This eldest lady of my family really has no tutor!

Such words were actually said in front of so many people.

They all felt their scalps go numb when they heard it, as if they had been attacked by something similar to the lion's roar.


The third loud inhalation sound came from Yang Xuan.

"Ears! My ears!"

"Why did you let me hear such words!"

"Why can I understand in seconds!"

"I am a pure, pure person!"

Yang Xuan already regretted a bit, why did he insist on taking someone else's car into the city, and then went to visit this so-called No. 1 city in the world.

But it was too late to regret.

This young lady of the Su family really impressed him.

Not admirable.

"Wait a minute, this young miss of the Su family is interesting!"

"A person like her should be thrown to that Shen Xiyun who spread rumors about me."

"If I succeed this time, the Taoist Palace will definitely occupy this world. At that time, I will give my teacher a pillow breeze and ask her to throw this young lady of the Su family to Shen Xiyun as an apprentice."

"Isn't it! Great joy!"

As soon as Yang Xuan thought about it, he already had a decision in his mind.

This Su Wanyue is simply a humanoid weapon.

She doesn't need to practice any martial arts, just opening her mouth can be extremely lethal.

That foul language, simply.

"Ah this! Ah this!"

The elder brother of the outer sect of the Tianyi Sword Sect didn't know what to say anymore.

At this moment, he wanted to cry.

Tears, the trend is already turning around a bit.

"How did I understand it!"

"My God! I actually understood it!"

"I'm not pure anymore!"

"I'm sorry my wife!"

"I'm going to have nightmares, I'm really going to have nightmares!"

After Liuyun Jianxia thought of this, he started scratching his head.

He couldn't help it. Those remarks just now really hurt too much.


Su Wanyue found that everyone was in a daze.

Then the white and slender legs pinched the horse, and directly manipulated the horse to turn around and prepare to escape.


Tianyi Sword Sect, I bid farewell to you.

I am the majestic young miss of the Su family, an unworldly genius of the fifth level of martial arts.

Even if you leave Tianjianmen, you can still live well.

Since the masters I met on this road are not willing to take me in.

Then I will go to the Heart Demon Gate of the Dagan Empire.

One of their demon emissaries said that I was born to practice magic attack.

Although my heart is righteous, I have been working hard to be a decent person.

But things are impermanent.

To be a devil is to be a devil, at least the devil is at ease.

Will not force me to marry.

Of course, they all grabbed it directly!

If I entered the magic gate and met that fairy-like man just now, I would just **** it back and raise him.

With this in mind.

Su Wanyue suddenly found that her state of mind was inexplicably clear.


She broke through.

Martial arts sixth level, success!

"Haha! Hahaha!"

"I, Su Wanyue, am indeed a genius. My decisions are all correct!"

"The world is so big, I, Su Wanyue, can't go anywhere."

"Remember to bring it to my grandfather and tell him that I will definitely send blessings to him when he and Zhuo Zhi get married."

"Tell Zhuo Zhi later that my grandfather is good at taking care of children. After marrying my grandfather, he saved more than a hundred children, even the money to hire a husband."

The more Su Wanyue thought about it, the happier she became.

The words on the mouth became more and more terrifying.

Yang Xuandu never thought that ordinary language could cause such great harm.

Him in the car.

Already planning to close his own spiritual consciousness, no longer perceive the outside situation.

But this is the time.

A loud shout blocked Su Wanyue's escape route.

"Evil grandson! Shut up!"

"Su Wanyue, do you know what you just said!"

"Do you still have a family in your eyes?"

"Is there still my grandfather?"

Furious, the old man with traces of blood on his mouth just happened to appear behind the convoy, blocking Su Wanyue's way.

He was panting heavily at this moment, as if he had been seriously injured by someone using invisible force.

But even so, he is imposing.

Because this person is a master of the eighth level of martial arts.

Even if she was injured, her momentum alone was enough to suppress Su Wanyue who had just broken through.

When Su Wanyue saw this person, her face immediately became extremely embarrassed.

But soon, her expression returned to normal.

As if he didn't say anything just now, he bowed to the person in front of him.

"Grandfather! Grandfather, please let me go!"

"Didn't you love me a lot before? If you like Zhuo Zhi so much, I can't compete with you."

"You think, if you let me go, the person Zhuo Zhi misses must be yours."


this moment.

The Patriarch of the Su family, who had only traces of blood on his face, had spewed out a blood at this moment.

He pointed at Su Wanyue and was speechless for a moment.

Chapter 99 Surrender or die (for subscription)

To be honest, Yang Xuan was shocked.

After he came to the main world, this is also the third reincarnation.

This is the first time I've seen someone's attack method be so terrifying.

All along, he thought that the king with a strong mouth was just a joke.

Now it seems.

If there is really someone, they can reach the level of 'King of Mouth', which is the level of Su Wanyue now.

Then you can really hurt people invisible with your mouth.

Most importantly, it's real damage.

Down to those ordinary people, up to Yang Xuan ~ such a master of the primordial spirit stage.

All felt nauseous for a while.

"Old Ancestor! Old Ancestor!"

"Old Ancestor! Are you okay!"

As the ancestor of the Su family vomited blood to the end, many more people from the Su family came out soon.

One by one, they hurried up to check on the situation of the ancestors at home.

Then they all looked at Su Wanyue angrily.

The ancestors of the Su family are their pillars.

If this patriarch is lost, even if Su Wanyue is given to Zhuo Zhi, their Su family will also be ruined.

Unless, another person from the eighth level of martial arts can appear in the Su family.

"What are you still doing in a daze, hurry up and do it."

"Tie up this unfilial descendant, send it directly to the Tianyi Sword Sect, and tell Master Zhuo that he can deal with it as he pleases!"

A middle-aged man stood up at this time.

After seeing the middle-aged man, Su Wanyue's expression was somewhat ugly.

Because this person is her father.

"Father, do you really want to do this?"

Su Wanyue looked at the middle-aged man solemnly.

Although she was a little hilarious just now, she **** off her grandfather.

But she won't be too sentimental.

Because her grandfather didn't want to trick him once or twice.

She didn't think she was sorry for her grandfather by doing this.

But if her father said it, she would feel uncomfortable for a while.

"You should know that the Universiade Empire is over now."

"You can leave directly, you don't need to consider the situation of the family, but what about me!"

"So, if you still recognize me as your father, go to Zhuo Zhi honestly and take good care of him."

"Otherwise, just do it!"

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