In this way, it can give the Lord of Mysteries a surprise blow.

after all.

The other party is secretive.

Using some means is extremely normal in Yang Xuan's view.


Among the bustling cities.

The place where the Lord of Mysteries hides is a lively night market.

When the gate of **** descended, the Lord of Mysteries was already very surprised.

He has been in this world for a while, so he naturally knows that Zeus and the king of **** exist.


It's just that he values ​​the origin of Zeus's law.

So I have been trying to deal with Zeus.

The king of hell, on the other hand, has a great advantage in fighting alone.

So the Lord of Mysteries didn't bother to find the King of Hell.

So when the gate of **** appeared and endless demons came to the world, his first thought was that the king of **** had reached a certain agreement with the mysterious man who was chasing him.

Even the King of Hell has locked his position by virtue of his special power.

But when he saw that the person who came out of the gate of **** was the mysterious person who was chasing him.

His expression became even uglier.

As a result, he directly used his secret door power to fool the space here.

"Sure enough, the other party has a way to lock my position!"

"Which world did this door come from? The power and means are so powerful!"

"I once traveled to a world of immortals. What they believe in is that every time they are promoted, if there is no catastrophe, there will be catastrophe!"

"Maybe they're right!"

"I'm facing a robbery now!"

"That person is my robber!"

The Lord of Mysteries thought of a lot at this moment.

Moreover, he vaguely sensed that the crisis of death was approaching.

His own world was occupied by the other party.


His own incarnation was blocked by the other party in this world.

"These are not the scariest!"

"The most terrifying thing is that he can control people's hearts!"

"Ordinary people don't care about the appearance of demons at all. When the second door appears, the hearts of all beings in this world calm down."

"If nothing else, it's the power of the mind."

"True and terrifying power."

"So I absolutely cannot be caught by the other party."

"Otherwise, once the opponent is caught, my era will also rely on it."

The Lord of Mysteries has analyzed a lot of information about Yang Xuan.

Even, I know the ability I want.

But he also has a little confidence in his ability.

He thought that even if Yang Xuan had locked his position just now, unless he came over in person, he would never be able to notice his existence.

But now Yang Xuan is in the light, and he is in the dark.

Once Yang Xuan leaves, he can leave directly and change places.

After all, a great world is a big one.

All he needs to do now is hide and seek.

The best way is to find Zeus.

Ask Zeus to help him leave.

When the door of mystery cannot be used to leave the world, he has only two options left.

One is the gate of **** and the other is the gate of the gods.

The gate of **** has obviously been controlled by Yang Xuan, so there is only the gate of the gods left.

"Yang Xuan is not in a hurry to find me now. Since he controls the gate of hell, he must know the existence of Zeus!"

"In order to completely block me, he is very likely to attack Zeus!"

"Zeus will probably take the initiative to attack Yang Xuan in order to protect himself!"

"Once the two of them fight, it's my chance!"

"Using the power of the door of mystery, I still have a great chance to leave."

The Lord of Mysteries is still calculating how to escape.

As for the battle, fight against Yang Xuan.

He didn't even dare to think about it.


That's when he just thought of it.

Above the sky, a colorful rainbow directly illuminated the entire sky.

"Rainbow Bridge! Zeus is here!"

After the Lord of Mysteries saw this, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He knew that his calculation was perfect.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt empty inside.

Thinking for a moment, sluggish for a second.

Although only for a short second.

But the heart of the Lord of Mysteries has set off a stormy sea!



"It shouldn't be!"

"Why is this happening? You shouldn't know my location, and you shouldn't directly find me hiding in the gap between space and space."

"This is my authority!" said the door.

Chapter 202 God Realm Catastrophe, Secretly Captured

The Lord of Mysteries roared loudly.

In this way, he expressed his panic and doubts.

He didn't know why Yang Xuan could lock himself.

Even if Yang Xuan has part of the right to use the door of mystery.

However, as the owner of the door of mystery, if Yang Xuan uses the power of the door to lock him.

Then the Lord of Mysteries should be able to sense it, and then escape.

The Lord of Mysteries also knows that Yang Xuan must know this.

Therefore, when Yang Xuan did not open the door of mystery, the Lord of Mysteries thought he was very safe.

But just when he thought he was safest, the crisis came.

Even unconsciously, my mind has been affected.

"Secret, you hide very well, but it's a pity that any hiding in front of me is useless!"

"My strength is beyond your imagination!"

"When facing me, there is no point in avoiding or running away!"

"The enemies I'm targeting have only one way to go, and that's to confront me face to face!"

"The more you escape, the faster you will fall!"

"You, that's it!"

Yang Xuan's words directly affected the heart of the Lord of Mysteries.

"Let me go, I will give you all my strength!"

The Lord of Mysteries knew that it was useless to say anything at this time.

However, he didn't want to die.

"You should understand that at our level, different positions are something that "Zero Five Three" can't help!"

"If I let you go, and become a door again in the future, or even become a disk, who can guarantee that you won't go to my world to make trouble."

Yang Xuan's voice appeared again.

Immediately afterwards.

In the next second, the struggling expression of the Lord of Mysteries began to disappear little by little.

He began to become calm, and then a soft smile appeared on his face unconsciously.

"Mind control!"

"In this way, the power of the Gate of Mysteries will be 50% controlled by me!"

"After I return to the mysterious world, anyone who has a spiritual path can directly advance to become a god!"

"Then I can get 10% of the control again!"

"At that time, 60% to 40%, even if the Lord of Mysteries is there, there is no possibility of recovery, and the entire world of mysteries will be under my control!"

"Then I can deprive the Mystery World of my personality and forcibly extract the Mystery Gate."

"Become my strength, a gate of half a disk-level personality!"

The Lord of Mysteries raised his hand, whispered, and disappeared in place.


Now the Lord of Mysteries is no longer the Lord of Mysteries.


the other side.

With the emergence of the Rainbow Bridge.

The **** king Zeus also brought his own gods and children directly to the opposite of Yang Xuan.

The direct appearance of dozens of gods immediately caused the surrounding air to vibrate violently.

Endless thunder.

It even enveloped the top of Yang Xuan.

Of those gods, the strongest is the gate-level Zeus.

Then, there is Athena, the goddess of war at the Taoist level, and many other gods.

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