"Every reincarnation world has the potential to provide powerful opportunities for reincarnators!"

"So you can have this achievement, although I am very shocked, but not surprised!"

"After all, my ancestor also got the Gate of Creation, and this opportunity is even more powerful."

"It's just that you are still young, and there are some things to be restrained!"

"By the way, the relationship in the backyard must be handled properly!"

"As someone who has experienced it, I can tell you very clearly that if you can't handle your backyard relationship well."

"Then the consequences are quite serious, even terrible!"

When the Creation Lord said this, he couldn't help but sighed.

Obviously, he's been through something too.

The harem battle is extremely terrifying.

You can never imagine what kind of insidious and terrifying moves a woman will come up with after calculating.

"Been taught a lesson!"

Yang Xuan glanced at the Holy Creator unexpectedly.

Unexpectedly, people at the level of the Holy Master also like to open a harem.

Perhaps, in other worlds, this Holy Creator may not know how many descendants he has.

After all, as long as the reincarnated person reaches the eighth level, he will have a way to deal with the purity of the true spirit.

No, maybe not to the eighth rank.

As long as there is a special power, even if it is the fourth or fifth level, it can purify the true spirit.

For example.

The light of the beginning that Yang Xuan now possesses.

The eternal light of the Eternal Emperor of Heaven.

These are all powerful abilities that can purify the true spirit.

After thinking of this, Yang Xuan's heart was moved.

He planned to go to a world to relax after returning from the Creation Great World.

He still vaguely remembered.

Before the predecessor traveled, I heard of a world of magical girls.

Someone once reincarnated into that world, and after returning, his whole body was filthy.

Even after returning, I want to go inside again crazily.

Because in that world, there was a magical girl he had been thinking about, but he hadn't been conquered yet.

It is said that it is a magical girl who cannot be forgotten once people see it.

It's okay to regret.

At that time, the reincarnated person was only a second-order reincarnated person on a platform.

Although, on his attribute panel, there is a record of the magical girl world.

But there is no special achievement, no strong ability, let alone leaving behind in that world.

Therefore, until now he has not been able to reincarnate into that world again.

So much so that the reincarnated person suffered from depression.

Then he spread the news on the Internet.

At that time, there was a frenzy of searching for the world of magical girls.

And Yang Xuan still remembers now that the magical girl that the reincarnated was thinking of at that time was called Liya.

Liya, the Holy Maiden of Light, an SSS-level magical girl.

With just such a piece of information, Yang Xuan knows the world that outsiders can't find.

He only needs to move his mind, and he can easily lock the coordinates of that world.

"It's here, it's here!"

Just when Yang Xuan was thinking wildly.

The Holy Creator spoke.

His clone directly grabbed Yang Xuan and came to a sea of ​​clouds deep in the Dao Palace.

"Holy Lord, I can't see anything!"

Yang Xuan stared at this sea of ​​clouds, but he didn't feel the breath of the Gate of Creation at all.

"Of course you can't perceive it now!"

"Because the Gate of Good Fortune and us are not in the same plane, not in the same dimension!"

After the avatar of the Holy Creator said this.

Soon, a huge amount of immortal power was injected into the void.

Immediately afterwards!


A spatial fluctuation came immediately.

Then Yang Xuan suddenly felt someone push him from behind.

Immediately afterwards, he felt his body lean forward.

When he was about to use spells to stabilize his body.

Suddenly, the situation seemed to have changed.

At some point in the surrounding space, the scene changed.


A huge door full of supreme majesty and endless mysterious atmosphere.

It just appeared in front of Yang Xuan.

"The gate of good fortune, the body!"

The moment he saw this gate, Yang Xuan knew what he was facing.

At this time, he also got a reminder in his heart.

Full of energy! Full of energy!

The moment when the Gate of Creation is directly on its own body.

Yang Xuan found that not only was he not affected in any way, but his innate supernatural powers kept reminding him.

That is, he gets a lot of energy.

Moreover, Yang Xuan also got a piece of information.

That is to continue looking directly at the gate of good fortune, as long as the time of staring is strong enough, he can get a chance.

Once, the true spirit reincarnated at the gate of good fortune.

Moreover, it is an opportunity to awaken at birth, and will not be noticed by the Taoist master.

Most importantly, this reincarnation.

It's going to be what he gets, the extra time.

In other words, there will be no time synchronization in this reincarnation.

It is still according to the True Spirit Reincarnation Tower, the reincarnation of the first world of good fortune, the main world is only one day.

The most important thing is that the enlightenment he obtained has another attribute that makes Yang Xuan very satisfied.

That is the eternal spirit.

In other words, with the help of the energy obtained from this visit to the gate of good fortune.

Not only can Yang Xuan get a chance to enter the Creation World in advance.

The most important thing is that he doesn't have to worry about the time ratio when he enters this time.

There is no need to worry about the exposure of the true spirit.

As long as he dies in the Creation Great World, or actively chooses the silence of the true spirit, he will definitely be able to return.

The Creation Taoist came in person, and he couldn't stop him.

To know.

Even the Holy Lord of Creation dared not make such a guarantee when he was reincarnated into the Great Creation World with the help of the Reincarnation Tower.

But Yang Xuan's own golden finger is very new.

Because when he used his golden finger to track the Holy Lord of Absolute Beginning with one click, the Holy Lord of Absolute Beginning did not notice any abnormality.

That is because of this understanding, Yang Xuan of course decided to use the energy this time.

Let's explore the great world first.

This kind of exploration of the world still has the protection given by Goldfinger, and it would be a fool not to go.

It's all free anyway.

After he observed the Gate of Creation for half an hour.

"Opportunity! Great opportunity!"

"This is the supreme good fortune!"

"The linkage between the Gate of Creation and Goldfinger really won't let me down!"

"Moreover, the Gate of Creation actually sent me a message."

"In this reincarnation, what I need to do is to influence the great world of good fortune, and leave enough marks in the great world of good fortune most likely."

"This is a trial given by the gate of creation!"

"As long as I leave the most imprints, I can be recognized by the gate of creation."

"However, this eternal reincarnation of the true spirit also has a price."

"The price turned out to be... unable to exchange items."

"When you reincarnate, you can't buy any items. When you return, no matter what achievements you get in the great world of creation, you can't exchange them to the reincarnated world."

Yang Xuan obtained this information from the information from the Gate of Creation.

Because the Gate of Creation and Goldfinger must be immortalized for their own true spirit. Eternal means to be in the same state when they enter, and to be in the same state when they come out.

No matter what Yang Xuan does in the Creation Great World, as long as he returns to the main world of the reincarnated, he will be in the same state as he is now.

Although this guaranteed his safety, it couldn't allow him to bring back other things.

"However, it doesn't matter if you don't bring it back!"

"Since you can't bring it back, then make arrangements in the Creation World."

"Leave a lot of followers in their world directly, and then when I reincarnate with the teacher, I will use the income of this reincarnation to grow rapidly."

Yang Xuan had a calculation in his heart.

Being able to enter the Fortune World once in advance will definitely not be for nothing.

Moreover, items and treasures cannot be brought out, but secrets of exercises, experience, and information about the great world of good fortune can definitely be brought out.

"I can perform this turn around, and I very much hope to perform this reincarnation!"

"However, since there is a deal between us, besides reincarnation, it is necessary to give me some benefits."

Yang Xuan whispered to the Gate of Creation.

Yes, he was talking to the Gate of Creation.

Moreover, it is still necessary to negotiate terms with the Gate of Creation.

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