Then, that world will be locked by the evil gods.

This is the method of the evil gods.

But just now, the piece of root of the decayed tree that was bitten by the snake that devoured the world was worth at least three middle thousand worlds.

After reaching the gate level, it is indeed very simple for evil gods to invade a middle-thousand world.

However, it is very simple to invade a world and control a world.

But it is very difficult for these evil gods to find a middle-thousand world.

After all, they don't have the True Reincarnation Tower either, so they can't directly use the True Reincarnation Tower to target the worlds they want to invade.

You can only rely on the method of "sprinkling bait" to throw your energy, origin, law, and breath into the endless void, and wait for the world to take the bait.

As for the main body to travel in the endless void and find the planes where those worlds exist, it may take a lot of time even for them.

This time is not talking about a few years, but a few epochs at every turn.

And the biggest situation is that after searching for several epochs, no world can be found in the end.

As for the chance to be promoted to Pan.

In the long time, they (ccfg) have long since ceased to have illusions.

It wasn't until they discovered the mysterious world that they gathered together one by one, waiting for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Now, however, it's almost gone.

But even for many evil gods, the opportunity no longer exists.

But in the end, not all the evil gods retreated.

After the evil gods such as the rotten world tree, the endless flesh and blood, the evil of the abyss, and the eternal sinking of the darkest have left.

In the end, there were still three evil gods who chose to stay.

First, it is naturally the strongest snake that devours the world.

The second is the fallen lord of all things who hangs upside down on the cross.

The third is a door that has been hidden and has not been used much. Even now, it has only simply invaded the mysterious world and has not made a full-scale attack. An evil **** full of chaos is called the original chaos.

"Unexpectedly, you also stayed!"

"Original Chaos!"

After the snake that devoured the world took a look at the remaining evil gods, it immediately focused on a strange phantom full of chaos standing far away from the world barrier.

It was not a phantom in human form.

It is a terrifying existence with countless tentacles, countless eyes, and countless mouths, full of distortions and chaos.

As the world-swallowing snake recognized as the strongest in the vicinity, after seeing this chaotic figure, his heart was extremely heavy.

Because among the many outer gods, only its existence will make the snake that devours the world feel pressure.

Although, the other party has never made a move, and he doesn't have that much thought about the mysterious world.

But just the existence of the other party made the snake who devoured the world feel uncomfortable.

As for the fallen lord of all things who has already descended once in the mysterious world, caused great chaos, and has many believers.

Although the snake that devours the world will feel a burst of pressure, that's all.

But that original chaos made the snake that devoured the world feel afraid.

"Chaos is coming, and I love chaos!"

"Witness the chaos!"

"Create confusion!"

"Reform Chaos!"

"Expand the chaos!"

"Finally... control the chaos!"

Under the gaze of the giant snake pupils of the world-swallowing snake, the weird primordial chaos soon sent him a message.

With this news, the snake that devoured the world already knew what he was thinking.

This is one, downright crazy god.

"Haha! You want to see us fight in disorder, and then devour us in one breath."

"It's really your style!"

"But whether it's me in the end, or the fallen lord of all things, or the mystery, and the mysterious door, no matter who wins in the end, the four of us will be existences that surpass the normal door and become the disk that accommodates everything!"

"After the chaos is over, you, the ancient chaotic door that wants to pick up the leak, will have only one end in the end."

"Disappear! Fall!"

The snake that devoured the world roared loudly at the end, and then began to continue to invade the mysterious world.

Even though, he knew that the invasion would be very slow now that he had lost so many helpers, but he still did not give up.

Because, he has never been so close to advanced.

Since he achieved the Gate of Devouring, he has no less than a thousand worlds in an instant.

But still can't see the way forward.

It wasn't until he discovered the mysterious world that he saw the hope of advancing.

So he doesn't want to give up.

The instinct of devouring made it impossible for him to let go of the powerful world that was standing still.

As for the original chaos.

He had actually heard of it.

However, he is fearless.

Even if he is stared at by this ancient and mysterious door with ulterior motives.

He also wants to fight the mystery, the fallen lord of all things, and the mysterious door to the end.

This battle.

It is nothing more than the winner takes all, and the loser falls.

The snake that devours the world has witnessed too many falls. He is afraid of death, but he is also crazy!

It is not uncommon for him to swallow the big with the small.

"The chaos never stops!"

Facing the ridicule of the snake that devoured the world, Primordial Chaos simply responded.

Then, his irregular, twisted, evil, and chaotic body continued to stare at the mysterious world, at the evil gods.


time flies.

The Secret World, one year later.

"Great master of mind, you are the light of the world, you are the master of all things, I pray for your protection, I pray for your blessing!"

"Great master of mind, master of everything, I beg you to give us instructions as the end is approaching!"

"The great master of mind, I am about to advance to become a mind image writer of Sequence One, and I pray for your blessing again!"

In the mysterious world, in a secret gathering, three Sequence Two Transcendents of the Psychic Sequence are gathering together.

These three are the original spiritual supernatural beings.

Boutien, Catherine, Bunil!

Among them, Boutien has reached the Dzogchen realm of Sequence Two, completely digested his extraordinary attributes and a little divinity, and can try to advance to become a Sequence One mind image writer, that is, a **** in the spiritual field.

And so it is.

Boutien directly convened the high-level leaders of the Church of the Spirit.

Among them, Catherine and Kunier were all found by him.

But what made Boutien interesting was that after Catherine was found by him, she was still a little transparent in the Grand Duke's mansion, a concubine who was not easily remembered by others.

But in fact, she is already one of the strongest people in the real world of the entire mysterious world.

Even Kunier, although the angelic identity of the psychic sequence, has not been known to the public.

But the title of the emperor of the commercial empire and the ruler of the entire Eastern Continent is still known by many people.

As for Boutien.

In the world of ordinary people, perhaps no one knows his existence.

But in the entire extraordinary world, he can be said to be known to everyone, to everyone.

Especially the latest extraordinary out-of-control incident.

A snake-shaped evil **** descended, and once it appeared, it had the power of a saint.

In less than an hour, he became an angel.

After half a day, he will soon become the true **** on earth.

However, Boutien's extraordinary abilities in the field of mind manipulation, mind weaving, etc. directly interfered with his inner self-explosion.

You know, this record is quite powerful.

This is the second time that the real incarnation of the evil **** has successfully condensed since the last time the evil **** descended.

The last time, after the incident of the fallen lord of all things, the God of Radiance.

Although several evil **** incidents broke out.

However, this is only the second time that the will of the real evil **** has completely descended.

Everyone knows how serious the situation was.

Even many people think that the end is coming, and the extraordinary world has fallen into endless panic.

Because the second incarnation of the evil **** came completely, they didn't know who to rely on.

For the first time, the newly-promoted God of Radiance, Edsi, personally defeated the incarnation of the evil god.

But the price is the fall of the three angels.

So when the second incarnation of the evil **** came.

Many people thought that they were about to end, the world was about to end, and they were about to be ruled by evil gods.

Fortunately, the last person stood up.

That was a person favored by the former Pope of Radiance and the current God of Radiance.


After returning to the Kingdom of God, the God of Radiance sent a message to his church.

That is, once Boutien is in trouble, he must be saved at all costs.

If Boutien makes a request, no matter what the request is, help him fulfill it.

Even if you have something to do, you have to let it go, and then help Butyen at all costs.

This is the oracle issued by the God of Radiance.

At that time, the entire Radiance Church was boiling.

They couldn't imagine that the God of Radiance would value Butyen so much.

And Boutien did not disappoint them in the end.

With his own strength, he killed the incarnation of the evil god.

But even so, the threat of doomsday still looms over everyone's hearts.

Straight to today.

A very important thing is about to happen.

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