"I want to publish!"

"I want to publish immediately!"

"This time, I don't edit, I don't deserve to win, I want to publish the original, let everyone know that this video is real."

Ma Guo was in an excited mood.

Swim back to the shore and quickly run to the bridge again.

Grab your own device and go home.

he knows.

This time tomorrow.

Your own private platform will definitely be extremely popular.

Three days later.



This ordinary urban world.

There is a saying that fists leave Shaolin and swords return to Wudang.

The Shaolin Temple in this world is on Mount Tai!

And in this world.

One of the three great masters of strength in **.

It is a monk in the Taishan Shaolin.


Although it's not a day off.

But in Shaolin Temple.

But it was full of voices.

Some people come to burn incense and worship Buddha.

Some people come to visit the scenery.

Some people just play and relax.


Those who come to Shaolin today.

They all set their sights on one person.

Dressed in white, she looks like a fairy.

Obviously looks young.

But don't know why.

There is a kind of 'nobility' all over the body!

That seems to be an innate temperament.

Just for a look.

It seems that all beings are unforgettable.

"There are quite a lot of people! Many of them are taking pictures with their mobile phones!"

"So, today is a suitable day for acting!"

Yang Xuan scanned the crowd.

Then take a deep breath.

Then he said loudly.

"Baji Yang Xuan!"

"Come to worship the mountain today!"

Bless the mountain!

Bless the mountain!

Although Yang Xuan just shouted.

But because his voice was too loud.

so that.

Echoes looped through the mountains.

It lasted nearly five minutes.

The sound disappeared little by little.


Yang Xuan's voice was very strange.

Obviously the movement is so big.

But even people who are closer to Yang Xuan.

It's just that the sound is a bit loud, not deafening.

If it were an ordinary person, if the roar could reach this level.

people on the edge.

I'm afraid I'm going to be stunned.


This is very strange.

There are also many people who have discovered this strange thing.

But what everyone cares about right now is not the sound.

but the content of the sound.

"What? Worship the mountain?"

"What age is this, and there are still people worshiping the mountain!"

"Is it a movie? The sound just now is a speaker hidden in the dark?"

"Is this beautiful boy the protagonist of the new movie?"

"He's so handsome, if he debuts, I'll be a star!"

Tourists who don't know what to post.

I thought it was Taishan Shaolin.

Cooperate with a certain film and television company, planning to make a movie, or a web drama or something.

Yang Xuan is also because of his outstanding appearance.

Be regarded as a star who is about to debut.


An eminent monk in the Shaolin Temple of Mount Tai.

But one by one, they all showed wry smiles.

the reason is simple.

They all know that Shaolin's prestige cannot be kept today.

The people from the security department have notified them in advance.

A master who breaks the void and is immortal.

I will come to worship the mountain soon.

But what they didn't like was that Yang Xuan moved so fast.

It's already at the door today.

Still appearing this way.


Shaolin Temple, inside the Bodhidharma Hall.

A row of old monks looked at each other.

Then they both saw helplessness in each other's eyes.

at last.

They set their eyes on an old monk who was sweeping the floor outside the courtyard.

Qi Qi got up.

Said: "Master Uncle, it's time for you to appear on the stage."

"The person here is the young man who has achieved immortality!"

"What you saw yesterday, the uproar on the Internet, the body crossed the river."

"The young man who can run on water with lightness kung fu is him."

One of the old monks spoke first.


The monk who swept the floor remained unmoved.

It seems that this matter has nothing to do with me.

Because he doesn't think that in this world.

There are such masters who are not bad at all!

"Uncle, let's meet each other."

"You have been stuck in this realm for a long time."

"I believe this time, you will gain something. Then you will also step into that realm."

Other monks also spoke to persuade.

The sweeping monk, however, was planning to leave with a broom.

But the next second.

His expression suddenly changed.

Then a look of shock flashed across his face.

Immediately afterwards, a long-lost smile appeared.

"It's the old monk, you underestimated the world!".

chapter 22


There will be 2 more later!

Today's author is also working hard!

Originally, the guarantee was 5 more.

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