"To get him, we have to sacrifice a Sequence 2 Sword Immortal Mecha Master."

"That mecha master is going to inject the genetic medicine in front of Wan Ling, and then die of genetic collapse under the watchful eyes of Wan Ling."

"But we will leave hands and feet in that mecha master's body, so that the genetic medicine will only be transferred into his body instead of being refined."

"He will take the initiative to simulate the collapse of the gene, so as to deceive all souls."

"In the past, Du Wanling would be very difficult to deceive."

"But there seems to be a problem with our star field recently. Wan Ling has been asking us to look for anomalies, and the anomalies he said do not come from your Immortal Dao star field."

"So we are 90% sure that we have deceived Wan Ling, but if a Sequence 2 Sword Immortal sacrifices himself to provide you with potions, you have to cooperate with us."

"A Sequence 2 sacrifice, such a big risk, you have to cooperate with us."

The Shield of All Souls said so.

In fact, he didn't think of this at first, but after discovering Yang Xuan's specialness.

He decided that his bottom line is to get the data of Yang Xuan's breakthrough sequence, which is the minimum requirement.

"That's none of my business."

"Our deal was done before."

"If you want to break the contract, be prepared to burn everything."

Yang Xuan said calmly, and he was very steady.

Since he has what the other party wants, the initiative rests with Yang Xuan.

He wants to take the opportunity to make a request.

"Temporary change is our fault!"

"You can make a request for that."

"But it can't be too demanding."

Sure enough, under Yang Xuan's indifferent, indifferent, big deal attitude.

The Shield of All Souls didn't even try to use a tough attitude again, so it just gave in.

This time, a smile appeared on the corner of Yang Xuan's mouth.

"very good!"

"My request is also very simple!"

"First of all, it's a matter of time. I'll give you three months at most!"

"Also, I have a harmless request, an item that you can't use, and it's hard to take away after I use it."

"Well, to be specific, it's a mecha!"

Yang Xuan said lightly.

However, the faces of the three giants of the rebels all became quite ugly in an instant.

Because when they heard about the mecha, they knew which mecha Yang Xuan planned to get.

Chapter 152 The Lord of All Souls, Doesn't Understand People's Hearts (Subscribe)

PS: The Psychic Master is Sequence 3, which corresponds to the rank of Heavenly Immortal. Sometimes in the above chapters, it was wrongly written as True Immortal! The following text!


The mecha mentioned by Yang Xuan, think with your toes.

We all know that it is definitely not an ordinary mech.

Therefore, the three giants frowned.

They vaguely thought of what mecha Yang Xuan wanted!

"Could it be, do you want that mecha?"

"But, although you have become a genetic martial artist, you are only a monk after all!"

"Mechs don't just need hands!"

"If you want to display the strength of the mecha, you need at least several years of hard work!"

"It's very difficult for a newcomer mecha master to just control the mecha."

The Shield of All Souls couldn't help but say something.

He said it was so difficult, in fact, he wanted Yang Xuan to give up this idea.

But how is this possible.

"You don't need to worry about that. All you need to do is to bring me the Sword Master Sequence One, the sword master's mecha."

"Also, I want a set of study manuals for the Sword Immortal Mecha Master."

"A whole set, all of it."

"The content inside, I will learn by myself."

Yang Xuan's tone was flat, but it gave Myriad Souls Shield a feeling.

That is, it is really possible for Yang Xuan to learn how to operate the mech in an instant.

This made him even more curious about what Yang Xuan's talent was.

Therefore, let him think that this transaction is not impossible.

"Zero Twenty" must reach his bottom line.

With this in mind, All Souls Shield said immediately.

"Your Excellency, I can satisfy your request!"

"But in order to meet your request, we need to make great sacrifices!"

"So, since it is a transaction, at least when you are promoted, we will scan your body and record the changes of your promotion throughout the process."

"This is our last line!"

"If you don't even agree to this request, then this cooperation will be completely void."

"It's a big deal, we're leaving now!"

"Wan Ling is a mechanical transcendent existence after all, and we have already mastered certain weaknesses of him!"

"If you report us, although it will cause us heavy losses, it will definitely not let our entire army be wiped out."

"So how to choose, leave it to you!"

The Shield of All Souls really wants to know what kind of changes will occur when Yang Xuan is promoted.

Now he can't wait to dissect Yang Xuan, so he expressed the bottom line in his heart, hoping to facilitate this matter.


"I agree to this deal, the time is exactly what I said, three months!"

"After three months, you choose a scientific research planet, and we will make a transaction!"

"Remember, call your top scientific research team, I will only give you this chance!"

After Yang Xuan said this, he stopped talking.

All Souls Shield nodded, and then turned off the holographic projection.

Li Xing also resigned directly and left Xuanwu Star.

For the entire All Souls Starfield, it seems that nothing has changed.

But only Wan Ling was still searching for Yang Xuan day and night.

Because Wan Ling knew very well that the black hole he created was suppressed.

And what's scary is that the black hole still exists.

That is because of the involvement of the Gate of Good Fortune, most of Wan Ling's energy is there.

This just gives the rebels a chance to stop the action.

Everything, the plan is going very smoothly.

Yang Xuan even took the opportunity to control a large number of nearby planets.

Although his Psychic Master's Sequence 3 is only at the level of a fairy, it is hidden and silent.

It's not just controlling the mech masters of the same rank.

Even those Sequence 2 mecha masters who were one step higher than him were under control.


Among the second-order mecha masters controlled by Yang Xuan, there is also a mecha master of the doctor sequence.

The mecha master of this sequence is in charge of medical treatment in the later stage.

And such mecha masters are very good at preparing and researching potions.

Therefore, Yang Xuan directly let him come to Xuanwu Star, and began to help him research the Psychic Master Potion of Sequence Two.

Not only this Sequence 2 doctor, but also fifty human planets with all spirits nearby, and all high-sequence people.

They are all starting to work non-stop for Yang Xuan, analyzing the sequence of the second sequence of spiritual masters.

Various experiments are going on.

Even if most of them don't conform to the laws made by All Spirits, none of them care.

The progress of the Psychic Master's Sequence Two potion was also gradually cracked at this moment.

"One more month at most!"

"I will be able to become a second-order Psychic Master, and I will definitely give All Souls Shield and the others a surprise."

"A scientific research planet organized by rebels may be able to research a Sequence One Psychic Medicine for me."

"Such a scientific research planet, as well as the Sequence One Sword Master Armor, are what I want most."

After Yang Xuan took control of the nearby planets, he started a lot of research.

Some are what he wants, especially the gene sequence, which is very useful for the main world.

Some are what the Taoist Creator wants.

The Creation Taoist also needs to learn from the genetic medicine here, as well as the technology trees of many people's livelihoods such as agriculture, textiles, and smelting.

She wants to give her good fortune a big world and carry out big reforms.

Because if the world is made by nature, everyone can cultivate immortals and use all the resources of the world as much as possible.

Then the power to create the great world can be increased several times at least.

Over time, probably more.

The benefits of traveling through the world are also reflected at this moment.

Taking away the crystallization of wisdom accumulated by other worlds for countless years can bring endless benefits to one's own world in a very short period of time.

Therefore, they are not in a hurry to find the original gate at this time.

The Taoist Creator also suddenly discovered that the joy of traveling through the world is a joy that he could not imagine before.

In particular, Wan Ling really can't seem to find them.

So take this opportunity and get something you want.

At the same time, it is definitely the best choice to accumulate one's own strength and prepare for the descent to the Lord of All Souls.


after one month.

In the endless starry sky.

Nine beautiful women with different styles stood quietly in front of the gate of creation that suppressed the black hole.

Ever since Yang Xuan crossed over, Wan Ling directly used his strongest hole card.

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