The freshmen, who didn't know why, thought that Yang Xuan had failed in crossing the tribulation.

Jin Dan was the first to die without encountering the thunder robbery.

However, under the watchful eyes of the teachers and students of the Good Fortune Academy who did not participate in the World War.

After Yang Xuan's golden core exploded, he didn't have any influence.

His face was pale and he vomited blood.

He didn't have any of these failures.

Even, his spirit is still exceptionally good.

"No! This is not a failure to cross the tribulation, but a success to cross the tribulation!"

"I just don't know why, but there is a mutation in his golden core."

People with good eyesight immediately knew that this must be a good thing for Yang Xuan.

Someone also discovered another crucial piece of information.

"Wait a minute, I'm a cultivator of the fourth-level Primordial Spirit Stage, why did I feel the trembling from instinct when I saw this third-level golden core!"

"It's not just trembling, I seem to feel the threat of my life!"

"That is to say, Yang Xuan's cup of golden pill is so powerful that it surpasses Yuanshen?"

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and everyone couldn't believe their own guesses.

However, he had to believe it.


That's when.

Suddenly a burst of energy flew over from afar.

The target was directed at Yang Xuan.

It was a light.

Pure white flawless light.

Light that shines on all.

It is also the light that melts everything.

The Lord of Absolute Beginning made a move.

He actually attacked Yang Xuan again when the two great lords of good fortune and eternal life were fighting in the world.

As soon as he made a move, it was the light of the beginning, this kind of power that would directly kill Yang Xuan.

It is a pity that it was just when his light of the beginning was about to hit Yang Xuan.

A huge door blocked the light of the beginning.

"Prime beginning! You are too much!"

The voice of the Holy Creator came from the void.

His body is still attacking the world of Tianti Cultivation, but with the assistance of the Immortal Lord.

In addition to the remaining evil immortals in the world of Tianti Cultivation Immortals, there are eight in total.

So he can completely distract himself from guarding Yang Xuan.

Even the one that Fairy Fengyu opened at the Gate of Good Fortune contacted the Holy Lord Good Fortune, hoping that he could pay more attention to Yang Xuan.

But in the situation where neither the Holy Lord of Absolute Beginning nor the Holy Lord of Creation knew, Yang Xuan was actually plotting against the Holy Lord of Absolute Beginning.

The momentum of his crossing the catastrophe is already great.

But it stands to reason that in this situation, he should keep a low profile, the main body should not fly into the sky and release his golden core.

But that's what he did.

All of this is to stimulate the Holy Lord of Absolute Beginning who is fighting against the Holy Monk of Lingshan over there.

A holy master level existence.

So aggrieved to die in the reincarnation world.

Now, he was splashed with dirty water again and knocked on the door.

No matter how good-natured the Holy Master of the Absolute Beginning was, it was impossible for him not to be angry at all.

Therefore, Yang Xuan knew that once he made a big noise here, the chance of the Holy Master of Absolute Beginning attacking him was at least 80%.

And since I have contributed so much to the Good Fortune faction, the Holy Lord Good Fortune will definitely protect me.

So at this time, Yang Xuan has a chance to operate.

He resisted the light of the beginning at the moment when the Creation Lord resisted the light of the beginning.

Directly mobilized the primordial light in his body.

Then, the Holy Master of Absolute Beginning was stunned.

The Holy Creator was also stunned.

Just when the light of the beginning enveloped Yang Xuan's body, the Holy Creator roared furiously at the Holy Lord of the Beginning.

"¨In the beginning! You have gone too far!"


"I don't want this world today, and I want to let you know why the three elements of the Dao Palace are the first!"

The Holy Lord Creation, who was in a rage, had already started mobilizing the Gate of Creation, intending to return to his real body, and was going to have a fight with the Holy Lord of Absolute Beginning.

In the distance, the Holy Lord of Absolute Beginning, who was still fighting against the Holy Monk of Lingshan Puxian, also looked bewildered at this time.

"No! Not me!"

"I didn't! I didn't! You set me up!"

"Good fortune! It was you who wanted to kill Yang Xuan. You used the power of good fortune to evolve the light of the beginning."

"I understand. This is your plan. You have united with Lingshan and Tianting."

"What do you want to do? Are you going to bully me?"

The Holy Lord in the beginning was not stupid.

Now that the matter has come to this point, he would be too stupid if he couldn't see that these things were definitely not coincidences.

If, if these things were not tricky, he would not be unworthy of being the Holy Master.

But, so what if you know.

All the evidence now points to the Holy Lord in the beginning.

At this time, the Holy Creator (Hi Wang Nuo) will not stand with him, let alone the Holy Lord of Eternal Life.

The Lord of Absolute Beginning probably knew that he could no longer survive in the Dao Palace.

But when he thought about it carefully, it would be good if Yang Xuan died.

At least Yang Xuan is dead, let him relieve his anger.

But just when he thought so, something unexpected happened to Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan, who was surrounded by the light of primordial beginning, suddenly appeared a lotus platform with six petals under his feet.

Around the lotus platform, there are black and white flames.

The flames formed a huge Tai Chi pattern.

Black is the fire of reincarnation.

White is the light of the beginning.

Jindan Hualien.

A golden pill in the shape of a lotus platform.

Its rank: Heaven level!

After the Holy Master in the beginning saw this, he no longer knew what to do.

After the Holy Creator saw this, he was no longer in a hurry to return to the main world.

"Haha! Good fortune! This is good fortune! Great good fortune!"

"At the beginning! I still have to thank you now. I didn't expect that you would know to leave a successor for the Taoist palace under such circumstances."

"Forget it, since you are so generous, I will decide not to argue with you today!"

"Yang Xuan is the Son of God from the same lineage as you were in the beginning!"

"When he grows up, he will be the new Holy Lord of the Beginning."

The Holy Creator said happily.

Although his body did not return, he continued to guard Yang Xuan.


"This is impossible! He refined my primordial light!"

"He got the light of the beginning??"

The heart of the Holy Lord in the beginning was confused.

"good chance!"

"Buddha moves mountains!"

Just in time, the holy monk of Lingshan Puxian seized the opportunity, directly picked up the Holy Lord of Absolute Beginning, and then slammed down hard, directly smashing the body of the Holy Lord of Absolute Beginning into the ground.

"Do it! Mirror!"

At this time, another eighth-ranked Holy Master of Lingshan, the Holy Monk of Mingjing, also appeared.

Taking this opportunity, the two holy monks directly performed a Buddhist secret technique.

"Heavenly Demons surrender! Eternal suppression!"

"If you don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell!"

Repression! Repression!

Two holy monks, one bright and the other dark.

Even at the time when the Holy Lord was in a state of disarray.

Really completed the eighth-level sealing secret method.

Chapter 116 Lord of Heaven! Supreme God! Come! (seeking subscription)

The two eighth-level holy monks join hands, and the power that erupts is extremely terrifying.

Although the battle of the three of them was in the Immortal Mountain of Absolute Beginning, the Land of Absolute Beginning.

However, the aftermath of terror.

Powerful Buddhist thoughts.

However, Yang Xuan, who was far away in the Creation Academy, who had just turned the golden lotus into a pill, felt a sense of oppression.

Not to mention the people from the Absolute Beginning faction in the Land of Absolute Beginning.

The pressure they felt was a bit more than that of Yang Xuan.


The Land of Absolute Beginning, at the foot of the Immortal Mountain of Absolute Beginning.

After the Holy Master of Absolute Beginning looked at the Buddha's light that enveloped him, his face became extremely ferocious.

"Want to seal me, dream!"

He roared, and his whole body finally turned into a pure white light.

This is an ability that belongs exclusively to the eighth level, the Holy Master level.

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