"The low martial world of the second level can give birth to the existence of the third level, but if you want to break through the limit, it may take ten years to rely on your own practice."

"I don't intend to wait that long, so I'd better gather humanity and luck in myself, first gather the humanity and the Dragon Court is talking!"

Yang Xuan let out a breath of turbid air slowly, then took out a pill with satisfaction and took it directly.

This is the latest Qi Condensation Pill refined by Yang Xuan!

The effect is to assist in condensing true energy.

One elixir is worth one month's practice time of a supreme master.

This is an incomparably precious pill.

But after Yang Xuan gathered the world's wealth, he now eats three pieces every day.

If it wasn't useless after three, he might eat more.

Also because he ate too much, now that Yang Xuan takes one, the effect is only three days.

Drug resistance also exists in this world.

As for the skills, basically all the martial arts skills in this world, as long as he can get them, have been fully leveled with one click.

And at this time, the strength of Good Fortune Heaven Art is manifested.

It directly integrated all of Yang Xuan's full-level kung fu techniques, allowing Yang Xuan's kung fu to increase, but it wouldn't become obsessed because of many kung fu techniques.

If it weren't for the fact that the system of the Heavenly Ladder Cultivation World is different from this world, Yang Xuan would have wanted to practice the Nine Suns Divine Art of the Heavenly Ladder Cultivation World.

It's a pity that he tried it, and even if he wrote it himself, he couldn't reach the full level with one click.

The system is different, and the Nine Suns Divine Art of the Heavenly Ladder Practice World is not a common method for all worlds after all.

when! when! when!

That's when.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Yang Xuan whispered.

Then, the beautiful Ye Mei came in from the outside after it had fully bloomed.

Ye Mei has been serving Yang Xuan all these years.

Because she has become Yang Xuan's saint, and now she is extremely loyal to Yang Xuan.

It was also like this that Yang Xuan also gave her great convenience.

Exercises and elixir, personally assisting the Tao, dredging the meridians.

The two even had to practice together to improve each other's exercises.

It's the kind of very simple exercise that involves facing each other while soaking in water.

Although it didn't become a negative distance, everything about Ye Mei already belonged to Yang Xuan.

A few times, Yang Xuan was a little moved.

However, the state of spiritual manifestation, just a change of thought, helped Yang Xuan suppress the impulse.

The purity of the true spirit is very important.

If the true spirit is impure, it will affect the quota for entering the Creation Great World.

Yang Xuan's quota has already been determined, so naturally he won't be in this world.

After Ye Mei came in, she directly knelt down on one knee facing Yang Xuan.

Because she had just finished training, she was wearing a little thin.

The perfect curve just appeared in front of Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan, who had just finished eating the elixir, almost got angry when he saw this.

Fortunately, the Heavenly Kung Fu was running in time, and no other conditions occurred to him.

"My lord, the contemporary saint of Xuanfengmen, Master Xuanmeng has arrived!"

(by Nuo Zhao)

Ye Mei said softly.

What I have to say is that the Buddhist exercises are really magical.

After Ye Mei fell into the Buddha Kingdom in the palm of the Tathagata God, her personality changed completely.

From an arrogant and domineering young lady to a gentle and considerate big sister next door.

Yang Xuan could have imagined such a change, but after seeing it, he still felt that the Buddhist supernatural powers were terrifying.

Twist your mind, change your character.

But when it was released, the aura was still so aboveboard.

Although Tathagata palm is very useful, but with the improvement of one's own realm.

Yang Xuan has more and more a feeling that it is better to use less of this palm technique in the reincarnation world.

Especially if you don't have a world spirit, use as little as you can.

"Master Xuanmeng, the youngest supreme master besides me in the Jianghu!"

"And after the achievement, it became the top ten in the Tianbang within one year, the top five within two years, and the third within three years!"

"I've heard of this person, and I know that the Zhu Dynasty will definitely let her deal with me!"

"All orders go on, don't stop her, I'll be waiting for her arrival in the City Lord's Mansion!"

Yang Xuan let her go out without even waving at her.

Yang Xuan, on the other hand, came directly to an altar in the center of the City Lord's Mansion.

This is the altar of the Dragon Court of Humanity.

The altar is twenty meters high, and it will be used when he prepares to open the Dragon Court of Humanity.

At the same time, this is also the place with the best scenery in the Holy Blood City.

Yang Xuan just stopped here, and it was easy for outsiders to see him.

The great mage Xuanmeng found Yang Xuan not long after entering the Holy Blood City.

"Everyone treats me like I don't exist!"

"He even made way for me intentionally or unintentionally!"

"My senior sister's child not only knows that I am coming, but also is so confident!"

"Isn't he afraid of death?"

"Or are you planning to use some means to persuade me to help him deal with Zhu Yun?"

Master Xuanmeng thought so.

She never thought that Yang Xuan would be stronger than herself.

I never thought that I would lose, and I would lose miserably.

This is the incomparable self-confidence developed after fighting for many years.

Chapter 126 The Grandmaster Walks Everywhere (Please Subscribe!)

Under the gaze of the crowd.

Master Xuanmeng walked towards the altar step by step.

On both sides of the road, dozens of young men and women appeared at some point.

They were all dressed in uniform and stood with swords in their hands, looking coldly at Master Xuanmeng.

"The contemporary saint of Xuanfeng Sect is known as the martial arts as the law, so she is named the great mage!"

"See you today, that's all!"

On the side of the road, a young girl who looked young was the first to sneer at Master Xuanmeng.

Then, a huge sword intent was transmitted from the girl's body.

She, a little girl who looked no more than fifteen or sixteen years old, turned out to be a martial arts master!

Although he is not the supreme grand master, he is also the top genius in the world to be able to become a martial arts master at this age by relying on his own cultivation.

"Good qualifications, good roots, when the Holy Blood City is breached, if you have nowhere to go, you can enter my Xuanfengmen!"

Master Xuanmeng could not help but praise.

She has long passed the age of being competitive.

Although she is not very old now, she has been in the arena for five years after all.

Now she is relatively mature.

"Breaking the Holy Blood City?"

"I'm afraid you have misunderstood our Holy Blood City!"

Master Xuanmeng hadn't taken two steps before another person spoke.

It's also a little girl, but this one is a little older, she's sixteen years old, and she's ready to buy.

The little girl's appearance is three points similar to that of Master Xuanmeng, and the most important thing is that her breath is so cold.

When she was speaking, her voice actually turned into waves of sword energy, which carved several imprints on the road in front of Master Xuanmeng with a strange frequency.

Exhale into a sword!

This is the realm of national art.

But in this little girl, it seems that the method of using breath into sword has reached the peak.

She obviously didn't deliberately inhale or exhale, 983 was just talking normally.

But when he spoke, he exhaled into a sword.

"Huh? Release your true energy from your mouth and spit it out when you speak. This method is extremely clever!"

"Little girl, you are also qualified to join my Xuanfengmen!"

Master Xuanmeng was a little surprised this time.

Because, in her knowledge.

Those who can do this must be martial arts masters.

It is not uncommon for a ten-year-old martial arts master to appear in the huge Holy Blood City.

But the appearance of two would naturally surprise her a little.

"This qualifies you to join Xuanfengmen?"

"Then the standard of your Xuanfengmen is really too low!"

Before Master Xuanmeng's surprise passed away.

All the girls who appeared on both sides of the road this time released their aura.

A total of thirty-three people, the oldest is only 18 years old.

But everyone is a martial arts master!

Whether it's going in and out of the grandmaster, or the peak of the grandmaster, or half-step supremacy.

In short, the thirty-three girls are all such powerful warriors.

Such a situation completely shocked Master Xuanmeng.

"Are there so many arrogance?"

"No! This is not right!"

"Even when the Demon Sect was so powerful, it was impossible to collect so many talents."

"And they work together one by one, and they don't have that kind of feeling that the world is respected and I am invincible."

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