It was hit by a powerful force.

Pull it out.

Just now the sword followed him out of Zhenwu Hall.


He was coerced by Song Qing's strength.

The reason why Song Qing has been holding the long sword with Gang Jin.

It is because he has already used his strength.

into their own lives.

This not only increases the convenience of life.

It also means that you have to polish your strength at any time.


Not to mention how powerful he is.

But as far as this application is concerned.

Shaolin's sweeping monks are not as good as him.

"Tai Chi Song Qing, please enlighten me!"

Song Qing couldn't spread the word like Yang Xuan.

So he took a big breath and yelled loudly.

Although the distance between the two is far.

But this voice actually reached Yang Xuan's ears.

"Tai Chi swordsmanship, the final form, the beginning of chaos!"


The beginning of Tai Chi.

Tai Chi swordsmanship in this world.

What matters is.

When practicing to the most advanced level.

He will unite yin and yang and return to chaos.

Song Qingjian made a move.

The whole person actually directly stabbed down from the mountain with his sword.

This is his strongest blow.

Since the achievement of Gang Jin.

He had never unleashed all his strength in one breath.

Not to mention.

Using this single-target extremely lethal sword technique.

His sword moves out.

Yang Xuan at the foot of the mountain.

He also immediately saw the secret of his matter.

"The body is yang, and the mind is yin. The two become one and evolve into chaos!"

"Use this human sword to unite, step into heaven and man!"

"With the help of the sword, people feel nature and forcibly glimpse the profound meaning of nature."

"With the help of people, the sword is blessed with strength, just like adding wings to a tiger."

"This is a swordsmanship of the not bad level!"

"It seems that the founder of Tai Chi swordsmanship in this world!"

"I used to either step into the gods, or just a little bit!"

"But this swordsmanship is a real swordsmanship, just like the palm of the Tathagata."

For this trip to Wudang Mountains.

Yang Xuan was also very satisfied.

After seeing this sword.

Combined with the masterless spirituality he just refined.

for a while.

One move and one style of Tai Chi swordsmanship.

All of them actually appeared in Yang Xuan's heart.

It was just that moment.

Yang Xuan has already learned Taiji swordsmanship.

When Song Qing quickly swung his sword at him.

Yang Xuan gave a firm grip to the void.

Immediately afterwards.

The Tai Chi mist that covered the foot of Wudang Mountain.

Quickly toward his palm, gather over.

When Song Qing came in front of Yang Xuan.

The fog at the foot of the mountain has disappeared.

those fogs.

It turned into a pure white long sword.

It was held in Yang Xuan's hand.

Chapter 31 At the beginning of chaos, the universe exploded (2 updates! Fixed!)

PS: The next update will be around 12 o'clock.


Breathing fog into Tai Chi.

That's astonishing enough.


Yang Xuan actually turned the fog into a sword.

This is even more incredible.


The scariest thing is.

Yang Xuan obviously wanted to use this sword.

Go and compete with those who hold the most precious treasure of the Wudang faction, the Zhenwu sword.

A sword made of mist.

To fight against the magic weapon in reality.

how to see.

They all hit the stone with the egg.

Even Song Qing who had already attacked Yang Xuan.

They all looked incredible.


He still hesitated to stop.

after all.

The sword in his hand really cut through iron like mud.

Moreover, his strength is also extremely strong.

So he was afraid that he would kill Yang Xuan.

But apparently.

He thought too much.

"Don't be distracted!"

This is the time.

Above Song Qing's heart.

There was a voice.


This sound has a miraculous effect.

Just for a moment, Song Qing's mood stabilized.

All the shock and uncertainty.

All swept away.


Only take the enemy in front of you seriously.

It was Yang Xuan who helped him strengthen his will.


He has a hole in his mentality.

The power of this sword just now.

At least 50% must be weakened.

This is not what Yang Xuan wants to see.

"Since the sword belongs to Wudang!"

"Then today, I will also use Wudang swordsmanship to teach Wudang masters!"

"Tai Chi Sword Art Beginning of Chaos!"

When Song Qing had already arrived in front of Yang Xuan.

He finally responded.

this response.

It is the same swordsmanship as Song Qing.

Yin and Yang unite to evolve into chaos!

And the chaos evolved by Yang Xuan's sword.

But he was much stronger than Song Qing.

Because, he used the ability of the soul to manifest.

He uses the power of the mind.

Blessed on the mist long sword.

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