Although she lost the gate of good fortune, she is still a Taoist-level existence.

Because Dao Yun is her own.

"I am no longer a good fortune, and my name has not been used for a long time."

"When I was very young, my name was Liu Yun."

"Later, my first teacher gave me a Dao name, Dao Yi!"

"She said, Dao Shengyi, I hope I can become that one."

"So, call me Daoyi from now on!"

"I want to condense what belongs to me, the only door!"

"This title just happens to be very suitable for me."

The Creation Taoist said this sentence in his heart.

As soon as she finished speaking, she suddenly found that her position had changed.

She returned from the world of cultivating immortals in the starry sky to her own great world of good fortune.

"There are all kinds of avenues, but only the one."

"very good!"

"From now on, I will call you Daoyi!"

At this moment, Yang Xuan's voice directly appeared in her mind.


Create a big world.

Good Fortune Sect, above Yunding Immortal Palace.

Under the attention of everyone, two figures appeared directly.

However, one person seemed to appear as a shadow and then disappeared.

No one else saw that shadow even except for the Creation Daoist.

However, Taoist Creation clearly saw that the shadow had entered the body of the young man opposite her.

On the forehead, there is a boy with a mysterious rune in his body.

This young man was above the Creation Great World, and just a second ago he was just an ordinary low-to-medium sequence immortal cultivator.

In the next second, he actually became the most powerful existence in the world of "Zero Three Three".

Even the entire Great Creation World trembled for it.

"The world has changed!"

"The personalities of the great world are changing!"

"It's because of your appearance!"

The Creation Taoist looked at Yang Xuan in surprise.

After returning, he knew part of the reason for the matter.

Because Yang Xuan is a foreigner, the tenth rank exists.

So when the world felt his presence, it would tremble.

That's right!

The power of a world trembled under the direct influence of Yang Xuan.

Because Yang Xuan is a tenth-level existence, especially since he is still in this world and has a reincarnated body.

Therefore, he directly came to the interior of the Great Creation World.

As far as the world is concerned, letting a tenth-level existence directly appear inside itself is simply an act of death.

The will of the world that can create the great world can't do anything about it.

After all, when Yang Xuan reincarnated into this world, he was not the master of the tenth rank at all.

Who would have thought that the other party just left for a second.

After the result returns. It directly became the supreme master of the tenth rank.

Perhaps Yang Xuan had been separated from Taoist Creation for a long time, but to the great world of Creation, it was only a second.

This is the phenomenon of time stagnation caused by the difference between the world and the world rules.

This phenomenon, even Yang Xuan couldn't figure it out.

However, Yang Xuan knew that there was an existence, so he could figure out this phenomenon.

That existence is the three roulettes I saw on the imprint of the True Reincarnation Tower.

Those were three very vague disks.

However, each one is exceptionally powerful.

One of them may be able to understand why the flow of time between worlds is different.

Even Yang Xuan suspected that the other party could manipulate the time ratio between worlds.

That existence is the time plate of the ancient gods.

As for the other two: cosmic roulette and reincarnation realm.

What Yang Xuan can understand by virtue of the literal meaning is the circle of reincarnation.

This disc must have something to do with reincarnation.

As for the cosmic roulette, Yang Xuan didn't know.

However, when he saw the information on this disk, Yang Xuan had a little understanding in his mind, a vocabulary, how far into the universe.

The cosmic roulette may be a conceptual disk of multiple parallel universes.

However, this information is also unknown to the will of the world that created the great world.

There is no way to know.

It was just trembling and trembling instinctively.

In particular, the will of the world has inadvertently touched the essence of what it wants.

Ever since, the will of the world that created the great world has a heart.

Fear, dread, despair...

For a time, many negative emotions began to appear on the will of the world that created the great world.

The consequence of this is that the stars in this world are beginning to be chaotic.

The aura of this world still carries a terrifying and oppressive aura.

Its impact is as if the end of the world is coming.

And in the entire world of good fortune, except for the good fortune Taoist, no one else knows what happened.

So in the face of such a situation, they were all extremely afraid.

This fear directly aggravated the corruption of the world's will.

"At the beginning, the world was still rejecting me, instinctively rejecting me!"

"But now, the world has gone crazy!"

"I just touched my essence and felt the door of mental imagery on the information level."

"It's as simple as that, the world will of a Great Thousand World level is facing collapse!"

"This made me more intuitively realize the horror and power of the tenth rank!"

Yang Xuan couldn't help thinking in his heart.


He raised his head, glanced at Taoist Creator, and nodded to her.

Then he said, "Be quiet!"


The invisible spiritual power instantly spread to the entire world.

All the living beings in the whole world, plus the will of the living beings themselves, have obtained great peace of mind in an instant of this meaning.

Then, the world starts to stabilize and people start going about their world.

Even in the Creation Sect, everyone has returned to normal.

No one cared about the existence of Taoist Good Fortune and Yang Xuan.

The world seemed to be back to how it was when Yang Xuan didn't come to the Creation Sect, and everything was going in a normal direction.

However, only the Creation Master understands.

Just now, what kind of terrible invasion and what kind of power has been exaggerated in my own world.

"Just one thought can control the whole world!"

"I even doubt that you can control me in an instant."

Seeing that the world has returned to calm and everything has returned to 'normal', the Taoist Creator couldn't help but say something to Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan's current body is just a body that even a true immortal has not achieved.

However, his true spirit has become a tenth-order existence.

The Creation Taoist did not doubt that her mind was being affected, because she knew that Yang Xuan would not do that.

"Yeah, even I didn't expect that I am so strong now."

Yang Xuan also spread his hands helplessly.

What he said was =- the truth.

"Send me to reincarnate, although I really want to continue chatting with you, but after seeing your achievements, I can't wait to know, owning the door and pushing open the door that belongs to me, what is it? what does it feel like."

"Although the odds are slim, I think I have a chance."

The Creation Taoist said to Yang Xuan with a smile.

She is a standard activist.

"And what about this world?"

"Should I keep it for you, or handle it by myself?"

Yang Xuan did not refuse, but before the Taoist Good Fortune left, Yang Xuan still wanted to ask her what she thought of the world.

And his tone was so flat.

It's so bland that people don't even feel that this is about a fate at the level of the Great Thousand World.

The fate of an entire world is still the fate of a world at the level of a thousand.

Under Yang Xuan's words, it seemed as insignificant as a pen and an eraser in his hand.

If such words are heard by outsiders, they will definitely feel very scary.

But for Taoist Creator, he thinks everything is very reasonable.

"It's up to you to deal with it. I have gratitude for this world, so I hope you treat it well."

"And asking this world to make such a request is also a great reward for it, isn't it!"

The Creation Taoist also spoke very flatly.

The Creation Great World is indeed the world that gave birth to her, the world that made her a Taoist master.

Now, Taoist Creator wants to abandon everything and leave this world.

For the will of any great world, this is a betrayal, and it will suffer great backlash.

However, the Taoist Creator clearly interceded for the world.

This is a great reward for the Great Creation World.

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