The tower floor of the World Ascension Tower of Reincarnation.

This is the series connection of the Ascension Gate.

And the power of this door is that it can be responsible for the ascension of the heavens and worlds like a machine, or it can actively attack and descend.

For example, directly depriving the Great Thousand World of its personality and turning it into the Hengsha World.

Such power is very terrifying.

Yang Xuan was also very decisive, directly turning this power into a sublimation sequence, directly integrating it into all his worlds.

He even put this source into the endless void.

If a world accepts this source in the future, a corresponding sequence will appear in the end.

At that time, it will be selected and marked by Yang Xuan.

So every additional door means a lot to Yang Xuan.

"Nice door!"

"Fallen lord of all things, your essence is very high, it's a pity you went the wrong way!"

Yang Xuan sighed in his heart.

Then he turned his attention to the spirit world.


at the same time.

The real world of the mysterious world.

When the gate of corruption fell completely, all the origins merged into the black sea of ​​the soul.

For a time, all the transcendents of the spiritual sequence path felt that their strength had been improved to a certain extent.

Then, they all knew the information.

An evil **** has fallen.

"From the snake that devours the world, we know that both the evil **** and the great mind master are already in a realm, a realm called the gate."

"Doors are strong and weak, because the great master of the mind can create a subordinate gate, giving us favored ones a gate personality!"

"But just now, the number of door-level dependents has increased to two!"

"I can clearly perceive that it is the path of sublimation, the gate of ascension!"

"One of the outer gods, the fallen lord of all things, an evil **** who caused countless worlds to fall, just fell."

Boutien was walking among the ruins, just in time to save a group of survivors.

Then he sensed the news.


Eastern Continent.

"As expected of a great mind master!"

"I'm afraid that this great master is about to take the next step."

Catherine is also extremely excited and excited.

Because this indicates that the end is about to pass.

One evil **** has fallen, is the other far behind?

What's more, when you look up at this moment, you can see that the snake that devoured the world can no longer move.

The end of this Outer God is already doomed.

Chapter 219 Primordial Chaos, Gate of Chaos

After killing the Fallen Gate, Yang Xuan's eyes were directly on the snake that devoured the world.


Dealing with this world-devouring snake is easier than dealing with the fallen lord of all things.

Because Yang Xuan has completely controlled the opponent.

When dealing with the fallen lord of all things, Yang Xuan still needs to leverage part of the power of the black sea of ​​mind.

However, if the snake devours the world, Yang Xuan doesn't even need the black sea of ​​mind.

Because this snake has been completely controlled by Yang Xuan.


"Carry your door by yourself and plunge into the black sea of ​​your soul."

"This is your destiny!"

To deal with the snake that devours the world, Yang Xuan just said a word.

Then, a black and red door.

It appeared directly not far from Yang Xuan.

Immediately afterwards, the powerful existence of the snake that devoured the world.

The door-level existence is still the strongest among the many evil gods who came to the mysterious world this time.

Just like that, it directly turned into a little snake, carried its own door, and directly entered Yang Xuan's door of mental image.

Then, he ended up just like the fallen Lord of All.

When he rushed into the black sea of ​​the mind, all the will dissipated, and then turned into endless original power, which was fed back to the heavens and worlds in Yang Xuanmen.

The current Yang Xuan, with the power contained in his body and the world controlled by the door, can really use 'ten thousand' as this unit.

"Swallowing is indeed a powerful attribute!"

"It's just that every time you devour a world, you will accumulate a lot of madness for yourself."

"The more worlds swallowed, the more madness, the greater the conflict!"

"If there is no way to resolve it, it will gradually become crazy, lose its mind, and then turn into an existence like a disc of distortion."

"If the world-devouring snake is devouring some worlds, and then devouring one or two gates, he will be promoted towards the mad disk."

"Great power often comes with risks."

"But for me now, the consequences of devouring can be solved perfectly."

"Retain the ability of this door, make certain changes, and reshape the path of a door!"

"Devouring the path, everything is one!"

"The name of this gate is the Gate of Return to Unity!"

After obtaining the ability to devour the snake of the world, Yang Xuan began to use his own power to modify the door again.

The Devouring Gate has no way to filter the chaos, madness, and conflicts of the world.

But the Gate of Return transformed by Yang Xuan is different.

Cooperating with the gate of heaven and the gate of mind image, this gate of unification can unify all powers.

The attribute of this door is of great significance even to Yang Xuan now.

Because it unifies forces.

Although Yang Xuan also had a way before, turning the power into a pure source.

But that power actually didn't belong to him.

Everything can be done by relying on the True Reincarnation Tower.

But now Yang Xuan, after possessing the door of returning to oneness, can rely on his own strength to return to the source.

This will not only save Yang Xuan a lot of trouble.

It will also save Yang Xuan from being charged a usage fee.

If you use the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower to return to your origin, it will actually consume a lot of Yang Xuan's true spirit points.

Although, the current unit of his true spirit point is already at the level of trillions.

It is completely possible to regard the true spirit point as a number, not a real power.

But for some reason, Yang Xuan always had a feeling.

That is the seemingly random true spirit spot in the world where the True Soul Reincarnation Tower is located, and its essence is not low.

Not even lower than the door.

Yang Xuan, who had condensed the Gate of Heaven and successfully obtained the Gate of Ascension and the Gate of Unity, felt more clearly at this moment that the True Spirit Point would be a very important force in the future.

And every time a door is devoured, although a lot of true spirit points can be obtained, they will also be drawn by the true spirit reincarnation tower.

The ratio is still a terrifying 30%!

Thoroughly refine a door, consume 30% of the power of that door, and the corresponding true spirit points.

It seems to be very profitable, but the door is really not a bad street.

There are only so many doors that Yang Xuan sees now.

Moreover, after those people escaped, it would take time to hunt them down.

Therefore, even for Yang Xuan, this commission was somewhat distressing before.

But it's all right now.

After the Devouring Gate evolved into the harmless Unification Gate, it perfectly solved this problem.

In the future, there is no need to worry about the middleman earning the price difference.

"It's over, the snake that devours the world!"

When the Gate of Devouring was completely transformed into the Gate of Unification, Yang Xuan thought, and soon the Law of Unification, like the Law of Sublimation before, appeared directly in the heavens and worlds.

Then, Boutien and the others in the real world of the mysterious world were shocked again.

Because of the power of the snake that devours the world, they all know it.

Even if Boutien made the world-devouring snake suffer from being dumb once, and allowed this door-level existence to be played by him once.

But even so, he is very clear about how terrifying this snake that devours the world is.

If it is a head-on confrontation.

If Boutien were to face the snake that devours the world, he knew very well that he would not be able to take a single blow.

But all the same.

When the world-swallowing snake faced Yang Xuan, he couldn't even take a single blow.

Although there is a large part of the reason for this, it is because Yang Xuan left behind in advance, but even without those backhands, at most he would attack the world-swallowing snake twice.

And such a difference, for a door-level level, is simply terrifying.

"¨¨As expected of the great master of the mind, the Lord of Vientiane!"

"Praise you, great existence!"

Boutien once again expressed his respect to Yang Xuan in his heart.

But soon, he also discovered a strange thing.

Not just him, almost everyone has discovered this.

That is, after refining the snake that devoured the world, Yang Xuan still stood at the same place, and then slowly shifted his gaze not far away.

Not far away there, in the eyes of Boutien and even everyone else, there is nothing.

But Yang Xuan's eyes told everyone a message.

That is, the enemy has not disappeared yet, and a mysterious outer **** is spying not far away.

Of course, this secret is only for them.

For Yang Xuan, the other party just stood there, without hiding his body at all.

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