"So, let's take control of this world and restore it to life."

The Holy Creator whispered.

Immediately afterwards.

A spiritual light flew out from the gate of good fortune on the ground.

The aura carries endless breath of good fortune.

After he flew into the hands of the Creation Lord.

In an instant, a heavenly gate appeared.

"The power of good fortune, the law of analysis!"

This is the means of creating the Holy Lord.

He opened the gate of heaven easily.

Then, he led the Eternal Lord directly into the upper realm of the ladder.

As for the other true immortals and heavenly immortals, they began to disperse to destroy the ladder.

The battle between the two worlds has been decided!


The Upper Realm of the Ladder.

The eight evil immortals didn't know what to say after seeing the Holy Lord of Creation condensed out of the Heavenly Gate.

"What kind of world is this group of people!"

"They actually broke open the gate of heaven so easily!"

"It's okay, let's run away and hide!"

"Our upper world on the ladder is very big, try to deal with him as much as possible, and then find a chance to go to their world!"

"Their world must be very strong!"

The Eight Evil Immortals have lost the idea of ​​fighting.

The enemy is not only powerful, but also very terrifying.

They just want to run now.

But at this moment, they suddenly found that there was a strong tide around them for some reason.

"not good!"


The first reaction of the eight evil immortals was to flee separately!

But at this moment, the endless tide had already wrapped them up.

The eight evil immortals were all trapped at this moment.


Main world!

The Land of Absolute Beginning, on the Tianshan Mountain of Absolute Beginning.

The Holy Master of Absolute Beginning slowly walked out of the reincarnation chamber.


As soon as he came out, he crushed a huge pillar.

A sinister expression appeared on his face.

"Damn Lingshan!"

"Damn the Second Master!"

"He must be in Lingshan now, I'll go find him right now!"

"Be sure to ask them to give me an explanation!"

The Lord of Absolute Beginning thought angrily.

Then, he walked out of his reincarnation room.

Buddha! Buddha! Buddha!

"One finger of the ancient Buddha!"

Just when the Holy Master of Absolute Beginning came out, a huge 963 finger suddenly appeared in the sky.

The size of this finger exceeds the mountain peak.

Its shape is like a pillar reaching the sky.

With one finger, it seemed as if the entire Xianshan Mountain of Absolute Beginning was about to be crushed.

"Puxian Bald Donkey, how dare you find me in the Dao Palace!"

"You Lingshan did such a shameless thing, you still have the face to come to me and die!"

The light of the beginning burst out instantly.

The Holy Master in the beginning also hit with all his strength, but now he is really aggrieved and ruthless.

The holy lord of the eighth rank of himself was reincarnated in advance to the world of cultivating immortals on the ladder, but was killed by someone.

He wanted to find Yang Xuan, but no one saw him, so he died in the hands of the monk.

Now, the monk is still knocking on the door.

There is no bullying like this.

This is not the most angry Holy Master in the beginning.

What annoyed him the most was.

When he released the light of the beginning, he resisted the finger of the ancient Buddha of Samantabhadra.

The words of Samantabhadra have also been passed down.

"Old man in the early days, you, a majestic eighth-rank Holy Master, actually did something like slaughtering newborns, it's just frantic."

"He even wanted to kill all the freshmen, so Bi! Lian!"

While talking, the Samantabhadra monk launched an attack.

"You put P!"

The Holy Master of the Beginning almost vomited blood from anger.

Although he killed some freshmen, he thought that the massacre was definitely not a complete extermination.

"I have entered the world of freshman assessment, but your Second Master Mage entered earlier than me!"

"The dignified eighth-level holy monk not only sneaked into the freshman assessment world, but also sneaked up on me. Now he wants to pre-empt the strike and frame me with dirty water!"

"Is this the level of your holy monks in Lingshan?"

The Holy Lord of Absolute Beginning's expression became ferocious.

Only then did he realize that the people in Lingshan could be so shameless.


above the sky.

The Samantabhadra monk who had just rushed over heard the words of the Holy Lord of Absolute Beginning below, and his anger also shot up into the sky.

"Holy Lord in the beginning, you are really good, the dignified Holy Master is so shameless!"

"You were clearly in the freshman assessment world. In order to obliterate our disciples from Lingshan, you were finally attacked by the immortals of that world, and you returned from your death."

"Now, they are still framing us!"

"No matter how strong your Dao Palace is, you can still distort the facts under the gaze of so many people!"

"Perhaps your Dao Palace is stronger than my Lingshan, but if you are like this, we will join forces with Heavenly Court. I don't think the two Dao friends of Dao Palace, Fortune and Immortality, are so shameless."

The anger of the Samantabhadra monk in Lingshan has turned into a huge Buddha's palm.

The Buddha's palm slapped directly towards the Holy Lord of Absolute Beginning.

Under his anger, it seemed that countless Buddhas were glaring at him.

This blow, just being seen by someone, will attack that person's mind.

"Puxian bald donkey, die for me!"

The Holy Lord in the beginning was too lazy to explain.

He thought of Lingshan's style of work, this group of monks likes to make the enemy's reputation first.

He believed that Lingshan wanted to deal with him in this way.

Chapter 115 New Title: Perfect Reincarnation (Subscribe)

The world of ladder cultivating immortals!

Boom! Boom!

Countless magic spells and artillery fire are hitting the ladder.

The existence of those sixth and seventh ranks, although because they are in the lower realm, the recovery speed of their aura is extremely slow.

However, there are very few practitioners who have reached the sixth and seventh ranks who have not fought in the World War.

Therefore, everyone brought the elixir to restore spiritual power.

Even in a world that is completely utterly insane.

They can support a big battle.

The evil immortals in the world of Tianti Cultivation have never seen this scene before.

What's more, they were trapped by the sea of ​​eternal life of the eternal holy lord.

But just half an hour.

Ninety-nine and eighty-one ladders were broken in half.

The whole world was shaking violently.

"I won't participate in the next battle!"

"I have done everything that should be done, everything that can be done."

"And the credit lies with me. I have a teacher for this. I think I will benefit a lot."

"It's time to return to the main world and let the body condense the golden core."

Yang Xuan took a step back.

But before he could leave, he saw a beautiful woman standing behind him.

"You did it!"

The fairy-like woman walked up to Yang Xuan, and tapped lightly on the gate of good fortune.

Soon, a special channel was formed.

"Go back, take this body directly to the Reincarnation Chamber, and tell Taling to choose fusion."

"In this way, you will get the perfect golden core and get as much energy fusion as possible."

"When the two worlds are connected, the time flow of this world will be the same as ours in the future."

"The Holy Lord of Creation will definitely create a clone of the Gate of Creation here later."

"As the gate of creation in this world, you are open, and you will have one ten thousandth of material ownership."

"Don't underestimate this one ten-thousandth. Even if the whole world has a lot of resources, if you mine it yourself, you may not be able to mine much."

"But Dao Palace is different. We now have seven worlds, and billions of lives are at our disposal."

"When the tens of billions of other world dao palaces in the third and fourth tiers come to develop this world, one ten-thousandth of the material is enough to make you one of the top richest people in the main world."

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