As soon as this screen appears, the protagonist in it.

They were gradually replaced by her and Yang Xuan.

That's right!

Although she conceived the future in Yang Xuan, she somehow brought herself into it.

As soon as this thought appeared, she felt even more embarrassed.

"What a wonderful life!"

"What I have to say is that the future you conceived is good for many people."

"Unfortunately, for me, that kind of life is completely unnecessary."

"I'd rather live a glorious life, even if it's just a momentary hero, than choose to live an ordinary life."

"My life will be wonderful!"

"A person's lifetime must be like the light of the sunrise, which is extremely brilliant!"

After Yang Xuan finished speaking, a burst of powerful sword energy erupted all around.

Immediately afterwards, four cold lights flew over quickly from not far away.

After the cold light came in front of Yang Xuan, it began to surround him non-stop.

It was because of the slowing down of the cold light that Master Xuanfeng clearly saw what it was.

Four daggers!

Yang Xuan actually controls four short swords!

These four daggers floated gently beside Yang Xuan without the aid of any silk thread.

Every dagger not only exudes a cold light, but also exudes a huge sword energy.


"Above the master, the land sword fairy!"

"Impossible, this is fake!"

Master Xuanmeng looked at Yang Xuan in disbelief.

In the next second, the long sword on her body was unsheathed.

Xuanfengmen's Tianfeng swordsmanship was immediately deployed!

But the next second!


Following the flash of a sword light, Master Xuanmeng had not had time to rush to Yang Xuan before he was directly hit by the long sword by a sword light.

With a burst of crisp knocking sound.

Master Xuanmeng discovered unexpectedly that his long sword was actually broken.

Immediately afterwards, a second sword light flashed.

After the sword light danced around Master Xuanmeng, it returned to Yang Xuan's side.

This sword did not seem to cause any damage to Master Xuanmeng.

But only Master Xuanmeng knew that after the cold light flashed past her just now, hair fell from her temples.

"Two tricks!"

Master Xuanmeng did not attack at this time.

Because she discovered a horrible fact.

Two strokes! Facing Yang Xuan, she can only take two moves!

Perhaps, if Yang Xuan's first move was not to break her long sword, but to directly attack and kill her, she might die immediately.

In other words, you may not be able to take a single move.

A supreme grand master who is ranked third in the heaven list is so weak in the face of Yang Xuan.

At this moment, Master Xuanmeng finally understood why those disciples from the Holy Blood City were laughing at him.

I also understand why I came to trouble the Lord of the Holy Blood City, but those students just watched, why didn't they attack me.

It's not that they don't dare to make a move, but that there is no need to make a move.

"Xuanmeng, the people around me are all clumsy. I heard that you are free and have been trained how to serve others!"

"In that case, become my maid!"

"Now I still lack a personal maid!"

Yang Xuan's words made Grand Master Xuan Meng's face turn red.

The supreme grand master who is the third highest in the heaven list should have been the existence of a royal concubine and queen.

But now, she was asked by Yang Xuan to become a personal maid.

If it were an ordinary person, Xuan Meng would slap him to death no matter what the other party was.

But with Yang Xuan's words, she found that she had no choice.

Now I can't fight, and I can't run.

Master Xuanmeng really found out that he had no other choice.

"Xuan Meng, I gave you this opportunity because of what you said just now!"

"Otherwise, I have the means to directly make you submit to me!"

"The Tathagata's Demon Palm · Demon Kingdom in the Palm!"

Yang Xuan withdrew the flying sword, and struck out with one palm in the next second.

Soon, Master Xuanmeng found himself in a huge palm.

A phantom was looking down at him.

That is Yang Xuan's Demon Kingdom.

Ever since I knew that the Tathagata palm will attract the attention of a certain kind of existence.

Yang Xuan decided that when using this palm technique in the future, try not to use the so-called Buddha's will.

Instead, turn the palm of the Tathagata into the palm of the Tathagata.

In this way, perhaps the power of the Buddha Kingdom in the palm will be reduced a lot after it turns into the devil in the palm.

But at least there will be no more horrible side effects.

"What kind of power is this!"

"Is this really something an eleven-year-old child can do?"

After Master Xuanmeng saw Yang Xuan's method.

At first, it was like struggling with intention, but it soon became the same.

"Forget it! This Holy Blood City is different from all the cities I have seen."

"I know, you want to build a new city!"

"This may be a very interesting thing!"

"In that case, then I will accompany you!"

"Maybe I can really see a different world."

"The magic door, the righteous way, everything doesn't matter anymore."

Xuanmeng let go of everything at this moment.

Yang Xuan also slowly put away his palms.

He watched Master Xuanmeng put down the long sword in his hand, and took off the scarf on his head, revealing his peerless face.

Then he performed the court etiquette of the Zhu Dynasty to Yang Xuan.

This etiquette is the etiquette of a maid.

As a new saint, she has received this kind of training since she was a child.

Now, those trainings are coming in handy.

"very good!"

"From now on, I will be responsible for my basic necessities of life!"

"However, I hope you can be more innovative."

"The rules of the dynasty don't suit me, I want to be emperor!"

"From now on, Holy Blood City will be renamed Tianxuan City!"

"My title is Emperor Tianxuan!"

"My empire is called the Tianxuan Empire!"

"I will name this world, and its name is Tianxuan World!"

Yang Xuan walked towards the altar behind while talking.

As he said each sentence, a trace of flame emerged from that altar in the void.

That's right!

In this world without spiritual energy, the altar unexpectedly generated an illusory flame without any external force.

This is the flame that symbolizes humanity.

It is the flame of humanity.

In the future, he will even become a Jackie Chan.

The existence of the masters of the Tianbang, the supreme master, plus many masters of the Holy Blood City.

And under Yang Xuan's Human Dao Longting secret method.

At this moment, the flame of humanity appeared.

····Ask for flowers··········

The world has also begun to slowly advance.

It is progressing towards the third stage.

The supreme luck was instantly blessed to him.

Yang Xuan thought suddenly.

"One-click full level: Creation of Heavenly Art·Third Floor!"

Good fortune and heavenly skill, the supreme skill.

This is a technique from the world of the ninth-level Taoist master.

As far as Yang Xuan's lifespan is concerned, if you want him to reach full level with one click, directly to the ninth level, he will die directly.

Not only physical death, but the direct collapse of the true spirit, complete death.

Because the nature of good fortune and heaven is too high.

Even after coming to this world, Yang Xuan did not choose a full-level Creation and Heaven Art.

Because he was not so anxious six years ago.

Relying on six years of practice, he himself refined the Heavenly Art of Good Fortune to the second level.

Now, when he perceives the upgrade of the world.

Yang Xuan immediately chose to level up with one click, because the third level of the Heavenly Art of Creation is too mysterious.

If you practice by yourself, you will not be able to succeed in every ten years of penance.

Six years ago, Yang Xuan was on time.

But now, the Zhu dynasty is attacking him, the top ten sects are eyeing him, and the hidden sect is about to make a move.

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