"This? Huh?"

Yang Sisi didn't know what to say anymore.

But at this time, another summons also came.

"Yang Xuan died because Zhou Rong was jealous of him!"


"At the same time, when they recycled Zhou Rong's clothes, they also discovered that Zhou Rong was the master of the Wanshoumen."

"So Zhou Rong was probably instructed by Wanshoumen to kill Yang Xuan."

The news was given to him by an elder from Ghost Spirit Sect.

This is the request of all ghosts and true immortals.

Because of these more than ten years, Wangui Zhenxian also regarded Yang Sisi as a junior.

So he didn't intend to hide anything about Yang Xuan.

tick! tick!

Tears rolled across Yang Sisi's eyes.

Her expression gradually changed from the fresh, pleasant, cute and generous expression to a gloomy and cold expression.

"Zhou Rong"

"Myriad Beast Gate!"

"Is it a real fairy? Sooner or later, I will become a real fairy, and I will destroy the Wanshoumen!"

Yang Sisi kept shouting in her heart, and then hid in a corner alone, curled up together and kept crying, echoing every bit of Yang Xuan.


above the sky.

Fairy Yuexi looked at Yang Xuan puzzled, and asked, "Master, wouldn't it be good to bring her along?"

"No! There is going to be a big chaos in Zhongzhou. If you follow us, her fate will not be better."

Yang Xuan shook his head.

The chaos in Zhongzhou is doomed with his arrival.

Therefore, it is better for Yang Sisi to stay in the Southern Wilderness. Anyway, with his backup, Yang Sisi is very likely to become a true immortal someday.

"What a mess!"

Fairy Yuexi whispered, and then stopped thinking.

She doesn't think about these anymore.

"Then master, where are we going next?"

Yue Xi asked again now.

"Go and put on a play!"

"Use this to prepare me for a new identity."

"If you want to advance to the Huazong, you must have a person with a clean background."

"So for the sake of reality, it may take more than ten years to complete this drama."


"Go to the mortal country first, find a family, and then create some visions."

"Then you fall into that family, say that the child is destined for you, and take him away."

"And I used a secret method to sleep deeply, and I guaranteed that after fifteen years, my physical body, basis, and source would be a fifteen-year-old child."

"Finally, I am returning to the Good Fortune Sect with you, and you will recommend me to become an inner disciple of the Good Fortune Sect."

Yang Xuan had long thought of a way to sneak into the Creation Sect.

The Good Fortune Sect pays attention to heels, so let him pretend to be a heel.

The Good Fortune Sect will check the root bones and blood vessels.

All of these good luck guild primordial skills can be disguised.

The only troublesome thing is bone age and original age.

All these can be found out in the Good Fortune Sect.

Therefore, it is necessary to sleep for fifteen years to prevent the bone age and original age from revealing flaws, but it doesn't matter to Yang Xuan.

Fifteen years was nothing more than a night of sleep for the self-sealed self.

After all, even the Good Fortune Sect may not have imagined that in this world, there is a way to freeze the bone age and the original age.

Yang Xuan couldn't do it in the first place.

But after comprehending the Gate of Creation in the main world, especially after getting the Gate of Creation to recognize the Lord, he got a lot of inspiration and ideas.

With this kind of inspiration, he casually created a technique with a little effect.

Then just click the full level, and you can do it immediately.

As for promoting Yuanshen, he has no plans for the time being.

Since he wanted to join the Good Fortune Sect, he naturally showed his genius in the Good Fortune Sect.

At that time, he still has follow-up plans.

This time when he came to the Creation Great World, Yang Xuan's goal was the Creation Sect.

Since you can't reincarnate into the Good Fortune Sect, create conditions to enter the Good Fortune Sect.

"I see."

"Then let's go and set sail back to Zhongzhou!"

Fairy Yuexi nodded, and then the Haoyue fairy boat started.

The seventh-level fairy boat turned into a shooting star and left Nanhuang.


Zhongzhou, Good Fortune Sect.


"Why do I feel a little guilty!"

The Creation Taoist slowly woke up from the retreat.

He just traveled to another world in the true spirit.

That's right, since entering the world of reincarnators once before.

The Creation Taoist has already been convinced of the existence of the heavens and worlds, and has been studying the method of leaving the world since then.

He wants to continue to find the world of reincarnators, and he knows that world has great opportunities.

The Creation Taoist even thought that if he found the world of reincarnators, he would have the opportunity to advance to the tenth level.

In the last thousand years, he finally succeeded once.

The true spirit leaves the great world of good fortune and travels to a novel world.

But suddenly, he woke up with a start.

There was a trace of uneasiness in my mind, but it disappeared quickly.

As a result, his huge Taoism unfolded in an instant.

All of a sudden, it directly enveloped the entire Zhongzhou.


Under the power of the huge, unscrupulous and undisguised Dao Nian.

The entire world of cultivating immortals in Zhongzhou was instantly suppressed.

Countless immortal cultivators raised their heads and looked at the sky in horror at the huge eye that suddenly appeared.

Huge eyes with countless mysterious runes.

The moment they saw this eye, the monks in Zhongzhou couldn't help but think of a name.

"Master of Creation!"

"Did something happen? The Creation Daoist actually activated the Creation Sky Eye!"

"What a terrible method, this is the power of the Creation Master!"

"As expected of a great existence that suppresses the world, this power is simply not something we can contend with."

"The entire Zhongzhou Immortal Cultivation World combined is no match for the Taoist Good Fortune!"

"I even suspect that if the Taoist Creator gets angry, the entire Central State may be destroyed in one blow." Men.

Chapter 143 Good Fortune Sect, Here I Come (Please Subscribe!)

Good fortune sky eye, overlooking the world.

The action of Taoist Creation directly made the situation in the entire Zhongzhou tense immediately.

The Taoist master of the ninth rank possesses unimaginable power.

In fact, even within the Great Creation World.

Those monks didn't even know how terrifying a Taoist master was.

Some upper-level celestial beings and holy masters knew that there had been special existences and broke into their world.

Then the Daoist Good Fortune made a move, and an incarnation directly entered the enemy's world.

After that the news stopped.

That time, as we all know, was the last time the Creation Taoist made a move.

Although no one knows what the outcome will be, one thing is certain.

That is, although Taoist Good Fortune lost an incarnation, those people who invaded their world never heard from them again.

This ending is self-evident.

The Taoist Creator won.

Although the other party killed the incarnation of the Taoist Master Good Fortune, he did not dare to come to the Great World of Good Fortune again.

Later, there were rumors that the Taoist Creator had been looking for that mysterious world.

In the end, there were some gains, but I don't know how.

Now that the Daoist Good Fortune made another move, it still directly covered the entire Zhongzhou. It is not necessary to think that something big must have happened.

Above the sky, the huge eye of the sky lasted for nearly an hour.

Just relying on the continuation of this period of time, the monks in Zhongzhou all knew that things must not be simple.

"A big thing happened!"

"It's been such a long time, I'm afraid the Taoist Creator will check us all!"

"Being investigated by the Taoist master in this way, is it possible that people from other worlds have invaded our world?"

For a while, everyone had such an idea.

But after the Taoist master's will disappeared, they couldn't know what it was that caused the Taoist master to release his terrifying supernatural power after a long absence.


Half a month later.

Zhongzhou Continent.

"Have you heard that the Daoist Good Fortune took action that day and caught a secret work of Tianwaitian!"

"Of course I heard that the Sky Eye of Creation is above my head, and it has been patrolling for an hour!"

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