"Shut up!"



Facing Ye Luo's questioning, Yang Xuan directly flew over with a sword energy.

The sword energy slashed across his right cheek, causing a trace of blood to appear on Ye Luo's face.

If the target of this sword energy is Ye Luo's head, heart, and throat.

I'm afraid, he's already dead.

Therefore, Yue Luo didn't dare to speak at this time.

He even found that there seemed to be something extra in his crotch.

He was so ashamed that he didn't dare to stand up.


And outside the empty prison.

Liu Qing murmured: "The star of the moon ring!"

"How could it be the star of the moon ring!"

"That's a leader-level existence, a master of the second sequence!"

"He actually sent (got) to live in Ye Luo's body, and he wants to take Yue Luo away!"

"Moreover, he made Yue Luo a Sword Immortal sequence, which means that his sequence has undergone a mutation, and his sequence has become a compatible sequence."

"This is an unprecedented sequence in the entire All Souls Starfield."

"If a person can obtain two sequences of abilities, then his strength will only be doubled."

"Instead, there will be a chemical reaction, five times, ten times, or even more."

"This is the beginning of the dual sequence, which is a sharp weapon that ushers in a new era of the Wanling Gene Martial Arts sequence."

"Yang Rui, what are you doing!"

"Hurry up and get him, those green gases are genetic medicine!"

"This genetic medicine is the most important, it is the most important!"

Liu Qing also shouted loudly.

She looked at her best friend angrily, telling the importance of what Yang Xuan did.

"Me! What should I do?"

Yang Rui didn't know what to do.

Because, she also thought of this.

What Yang Xuan is doing now is the top secret of the entire Myriad Souls Starfield.

This is the ultimate secret that all souls do not know.

If Wan Ling knows the situation here, I am afraid that Wan Ling will come in person and take away the information of the spiritual gene medicine.

But Yang Rui is not stupid either.

Yang Xuan is the strongest person here, is it possible to **** it from him?


Just when Yang Rui was thinking, a sword energy suddenly crossed the cheeks of the two of them.

at the same time.

A terrifying spiritual pressure instantly made the bodies of the two women tremble.

It was at this time that the cyan gas transformed by the ring disappeared.

Although Yang Xuan didn't turn around, at this moment, Liu Qing and Yang Rui seemed to be in an endless spiritual storm.

The terrifying pressure made the two girls seem to fall into the endless spiritual abyss and become lunatics as long as they thought about it wildly.


After having this feeling, a wry smile appeared on the corner of Liu Qing's mouth.

Yang Xuan seemed to know what she was thinking, and turned back to look at her.

"That's right! It's late!"

"And even if it's not too late, you two can't do anything!"

Yang Xuan didn't speak, but his thoughts were directly imprinted on the hearts of the two women.

This is the powerful ability of a spiritual teacher.

However, this is only the initial ability.

After Yang Xuan conveyed the message to the two women, he used his innate supernatural power in his heart again.

"One-click full level: Variation Sequence · Psychic Teacher · Sequence Three!"

PS: The order of the chapters messed me up. Chapter 145 has repeated names, but the content is correct, so I won’t change it, because it’s too troublesome.

Chapter 150 Title: Mind Dominator (Subscribe)

Psychic Teacher Sequence 3!

Gene Martial Dao at the Sequence 3 level corresponds to a true immortal at the seventh extreme.

And the Psychic Master sequence, some have powerful spiritual power.

Full grade this time.

Directly squeezed out the good fortune Taoist.

After all, they have not been in this world for a long time.

In fact, even a Taoist true spirit reincarnated into this world.

It is impossible to recover the power of a real fairy in such a short period of less than 3 hours.

If the one who came here this time was only the Creation Daoist alone.

If she is lucky, she will have to spend 3-10 months before Wan Ling finds out, before she can gain the power of a fairy.

Because condensing the power of good fortune is not the same concept as using the power of good fortune to enhance one's own strength.

What's more, without Yang Xuan's hiding, the Daoist Creator would not be able to continuously transform the power of Creation within these three hours.


Yang Xuan's method made the Daoist Good Fortune secretly admire him.

But she did not have the idea of ​​snatching Yang Xuan's talent.

Because when trying to analyze Yang Xuan's true spirit, she felt that it was a gifted supernatural power beyond her own cognition.

It is the supernatural power engraved on the true spirit.

Not to mention that she has no way to deal with Yang Xuan who is in the permanent state of true spirit.

Even if she could devour Yang Xuan, the Daoist Good Fortune also knew that those two innate supernatural powers would not be devoured by him.

They simply disappear into the void.

Don't know where it will go.

Because, that is an unreasonable innate supernatural power.

"This is the third sequence. Is it comparable to the power of a psychic teacher at the level of an immortal? It's so powerful!"

After Yang Xuan achieved Sequence 3, he got a lot of information.

First, he can now use his psychic abilities to enter the minds of all other beings.

He is then able to read, manipulate, modify, create, and guard the spirit of 020 life.

Not only that, he can let his own spiritual power enter the thinking of other people, and he can also let all dreams, thoughts and ideas enter the user's brain.

What we are talking about here is to forcibly modify a person's dreams, thoughts, and beliefs.

This is an extremely terrifying power, a taboo power.

Yang Xuan never thought that he would acquire such a powerful ability in this world.

In addition, Yang Xuan discovered that the Psychic Master Sequence can enhance one's spiritual strength and increase one's spiritual ability, so that all existences with a soul, as long as their realm is not as good as their own, will be dominated by themselves.

Yang Xuan even felt that if he could decipher the genetic ranking of Sequence Two, he could also endow everything with spiritual power.

The things mentioned here are no longer beings with minds.

Because as long as there is an existence with a mind, it must be a living thing, a living being.

It's people, monsters, beasts, and those weapon spirits and elves.

These are all attributed to beings with minds.

As for stones, water droplets, grass and trees that have not become refined, etc., they all exist without the power of the mind.

Yang Xuan is at the third rank of Sequence, he can forcibly use the power of mind to distort and change the mind of beings that are lower than his own.

Even for the existence of the same Sequence Three, if they want to change their hearts, it is only time.

If the enemy cannot perceive the attack on the mind, then Yang Xuan will tamper with the mind little by little as time goes by.

This is the power of Mutation Sequence Psychic Master.

"It's decided! I want to study the Sequence Two of the Psychic Master myself."

"I didn't expect the mental sequence to be so strong before, and now it seems that this sequence cannot be handed over to others."

"Otherwise, when I organize the main world to attack the starry sky and the world of cultivating immortals, wouldn't it be difficult for me?"

Yang Xuan has changed his previous thinking.

Then, the power of his mind spread out.

The seventh-level spiritual power of the immortal level.

It can cover the entire planet in an instant.

The entire Xuanwu Star is about the same size as the Blue Star when Yang Xuan did not travel through it.

In other words, it is a little bigger than Blue Star.

It has 550 million square kilometers.

The total population here, Yang Xuan also knew instantly after releasing the net of the mind.

A full 10.3 billion.

Such a strong population base makes it above this planet.

There are seven angels with seventh ranks here.

However, none of the seven of them noticed Yang Xuan's spiritual power.

There are even eight titled Star Mecha Masters who are no longer on this planet, but have been scanning the dynamics of this planet.

None of them noticed Yang Xuan's movements.

In addition, there are twenty-seven mecha masters at the seventh level, who will also use the mecha to inspect the situation of Xuanwu Star.

They are responsible for finding Yang Xuan and Taoist Good Fortune for Wan Ling.

However, there are so many high-sequence love, but no one is aware of Yang Xuan's spiritual power.

There is no way, this spiritual power is too secretive and too powerful.

"Didn't you find me!"

"If that's the case, wouldn't I be able to play with a big ticket?"

Yang Xuan originally planned to grab the original door and run away.

But what he didn't expect was that his spiritual power was so strong.

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