At this time, Liu Qing, a female official beside her, looked at Yang Xuan angrily.

"Yang Xuan, this is not a place for you to mess around!"

"Yang Rui, what did you bring him here for? Don't you know how bad your little brother is?"

In anger, Liu Qing asked her best friend a question.

Her knowledge of Yang Xuan was still in Yang Xuan's predecessor.

Moreover, Yang Rui often complained to Liu Qing about what disgusting things her younger brother had done.

So Liu Qing naturally didn't have any good feelings for Yang Xuan.



"I'm not here to mess around, I'm here to save people!"

When Yang Xuan spoke, he had already walked to Liu Qing's side.



A flash of sword energy flashed by, and in an instant, the cell where Ye Luo was being held was broken open by the powerful sword energy to a door that was large enough for people to pass through.


"Sword intent entity!"

"And the Qingming Sword Cry just now!"

"You have become the sword king!"

The attributes revealed by Yang Xuan seem to be at the level of a sword king.

Although he is already the Sword Emperor.

However, the characteristics of the sword emperor need to rely on the mecha to bring out the best.

Because the corresponding ability of Jianhuang is called Jianxin.

The sword heart can let the warriors with the sword fairy gene sequence, when manipulating the mecha, do what they think and point at the point of the sword.

When there is no mech, the sword emperor's sword heart is reflected in the perception of all directions, and the control of at least ten thousand terrifying sword qi.

Therefore, the gap in this aspect, if it is not at the same level, or if Yang Xuan makes a full shot, it will not be shown at all, and it will not be noticeable.

But even so.

The characteristics of the sword king level are enough to shock everyone around.

"Something's wrong! Something's wrong!"

"Where are the people here, the walls have been destroyed, why no one came to support?"

"What's going on outside."

While Liu Qing was shocked by Yang Xuan's strength, she quickly thought of where she was, not just anyone could come in casually.

So she subconsciously wanted to see what was going on outside.

But when she communicated with her personal terminal and contacted her portable brain, she found that her portable brain had crashed.

That's right!

A rare situation in a millennium has actually appeared.

"No! It's definitely not a normal crash!"

"There should be something abnormal!"

"It was interfered by someone!"

"Someone is interfering in this area!"

"Then the people outside..."

Liu Qing suddenly thought of this.

Then, she immediately touched the Lord's wrist.

There was a bright red bracelet there.

But it was at this time.


Several sword qi flashed past, stopping her movements in an instant.

Immediately after Liu Qing's shocked eyes, a person flew in front of her, grabbed her wrist firmly, and took off the portable mecha bracelet.

"Yang Rui, what are you doing!"

Liu Qing looked at her girlfriend in disbelief.

She never thought that the person who would attack her would be the delicate best friend in her heart.

This moment.

Liu Qing found out that her best friend was a weak doctor.

He is obviously a powerful Sword Immortal Sequence Gene Warrior, and has reached Sequence 7!

That's right!

According to Liu Qing's judgment, her best friend is a Sequence 7 Sword Immortal Gene warrior.

In the entire Xuanwu Star, Sequence 7 is not weak.

Because she herself is Sequence 7!

"When! When did it start?"

"Why did you lie to me, you actually lied to me!"

"And your younger brother, how could he be the sword king!"

"With the strength of your Yang family, I wouldn't be shocked at all if a Sequence 7 Sword Immortal Sequence fighter is secretly cultivated."

"Even if it's you, I can accept it!"

"But! Why is that Yang Xuan the Sword King of Sequence 6!"

Liu Qing questioned her best friend.

Facing Liu Qing's question and Liu Qing's strange eyes, Yang Rui was confused for a while.

She didn't expect that there would be such a day when she would stand on the opposite side with her best friend.

Because she knows that her best friend, a genius swordsman of the Sword Immortal sequence, is a loyal admirer of Wan Ling.

Every time she talked about Wan Ling, she would praise Wan Ling.

Thanks to Wan Ling, who created the Gene Martial Arts of the Sword Immortal Sequence.

Thanks to Wan Ling, they prevented the invasion of the Immortal Starfield to them.

I am also grateful to Wan Ling, who can make everyone not have to run around for a living from birth, and then choose whether to be a rice bug, or become a serial warrior, and become the upper class of the world.


"This is a matter of position!"

"Our social system is now completely mechanical!"

"What we have to do is to change the current social structure!"

"We are not killing all spirits, we just want to change all spirits!"

Yang Rui said in a low voice.

This time, Liu Qing understood as soon as she finished speaking.


"You are actually a rebel!"

"Is the Yang family all rebels?"

"Why did you join the rebels, Yang Rui, don't be fooled by them, they are all vicious people who want to steal the power of all spirits."


Liu Qing began to persuade her best friend instead.

She thought her best friend was cheated.

The dialogue between the two women made Yang Xuan hear love and hatred.


If there was a novelist around, they could write a novel about the struggle of faith with two women as the protagonists.

Then the two girls fell in love and killed each other, and finally saved the entire society of all spirits.

The premise, if these two women are the protagonists.

If they were just supporting roles, maybe they could only be reduced to the inner room of Ye Luo's true protagonist.

"Let me save your sad fate〃ˇ."

Yang Xuan whispered to the two women behind him in his heart.

But I thought secretly in my heart that I didn't confiscate the inner room, of course I couldn't let Ye Luo confiscate it.

Moreover, this Ye Luo's performance made Yang Xuan feel that he didn't want to be the protagonist.

Because Ye Luo looked at her at this moment, so ferocious and terrifying.

I can't wait to kill myself.

But Yang Xuan asked the little maid in his predecessor about his holiday with Ye Luo.

It stands to reason that although the two are despised and bullied by classmates.

But at most it is just the stage of grudge.

There were friends who bullied Ye Luo in the past, but every time it was enough, it would never hurt the foundation of his friend, it just lost the face of that friend.

After all, the predecessor has not yet become a real villain.

Otherwise, Ye Luo's friend, Ye Luo's childhood sweetheart.

They have to be disposed of by the predecessor.

The method of handling, of course, needless to say.

The men are killed directly, and the women are also killed.

The difference is that the word 'dry' has a different meaning.

So when Yang Xuan thought of this, he thought that there must be grievances and grievances between the two that outsiders don't know about.

Maybe it's not a grievance, but some other connection.

And it must be a connection unknown to outsiders.

"Why do you want me dead?"

"The struggle between us should not be to the point of life and death."

"But you insist on killing me. Even if some of 'my' behaviors make you extremely jealous, you shouldn't want to kill me."

"Unless there is something else between the two of us."

Yang Xuan said lightly.

When he said this, he immediately began to observe Ye Luo's situation.

When asked by Yang Xuan, Ye Luo was immediately stunned.

Between the eyes, there is still a little dodge.


"you you you!"

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