What oneself is about to fall.

Going to Paradise soon.

It's all **** actually.

Who said old monks can't act?

Whoever says sweeping monk will not lie.

Whoever talks about the Taoist monk must treat others with sincerity.

Even if it is a real eminent monk.


Will do unexpected things.

This sweeping monk.

That's it.

He looked very weak.

He also said that his life was not long.

But actually.

Under the guidance of Yang Xuan's fist.

The sweeping monk has seen the way to break the void and see the gods.

Although seen, just saw.

I want to really step into this realm.

Great opportunities are also needed.

and a certain amount of time.

Chapter 24 Tathagata Palm! (8 more!)


The author of Xiaopujie is finished in 8th today.

Keep working hard tomorrow!

This really doesn't work.

Gotta go eat.

I wish all readers a great, sweet dream yesterday!

Good night!

The following text!


Shaolin sweeping monk, after this battle.

In a few days, the skill will increase again.

With his life.

It will also be improved for at least ten years.

Because of Yang Xuan's punch.

It's not just guiding the other side's path.

Also repaired some hidden diseases of the sweeping monk's body.

That's right!

This is after seeing the gods in boxing.

One of the supernatural powers obtained.

It has reached the realm of Yang Xuan.

Even if it is the incomparably fierce Bajiquan.

All can have therapeutic effects on the body.


Break through the void and see God is not bad.

It is the realm that all warriors dream of. Just this sweeping monk.

It is to cooperate with Yang Xuan to perform a play.

That's why he appears so detached.

Obviously he had refused before.

But after getting Yang Xuan's guidance.

But he said "really fragrant" in his heart.

Opposite in sweeping.

Yang Xuan looked at the sweeping monk who had closed his eyes.

Said lightly.

"Old monk, it's really boring to fight with you."

"Since your boxing skills can't make me enjoy myself."

"Then I'll go to your Sutra Pavilion to see where the brilliance of Shaolin boxing is."

Yang Xuan finished speaking.

The air under his feet suddenly exploded.

He actually soared into the sky.

Fly directly towards the top of Mount Tai.

Such a sight.

For ordinary people.

It is undoubtedly a fairy. The moment Yang Xuanfei reached the top of the mountain.

The audience at the foot of the mountain.

Not only did he widen his eyes.

They also opened their mouths wide.

"In broad daylight. There are gods haunting you!."

"The Buddha appears! The Buddha appears!"

"What Buddha? This is a manifestation of a celestial being."

"Wait. Isn't this the Shaolin Temple? Why did the gods come to the Shaolin Temple?"

"Yaoshou! The gods and monks are fighting."

"The **** said to go to the Buddhist scripture pavilion. Could it be that Shaolin Temple really has magical skills?"

"I also want to become a fairy. I also want to become a Buddha. Is it too late to become a teacher?"

"Yes, apprentice."

"Quick! Go to apprentice!"

this moment.

Suddenly thought of the most important thing.

Immortals and Buddhas face to face.

What is more important than apprenticeship.

this moment.

They also don't think that what happened just now is making a movie.

The ground is cracked.

The fairy also flew to the top of the mountain in front of them.

If anyone dares to say that this place is fake.

Someone will definitely slap him directly.

Sweeping students are the existence of Gang Jin Dzogchen.

And he also practiced Tianertong, one of the six magical powers unique to Shaolin Temple.

So hearing is very powerful.

Those who say that they want to apprentice.

He could hear everything clearly.

Those who said they were going to go up the mountain and break into the Buddhist scriptures pavilion.

Nor did it escape his ears.

Ever since.

The sweeping monk couldn't sit still.

He fell from the void to the ground.

The figure flickered.

Just ran towards the interior of Shaolin.

He is going to tip off the news.

after all.

There are too many tourists now.

So many that if they swarmed up.

The Sutra Pavilion of Shaolin Temple.

It would be a real loss.

And those of them are monks with real kung fu.

It is also impossible to really shoot at tourists.

All those monks who have real kung fu.


They are all filed with the Ministry of Security.

They have clear rules.

Do not attack ordinary people.

In case of emergency.

The reason for the shot must be recorded in detail.


The sweeping monk now runs back to Shaolin Temple.

The purpose is also to close the door.

Just close the door.

those ordinary people.

There is no way to go in.

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