When the military division said this, his face was not only pale.

Even the clothes are soaked.

Cold sweat kept falling like raindrops.

"So, is it really possible for him to become immortal?"

"But the rumored Land Sword Immortal shouldn't be this powerful?"

"Could it be that his so-called immortal is not a land sword immortal, but the kind of immortal who overwhelms mountains and seas?"

22 When Liu Jinfeng, the general of the Zhu Dynasty, thought of this, he suddenly thought of some ancient myths he saw when he was a child.

In the mythology, immortals live forever and have all-powerful means.

He yearns for methods such as changing the stars, turning mountains and seas, and burning mountains and boiling seas.

Now the Son of the Demon Sect, although he has not yet shown such means.

But the sound situation that just appeared made him understand.

These are things that mortals cannot do.

Therefore, Dengxian may not be false.


That's when.

Suddenly, there was an explosion in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a meteorite made its debut.

This is a scene that Yang Xuan borrowed from a certain anime.

By doing this, he wanted the 100,000 troops of the Zhu Dynasty to recognize the reality.

Let them know how big the gap is with themselves.

"General, look at the sky!"

After the military division saw the situation in the sky, he sat down on the ground directly.

Then, Liu Jinfeng also looked up at the sky.

"Flying Stars??"

"What's the situation? Why are there flying stars falling from the sky now!"

Liu Jinfeng was originally a person with an extremely firm mind and will.

But at this moment, his body also began to weaken.

If you are facing the land sword fairy, you can see the flying sword in the sky for yourself.

Even if Liu Jinfeng had scruples in his heart, or even fear, he would not say that his body was shaking.

But after the meteorite appeared in the sky, his body began to tremble.

He even uttered a classic line.

"Our strength is not in one dimension!"

"Our strength is not in the same world!"

"Do immortals really exist?"

"In this world, there are immortals?"

Liu Jinfeng couldn't help thinking about it.

"General, it's that person's method!"

"He became a fairy, although I don't know why, but he really did it!"

"This extraterrestrial meteor is definitely not a coincidence!"

"General, think about what that existence said just now!"

"Ascension to immortality today! Ascension to immortality!"

The military division couldn't help shouting out.

As for the 100,000 troops of the Zhu Dynasty, all of them have forgotten their military orders.

They watched the meteorite falling slowly from the sky, and fell to their knees one by one.

"Shangxian, spare your life! Shangxian, spare your life!"

"The Zhu Dynasty is not benevolent! Heaven and earth reject it! We are willing to break away from the Zhu Dynasty and follow Emperor Tianxuan!"

"No, it's Immortal Emperor Tianxuan!"

At this moment, 90,000 of the 100,000 troops chose to surrender.

Some people who refused to accept were directly controlled by their companions.

General Liu Jinfeng didn't know what to do for a while.

But what was a little good for him was that the speed at which the meteorite fell from the sky was not particularly fast.

It seemed that the person who summoned this meteor was giving them time to think about it.

"General, order to surrender!"

"Stop making fearless struggles!"

"The immortal is born, and the Zhu Dynasty is over!"

"What are you talking about about the Demon Gate? It's no longer a Demon Gate, but a Xuanmen!"

"Heaven and Earth Xuanmen, the ancestor of all laws!"

At this moment, the military adviser couldn't help saying the honorific title to Yang Xuan.

Heaven and Earth Xuanmen, the ancestor of all laws!

For this world, Yang Xuan is not the ancestor of all laws.

The new school created by Yang Xuan is not the Taoist sect of heaven and earth.

"General, surrender!"

"We have no choice!"

When the military master spoke, he had already knelt down on the ground, kowtowing to Yang Xuan's position.

Obviously, he has given up on the Zhu Dynasty.

"I see!"

"Pass down the order, all my personnel will be surrendered!"

"Zhu's family is dead, and Tianxuan will be established!"

After Liu Jinfeng finished speaking, he immediately took off his armor.

The long sword was also placed on the ground, and then began to bow to Yang Xuan.


One hundred thousand troops!

This moment completely surrendered.


Inside Tianxuan City.

Seeing the surrender of the 100,000 troops, Yang Xuan nodded in satisfaction.

After all, he didn't want to kill too much either.

Because if you make too many killings, you will be rejected by the will of the world.

What Yang Xuan wanted was to gain the favor of the will of the world, and then trick the world into the Reincarnation Tower.

No, not cheating!

It is to hand over the world to the Reincarnation Tower.

"Three thousand Taoisms are gathered in the body, and many techniques are fused together!"

"That's why I released this spell!"

"Such a technique, to the people of this world, it is a fairy technique."

"After all, once this technique falls, at least half of the 100,000 troops will be killed or injured!"

Yang Xuan is very satisfied with his technique now.

The spells shown to him by the Creation College can all be integrated with the Creation Heavenly Art.

Without learning a single technique, Yang Xuan's fusion technique will actually produce a lot more.

Now that Yang Xuan has learned three thousand spells, there are even more that can be fused and released.

The meteors in the sky are the powerful spells obtained through the fusion of the three elements of earth, fire and wind.

The name of the spell, Yang Xuan directly named it Meteor.

"Go away!"

Now that the 100,000 troops have surrendered.

Yang Xuan also scattered the meteors in the sky.

Then, he called out his little junior brother, Liu Li.

"Liu Li, you have also become the Supreme Grand Master now, it's time to come out!"

"This 100,000 army is yours!"

"According to our previous plan, we will start to expand abroad now!"

"Go for a walk, I know you don't want to run out for a long time."

Six years later, Liu Li also became the supreme master.

Of course, his qualifications were not up to the mark.

However, with the many pills given by Yang Xuan, it is still very easy to reach the level of the Supreme Grand Master.

"Thank you big brother, I'm finally going out!"

"I'm going to Shadow Moon Valley, Xuanqing Temple, and Juechen Palace. It is rumored that the fairy under the moon in Shadowmoon Valley is cold and arrogant, the fairy Qingling in Xuanqing Temple is peerless, and the elder sister of Juechen Palace is unparalleled!"

"I, Liu Li, have made an oath a long time ago that each of them will give me ten children!"

After listening to Yang Xuan's words, Liu Li was naturally extremely happy.

So, he ran out of the city directly, and happily went to recruit the 100,000 army of the Zhu Dynasty.

And Liu Li didn't leave by himself.

His entourage included three supreme masters and two thousand martial arts masters.

Yang Xuan took great care of his little junior brother.

With so many people, plus many pills prepared by Yang Xuan for Liu Li.

Even if Liu Li killed himself, it would be very difficult to die.

After arranging Liu Li, Yang Xuan came to the most luxurious mansion in Tianxuan City.

"Old Taoist priest, I have to go!"

"Next, I will personally lay out the dragon veins. This journey may take decades!"

"After all, it is a hard work to perfect the Humane Dragon Court."

"During the time I'm away, you will be responsible for helping me complete the great unification."

"Of course, I will personally understand the grievances in Tongtian Peak."

"The development of the people's livelihood, the prosperity of martial arts, and the embryonic form of immortality all depend on you."

Yang Xuan came to the mansion, looked at the old Taoist priest Yang Wu who had completely changed, and handed a jade slip to him.

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