After purchasing an identity.

The difference is that some people awaken their true spirits as soon as they are born, and get back the memory of the main world.

Ordinary reincarnators can only reach the age they crossed over.

Only then can you get back your true spirit memory.

Wang Changhe made arrangements eighteen years in advance.

He held Xuancheng in his hands.

The Wang family's interests are so involved, except for the operation of the terrorist machine of the Communist Party.

In Xuancheng.

There is really no one who can fight against him.

The premise is that he doesn't mess with those warriors.

And Wang Changhe didn't know the existence of martial arts fighters either.

Because they are not in the same realm, it is difficult to contact.

With his power and financial resources, if he searched deliberately, he would really find something.

But he didn't know, so he didn't take the initiative to look for it.

He was still counting.

Another ten years.

** Can't contain myself.

By the time.

He will achieve great things, and even guide the course and trend of this world.


When the time comes to return to the main world, even if you can't get the true spirit points back.

It can also make up for some consumption.

But in the end, what matters is the grades.

In the initial world, the more true spirit points you get, the higher your graduation score will be.

It matters.

The reincarnation university that he will enter in the future.

The reincarnation university is the most important thing.

The stronger the reincarnation university, the more reincarnation worlds it controls.

Especially, orientation to the world of reincarnation.

This is of great significance to the reincarnated.

Wang Changhe thought more and more.

When he wants to come.

I am already in the initial world, invincible.

After returning, they will enter the top reincarnation university.

He Wang Changhe.

You must become a man above all others!

Wang Changhe thought of this.

He sent a message to his subordinates.

He asked his subordinates to inspect Xuancheng for the past two days.

All the planes, trains, etc. that come and go.

Use this to find Yang Xuan's location.

He definitely couldn't think of it.

Yang Xuan has come over.

that's all.

When the time came to noon.

Wang Changhe was led by the waiter.

Came to the banquet hall on the top floor of the restaurant.


here we go!

As one of the protagonists, Wang Changhe.

Originally, he should be like Prince Charming today.

As soon as he appeared on the stage, everyone's eyes lit up, causing countless rich women to exclaim and scream.

But when he came to the banquet venue.

But unexpectedly, everyone's attention seemed to be focused on another person.

Follow everyone's gaze.

Wang Changhe was suddenly surprised.

"That man..."

What kind of a person is that.

Floating like a fairy, the whole body is like a Tao.

Just sitting quietly in the corner of the banquet hall.

It's like a banished immortal, which can be seen at a glance.

As the saying goes.

It is gold that shines wherever it is.

The quiet banished fairy in the corner.

It is an existence that cannot be ignored no matter where it is.

"Phew! Even the monks in the Foundation Establishment Stage don't have such a demeanor."

"Could it be that he is the child of destiny in this ordinary urban world?"

Wang Changhe began to mutter in his heart.

As the main world, he is the deputy monitor of Class 3 and 8 of Reincarnated High School.

But it's not just because of family background.

Another point is that his academic performance is very good.


He clearly remembers.

The teacher said.

In some special worlds, there will be people of destiny such as the children of the world, the children of destiny, and the children of luck.

this kind of people.

Divided into two types.

One is that you think he is nothing, but the result is an explosion as soon as you make a shot.

There is another kind.

Just like the current Yang Xuan.

Just stay there.

Just for a glance.

will know.

This person is not ordinary.

This person is the center of the world.

In Wang Changhe's opinion.

Yang Xuan is the second type of person.

The son of destiny, the son of luck.

It is an existence that needs to please and make friends with.

But Wang Changhe was just about to leave.

He saw Liu Qing, staying beside Yang Xuan with a flattering smile on his face.

Ever since!

Wang Changhe's mentality exploded instantly.

Chapter 16 Wang Changhe: I was rejected? (Ask for flowers and comments! 8 more!)

PS: 8 is over. That's all for today. Thanks again for your support.

Tomorrow, the bottom five is still guaranteed.

Then add more as needed!

Thank you all, and I wish all readers great prosperity, happy body and mind, and clear ideas!

Finally, I wish you all a sweet dream!


When Wang Changhe looked over.

This woman Liu Qing.

It also happened to pour water for Yang Xuan's tea.

Although, most of the drinks at this banquet were high-end champagne and red wine.

But if the guest asks for tea on his own initiative.

There is also tea served.

But as the top restaurant in Xuancheng.

Naturally, there is a dedicated tea maker here.

Where, it was Liu Qing's turn to make tea herself.

Not to mention Liu Qing's identity!

Although she only came to Wang Changhe's side for a few days.

But in the upper circles of Xuancheng.

Who doesn't know, this is Wang Changhe's person.


Wang Changhe's woman.

Going to make tea and water for other men, with a flattering smile on his face.

This made Wang Changhe so angry that he wanted to die.

But because of my face.

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