"Ye Yu God bless me, I know that I should not die, and I have to avenge the death of my family, so God left me until today, and finally I can see you again, this time I will definitely let you be smashed to pieces."

Ye Yu couldn't help laughing when he heard Ye Qingxuan talking like this.

"Ye Qingxuan, are you really crazy? Just rely on you?"

"A person who has just reached the level of a half-immortal wants to compete with my Zhongxian, and he keeps saying that I will be wiped out."

"Don't you think this is really ridiculous?"


Behind Ye Yu, the disciples of the Sword Emperor Sect also laughed out loud. Looking at these disciples of the Sword Emperor Sect in their spare time, they have all reached the level of immortality now.

Among this group of people, anyone's level is higher than Ye Qingxuan's. In the eyes of these people, Ye Qingxuan is a small and weak woman, and she is still at the level of a half-celestial being. It's really ridiculous to speak wild words here. up.

I saw this group of disciples in the back of the sword emperor also standing there laughing.

"Hahaha, this is simply too funny."

"This beauty looks really beautiful, but I didn't expect that the words she said were all foolish words."

"However, Ye Yu, a beautiful woman, was killed by you with a sword. You seem a little too cruel."

"Such a beautiful woman is here with us, how can we be willing to kill it?"

"Ha ha ha ha."

I saw the group of people behind Ye Yu smiling wretchedly, and walking slowly towards Ye Qingxuan. Ye Qingxuan saw the ugly faces of these people, and saw a rolling shadow flying his legs and shooting, and everyone fell to their knees. in there.

When these people lay on the ground wiping the blood from the corners of their mouths, and looked up to see Ye Qingxuan again, they knew it in their hearts.

Unexpectedly, this fragile fairy in front of him is so powerful. Although he has only reached the level of a half-immortal, his martial arts and mana seem to be able to reach the level of a high-level immortal.

At this time, these people wiped the blood from the corners of their mouths and stood up, only to realize that they had underestimated the enemy. At this time, they were winking at each other, ready to attack Ye Qingxuan together.

Ye Yu stood beside him, looking at Ye Qingxuan with a very contemptuous look.

Ye Yu was thinking secretly in his heart here.

"Ye Qingxuan counts on your little 143, among this group of young men from the Sword Emperor Sect, which one is not your opponent?"

"I didn't want you to die so unsightly, but you just wanted to find the door to make fun of yourself."

Ye Yu was thinking about Ye Qingxuan, how could he be the opponent of the people next to him, Ye Yu was thinking about Ye Qingxuan, he didn't expect that this time his death would be much worse than before.

But Ye Yu was also secretly muttering in his heart, he was able to survive under his sword, what exactly did Ye Qingxuan go through? Which expert rescued him?

Ye Yu was also thinking in his heart, what exactly did this expert teach Ye Qingxuan, so that Ye Qingxuan, a half-immortal level immortal, would utter wild words and want to find him with a group of upper-immortal and lower-immortal level people in the Sword Emperor Sect? revenge.

However, Ye Yu was only thinking in his heart, these people have been by the side all the time, holding his shoulders with his hands, secretly observing the fight between Ye Qingxuan and the disciples of Sword Emperor Sect.

Unexpectedly, the disciples of the Sword Emperor Sect who had reached the level of immortals would fight Ye Qingxuan with a group of people, but none of them could beat Ye Qingxuan.

Ye Yu also observed secretly, and found that Ye Qingxuan's every move, every style, the energy radiating outward can reach the level of an immortal.

Ye Yu was thinking secretly there.

What happened to Ye Qingxuan? Only a half-immortal-level him can use the energy and spiritual power of an upper-immortal level.

Chapter 260 The Fog Beast Appears (Please Subscribe!)

Here, Ye Qingxuan and the disciples of the Sword Emperor Sect were having a great time fighting, and Ye Yu had been observing Ye Qingxuan silently.

Unexpectedly, three special fog beasts appeared in this thick sea of ​​fog at this time. These fog beasts formed in the sea of ​​fog, because they have been living in this sea of ​​fog, they have super powerful Spiritual power.

The spiritual power and mana of these fog beasts are particularly powerful, but the only weakness is their fog beasts. Every fog beast has something similar to inner alchemy, which is called beast pill on them.

And this kind of beast pill has no fixed position on the body of each fog beast, and the positions are all different, but it is no wonder that these beast pills are on the various organs of these fog beasts.

So when these fog beasts attack humans, if there is no super powerful mana to crush the beast core in the fog beast's body, the fog beast will not have any damage at all.

Because Ye Yu was always by himself, silently watching the fight between Ye Qingxuan and the disciples of Sword Emperor Sect.

So Ye Yu was able to discover the appearance of the fog beast in time, but Ye Qingxuan and the disciples of the Sword Emperor Sect were only focused on fighting there, and did not pay attention to the arrival of the fog beast.

Originally, Ye Yu planned to go forward to destroy a fog beast to win the beast pill, so that his mana, energy cultivation base and immortal rank would be improved again.

But when Ye Yu was about to make a move, because the fog here was very thick, the range of sight was relatively small.

Originally, Ye Yu thought it was just a few fog beasts, but when these fog beasts got closer, Ye Yu realized that it was a group of fog beasts who came here.

Each of these fog beasts has super magic power and damage, but unexpectedly they are a group. At this time, Ye Yu quickly ran away secretly.

Because the fog beasts came here when they heard the sound of human beings fighting here. For the fog beasts living in this sea of ​​fog, the people who come here to practice are their best food.

So when these fog beasts heard that there was a fight here, they rushed here in groups.

I saw these fog beasts rushing towards the team where Ye Qingxuan and Sword Emperor Zong were fighting.

Ye Qingxuan and the disciples of the Sword Emperor discovered that a group of fog beasts had appeared at this time, and everyone was terrified.

At this time, they were fighting each other regardless, but worked together to kill these fog beasts.

The disciples of the Sword Emperor Sect are very smart. They saw more and more fog beasts, and they knew that they could not defeat this group of fog beasts with their energy cultivation base. Therefore, many disciples said that the fog beasts would sneak away when they were not paying attention. away from here.

Slowly, Ye Qingxuan was left here alone to fight these fog beasts. Ye Qingxuan was knocked down by the rushing fog beasts, and stood up again and again.

At this time, the dragon in Ye Qingxuan's spiritual power space seemed to sense that its owner was in danger, and also seemed to smell the smell of food.

The dragon was very anxious in Ye Qingxuan's spiritual power space, and Ye Qingxuan felt his thoughts in the fights again and again, and the dragon was very anxious to come up with it.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan released the flood dragon from his spiritual power space with a single thought.

I saw that after the dragon came out, it hunted and killed these creatures. Although these fog beasts have super spiritual power, the dragon is also an ancient spirit beast.

In addition, the dragon's fairy rank was relatively strong, but after being released by Ye Qingxuan, it absorbed the spiritual mist here, making the dragon's mana and spiritual power even stronger.

I saw that this flood dragon seemed to be playing with these fog beasts, and threw them all to the ground in a short while, and even some were dying there.

Due to the appearance of Jiaolong, Ye Qingxuan also slowly recovered his mana and spiritual power by the side at this time.

Ye Qingxuan saw these fog beasts being thrown down by the dragon, there was a golden bead in their bodies, which kept flashing in their bodies, only Ye Qingxuan stretched out his hands, using a trace of spiritual power to shoot at these fog beasts.

At this time, I saw the animal pills in the bodies of these objects dissociated from their bodies and floated into the air. I saw these animal pills absorb a lot of spiritual power in the air.

At this time, Jiaolong saw these beast pills floating in the air constantly jumping up and devouring them. After a while, Ye Qingxuan was able to see the expression of the eyes and the entire skin of this Jiaolong, reaching a state of fullness.

Not long after, I saw this flood dragon approaching Ye Qingxuan, shaking its head at him, as if talking to Ye Qingxuan.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan quickly changed his consciousness, using the language conversion function, he heard that Jiaolong was talking to Ye Qingxuan.

"¨Master, I'm really full from eating now! There are still some fog beast pills there, master, hurry up and eat them up〃!"

Ye Qingxuan heard Jiaolong, and since he said this, he saw that there were still some inner alchemy of the fog beast on the ground, which he had not absorbed.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan once again used his spiritual power to reach out to these fog beasts, absorbing all the beast pills in the fog beasts.

These fog beasts said that they already possessed very strong spiritual power. After being sucked out by Ye Qingxuan, they floated in the air, constantly absorbing the spiritual energy of the Lingwu Sea.

Let the level of these beast pills be higher, and when these sales orders have absorbed enough spiritual energy, Ye Qingxuan slowly inhales these beast pills into his body.

Due to the super strong spiritual power entering Ye Qingxuan's physique, it is now impossible to completely transform these areas. I saw Ye Qingxuan sitting there meditating, constantly using exercises to transform the inhaled beast pills and these spiritual energy.

In fact, Ye Yu has been hiding not far away, observing Ye Qingxuan, Ye Yu saw that Ye Qingxuan was able to subdue an ancient dragon beast.

Ye Qingxuan couldn't help being very surprised, is this person Ye Qingxuan who he killed back then? Why does he have such a strong ability?

No matter how you look at it, Ye Qingxuan's immortal rank is only half immortal, but the spiritual power in his heart seems to be much higher than his Shangxin.

Immortal rank and spiritual power need to be integrated with each other. Only the half immortal rank has the spiritual power and mana of the upper immortal, so only special physique and special immortal stocks can achieve this.

Ye Yu saw Ye Qingxuan sitting there meditating to transform spiritual power and magic power, and let the ribbons and spiritual energy he absorbed merge with his own body transformation. Seeing the exercises Ye Qingxuan used, he couldn't help being very surprised.

Chapter 261 Subduing the Mist Beast

Ye Yu could clearly see that Ye Qingxuan's kung fu combined the strengths of various sects, but he couldn't see which school of kung fu Ye Qingxuan used.

But for Ye Qingxuan, who is a half-immortal, to come to this kind of spiritual mist sea, for ordinary people, he is looking for death.

Unexpectedly, Ye Qingxuan was able to operate in this sea of ​​spiritual mist with ease, and he didn't know when Ye Qingxuan subdued an ancient dragon beast.

Seeing Ye Qingxuan's current state, Ye Yu couldn't help feeling a little afraid.

Ye Qingxuan sat cross-legged on this side, constantly using his physical energy transformation in the sea of ​​mist, and fused the beast pill he just inhaled with the spiritual energy in the sea of ​​mist with his body.

After a while, Ye Qingxuan felt a special sense of jitters, rising from his dantian and rising straight to the top of his head.

I saw this force jumping out from the top of Ye Qingxuan's head, and then released it in the spirit mist, and I saw that Ye Qingxuan's surroundings were all surrounded by a golden halo.

Ye Yu clearly saw Ye Qingxuan from the side, and through the practice just now, he has now reached the level of a descendant.

Ye Yu couldn't help being shocked, he had been upgraded from a half-immortal just now to a lower-immortal level in just such a short while.

Before Ye Yu entered the secret realm, he was only at the level of a lower immortal. It has been a while since he came to the secret realm, and now he has gradually changed from a lower immortal 147 to a middle immortal to the current upper immortal.

But after Ye Qingxuan's Fairy Valley had been captured by Ye Yu, Ye Qingxuan was injured by Ye Yu's dragon sword and was thrown off the cliff.

What do you think, Ye Qingxuan has died several times now, is this person in front of him Ye Qingxuan? Why does he look so similar to Ye Qingxuan?

If he wasn't Ye Qingxuan, why did he see Ye Yu? He was able to recognize Ye Yu clearly, and the state of hatred made it obvious at a glance that this person and Ye Yu had a sworn feud.

So this Ye Qingxuan in front of him really confused Ye Yu, not knowing his real identity.

Here, Ye Qingxuan has physically broken through the cultivation base of the immortal, and Ye Qingxuan suddenly felt that she was really light as a swallow, and she felt like flying, and in this sea of ​​spiritual mist, she no longer had the pressure of breathing embarrassment .

Ye Qingxuan felt the changes in his body, stood up, patted Jiaolong beside him and said with a smile.

"Jiaolong, thank you for saving me just now. Without fog beasts like you, I really don't know how to deal with him!"

At this time, Jiaolong seemed to be very gentle and nestled at Ye Qingxuan's feet, gently touching Ye Qingxuan's leg with his head.

This Jiaolong raised his head to communicate with Ye Qingxuan.

"Master, this time I have the chance to take a good look at you. I didn't expect you to be so beautiful!"

Ye Qingxuan saw that Jiaolong was swiping the screen with him, so he said to Jiaolong.

"I didn't expect you to be able to fight poverty. You don't have a name yet, do you?"

"Then I'll give you a name! It will be more convenient for me to call you in the future."

Jiaolong heard that Ye Qingxuan wanted to give him a name, so he quickly touched Ye Qingxuan's leg with his head, as if waiting very meekly, Ye Qingxuan was bestowing his name.

Ye Qingxuan thought for a while and said.

"Since you are an ancient mythical beast, you can also be regarded as the king of dragons, why don't I call you the Dragon King!"

When Jiaolong heard the name Ye Qingxuan gave him, he was really domineering. He gently touched Ye Qingxuan's arm with his head, as if telling Ye Qingxuan that he was very satisfied with the name.

After all, the name Dragon King is very domineering, so Jiaolong likes it very much.

At this time, Jiaolong used his mind to send a message to Ye Qingxuan, saying that he was too lonely by himself, and planned to bring a fog beast to play with him.

Ye Qingxuan heard Jiaolong's consciousness, and quickly searched around carefully to see if there were any fog beasts that had not lost their beast pills.

Unexpectedly, there are actually two fog beasts dying there, but because the beast core has not (ccfg) disappeared, so if these two fog beasts absorb a certain amount of spiritual power, they will gradually get better.

At this time, Ye Qingxuan came to these two fog beasts, and touched the heads of the two fog beasts with his hands, but Ye Qing actually wanted to communicate with these two fog beasts, and train them to become his own. spiritual pet.

Seeing Ye Qingxuan coming to them, the two fog beasts were very scared, but Ye Qingxuan unexpectedly expressed to them that they would accept them as their spiritual pets.

In fact, the fog beast is a kind of divine beast with spirituality. Seeing the current situation, if you don't agree with this master, the two fog beasts' pills will be sucked away by this person.

Those two people are still facing a dead end. Since this person wants to take them two as spiritual pets, he might as well obey.

These two fog beasts also expressed to Ye Qingxuan that they agreed to become his spiritual pets. At this time, Ye Qingxuan used his own magic power to associate these two fog beasts with himself. These two fog beasts will become Ye Qingxuan's spiritual pets in the future. .

Jiaolong saw it, and Ye Qingxuan had already taken it away. These two fog beasts were his spiritual pets, so he knew that these two fog beasts would be his playmates in the future.

Jiaolong hurried over and greeted the two fog beasts shaking his head.

These two fog beasts have been thoroughly lectured by Ye Qingxuan, so he no longer has his own consciousness, and all consciousness will obey Ye Qingxuan's arrangement.

When this flood dragon came over, the witch beast knew that this flood dragon was also Ye Qingxuan's spiritual pet, and that they were the same kind of spiritual beasts.

The two fog beasts and Jiaolong couldn't help but play together.

Ye Qingxuan only remembered at this time that Ye Yu, whom he met here just now, was about to seek revenge from Ye Yu!

Ye Qingxuan hurriedly looked around at this time, trying to find Ye Yu's shadow.

Ye Yu had been seeing Ye Qingxuan looking around in the dark, and quickly used his magic power to block his information.

In this way, Ye Qingxuan couldn't find Ye Yu, Ye Qingxuan took a look, since he couldn't find Ye Yu, then continue to move forward in the sea of ​​spiritual mist! Continue to look for Ye Yu.

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