So Yang Xuan has to procrastinate now, try to control more population of Wan Ling, and speed up the entry of genetic medicine into the city.

In the high-tech civilization system of this interstellar era.

It is no longer necessary to be on a planet to study a potion.

As long as the starry sky cloud method is turned on, many bigwigs can conduct research together.

But in order to prevent Wan Ling from interfering with this research, Yang Xuan had to restrain her.

The best way to contain it is to fight.

Let Wan Ling realize his strength, and let Wan Ling put his body and mind here.

Therefore, the key to tactics is also reflected.

"One-click Tracking: Intelligent Brain · Informational Daoist · All Spirits!"

After rushing out of the main star of Tianhe, Yang Xuan immediately activated the one-click tracking in his mind.

Today's innate supernatural powers have been played out by him.

Especially in the battle between universes, once the one-click tracking is turned on, Yang Xuan is equivalent to opening the whole map.


As for Wan Ling, he still doesn't know the exact location of Yang Xuan.

As a result, Wanling has no soul and cannot perform spiritual perception.

All he can do is information perception.

Information perception is actually very powerful, but it is a pity that there are two or five children on Wan Ling's side, and Yang Xuan already knew how to block Wan Ling's information perception.

Therefore, Wan Ling could not find him.

This is tantamount to the enemy's light and our darkness.

The second is to know yourself and your enemy.

Wan Ling didn't know Yang Xuan at all, he was a complete stranger.

Yang Xuan did the same to Wan Ling before.

But when the one-key tracking was turned on, Yang Xuan already knew some secrets about Wan Ling.

"I see!"

"It turned out to be like this!"

Following the mind, it appeared behind the specific location of Wan Ling.

Yang Xuan immediately sighed secretly.

He really didn't expect that Wan Ling would be more difficult than he imagined.

"This is troublesome!"

"This Taoist master who has become enlightened may not be very powerful, but she is a real dog!"

After using a piece of tracking.

This time, Yang Xuan directly squeezed out the Taoist Master Good Fortune again.

The Daoist Creation did not even think that she had accumulated so much energy this time, and it would be completely used by Yang Xuan again.



Now that Yang Xuan has become the sword master, her recovery ability is also very fast.

So it's harmless.

"The entire starry sky basically contains the information of all spirits!"

"If you want to kill all spirits completely, or control all spirits, you must gather her together first."

"Otherwise, he would be equivalent to becoming an atom of the universe, drifting in various places in the universe."

"As long as the SLR has a residual message and is not caught, then Wan Ling will not die."

Yang Xuan thought to himself.

At the same time, he seeks help from the Taoist Creator.

After all, this time he was facing a Daoist.

Moreover, the informatized Taoist is weak, even if the combat power is not good, it is not comparable to Yang Xuan, a Taoist who has been promoted by genetic sequences.

Yang Xuan, at most, was dealing with the opponent.

The essence of the Taoist master of all spirits is actually equivalent to the essence of the Taoist master of good fortune.

The Taoist masters that Yang Xuan achieved were not immortal.

But Wan Ling is immortal, and even with her special information technology, she will not be destroyed even if the entire Starry Sky Cultivation World is destroyed.

Judging from the point of complete vitality, Wan Ling is stronger than the Heavenly Sword Dao Master.

She is the kind of terrifying existence that, when encountering an enemy that cannot be defeated, I will simply boil you to death.


"The original gate, the gate of good fortune!"

"Wan Ling is indeed difficult to deal with, but it is definitely not impossible!"

"Our chance lies in the door!"

"You have also become a Taoist master now, with extremely strong power!"

"Then the moment I find the original gate, I will hand over the gate of good fortune to you!"

"It's not lent to you, it's handed over to you directly!"

"With the power of the Taoist master, you activated the gate of good fortune, sacrificed this physical body, directly broke through the barriers in the world, and opened a channel to communicate between the great world of good fortune and the world of cultivating immortals in the starry sky."

"Then leave the rest to me."

The Creation Taoist gave the answer in Yang Xuan's heart.

But when the power reaches the level of Taoist masters, even the weakest Taoist masters are extremely difficult to deal with.

Therefore, the one who wants to contend against the Taoist master can only be the Taoist master.

If you want to completely control a Taoist master, or even kill a Taoist master, it is difficult to rely on the power of the Taoist master alone.

But in the heavens and worlds, in the power that the Taoist Master Good Fortune and Yang Xuan came into contact with.

There is also power beyond the level of the Taoist master.

Although, it was broken and incomplete.

But the essence of that power really surpassed the Daoist.

There it is, the door! Door.

Chapter 157 Rewrite the world! Good fortune shot! (seeking subscription)

After Taoist Good Fortune finished his plan, Yang Xuan agreed.

He knew that he wanted to fight Wan Ling at Wan Ling's home court.

Then he and Taoist Creation must work together.

If you want the best and the most, and get the treasures of this world, it is very difficult for Yang Xuan alone.

But if she just relied on the creation of the Daoist Lord alone, she would not be able to do it in fact.

Because Taoist Good Fortune does not have Yang Xuan's one-key full level and one-key tracking, he cannot quickly improve his strength.

So if there is only one Daoist Creation, she will be found by the Daoist of All Souls before she grows up.

But if it is Yang Xuan, without the means of the Taoist master of good fortune, he also has no way to create a gate of good fortune in this starry sky cultivating the world to communicate with the two worlds.

However, the cooperation between the two directly made up for their respective shortcomings.

This kind of cooperation caused a strange emotion in the hearts of both of them.

That's a wonderful emotion.


Endless starry sky.

The two incarnations of Taoist Master Wanling didn't have full momentum, and flew towards the main star of Tianhe in a fair and honest manner.

On the contrary, she manipulated the two avatars to reduce the exposure of breath as much as possible.

Even, for the sake of safety, not to be perceived by outsiders as coming over.

He also let the two incarnations of Sequence One not absorb and transform the surrounding energy.

This means that they are not collecting power all the time to make up for consumption.

The reason for this is that Wan Ling also found some abnormalities.

"023" "Someone saw me coming out of the black hole!"

"After that person saw me, he was so calm that he didn't even do anything. He just continued to drive the spaceship leisurely, like a bard roaming the starry sky!"

"When I used the information to monitor him, the feedback given to me was to browse the starry sky information normally and not tell anyone."

"For him, it was as if nothing had happened, everything seemed normal."

"It's just that this is normal, it's the most abnormal!"

"According to my understanding and analysis of human beings, if they see two mysterious and powerful beings emerging from the black hole."

"Then, he will definitely submit a response to my subroutine as soon as possible."

"Then, I would tell my relatives and friends that I met a powerful being who used the teleportation impulse between the stars, and it was not a spaceship, but two people who looked exactly like humans, and neither of them was wearing a mecha. , just flew out of the black hole."

Wan Ling does not understand the human heart, but it does not mean that Wan Ling cannot analyze human behavior patterns.

At least, the performance of that person just now, judging from Wan Ling's perception, was unqualified.

"That person just now has a problem!"

"The mysterious existence that invaded our All Souls Starfield used some means to control the citizens of All Souls."

"In other words, the mysterious existence already knows about my arrival."

"Next, I want to find a secret route to prevent being plotted by him."

In Wan Ling's heart, she quickly calculated a suitable route for her.

Then, she carefully followed the set route and started flying silently.

It's a pity that she didn't know that.

Even if he was hiding himself, he still couldn't escape Yang Xuan's one-click tracking.

In the past, Yang Xuan was pitiful because of his lack of energy.

At that time, if you choose one-click tracking, you will track again and again.

But this time, let alone the help of Taoist Creation.

Just because he has advanced to the Taoist level, he already supports real-time tracking in terms of tracking.

This kind of tracking may consume a lot of mental power and power of creation.

But the power of good fortune is freely provided by the good fortune Taoist master.

In terms of spiritual power, Sequence One of the Sword Immortal level, plus Sequence Two of the Psychic Master.

More than enough to afford real-time tracking.

Therefore, no matter where Wan Ling's two avatars choose to go.

In fact, they were all under the supervision of Yang Xuan.

Commonly known as the whole picture.

Under the full map plug-in, Yang Xuan quickly chose a good position.

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