Mysterious world, spirit world!

With the complete death of the Outer Gods, the mysterious world has completely returned to peace.

Therefore, the spirit world also returned to normal.

So at this moment, outsiders cannot see the spirit world.

Moreover, even an extraordinary person cannot enter the spirit world again at this moment.

The spiritual world was completely blocked by a hidden force.

The person who blocked it was not Yang Xuan.


"The spirit world is completely blocked, even I can't feel the situation outside."

"There should be only one person who can do this."

"Sure enough, you have left a backhand in your own world, a kind of backhand that I don't know, and awakens your will in critical moments."

Yang Xuan's voice faintly appeared at the upper gate of the spirit world.

Chapter 223 The Information Brought by Mystery (for Subscription)

Yang Xuan was not surprised by the current situation at all.


The Lord of Mysteries hasn't appeared yet, so Yang Xuan will feel worried.

But since the other party has come out now, it proves that the Lord of Mysteries' successor is not unexpected.

"You are not the original believer, nor the original enemy!"

"You don't want to be the carrier of the original, and you don't want to use the original power to achieve a perfect disk, let alone the original enemy. You plan to use the original source to fight against him, so we don't have an actual conflict, do we?"

"As for my avatar, what he did before is not allowed, because it is one of my successors. His character and behavior are actually different from my ontology."

"So now can we reconcile!"

"I have lost 30% of my body's will, and I have failed to advance." "083"

"You're not threatening to let me go."

"But when I advanced, the other 70% of my will went to a very interesting world."

"That is an ancient world, that is the world that was originally born, and that world has an incomparably high personality."

"As long as you are willing to reconcile with me, I can share the coordinates of this world with you."

"That's a world of oriental practice systems. When you reach your level, you should understand what I'm talking about."

"And the most mysterious thing is that that world is almost torn apart!"

"I even feel a lot of breath from that world from your body."

"That world considers itself the core of the heavens and worlds, the origin of many worlds."

"Even, there is an essential existence beyond the disk level."

"That is one of the original worlds called the ancestor of the Dao, called the core of the myriad worlds."

"That world is a treasure trove, especially for a gate-level village like ours."

"If you are willing to let me go and give me back my world, I am willing to give you the coordinates and anchor of that world."

"For such a great world, if it is a coincidence, even if you have the coordinates, you will not be able to enter it."

As the Lord of Mysteries spoke, he also took out a small sword.

The moment he saw the little sword, Yang Xuan knew what it was.

"Flying sword!"

"It still contains the Dao level, which is essentially a flying sword that can cut through the 'door' with one sword."

"The sword energy is extremely sharp, but it is broken!"

When Yang Xuan saw Feijian, he felt a slight threat.

This proves that the secretive isn't lying.

"Above the plate level, I never thought you would have this opportunity."

"So, tell me, what's above the plate level?"

"In that world, what is the origin of the disk level?"

Yang Xuan questioned the Lord of Mysteries.

These questions are naturally the Lord of Mysteries does not want to answer.


Just after Yang Xuan finished asking, the Lord of Mysteries spoke.

"Above the plate level is the river. The river is the purest source. It can breed the world, countless gates, and a large number of plates."

"It is basically impossible to become a river by self-cultivation."

"Even in that world, the river of destiny there is born innate."

"A River of Destiny can carry up to nine disk-level existences."

"But that world, all disks, fell in a catastrophe."

"Although there are many behind-the-scenes left behind, how can it be so simple to come back again?"

"Even though there are many remaining doors, they are all flowers in the greenhouse, so there is no evidence."

"But the only thing worth noting is that there are so-called magic weapons in that world, and some magic weapons can destroy ordinary doors with one blow."

"Among them, what interests me the most is that there is a legendary treasure in that world."

"The strongest treasure, the innate treasure, the book of good fortune born from the top of that river!"

"The name of that river is..."

After Yang Xuan finished asking, the Lord of Mysteries actually told most of the news in one breath.

When it came to the end, he almost said the name of the river.

But just when he was about to say it, his expression suddenly straightened, and an endless mysterious aura instantly filled the entire spirit world.

The spiritual world of the mysterious world turned into a world full of fog at this moment.

"The power of the mind, it actually directly interfered with me!"

"It is indeed the most dangerous and powerful disk I have ever seen!"

"But so what if we know the news, the name of that river is not the River of Creation."

"Even if I take the initiative to tell you the name of that river, it doesn't make any sense, because if you want to find that world, you need world coordinates and my anchor!"

When the Lord of Mysteries spoke, he directly changed his form and position...

At this moment, standing in front of Yang Xuan, the figure transformed by the endless gray mist is no longer the Lord of Mysteries.

"Mysterious, you really brought me a great surprise!"

"So, I'll give you a chance too!"

"Surrender to me and let your door of mystery become my subordinate door. In this way, I can lead you to explore that mysterious, unknown, and powerful original world."

"Otherwise, you should know what will become of ours!"

"Especially, you are still doing tricks now!"

While Yang Xuan was speaking, he suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed it in front of him.


Right in front of him, a spear wrapped in mist was directly held in his hand.

The long spear carried a strong killing aura, even above the killing flying sword that was revealed mysteriously before.

And it almost hit Yang Xuan.

"This is a treasure with a ray of disk-level breath. Once it is hit by him, even if I want to deal with it, it will be very troublesome."

"Is this the magic weapon!"

Yang Xuan held the spear in his hand, and with a backhand stroke, he grasped the body of the spear.

After he took the barrel of the gun, he saw that there were mysterious 5.6, complex runes, and some small words that could only be seen with strong pupil power.

For ordinary people, all they see are long guns.

Those runes and words are invisible.

But Yang Xuan, of course, could go right to the source, and immediately saw through the essence of this long spear.

"The spear of destroying magic has the powerful essence of destroying all magic, and it also comes with many abilities such as imprisonment, coercion, and breaking through the sky."

"But these abilities are not universal."

"At least in the Great Thousand World, many blessings above cannot be used. But under the Great Thousand World, this spear is almost invincible."

After Yang Xuan saw this, he couldn't help being shocked.

Because this gun can not only hurt his body, but also his door.

This is a 'pan' level weapon, the essence of the river.

Chapter 224 The Heart Transforms Vientiane, Falling Into Reincarnation Forever

The Lord of Mysteries brought the weapons of that world into his world.

Yang Xuan just saw this from Feijian.

However, what shocked Yang Xuan a little was that it was not one but several that were brought out by the mystery.

Especially this gun, it is definitely a must-kill weapon.

With this gun, in fact, those foreign gods who invaded his world can be said to be vulnerable.

It's like the blow that was secretly released on Yang Xuan just now.

This is Yang Xuan.

If it is another door, it will be a serious injury even if it is not dead under one blow.

Even the Gate of Chaos, Primordial Chaos is no match for the occult.

A weapon beyond the 'door' level.

In the hands of a person who is qualified to advance to become a disc, even facing a real disc, one can fight.


Just as Yang Xuan continued to check the magic-destroying gun, the voice of the Lord of Mysteries suddenly came.

Immediately afterwards.

The spear in his hand disappeared in an instant.

"Take it away?"

"Using methods that I don't even know."

Yang Xuan didn't realize how the other party did it.

The other party simply said to accept, and then the 22 powerful magic-killing guns disappeared in the next second.

Such a strange situation made Yang Xuan more cautious in his heart.

"It seems that you can't understand such a method!"

"This is a very normal thing, that's why I said that that world is extremely special and extremely powerful!"

"A simple collection, there is no spatial fluctuation, no causal traction, just take back the magic weapon."

"The power contained in it is a power beyond our cognition, and this power is called the 'truth'!"

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