Yang Xuan said lightly.

As soon as he finished speaking, the snake that devoured the world suddenly felt a burst of fear!


That's right!

A powerful existence at the door level, a terrifying snake that has devoured countless worlds.

This moment is no longer angry, and it is no longer snarling.

All he has now is fear!

Whether he is strong or not, he actually knows.

It was like when attacking this world, the doors that were with him were actually not as good as him.

Even He alone can fight against three or four.

So the snake that devours the world knows that he is not weak.

The reason why the situation has developed to this point is that the snake that devours the world thinks that it is not that he is too weak, but that the other party is too strong.

He even began to think that if the gates of decay and flesh and blood appeared before, he might not be able to survive even one round in front of Yang Xuan.

Although everyone is a door, but Yang Xuan is a little strong and scary.

"What a terrifying power, I don't even want to survive now, I just want to fall!"


"I just want to cooperate with the other party and die completely!"

The snake that devours the world no longer considers saving itself.

He just waited quietly to die.

"Swallow, I'll save you!"

"Get ready to leave with me!"

At this time, the fallen lord of all things, the owner of the fallen gate, suddenly sent a voice to the snake that devoured the world.

He intends to save the serpent that devours the world.

after all.

They are allies now.

Moreover, Yang Xuan's strength made the fallen lord of all things feel extremely threatened.

He had a hunch.

That is, once the World Devouring Snake is defeated, he will be next.

For this reason, as an evil god, he has now started to actively help the snake that devours the world.

But. Faced with the rescue of the fallen lord of all things, the snake that devoured the world fell silent for a while.

"Fallen lord of all things, you also fall with me!"

"We don't deserve to live in this world!"

"Relying on the connection between us, relying on that chaotic contract!"

"Let's fall together!"

Just when the fallen lord of all things was preparing to rescue the world-swallowing snake, the world-swallowing snake unexpectedly chose to betray!

He betrayed his ally, not only stopped attacking Yang Xuan, but directly exploded his own door, and started attacking the fallen Lord of all things.


The fallen lord of all things did not expect his sudden betrayal.

And just at once, let him be recruited.

"Stupid waste snake, you are under control!"

The fallen lord of all things was furious at this moment.

However, he has no choice! Door.

Chapter 217 The Ultimate Door (Please Subscribe!)

With the rebellion of the world-swallowing serpent, the fallen Lord of All began to summon his own gates.

It was a fallen door dripping with bright red blood.

In every drop of blood, there seemed to be endless creatures howling.

Those are fallen beings.

Humans, elves, orcs, beasts.

All kinds of creatures appeared in the fallen gate.

Facing the engulfing of the world-devouring snake, the endless creatures opened their mouths together, and began to roar sharply into the void.

That is depraved language.

Anyone who hears this language will immediately experience decay in their hearts.

When this sharp sound appeared.

Even the sentient beings in the entire mysterious world began to appear degenerate scenes.

This is the fallen power possessed by the fallen lord of all things.

This blow of his seemed to pull the entire mysterious world into corruption.

But at this time, Yang Xuan made a move.

"Everything is quiet!"

Yang Xuan just whispered to Xu "Zero Seven Zero".

Then the whole mysterious world fell into a tranquility.

Those depraved whispers were erased by Yang Xuan in an instant.

The people in the mysterious world also returned to normal immediately.

It was after this time that the huge snake head that devoured the world snake directly bit the fallen lord of all things.

The Fallen Lord of All is a human **** hanging upside down, and the place where the world-devouring serpent bites happens to be half of his body.

Then countless corrupt forces began to pour into the door of the devouring snake.

This is the power of the snake that devours the world.

When facing Yang Xuan, he might seem like a waste, not only did he not hurt Yang Xuan, but he hurt himself.

But when the God of Devouring Worlds faced the Lord of the Fallen, he appeared extremely fierce.

He didn't even use Yang Xuan to make a move, he directly killed the Lord of the Fallen by himself.

"Damn devour!"

"Damn secretive!"

The fallen lord of all things began to curse, and then he suddenly turned into an evil light.

He is going to run away.

He knew that if he continued, he would have only one consequence, which was death.

So he planned to run away.

As said before.

At the same gate level, even if the snake that devours the world is very strong, it can directly suppress the fallen Lord of Everything.

But if a door-level evil **** wants to escape with all his heart.

The snake that devours the world is still very difficult to stop.

Especially when faced with danger, the snake that devours the world is actively giving up some power, so it is even more difficult for the snake that devours the world to keep the other party.


Just when the fallen lord of all things turned into black light, escaped into the endless void, and left the mysterious world with his own door.

He hadn't taken a few steps before he stopped suddenly.

Then drew out his own body again, and looked up in disbelief.

In the endless void, there is actually no distinction between up and down.

However, at this time, the fallen lord of all things found that where he was, he could clearly feel what was up, down, left, and right.

Because he is in a circular space at this time.

Surrounding him was an endless black ocean.

The power actually manifested by the fallen Lord of All is also black and red if turned into light.

But his black and red are very evil.

Yang Xuan is also black and red, but Yang Xuan's is deep, magnificent, magnificent, and shocking.

This is the essential difference between the two.

And at this moment, the power enveloping the fallen Lord of All is an endless black ocean.

This is naturally Yang Xuan's soul black sea.

If it is powerful, the black sea of ​​the mind is not only enveloping the fallen lord of all things.

Instead, unconsciously, it enveloped the entire mysterious world.

"Your strength!"

"How can it be!"

"This power is more than ten times stronger than mine!"

"But my depraved nature clearly tells me that you are just a door that has just been born!"

"But your strength is so great!"

"The last time we saw you, although you were powerful, you had no choice but to retreat in the end in the face of the attacks of our ten gates."

"But now, if you are facing us before, with your own strength, you can kill all our doors!"

"You are already so powerful, why do you still need to deal with me like this!"

After the fallen lord of all things saw Yang Xuan's soul black sea.

Finally, he understood the gap between himself and Yang Xuan.

Under such a gap, the battle between the two can already be described as worlds apart.

Although they are all doors.

But at this moment, Yang Xuan has already surpassed the gate, and he is only a short distance away from the existence of the disc level.

"You think too much, the reason why I set up this way is to deal with secrets!"

"If the secret is still the door, then naturally it will not be my opponent!"

"But after all, Mystery has already begun to evolve towards Pan!"

"I have a hunch that although Misty has been defeated by me for the time being, he must still have a backhand. After all, he is a scheming existence!"

Yang Xuan said lightly.

As soon as he finished speaking, the fallen Lord of All was even more desperate.

Because Yang Xuan expressed an idea.

That is, Yang Xuan is not dealing with him at all now.

Dealing with him is just incidental.


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