The Creation Taoist said lightly.

It seems that they don't care about the coming crisis at all.

No, none of this counts as a threat.

It's just a sword qi.

"It's just a sword qi, there is nothing to pay attention to at all."

"Even now, I can resist the sword energy of that Heavenly Sword Master!"

"However, our plans are still a few days away."

"So, I'm wondering if our appearance will make Wan Ling and the Heavenly Sword Daoist unanimous to the outside world?"

Yang Xuan expressed his thoughts.

His consideration is not unreasonable.

In this world of cultivating immortals in the starry sky.

No matter how fiercely Wan Ling and Tian Jian fought, it was still in their own world.

But it's different with Yang Xuan.

Once there is Yang Xuan and Taoist Good Fortune, then it is very possible to unite the two of them.

Because to this world, they are intruders and extraterrestrial demons.

"That's right! I can also imagine that this Heavenly Sword will definitely become one of our influences."

"So we're going to deal with him, now!"

The Taoist Master Good Fortune already knew what Yang Xuan was thinking when he heard Yang Xuan say that.

"With the help of this ray of sword intent and the gate of good fortune guarded by him, I can directly lock his body."

"However, if you want to make it hurt and not interfere with us for at least ten days, then you need your strength."

The Creation Taoist looked at Yang Xuan.

When she was speaking, her hands were already slowly and rhythmically pinching out seals in front of her body.

Beside her, countless hidden symbols began to appear.

A looming door appeared in front of Yang Xuan and Taoist Good Fortune at this time.

"¨Since the opponent is the sword master, I am also the sword master!"

"Then let's fight sword intent!"

"It's just that this is a sword intent with spiritual power!"

"Hopefully his heart can take it."

At this time, Yang Xuan also began to gather his strength.

The power of the sword fairy and the power of the mind are completely integrated at this moment.

Not only that, but also the power of the Sword Immortal Mecha.

The mecha kept absorbing the surrounding aura.

compression! Recompress!

Immediately, a sword energy that was darker than the depths of the universe quickly changed from illusion to reality.

"I'm here to help you too!"

A force of good fortune appeared in Yang Xuan's body in an instant.

Yang Xuan didn't refuse, and directly used this power of good fortune to make his own power stronger.

"very good!"

"Thank you!"

"Since the opponent is a sword cultivator, then let the opponent feel my sword intent."

"Tai Chi Sword Intent!"

When all the power was concentrated on the black long sword, Yang Xuan reached out and picked up the (Zhao) sword.



As if resonating, soon another sword intent rushed to Yang Xuan's side.


"Tai Chi Sword Intent·Initial Chaos!"

Chaos is born and contains all things.

This piercing sword intent was directly swallowed by Yang Xuan's sword intent.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Xuan glanced behind him.

Behind him, the gate of good fortune has appeared.

Yang Xuan could perceive the specific location of the Heavenly Sword Dao Master through this gate of good fortune, in conjunction with the sword energy that had just been swallowed.


Then, Yang Xuan directly threw the black long sword in his hand into the gate of good fortune.


the other side.

Immortal Starfield.

Daoist Heavenly Sword was originally just sitting cross-legged in the void of the universe with a blank face, staring at the gate of good fortune in front of him.

But in the next second, his heart suddenly exploded, and a deadly danger appeared in his heart.

Even the long sword in his hand began to tremble rapidly.


Big crisis! .

Chapter 160 Your Sword is My Sword (Subscribe!)

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Chapter 161 Good fortune vs Wanling (subscribe)


This time it was an eighth-ranked Holy Master who blew himself up directly.

Although the self-destruct at the level of the Holy Master will not die.

Because their self-destruction is only the self-destruction of the sword energy in the body, which belongs to the self-destruction of energy, but neither their own will nor true spirit self-destruction.

And after reaching the level of the Holy Master, even if you lose your physical body, you can still condense it again.

The difference is just weakness.

But for a holy master, it is still terrifying.

In particular, after this holy master experienced a self-destruction, and then regrouped and returned, he didn't even know why he was like this.

As for the Heavenly Sword Master, it was even worse.

The eighth-ranked Holy Master blew himself up, and he, who was severely injured, was injured again in an instant.

The deadliest thing is.

But after that holy master blew himself up, waves of sword energy pierced his skin and penetrated into his body.

Immediately afterwards, his body began to be eroded by those sword qi.

The sword energy in the main body of Tianjian Dao seemed to be activated by some kind of terrible order again.



The Heavenly Sword Daoist blew himself up.

This self-destruction may not be as powerful as the last one.

But it still caused the Heavenly Sword Dao Master to hurt his own origin.


So much so that this time, when the Master of Swordsmanship returned that day, he no longer spit out the dead and filthy aura in his body.

Instead, he coughed passively.

This meant that he was seriously injured, and such a serious injury was an injury that he could not suppress himself.

So much so that his body began to cough.

Along with his cough, a few drops of blood fell from the corner of his mouth.

That is the blood essence of the ninth-level Taoist master, it is Tao blood.

If at this time, someone collects those few drops of blood in an instant, it is equivalent to refining the eighth-level elixir.

The life essence and blood of the Taoist Lord are of great help to the Holy Lord.

However, Daoist Heavenly Sword has no other holy masters nearby.

"Our sword energy has been invaded."

"The opponent can't do anything to our will, but they can invade our sword energy!"

"Don't come here again!"

"Don't come near me!"

"Everyone is stationed on their own planet, and immediately stay away from the crowd when they find anomalies!"

Master Tianjian sent a message to everyone.

"As for you, don't go!"

"It's nearby, waiting!"

"I suspect that your sword qi has been parasitized, you have to dissipate all your sword qi, and then retrain your own sword qi!"

"Otherwise, once you get close to others, you will pass on that weird sword intent to others!"


After Heavenly Sword Daoist finished conveying his own message, he also left behind the Holy Master who approached him and then blew himself up inexplicably.

After experiencing two self-explosions, he fell into a state of serious injury.

He already knew that the problem was the sword energy, and the root cause was that when he swallowed the opponent's sword energy, he must also have swallowed some strange sword intent.

The essence of that weird sword intent is definitely not as good as his, but it is extremely difficult to deal with.

"Wan Ling, you're in big trouble!"

"The Taoist master of this different world has the energy to destroy our world!"

"His ability is so weird that I didn't even notice the invasion at first."

"It's not only secret, but the most important thing is his will, which can be attached to my sword energy."

"It's the first time I've heard of this strange ability, and it's the first time I've seen it!"

Daoist Tianjian told Daoist Wanling what happened to him.

But in fact, his analysis of Yang Xuan was wrong.

Yang Xuan did not possess the sword energy of the Heavenly Sword Master, but endowed the souls of the sword energy, and infused the mind with freedom of obsession.

But these, the Heavenly Sword Dao Master, who has experienced two self-destructs, doesn't know.

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