"We will resist!"

"Resist the world and make it suffer!"

"That's right! Let the world feel the pain!"

The thunder released by Taishi Xuanjie did not attack Yang Xuan.

On the contrary, one by one began to focus on the Taishi Xuan Realm that created them.

They actually want to rebel and create their own world.


With more and more such thoughts, more and more.

The endless thunder finally turned into black thunder one after another, bombarding the world barrier of the Taishi Xuan Realm.

Originally, they were supposed to be the guardians of the world.

But at this moment, they became the destroyers of the world.

But destruction is not counted, after all, these powers were originally created by the Taishi Xuan Realm.

Therefore, it is naturally impossible to destroy the world with these black thunders of punishment.

Even they are only on the periphery of the world, creating a certain amount of confusion.

For the interior of the entire Taishi Xuanjie, nothing special happened at all.

But what Yang Xuan wanted was just this.


He was always staring at the world barrier of the Taishi Xuanjie, and when the periphery of the Taishi Xuanjie was trembling, his figure flashed.

Immediately afterwards.

A pure black door, no longer black and red, appeared in front of the barrier of this world.

The pure black gate that appeared this time is no longer an illusory gate.

Rather, it is a gate with a physical body.

As soon as it appeared, it ran towards the world barrier, where it had just been bombarded by many thunders of punishment from heaven.

That is, when he made this move, all the Inner Spirit Gates in the Taishi Xuan Realm were stunned.


Within Taishi Xuan Realm.

Many Taoist masters from the four continents have just teamed up to summon the Gate of Creation.

Then one by one looked up in horror and looked towards the sky.

Because at this time, a pure black gate appeared above the sky.

Possibly, outside the world.

From the point of view of Yang Xuan summoning the door of mind image, that door is not very big.

It just looks a little bigger, like a hill.

But for the many creatures in the inner world, the four continents, the four oceans, and the four heavenly mountains.

It looked like a gate comparable to the world.

The huge black gate is like an existence that blocks out the sun.

The whole world seemed to be enveloped by that black door.

"not good!"


"The door appeared!"

"The best we can do is hit the door!"

"However, the Gate of Good Fortune is extremely powerful and should be able to resist the opponent, but I don't know if it can make the opponent give up the invasion."

"Hopefully, get ready!"

"After the door appears, there will be an extremely strong coercion at the very beginning!"

"After that, the second sign will appear, that is, the world trembles!"


At this time, the ground suddenly began to tremble.

Not only the ground, but even the sky and the surrounding air could not help but tremble.

"The second sign has appeared!"

"The next thing is the third sign, the broken sky!"

"When the sky shattered and the opponent's gate entered our world, we immediately used the gate of good fortune to meet it."

One of the Taoist masters told what was about to happen.

But this time, things didn't go the way he said.

As the world trembled, after the pitch-black gate above the sky completely smashed through the world barrier, the sky remained unbroken.

Instead, under the gaze of everyone.

Suddenly, everyone looked in a trance.

Everyone is in a state of mind.

Everyone seems to have forgotten something.

Then one by one did not look at the situation in the sky, but returned to their original places one by one to do what they should do.

When they left, they all forgot to take an important thing with them.

This thing is naturally the gate of good fortune.

However, they don't seem to care.

Obviously, this gate of good fortune was taken very seriously by them before.

But at this moment, it seemed as if he had completely forgotten about him.

"Oh, the gate of good fortune!"

"It's really hard to find a place when you step through the iron shoes, and it doesn't take much effort to get it."

Yang Xuan couldn't help talking.

Just after the Taoist masters who summoned the gate of creation left, a palm stretched out from the void.

Then, he grabbed the door of good fortune.

Click! Click!

After the door of good fortune was touched by that hand, it trembled violently.

It seems that I want to struggle and want to leave.

"I still want to resist!"

"Do you want to recover?"

"However, I won't revive you!"

"After all, if you are revived, all the people who have used the power of creation during this period will become the food for your resurrection."

"My silly Baitian teacher, as well as the Taoist Master Creation, no, there is also Daoyi, and all the students of the Creation Academy will become your blessings."

"Although I can help them resist, it is a hidden danger after all."

"What's more, this door has already given birth to a new wisdom, and I promised to give him freedom. If you want to return, it must die first!"

Yang Xuan said calmly to the Gate of Creation.

Then, the movement of the hand is a change.

He changed from holding the door to patting the door lightly.

That's when.

Below the gate, a huge black gate suddenly appeared.


In just an instant, the gate of good fortune fell into the black gate.

The door, swallowed the door.

Of course, this is just the initial devouring, and it will take a long time to refine it.

After all, the Gate of Creation is a very powerful gate.

"Daoyi, I'll take you to reincarnation right now!"

After getting the Gate of Creation, Yang Xuan left directly.

However, just as he was about to leave, he suddenly stopped.

Because Yang Xuan felt it, there were thirteen terrifying wills locked on him at this moment.

That is!

A will that is not at all of its own nature.

But they are very weak, extremely weak.

Although the essence is a door, it is like an old man who is dying.

That's fallen, the will of the gate.


"In this world, there have been thirteen gates!"

"However, they all fell."

"However, existence at the level of the door is dead but not stiff!"

"Don't say it's a door, even a Taoist master exists like this!"

"I just don't know what difficulties there are in this world, but I can actually ruin thirteen gates."

After Yang Xuan was stared at by the broken will of the thirteen gates, doubts arose in his heart.

But at this time, a great fear suddenly arose in his heart.

Very big fear.

It was a threat of death.

"There is a problem in this world!"

The moment he felt the threat, a door suddenly appeared beside the one he wanted.

Then, he disappeared.

"Information 033 erased!"

Before leaving, want to use the information rhyme.

This is the ability of the Taoist Master of All Souls. After she was refined by Yang Xuan, the Rhyme of Information Dao was naturally obtained by Yang Xuan.

Moreover, information and mind are complementary.

That is to say, Yang Xuan's door of mental imagery actually contains the door of information ability.

Therefore, Yang Xuan can do it very thoroughly when erasing information.

And Yang Xuan, who left here, also used the power of information to secretly spy on the place he left.

Information eyes!

It is still the power of the Lord of All Souls.

The power of the master of all spirits is very powerful in terms of concealment and spying, combined with the power of the mind.

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