiritual beasts were very welcome and didn't have any thoughts, which made Ye Qingxuan quite happy.

Because Ye Qingxuan saw the request made by the Colorful Divine Phoenix, it must be a very happy thing for him, but Ye Qingxuan also considered, like the previous scuffle and riot between the clouded leopard beast and the purple jade unicorn.

That would affect his cultivation, so Ye Qingxuan would let them communicate with the spirit beasts in the spirit power space when they signed the contract again.

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