The reason why Yang Xuan has been forbearing for the past five years and wants to refine spirit ghosts is also to perfectly disguise his identity as ghost spirits.

No matter which world it is in, once there is a hidden identity, it is one of the hidden backhands.

Sometimes, such a hidden identity can allow me to do things that I can't do on the surface.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Just when Yang Xuan received the golden elixir and spirit ghost into his body, suddenly seven figures came in front of him.

Although these seven people are the true disciples of Ghost Spirit Sect.

The highest among the seven of them was Du Yu, a disciple of the elder's family, with a mid-Gold Core cultivation.

He was also recently promoted to Jindan mid-stage.

three years ago.

Originally, Yang Xuan's Tianshui Xianlian would become his natal spirit ghost in one fell swoop when Du Yu condensed the golden core.

But three years ago, when Du Yu came to Zhongmen Spirit Ghost Storage to apply for this Tianshui Xianlian. I was told that Tianshui Xianlian already had an owner.

So he had to settle for the next best thing and use another ghost spirit seed.

Although the seed of this spirit ghost is still good, compared with Tianshui Xianlian, there is still a big gap.

Because his ancestor told him that the essence of this Tianshuixian company is the seventh rank.

In other words, if you get the Tianshui Xianlian, even if your aptitude is not at the level of a fairy.

However, relying on the strength of Tianshui Xianlian, there is a chance to become the seventh rank.

Although there is only a chance, and this chance will not be too high.

But no matter how low it is, there are.

Therefore, this is extremely touching for every disciple of the Ghost Spirit Sect.

This is still Du Yu, and he doesn't know that Yang Xuan's cultivation method is not the natal method of Ghost Spirit Sect.

If he knew, he might be so angry that he would vomit blood, and even regress his cultivation base.

"Whoever comes, please report your name."

After Yang Xuan saw the seven uninvited people, he immediately asked about their identities.

Although Yang Xuan already knew who the seven of them were, he still pretended not to know them.

In the years since he came to the Ghost Spirit Gate, Yang Xuan has been able to feel the entire Ghost Spirit Gate very clearly.

This Ghost Spirit Gate no longer has any secrets for him.

After all, the master of Ghost Spirit Sect, Myriad Ghosts and True Immortals had no defense against him.

"Du Yu, a true disciple of Ghost Spirit Sect, has met this junior."

Du Yu was taken aback by Yang Xuan's question, and then responded flatly.

Although his tone was very flat, his posture was very high.

And as soon as he opened his mouth, Yang Xuan's seniority was pulled down a little bit.

In his mind, he achieved Jindan two years earlier than Yang Xuan.

Even if Yang Xuan became the true disciple of the ghosts, he must be his own junior.

The other six true disciples also thought so.

They all looked at Yang Xuan coldly, waiting for Yang Xuan to introduce himself.

But what they couldn't think of was.

After Yang Xuan heard Du Yu's words.

A contemptuous smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This smile is very obvious, as if he deliberately made such a gesture to show the seven true disciples.

The seven disciples of Ghost Spirit Sect, after seeing Yang Xuan's expression, all of them showed incomparably angry expressions.

One of the true disciples couldn't help but scolded Yang Xuan.

"No matter what your relationship is with the sect master, but in the ghost gate, you are our junior, so pay more attention to your expressions and words."

"That's right, as a junior, shouldn't you give us a big gift when you see our seven senior brothers and sisters?"

"This is the world of cultivating immortals. Our Ghost Sect is a sect of true immortals. If you let outsiders know about your quality, they will definitely laugh at our Ghost Sect for being uneducated."

"The world of cultivating immortals respects martial arts. If you don't understand, we can teach you personally."

The true disciple of the Seven Ghost Sect.

Except for Du Yu, everyone else started to mock Yang Xuan.

And the reason why they did this was because there was an elder standing behind Du Yu.

People who can become elders in Ghost Spirit Sect are all fifth-level half-immortals.

In this sect of true immortal level.

Under normal circumstances, true immortals are unable to retreat or go out to travel, looking for opportunities to be promoted to immortals.

Therefore, the fifth-ranked half-immortal is the top of the sect.


Du Yu and his group of true disciples treated Yang Xuan so badly without knowing his true identity.

Facing the questioning of seven true disciples.

Yang Xuan's expression did not change at all.

Even the way he looked at the seven people changed from the previous flatness to sarcasm.

In such a situation, the seven true disciples became even more angry.

It is often possible between monks, because a look can trigger a big battle.

That's why monks are usually expressionless.

Because if you look at another monk with an expression and eyes, you are likely to meet him and ask the last question: What are you looking at?

Then, the battle began.

Seven true disciples, this is the situation now

Just when they were going to continue to reprimand Yang Xuan.

Without waiting for them to speak, Yang Xuan took out a jade tablet and threw it on the ground not far in front of them.

This action of his naturally attracted the attention of the seven true disciples of Ghost Spirit Sect.

In the end, when they saw clearly what the sign still in front of them was, all of them changed their expressions wildly.

"The Jade Card of the Supreme Elder!"

"Damn it! This is the sect's secret, we shouldn't have come here!"

"Go! Go!"

Even, several true disciples had already taken a step back silently, intending to turn around and leave.

But when he came to this world as himself, it was the first time he met Yang Xuan who was being provoked.

How could it be possible for them to leave so easily.

I saw his mana gushing out, and the five spirit ghosts flew towards five directions at once.

Five ghosts appear.

Metal, wood, water, fire, and earth.

Great Five Elements Sealing Formation Open.

As soon as Yang Xuan made a move, it was the top sealing formation of the Golden Core Stage.

This sealing formation actually does not exist within the Ghost Spirit Gate.

This is one of the sealing circles that Yang Xuan learned from the world of reincarnators.

During these 15 years, Yang Xuan wasn't just waiting for the full level with one click.

He also conducted various experiments on the Great Creation World.

For example, the unilateral experiment of alchemy, the experiment of drawing symbols, and the experiment of technique.

After his experiments, Yang Xuan researched many spells that were not mastered by the Great Fortune World and Ghost Spirit Sect.

This is the case with the Great Five Elements Sealing Formation.

Moreover, it relied on the power of the five spirit ghosts chosen by Yang Xuan.

Therefore, even if the head of the Ghost Spirit Sect is watching their confrontation at this moment, Yang Xuan is not worried.

Thousands of ghosts and true immortals will not find out that the magic technique released by Yang Xuan comes from another world.

He would only think that this was Yang Xuan's incomparable talent.

It is believed that this is a new powerful secret technique developed by Yang Xuan himself after obtaining the five spirit ghosts.

And this secret method can be regarded as one of the powerful secret methods that can only be learned by true disciples of the Ghost Spirit Sect.

This is a secret method that can enhance the strength of the entire Ghost Spirit Sect.

Ten Thousand Ghosts and True Immortals naturally wouldn't have any doubts.

He was just happy, very happy.


Within the Great Five Elements Sealing Circle.

After Du Yu and others saw the appearance of the sealing circle, they all seemed extremely panicked.

The disciples of the True Immortal sect in the Creation Great World actually seldom experience that kind of life-and-death struggle.

Because now is the era of the dominance of the human race.

Other races in the Creation Great World dare not easily start a war with the human race at this moment.

Therefore, the current monks rarely experience that kind of fighting.

Nanhuang is actually better.

In Zhongzhou, the situation is even more serious.

Even in the Southern Wilderness, none of these martial arts big and small competitions will really kill.

In addition, they are not reincarnated, so they cannot go to various worlds, so they can fight desperately to practice their fighting and killing skills.

So in the face of Yang Xian's sudden attack, everyone was stunned.

"My cultivation has been suppressed."

"Me too, now my golden core power has been completely suppressed by 30%."

"Is this the technique of our sect? Why have I never heard of it?"

"This is not an ordinary spell. It is a calligraphy released by five spirit ghosts! Look, he actually has five spirit ghosts."

"No, it's not the five spirit ghosts. In addition to the five spirit ghosts with the attributes of gold, wood, water, fire, earth and five elements, it also has the ghost spirit that should belong to me, the natal spirit ghost transformed from the celestial lotus. "

When Du Yu spoke, he gasped.

As a disciple of the Ghost Spirit Sect, he certainly knows what kind of terrifying talent it is to control six spirit ghosts in the Golden Core Stage.

"How could it be possible for six spirit ghosts?"

"It's not just a spirit ghost, look at the identity token he dropped on the ground, he is actually our Supreme Elder."

"I probably understand why the sect master values ​​him so much. This person is very talented."

"Even Senior Brother Du, with such a powerful talent, can only control three spirit ghosts at most in the golden core stage."

"But this person actually controlled six of them, twice as many as Senior Brother Du."

The true disciples of Ghost Spirit Sect finally understood the seriousness of the matter at this moment.

Among them, there are two true disciples who are trying to break Yang Xuan's sealing circle.

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